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“What primal, inconceivable source of age-old myth-cycles and haunting nightmares might I be on the brink of uncovering?”
IMPORTANT NOTE: This PDF contains the text of a full set of game statistics describing the creatures, rituals, and artifacts from Lovecraft's original Cthulhu Mythos. In OGL terms it is a “System Reference... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
Pay What You Want
Civilization on Earth is dying a slow and painful death.
Avarice and fear rule the masses whilst the political establishment crumbles around them.
Wars rage over dwindling resources but Mother Nature wants her revenge.
Somewhere beyond human reckoning the eyes in the darkness have opened.
Welcome to Dark Times. Welcome... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
This is supplmemt for Vaesen that includes the Exorcist archetype along with 3 new related Talents (Anti-Possession, Ritualistic Prayer, & Warding Sigil) and 3 new related pieces of equipment (Annointing Oil, Book of Shadows, & Incense).
Please check out our other Vaesen supplements:
A Dozen Additional Archetypes for Vaesen
Gyllencreutz Castle Maps for Vaesen
Upsala NPCs for Vaesen
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A cornucopia of bizarre and upsetting equipment, baubles, and curiosities found in the seedy depths of X-Class stations or the rotting hulls of ghost ships. Guaranteed to make your players say "I hate that" "no" and "f— this."
Compatible with Mothership or your favorite Sci-Fi RPG.
Unearth such wonders as:
A warm thermos filled with fragrant coffee. If consumed, texture chunky and bristling with... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
Pay What You Want
Use these series of tables to create very strange objects, creatures and places. It's quick and easy to create some really messed up shit to confuse, intrigue, and even terrify your players. Inspired by the SCP Foundation.
This generator is available as a part of a bundle of similar, fantasy item generators.
You can find more cool stuff like this at neverengine.wordpress.com, and you can check... [click here for more] |
Never Engine |
Pay What You Want
Any self-respecting investigator who wants to survive their first case for the Society knows to bring the right tools for the right job! Expand your choice of weaponry and equipment for the Vaesen role playing game with The Right Tools! This supplement adds to the equipment lists found in the Vaesen core rulebook by adding:
5 new melee weapons
6 new ranged weapons
7 new... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the solo "Dark Fort"-alike for Wasteland Degenerates! While this 12-page solo game differs in several mechanical ways to main Wasteland Degenerates game (see the Jumper Cable Edition and the upcoming hardcover Kickstarter for February 25, 2025), the worldbuilding and vibes are consistent with my final vision. This is meant to be a solo journaling RPG played with All Of the Dice, a pencil/pen,... [click here for more] |
Wasteland Degenerates LLC |
Pay What You Want
Physician, don't forget to heal thyself! This supplement expands on content from the Vaesen corebook by adding:
7 new pieces of medical equipment!
4 new general talents!
New rules to handle addiction in game!
6 drugs, which offer strong benefits and dangerous risks!
Explore the wild world of 19th century medicine, and soothe your body and mind by picking up Goods & Sundries II - Tonics... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
300 standard, non-magical items and objects. Useful for generating interesting magical items, or simply filling up a loot chest! Pairs especially well with Never Engine's 300 Descriptive Adjectives For Dungeons and Items PDF.
This generator is available as a part of a bundle of similar, fantasy item generators.
You can find more cool stuff like this at neverengine.wordpress.com, and you can check... [click here for more] |
Never Engine |
Pay What You Want
This mini-supplement includes two iconic diseases, Plague and Rabies, that storytellers can incorporate into their games. They are samples of the many diseases and other maladies that appear in Insults & Injuries, Skirmisher Publishing's guide to incorporating “realistic” diseases into roleplaying games, which is available in both OGL/d20 and Pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
300 adjectives to help breathe life into your dungeons and items. Pairs especially well with Never Engine's 300 Mundane Items and Objects PDF.
This generator is available as a part of a bundle of similar, fantasy item generators.
You can find more cool stuff like this at neverengine.wordpress.com, and you can check out my other drivethrurpg products by clicking here. ... [click here for more] |
Never Engine |
Pay What You Want
Ten mini-dodatek to zbiór zaklęć opublikowanych wcześniej w różnych dodatkach z serii Zgrozy. Łączy je to, że każdy z nich zmienia ludzi drastycznie, a zwykle też trwale. W Zgrozach bardzo fascynuje nas to, jak groza Mitów Cthulhu trwale przemienia ludzi, i ze zdumieniem zorientowaliśmy się, że opisanych w naszych dodatkach czarów pozwalających na taką przemianę starczy na krótką... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This is a Halloween Horror: it will pop up when Halloween comes close, and I hope you find a way to make use of it.
A witch that had been burned returns. Her bones need to be recovered. A contract needs to be destroyed. An otherworldly ally of hers has to be faced. Where? How? Try to learn that from the panicking villagers. It is the only way to learn it. Vengeance... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
The Witching Hour is an intermediary adventure for the Contagion Role Playing Game. The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them. Despite humanity's vast ignorance, the horrors are there.
The Witching... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
A free version of the upcoming CY_Borg supplement, ENTROPY CYCLE.
The world has ended too many times. A copy of a copy of a copy. Something was bound to break.
On the plus side there's a bunch of weird shit to mess around with.
Fragmentation Protocol is a selection of pages from an upcoming supplement that i've been working on and wanted to get out there while I finshed off... [click here for more] |
Roll The Bones |
Pay What You Want
10 Things Found in Abandoned Spacecraft
A Collection of 10 things you could find during your Spacefaring Adventures!
You might find all sorts of things floating around in abandoned spacecraft. Tormented souls, ancient relics, and forgotten treasures are just waiting to be discovered. But what else might you find?
This collection of 10 things gives you a preview... [click here for more] |
Crimson Terrain |
Pay What You Want
A Dungeon Adventure inspired by Survival Horror Video Games like Resident Evil & Eternal Darkness. For Mork Borg RPG but easily convertible into most other mainstream OSR style TTRPGs.
•Full History and Lore •10+ New Weapons & Armor •8 New Enemies •d88 random Religious Items •21 room Monastery Dungeon •4 Keys & some light Puzzle... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
 Deciphering is a Brand-New Fanzine that Adds Cool New Content for all your Cypher System adventuring needs.
This first number is focused on soulslike content. Including:
- New Rules for bringing the Soulslike vibe to your campaign.
- 6 new Character Types fully built for this kind of world: Fugitive, Exiled, Deserter, Swindler, Madman and Pariah.... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
Pay What You Want
Gregorius21778: Object 877-12-G is one of my Halloween Horrors: a horror themed pay-what-you-want title. This one here will introduce a long-term curse into an ongoing game (or campaign) that will transform both the body and the very fate of a character, step by step. The first version had been written for Lamentations of the Flame Princess(tm) this one was written to... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
Travellers, mutatoes are good for you! Do they look like a disgusting purple-brown mess? Yes. Do they squirm like Change-fueled worms? Yes. Are they poisonous if too ripe or not ripe enough? Also yes. But mutatoes also provide fast healing and amazing nutritional value… in exchange for some mild and (often) temporary Change burns. And - on top of that - free darkvision (sometimes)! That’s what... [click here for more] |
Picostrix Press |
Pay What You Want
A savory scent fills the air and covers up all other smells. Before you lies a plate of delicious looking meatballs, do you dare devour the strangely beautiful flesh?
Smörkåsborg is a delicious trap you can find while wandering mazelike buildings in the Dying World that there is never enough of. Will you be the one to eat the meat and what exactly will the meat be?
Smörkåsborg is an independent... [click here for more] |
Michael Mars |
Pay What You Want
I fedeli accendono candele nei templi, sperando che le loro preghiere trovino orecchio. Quando fatto con sincerità, questo gesto porta con se un ricco significato e il potere intrinseco che ne deriva. Col passare del tempo, mentre innumerevoli candele vengono accese e consumate, la cera che ne rimane può animarsi spontaneamente in... [click here for more] |
Echidna Design |
Pay What You Want
A complete history of William Hope Hodgson's iconic electric pentacle, as seen in Carnacki the Ghost Finder, including source material, an extended history expanding on material in The Carnacki Cylinders, floor plans, and an instruction manual for use as a player handout. Not system specific; intended for use with Forgotten Futures IV - The Carnacki Cylinders and the Forgotten... [click here for more] |
Marcus L. Rowland |
Pay What You Want
The faithful ones light candles in the temples hoping for their prayers to be heard. When made sincerely the gesture carries plenty of meaning within itself, along with the intrinsic power that comes with it. As time passes and uncountable candles are lit and melted, the remaining wax can animate spontaneously into a so-called "wax angel".... [click here for more] |
Echidna Design |
Pay What You Want
Unspeakable horrors lurk beneath the surface
Waiting for the right moment to rise
You are a rookie agent sent to stop Them
uncover Their scheme And survive
The first supplement for the They live among us game! You need core rules to play the game. Check them here -> https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/424297/They-live-among-us
The central theme of this supplement is WATER. What's inside?... [click here for more] |
RPGuPolaka |
Pay What You Want
A carnivorous mask is a dangerous wondrous item able to transform you into a giant predatory plant. While the transformation is powerful, the mask embodies chaotic natural powers difficult to control and can cause harm to the wearer, or turn the nearby flora into a hostile force.
Paola Recalcati... [click here for more] |
Echidna Design |
Pay What You Want
The most powerful magical items are known as Artefacts. These artefacts are magical items of immense earth shaking power. Well Normally that's what they are within this tome you will find great and powerful and above all silly magical artefacts to delight, bemuse and bedevil your players. ... [click here for more] |
Dicey Prospects |
Pay What You Want
 Tervetuloa pelaamaan Mölkkyroolipeliä! Kyseessä on roolipelijärjestelmä, joka soveltuu monenlaisissa ympäristöissä pelaamiseen ja kaikenlaisten tarinoiden kertomiseen. Näin voitte viettää ulkona aikaa tarinoiden parissa. Mölkkypamfletti ei sijoitu mihinkään tiettyyn maailmaan tai genreen, vaan tarinat voivat olla ihan mitä tahansa Kummelista Kaurismäkeen tai fantasiasta avaruusoopperaan. ... [click here for more] |
Storycraftsman |
Pay What You Want
 Forbidden Inheritance is another incarnation of one of my Halloween Horrors, adapted to Chromatic Shadows written by Kristopher Hedley. Kris gave me the express “go ahead!” for it, yet it is an independent work. Thanks for the OKAY, Kris! This supplement is about an Occult Asset called "The Forbidden Inheritance". Using it will lead to a metamorphosis that may wreck a... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
For September only, this title is going PWYW in honor of the new cover art!
Folkloric Note:
This is a very special module, as it marks the first in our F line (you can guess what it stands for). This module is based on the folklore of Germany. German folklore contains some of the darkest and most sublime stories ever told by man. We felt that... [click here for more] |
Gothic Roleplaying Accessories |
Pay What You Want
This is a compilation of 2015's Patreon supported material. Within these pages you will find artifacts, places, monsters, dungeons, random tables, and more!
Check out the preview to see the table of contents and 6 pages of material!
Stats are written OSR in mind (that is AC, HD, etc), but they are few and can easily give guidelines for other systems how I've meant things to work. Even if you are... [click here for more] |
D-oom Products |
Pay What You Want
This is a Halloween Horror: it will pop up when Halloween comes close, and I hope you find a way to make use of it.
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater. Had a wife, but could not keep her... This Halloween Horror was inspired by an old Nursery Rhyme from the USA. It is a side quest, or one evening session. Furthermore, it is is guilty of being little more than a... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
NOTE: For whatever reason we no longer develop this product line. It is suggested that you don't purchase this product.
Crafting is the art of creating usable items from plain materials. While many games have had it had it, crafting has been all but removed in the 5th Edition of the world's greatest role-playing game. For that reason, I have created an unofficial rules supplement... [click here for more] |
Masters of Pen and Paper |
Pay What You Want
Weird & Futuristic Trinkets was born from a blogpost last year that intended to bring some futuristic items into your fantasy game without going crazy. Now it is a simple PDF for you to use in whatever game you see fit. Some of these are pop culture references, others are things we had as kids, and a couple I just made up. These objects are meant to be nothing more than oddities and story provokers.... [click here for more] |
Wandering Alchemist Games |
Pay What You Want
For the next One Door Dungeon, we bring you More than Meets the Eye. This guide pits your party against a small wizard's study packed with mimics. Players will have to use their skills and attack prowess to overcome this room.
This is intended as a good challenge for a group of four PCs at level three! We also include scaling options for parties of all levels.
More than Meets the Eye by One Door... [click here for more] |
One Door Dungeons |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Least Ethical Game Show!
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.
StarStreamers:... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
The Sun is above all, and so are those that worship it. A Paladin that has taken the Oath of the Sun has seen it for all its glory and risen above the common mortals to become something greater. The Oath of the Sun is about absolute power, and the judgement of others with that power to uphold the tenets. Those that swear this oath are devoted to the gods of the sun and sunlight itself, often treating... [click here for more] |
Mica Raymond |
Pay What You Want
A Halloween Horror Scenario
Vibe: Weird Fairytale/Horror
Type: Location based; social interaction / puzzle; random encounters; timer; combat (as usual)
Characters: three to six characters of level 3-5
Players/GM: Experienced & Adult
While they travel on a road in the country in... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
 This is the Italian version of the Carnivorous Mask - Click here for the English version
La maschera carnivola è un pericoloso oggetto meraviglioso che trasforma l’utilizzatore in una gigantesca pianta predatrice. La trasformazione è potente, ma i caotici poteri naturali incarnati dalla maschera... [click here for more] |
Echidna Design |
Pay What You Want
Auf der murderkulten is an occult item that unleashes hordes of bloodthirsty entities from the underside of reality. The closer you are to the apocalypse, the more relentless they become. Blessed are the illiterate.
Auf Der Murderkulten is an independent production by Walton Wood and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG... [click here for more] |
Urizenic |
Pay What You Want
Take Your Shoes Off! Stay Forever!
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.
StarStreamers:... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a Halloween Horror: it will pop up when Halloween comes close, and I hope you find a way to make use of it.
The Tale of Harrot, the Headless Horseman is a weird supernatural encounter for Lamentations of the Flame Princess(tm), but may be retro-fitted to other OSR games by changing the names of the Saving Throws and adjusting the Armor... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever been in a position where you need some junk? Would your game session be drasticly improved by injecting a Powerful Shoelace into the mix? Would a Bloody Condom raise some awkward questions? Could a Graceful Cigarette hold the key to the universe? How would I know, you are the GM...But this is the junk generating tool that you have been looking for. ... [click here for more] |
Role Cast Die Productions |
Pay What You Want
The Protector Tree is an action oriented monster for 5e, designed to bring a fun and dynamic encounter in any setting.
The 7 page PDF contains:
Simple adventure hooks to fit it in any campaign;
Full stat blocks for the tree and it's spawns;
6 magic items;
A rules glossary with 2 new conditions.
This is the lauching product for Fifi Game Design, a newborn freelance game designer... [click here for more] |
Fifi Game Design |
Pay What You Want
A Sea of Blood... but Literally
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.
StarStreamers:... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
"Commons? No, no. In a Gacha Game those are called Rares!"
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
Behold the Blood Rose Knight! All roses have thorns, and the Blood Rose feeds from your cuts. The Blood Rose Knight is a fighter archetype (or subclass) designed for 5e. The Blood Rose Knight specializes in using their own life force to empower their attacks, as well steal the life force from others. They do this using their three magical items, the Blade of the Blood Rose, Shield of the Blood Rose,... [click here for more] |
Mica Raymond |
Pay What You Want
O Povo do Buraco is the first brazilian Lamentations of the Flame Princess non official fanzine.This zine content will work not only with LotFP, but with all retro clone based games with minimal adaptation.
1- Toolkit for the creation of a small village
2- Magic Objects
3- Poisons
4- An Adventure
5- An Article on Sandboxing ... [click here for more] |
Black Dog |
Pay What You Want
A Fairly Serious One
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.
StarStreamers:... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
We Stan
In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.
StarStreamers: Biggest... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want