Included in this free set are 6 models for secret rotating doors. The original rotating cavern door was included in the Centurion set, but with the release of the revised Cavern set from Fat Dragon Games, it seemed fitting to release a new version and update to the legacy. This rotating door rotates on the side rather than the middle.The Tavern tile rotates from the middle.
It is recommend to use... [click here for more]
Time to construct some Dark Dwellings, This set gives everything you need to start all your own large dark manor. This free starter set of dragonbite compatible tiles will let you dip your toes into the Dark Terrain series. All of these unique tiles are designed for building, stacking, and growing your collection.
... [click here for more]
Do you paint your 3D-printed terrain? If so, do you ever get paint on your hands from picking up a tile that's not quite dry? Or smudge one place while twisting the piece at an odd angle to get your brush at another place?
Never again. This comfortable grip snaps to the bottom of DragonbiteTM-compatible tiles, letting you paint the entire thing, odd angles and all, no muss no fuss. And if... [click here for more]
Aztlan Starter is a 3D-printable Mesoamerican tileset by Aether Studios. Aztlan was our very first original set and this introductory set will give you everything you need to get started making dungeons. This set includes a unique floor, door, and stairs models not found in other sets. It is compatible with all other DragonlockTM models. In our World of Aach'yn, Aztlan is the... [click here for more]
Customize your model car games with our 3D bits in STL format Are you passionate about miniature car games like Gaslands Refuelled and looking to customize your vehicles for a unique gaming experience? Look no further! Our exclusive collection of 3D bits is designed to bring your cars to life on the gaming table! The "Accessory AC4" model offers you a 3D file to print, representing a perforated... [click here for more]
This is just a one page inspirational post featuring a vending machine for vampires,
How you might use one in your urban fantasy or sci-fi story, and what weirdness you might find inside one
Also included is a free STL file of the machine, with and without supports.
... [click here for more]
Customize your model car games with our 3D bits in STL format Are you passionate about miniature car games like Gaslands Refuelled and looking to customize your vehicles for a unique gaming experience? Look no further! Our exclusive collection of 3D bits is designed to bring your cars to life on the gaming table! The "Accessory AC3" model features a 3D printable file of a corrugated metal... [click here for more]