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 Hottest Non-Core Books, Miscellaneous
 Hottest Community Non-Core Books, Miscellaneous
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Fate System Toolkit

Fate System Toolkit

Rules, glorious rules! The Fate Core system is flexible, hackable, and adaptable to any world you can dream up. This Fate System Toolkit is packed with system ideas to bring those dreams to life. Learn how to hack the skill system to better suit your terraforming campaign. Get ideas on how to create races and societies for your woodland elves, subterranean aliens, or afterlife police force. Customize...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2023 Edition

One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2023 Edition

The One Page Dungeon Compendium A collection of dungeons with all of the 2023 One Page Dungeon Contest entries.  This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium. There are 112 entries to this year's contest.  You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing...   [click here for more]
Spiel Knights  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2024 Edition

One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2024 Edition

The One Page Dungeon Compendium A collection of dungeons with all of the 2024 One Page Dungeon Contest entries.  This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium. There are 112 entries to this year's contest.  You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing...   [click here for more]
Spiel Knights  Pay What You Want

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RPG Adventure Template

RPG Adventure Template

Are you a new-ish game master interested in creating your own homebrew RPG adventures for your players to run, but you're not sure where to start? Or maybe you're a veteran who just wants a basic adventure template to organize your adventures with? If so, you might find this RPG adventure template helpful. This template consists of basic prompts for things GMs might include in their adventures--storyline,...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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The Secrets of Cats • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

The Secrets of Cats • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Cats are magical; cats understand sacrifice and the power of names. A decapitated mouse left on the doorstep or pillow is a powerful ward, and a spell wailed by the cat chorus confers even greater protection. When evil is on the rise and the safety of the neighbourhood is at stake the Parliament of Cats is there to stand firm against the darkness. Take Silver Ford, for example,...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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RPG Backstory Template

RPG Backstory Template

Are you a game master who struggles to get their players to create backstories for their characters? Are you a player looking for a quick and easy way to create backstories for your characters -- and get your GM to stop bugging you about it? If so, this backstory template can probably help you. This template consists of a short list of questions players answer about their characters to create a basic...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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Twilight 2000 4th Ed. Referee Aids

Twilight 2000 4th Ed. Referee Aids

Referee Aids for Twilight 2000 4th Edition are a collection of resources for new and veteran T2k Referees alike! Inside are a collection of diagrams and charts that combine some of the more complicated rulesets from 4th edition into single easy-to-read flowcharts with accompanying information. No more flipping through six different sections of the Player Handbook anytime your party gets...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Eidolist

The Eidolist

The Eidolist is a complex eldritch like class, similar to the Warlock or Ranger. If you've ever had an animal companion, but still wanted more. Then this is the class for you, with 35 Accessories, 14 Templates, and 57 Evolutions to customize your new companion. Along with 4 sub-classes and a myriad of different class abilities and combos.  So whether, it’s a swarm of bees devouring your foes from...   [click here for more]
TheHatedCTAT  Pay What You Want

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Beyond the Wall - Heroes Young and Old

Beyond the Wall - Heroes Young and Old

A compilation of Playbooks and tools for characters in games of Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures. Champions rise and fall by the company they keep… There are dangers throughout the land, but your home is not unguarded. A hero might spring from any number of origins: the children of the nobility, unlikely champions within the village, or wanderers from the land of...   [click here for more]
Flatland Games  Pay What You Want

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Beyond the Wall - Dangers Near and Far

Beyond the Wall - Dangers Near and Far

A compilation of Scenario Packs and tools for game masters in games of Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures. The world is perilous and vast… Wicked goblins and capricious fae threaten the village. Your neighbors have troubles of their own and need your help, whether they know it yet or not. Sometimes, the very dead rise as ghosts or shambling corpses, seeking to break...   [click here for more]
Flatland Games  Pay What You Want

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Neverland - The Impossible Island

Neverland - The Impossible Island

This is a fully playable setting guide by Diana Gaeta, featuring incredible guest authors Noir Enigma and Avalon Mason, as featured on Critter Hug and Adventuring Academy! We've all experienced some hardship or trial that makes us wish, perhaps briefly, to the stars that we could run away to a place where those problems cannot follow. What if, one day, a strange being...   [click here for more]
Diana Gaeta  Pay What You Want

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Solo 5e - Quickstart & Tables

Solo 5e - Quickstart & Tables

Simplified mechanics for solo and masterless D&d adventures A system aimed at players who want to run solo or masterless games in D&d worlds without having to adapt combat, spells and character customization from other systems or get tangled into the complex mechanics of the original 5e. Solo 5e simplifies the mechanics of Dungeons & Dragons 5e, hopefully retaining the...   [click here for more]
Alessia Lonardi  Pay What You Want

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Combat Cheat Sheet

Combat Cheat Sheet

New to Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition? Looking for a convenient, compact guide to the basics of combat? Pay what you want for this quick reference guide! Get an instant look at the flow of combat and all of the basic abilities, conditions and more with this colorful, readable, organized handout! Print pages 1 and 2 double-sided for an instant one-page combat reference for your players, then hand...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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The Scroll of Changes

The Scroll of Changes

The only constant is change. The Scroll of Changes is a system-neutral, setting-neutral oracle tool for tabletop roleplaying games. It is designed to generate inspiration for events, quests, and challenges for protagonists to face, as well as the setting elements, themes and ideas that surround those events. It also...   [click here for more]
Storm’s Eye  Pay What You Want

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Gods and Monsters • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Gods and Monsters • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

The world is young and majestic, and humans eke out a living and dream of civilization. But you are not like them: you are a god. A primal creature, your soul a blazing font of power, your body an expression of your nature. The more extreme your behavior the greater the power you can wield—but it is easy to become lost in a single facet of your existence and cross the line from god to monster....   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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The Cursed Grove: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

The Cursed Grove: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

The Cursed Grove is an adventure filled with mystery and danger, perfect for players levels 1-4. Once a peaceful forest grove, it has fallen under a dark curse, twisting the guardian into something unrecognizable. Strange whispers drift through the branches, and those who enter often find themselves stricken with a mysterious sickness. The heroes will have to make their way through thorn-covered paths,...   [click here for more]
The Guild Masters Guides  Pay What You Want

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Welcome to the Amazing Universe Campaign Setting (Super-Powered by M&M)

Welcome to the Amazing Universe Campaign Setting (Super-Powered by M&M)

Every story needs a beginning, and the hero of every story needs their origin story. While we may never learn the full truth of how superhuman powers came to exist in our world, we do know a great deal about the first two heroes of our times. Indeed, the first two humans to acquire superpowers are still alive, albeit retired. From what history tells us, the first human to acquire superpowers was...   [click here for more]
LPJ Design  Pay What You Want

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Save Game • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Save Game • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

THE GLITCH HAS COME TO TENDORIA A vicious computer virus threatens to corrupt the entire internet, and the only ones standing in its way are the characters from your video games. 8-bit heroes battle monsters and corrupted files—it's Wreck-It Ralph meets Lord of the Rings in a fight for the fate of the world! This 56-page Fate Core adventure provides a complete world to...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Loner Companion

Loner Companion

The essential guide to mastering the Loner system. Born from a simple ten-page document Loner has evolved into a beloved minimalist RPG system. Now, dive deeper into its world with the Loner Companion – your trusted guide to unlocking the full potential of solo storytelling. This handbook illuminates the core principles that make Loner unique: ● Fiction First: Let the story guide your journey ●...   [click here for more]
Zotiquest Games  Pay What You Want

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Iron Valley

Iron Valley

Welcome to the Valley! Iron Valley is a cozy solo ttrpg hack for Ironsworn and Starforged. In this game you take the role of someone moving into a small community and starting their life anew. Maybe you’ll restore your family’s farm. Maybe you’ll explore the mysterious forest just beyond town. Maybe you’ll fall in love and get married! This is a game about...   [click here for more]
M. Kirin  Pay What You Want

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Scion: Pride 2024

Scion: Pride 2024

Scion: Pride 2024 is the third in a series of yearly supplements celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride  by offering queer content for use in your Scion campaigns! In this detailed supplement, gain insight into queer patrons, birthrights, historical and mythological queerness, and more! Most of the royalties gained from this supplement will be donated to Mermaids UK, a charity supporting...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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RED BORG Character Sheet

RED BORG Character Sheet

RED BORG Character Sheet This is an unofficial print-friendly Character Sheet for RED BORG. The character sheet includes your Global Absolutist Party Member Card, Zeal tracker, and Revolution progress tracker. Grayscale, A4 size (printable in Letter, A5 and Half-letter sizes) with a consideration of ink consumption.  Want to try a contemporary game of RED BORG? Check...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Off The Rails One-Shot Adventure

Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Off The Rails One-Shot Adventure

"Off the Rails" is a one-shot adventure for Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game! Heroes must board a high-speed train to foil an unknown villain's plot!  Requires Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game core rulebook to play. Includes a high res and a compressed version of the PDF! ...   [click here for more]
Greater Than Games, LLC  Pay What You Want

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Soul Space - A Fabula Ultima Compatible Setting

Soul Space - A Fabula Ultima Compatible Setting

Far in mankind's future, ones soul can be bought and sold. Whether to a giant corporation, a corrupt government, or a rotting church, the people of the Galactic Federation know no other lifestyle. One's being is simply for sale. At the edge of space, Knights and Crusaders fight petty amongst each other as they hold off the hordes of Demons threatening the Galactic Federation. With their...   [click here for more]
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer  Pay What You Want

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The Book of Worlds

The Book of Worlds

The Book of Worlds is a comprehensive guide to building fantasy worlds. Starting from scratch, this book will show you how to map continents, design cities, build adventuring regions, and more.  You may also generate characters, civilizations, religions, magical systems, dungeons, creatures, natural wonders, dynamic plots, and other elements to create your own lore and adventure-filled world....   [click here for more]
Sam Smith  Pay What You Want

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Maelfectious' Salvaging and Crafting Ruleset

Maelfectious' Salvaging and Crafting Ruleset

Now you too can experience the joy of breaking things into tiny bits, and slowly turning them into the product of your dreams! This book contains: Simple salvaging and crafting rules to provide easy avenues to exploring player creativity and ingenuity GM Intrusion examples to spark the next movement of your scenarios Blueprints to jump-start crafting ideas Optional rules for making crafting materials...   [click here for more]
Maelfectious Encounters  Pay What You Want

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Expanded Fear Guidelines: Genesys Rules Supplement

Expanded Fear Guidelines: Genesys Rules Supplement

Expanded rules for any Genesys setting that uses fear. Includes GM advice on how fear can be used in games and a table expanding how dice results can be spent during fear checks. ...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Utopian Confederation: The Human and Numinous Bases of Utopian Synergeticism

Utopian Confederation: The Human and Numinous Bases of Utopian Synergeticism

Explore the philosophical, ratiomystical, and thaumaturgical foundations of the 22nd-century Utopian Confederation! How did humanity succeed in building an interplanetary society that has no laws, and in which every human being enjoys total freedom to choose his life’s optimal path – and yet all persons’ aspirations converge and synchronize perfectly, to create a clockwork...   [click here for more]
Mnemoclave  Pay What You Want

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Fate Accelerated/Core Conversion Guide

Fate Accelerated/Core Conversion Guide

Got something that uses the Fate Accelerated defaults for Fate Core, and you wish it used Fate Core's defaults? Or vice-versa? This handy guide from one of the Fate system's originators gives you perspectives and methods to make the conversion process a snap. Inside you'll find: An overview of the differences between the Core and Accelerated defaults for Fate Core. A method for converting skills...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Revised Carrying Capacity

Revised Carrying Capacity

Do you like the idea of characters tracking how much they carry, but aren't super thrilled about having players track every single pound carried? (Because, you know, that's tedious and boring.) If so, this Revised Carrying Capacity ruleset may be just what you're looking for. My Revised Carrying Capacity system uses the idea of small, medium, and large slots to help players keep track of how much...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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Psychedemia • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Psychedemia • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Welcome to Delta Company. Follow orders and you’ll do fine. Genetically advanced students at a psionic academy discover a mental realm inhabited by friendly but alien thought-forms in this Fate world of adventure by Paul Stefko. These beings teach the children to access deeper powers, and together they explore virtual worlds within their minds. But when the academy’s faculty learn...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Nest • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Nest • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

There is a place where children go to become heroes, only discovered by a desperate few when they need it most. Here, they escape from their normal lives, slay giants, solve riddles, learn magic, and become kings and queens. Children grow up and the fantasies of childhood are forgotten.  But now the realm you once protected is under attack.  You must leave behind your life,...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Hero Kids - Basement'O Rats - Map Pack

Hero Kids - Basement'O Rats - Map Pack

This is a map pack that is to supplement the adventure Basement'O Rats from the Hero Kids system.  This map pack will help to bring your players deeper into the already fantastic world of Hero Kids.  This pack could also be used for other TTRPGs, it's always useful to have extra maps ready for when your players go off the beaten path, which they usually do.   This map pack...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  Pay What You Want

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Mandate Missive: Order of the Emerald Demon

Mandate Missive: Order of the Emerald Demon

The first of the Mandate Missives, this expands the scope of the award-winning Of Breath and Flow with content for the upcoming Mandate of Heaven setting, including a new Fu style and School, related Edges, and the first of the Secrets of Fu - rule modules to add some more Wuxia spice to your game. ...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Structured Free Association Story Plot Method

Structured Free Association Story Plot Method

Do you want to write better role playing game story plots? Don't have much time but would like to have engaging storylines for your players to explore? Key highlights: Harness your full personal capability using keyword association Write fast - as quickly as in 10-15 minutes from scratch to gaming table Be more varied than ever - avoid cliched anti-climatic story arcs How to run...   [click here for more]
ThinkDifferent  Pay What You Want

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A Missing Antiquarian - An Introductory Mystery for Vaesen

A Missing Antiquarian - An Introductory Mystery for Vaesen

"Is everything as it seems in Balsta? What begins as a simple case of missing persons and an intriguing tale of a "Devil in the Woods" quickly spirals into a dangerous mystery rooted in community values, family, romance and murder. Can the Investigators find out what really happened in the farming village of Balsta before the entire village is lost? And is it really worth saving in the end anyway?"...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Twilight 2000: The Baltic Way

Twilight 2000: The Baltic Way

This supplement is an expansion to Twilight 2000 which expands the factions and timeline regarding the Baltic region in the universe of Twilight 2000. This material features 10 factions among which are several unique or well-researched units.  ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Twilight 2000: News Reporters

Twilight 2000: News Reporters

Somebody has to cover the end of civilization, it may as well be you. News reporting careers for Twilight: 2000 4th edition, containing both civilian and military careers with archetypes and life path choices for each with special equipment and optional rules. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Cyberpunk Adventure Generator

Cyberpunk Adventure Generator

Load your weapons, recharge your gear and refine your wits! With this set of tables you've got an adventure for your chromehead players to take on! Cyberpunk Adventure Generator is a set of random tables to create cyberpunk-themed missions for any system! There are no rules, just tables to get your inspiration flow. You'll get: 8 main tables, including catefories like quest...   [click here for more]
D-oom Products  Pay What You Want

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Dragonbane Exploration Expansion

Dragonbane Exploration Expansion

There isn’t much in common between the Misty Vale's murky forest, derelict ruins, and hope-devouring swamps, and the vast dried dunes inhabited by the embalmed dead, mothers of thirst and hunger - so there shouldn’t be a reason why, when traveling, you have a chance to be stung by wasps in both! Not all travel is made the same. Whether your tracks are chock-full of wacky shenanigans or merciless...   [click here for more]
Luca Piancastelli  Pay What You Want

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Uranium Chef • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Uranium Chef • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

It's a big universe out there, but around every star, on every planet, the old saying holds true... we all gotta eat! The most influential, inspired, or infamous chefs in the quadrant cook on Uranium Chef, the most popular cooking/bloodsport show on the neutrowave. Tighten your apron straps and hold on tight, as you'll have to survive surprise ingredients, full-contact...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Iron Street Combat • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Iron Street Combat • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Five minutes into our past, shadow governments, crime syndicates, evil corporations, and creepy cults pour incalculable resources into hiring some lady with muscles to punch their enemies until they take can over the world. That lady is you. Iron Street Combat brings you the international backdrops, larger-than-life...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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The Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet

The Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet

This Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet was made by a dissatisfied Pathfinder player for other Pathfinder players who are equally appalled by the vast lack of space and detail on all the other standard, run-of-the-mill character sheets they've tried. TL;DR: 8 pages of everything needed for recording a Pathfinder character of any level! Form-fillable PDF with several...   [click here for more]
Rachel Sandene  Pay What You Want

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Arecibo • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Arecibo • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Enter the all-too-timely world of Arecibo… Everyone on the island knew that something was amiss when the power went out. In the municipality of Arecibo, frogs and crickets fell quiet, bringing stillness to the night. Slowly but surely, the children started to understand that something far worse than animals dwelled in their tropical paradise. When the island is abruptly blockaded by US Armed...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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RPG Mystery Generator

RPG Mystery Generator

A gumshoe in the 1940s is hired by a client to investigate a disappearance; as they gather clues and interview witnesses, their leads suggest a disturbing and impossible truth. A classic whodunit, on a remote island where ten strangers discover there’s a murderer in their midst. In the land of Eldoria, the Orb of Dreams is stolen. Who, or what, has taken it and why? This Mystery Generator...   [click here for more]
A Simple Tale  Pay What You Want

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The Spy and the Hill: A Nations and Cannons Adventure

The Spy and the Hill: A Nations and Cannons Adventure

Don't fire 'till you see the whites of their eyes! Check your powder and set a watch before the British Grenadiers storm the palisades at Bunker Hill! This starter adventure for the Nations & Cannons game system lets your players hit the ground running with a hands-on introduction to the black powder firearms, equipment,...   [click here for more]
Flagbearer Games  Pay What You Want

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Scion: Pride 2020

Scion: Pride 2020

Scion: Pride 2020 is the first in a series of yearly supplements celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride for our Scion community by offering some LGBTQ+ related content for use in your campaigns! In this detailed supplement, gain insight of LGBTQ+ patrons, birthrights, historical and mythological queerness, and more! Most of the royalties gained from this supplement will be donated...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Straw Boss • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Straw Boss • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Let us tell a story of sacrifice and corruption. Enter the world of Straw Boss. Belief defines reality. Members of the Scholars of the Hieroglyphical Monad know this to be true. Some might call it a cult, but you know everything they teach is real. The power you and your fellow Scholars wield shores up the crumbling sands of reality where myths both new and ancient seek to enter our world....   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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GOLEMS: Genesys Organizations, Legions, and Enterprises Management System

GOLEMS: Genesys Organizations, Legions, and Enterprises Management System

GOLEMS, the Genesys Organizations, Legions, and Enterprises Management System, enables game masters to simulate the goings on of factions behind the scenes of their campaigns. If you have ever had trouble figuring out what kind of intrigue those background megacorporations are getting up to while your PCs run around pulling gigs for them, how your royal houses scheme and plot against each other, or...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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XOE: Warriors From Beyond Antiquity (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

XOE: Warriors From Beyond Antiquity (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

An Index Card Sword and Sandal RPG A SPECIAL PRIDE 2024 RELEASE! In a time lost to the annals of antiquity, a realm in turmoil called out for champions. Forged in the crucible of war & suffering, you emerged as one such champion. Once an outcast for your gender, sexuality, & queerness, you are now endowed with the gifts of power, fervor, & valor from the...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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