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“What primal, inconceivable source of age-old myth-cycles and haunting nightmares might I be on the brink of uncovering?”
IMPORTANT NOTE: This PDF contains the text of a full set of game statistics describing the creatures, rituals, and artifacts from Lovecraft's original Cthulhu Mythos. In OGL terms it is a “System Reference... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
Pay What You Want
Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them!
This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Hard SF Worldbuilding Cookbook #3: Rogue Planets
A how-to guide for writers and roleplayers
Start with your story. Choose locations, find situations, and inspire novel prompts as you need them. Have the science behind them at your fingertips, when you want it.
Inspiration first, then worldbuilding.
The Hard SF Worldbuilding Cookbooks:
Written... [click here for more] |
John Freeman |
Pay What You Want
With the Weird Frontiers RPG form-fillable character sheet you'll be able to quickly fill and keep track of your heroes as they blaze a trail across the weird west! This character sheet should be used for characters 1st level and up. A zero-level (funnel) sheet is also included.
... [click here for more] |
Stiff Whiskers Press |
Pay What You Want
 This 2023/24 extensive 106 page checklist and price guide provides the reader with valuable information regarding all known Fighting Fantasy books, collectables and related merchandise. Includes foreign books and lots of other new bonus material. Red text denotes additions and amendments.
Although the odd gem can still be found, it covers everything from 1982 through to 2023. It reflects 20+ years... [click here for more] |
Fighting Fantasy Collector |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Lost Road. You become lost in all in things. In your life. Sense of self. And more. One day you lost your way and became truly Lost. Finding a Door, you escaped the labirynth you found yourself in. Now you are on the Road, a strange realm connected to all worlds.
A short 6 page mini-RPG.
Runs on Motif, using the Motif Framework. Be sure to check out... [click here for more] |
Thought Punks |
Pay What You Want
Publisher's Choice -Quality Stockart
Basic Fantasy Figures (B&W Skeletons)
Publisher's Choice - Basic Fantasy Figures (B&W Skeletons) This collection of quality stock art figures includes two depictions of fantasy skeletons. Each full black and white image is a 300dpi transparent tiff.
Publisher's Choice Stockart is provided to aid new publishing companies... [click here for more] |
Publisher's Choice Stock Art |
Pay What You Want
 Mörkinfaernum is a pamphlet created to help you use the rules and setting from Infaernum in your Mörk Borg campaigns.
Description of Infaernum core rulebook:
Infaernum is an RPG (Role Playing Game), a storytelling game where you interpret characters in a pre-determined narrative. With a book of rules, some dice, and something to take notes, players... [click here for more] |
Mind's Vision |
Pay What You Want
Illustrations from the Dictionnaire Infernal
This stock art collection features 90 remastered illustrations from the Dictionnaire Infernal, including many of the illustrations that would later be reused in the Lesser Key of Solomon. Each image is in PNG format and has been processed, cleaned, and up-scaled to a uniform 3000px on the longest side. For previews of the entire... [click here for more] |
Octavirate Games |
Pay What You Want
TTRPGs are storytelling, acting, and logic games where the players take on roles in the fiction as part of engaging with the game.
There are a lot of them.
This is a guide to making your own.
It is not a step by step assembly manual. It covers personal theory and experiences, and some elements of it are apt to get outdated pretty quickly (publication date 2024!)
However, if you want to do some... [click here for more] |
Richard Kelly |
Pay What You Want
 tl;dr - 5 battlemaps (each in two versions - with and without a grid, so it's 10 files) - 4k resolution - theme: nightmares, dreams, void - ZIP file
Nightmares and Dreams Enter the realm of the void, where nothing is as it seems. This ZIP file contains 5 battle maps that depict locations inspired by nightmares and dreams. Each map comes in two versions: with and without a grid. Explore... [click here for more] |
ndvmaps |
Pay What You Want
Rescued from the dry sands of history...
The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin. It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity. Enjoy this document as it... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
This is the World's First-ever published issue of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Fuuun, ain't it? Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by devoted Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. indie RPG designer & publisher.
Because this is not a full fanzine issue... [click here for more] |
Coming Through RPGs |
Pay What You Want
A great CHOMP! resource. This Quick Reference Guide puts all of the Zombie Stats on an easy to read chart to make running a game as easy as crushing a zombies skull with a bowling ball. It also includes skill and breaking difficulties on the back. Now get out there and start ridding the world of this undead scourge once and for all! ... [click here for more] |
Zombie Dog Games |
Pay What You Want
One of the greatest components of any tabletop game world is the lore. The shards of history and the details of the world around you that you’ve slowly established with your friends are what makes the game feel alive. In most modern RPG systems, however, these pieces of canon are limited to minor details and events - as the overarching game world is usually established by a book... [click here for more] |
Ivy Murphy |
Pay What You Want
Raven God Games presents Stock Art: Mythos Signs & Sigils!
This package includes 6 images depicting various Mythos symbols!
All images in this package were drawn and inked by Joseph D. Salvador, have white backgrounds, and are high-quality 300 dpi TIFF files. Most images are approximately 5"x5" actual size (though there is some variation) and make excellent spot... [click here for more] |
Raven God Games |
Pay What You Want
"Faraway, in the greatest battle in this age of the world, the
forces of the Bleak Warlock were undone, but at a dear cost. Lifes' of
many were lost, and the Emperor themself, hero and hope of the Free
People, fell -for raise never again. In the wake of Worlock's defeat a
mighty storm of snow thunder and hail rose, hammering the fugitives
and... [click here for more] |
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian |
Pay What You Want
Fantasy Illustration - Permanent License - Dark Pool
This miserable wetland features many treacherous waters. This surprisingly deep pond has claimed many lives already. The surrounding terrain is boggy, full of brambles, rotting trees, thorny bushes, slippery rocks and wet moss. The persisting fog makes it impossible to navigate properly.
Hand-painted full color digital artwork with traditional fantasy... [click here for more] |
Lore Wise Games |
Pay What You Want
 Character Sheets
These character sheets for Demon Gate, the dark fantasy tabletop role-playing game are free to print and distribute.
They come in printable format, fillable PDF, or parchment background style.
We hope you love the character sheets, and good gaming to you! ... [click here for more] |
Arcanum Syndicate |
Pay What You Want
Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Church of Apocalypse: Marked Bonecrushers"
The set includes 9 figures of Bonecrushers in 4 colours (total: 36 minis).
Figures represent mutated or chaos warriors, very useful for many different settings, from the post-apocalyptic sci-fi up to dark fantasy. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 From the Art Archive: The Mystic
NUELOW Stock Art Collection: The Mystic contains two high resolution and two low resolution bonus black-and-white pieces of line-art for use in your personal or commercial projects with few restructions. When you download this collection, you receive a PDF index of the art, as well as a zip archive that contains a jpg file for each image.... [click here for more] |
NUELOW Games |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Restless Souls"
The set includes 10 figures of Restless Souls 4 colours and unpainted (total: 50 minis).
Figures represent haunting ghosts, screaming and crying.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Hello and welcome!
If you are looking a way to purchase a dedicated art for your character, campaign, group or your project - I got you covered
How it works? It's very simple!
Check out my PDF preview with prices - decide what do you need or ask me about the price (in the comment section).
Buy this product with adequate price tagged in Price Rating PDF.
Send me email with details of what... [click here for more] |
BlaszczecArt |
Pay What You Want
In the thrill of the Kickstarter, fans of Relics made a short-lived fanzine. This is Issue One. It contains fiction, poetry, interviews and game ideas! ... [click here for more] |
Tin Star Games |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Church of Apocalypse: Marked Windrunners"
The set includes 9 figures of Windrunners in 4 colours (total: 36 minis).
Figures represent mutated or unhuman raiders/barbarians, very useful for many different settings, from the post-apocalyptic sci-fi up to dark fantasy. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Necromancers & Reanimators".
The set includes 5 figures of Reanimators and 5 figures of Necromancers in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 50 minis).
Figures represent wizards and scientists, specialized in rising dead.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror.... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Crimson Gillies".
The set includes 10 figures of Crimson Gillies in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 40 minis).
Figures represent vampires manhunters, helping their lords to drive the prey.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Fuel Templars: Barbed Rats"
The set includes 10 figures of Barbed Rats in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 50 minis, some of them in 2,5D).
Figures represent postapocalyptic skirmishers with light crossbows and barbwire whips.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the post-apocalyptic and sci-fi up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Fuel Templars: Turret Masters & Battle Molewolf modkit"
The set includes 5 figures of Turret masters in 4 colours and unpainted, 2 figures of battle molewolf, 7 turrets painted and unpainted (total: 39 minis).
Figures represent postapocalyptic engineers-shooters with different types of turrets (lighting cannon, flamethrower, ballista... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Dukes of Underworld: Dump Hills"
The set includes 5 figures of Dump Hills in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 25 minis).
Figures represent huge moving piles of flesh and debris bristling with blades and cannons.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the post-apocalyptic up to sci-fi. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day.
Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
These generic playmats were made to keep track of anything you could need, from 0 to 99 points. Print, cut and use them with paper clips. No need for erasing and writing all over your sheet again and again until there is only a hole where your HP was supposed to be. You can also write down your character name and which stats are being handled in each playmat, as well as the maximum... [click here for more] |
Bruno Prosaiko |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Dukes of Underworld. Squealers"
The set includes 10 Squealers.
All miniatures are in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 50 minis).
Figures represent small but formidable riders on creepy creatures created from the decapitated victims of the Behemoth.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the post-apocalyptic and... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks!
FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015
Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!)
Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams.... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Rattlers".
The set includes 5 figures of Rattlers in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 25 minis).
Figures represent quick and deadly undead constructs.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 I finished and published my first official ttrpg work.
It is a little pdf for Cypher System, based on its open license.
It is totally free, but it has a pay-what-you-want for those who want to support me.
My work's title is "Slot Mode": It allows the creation of characters without Type, Descriptor, and Focus, giving expendable Slots usable to gain Skills e Special Abilities. The Update has the... [click here for more] |
Francesco Alessandro Pizzino |
Pay What You Want
This is for the stock art picture titled 'Mage' done by artist John Nixon and released through Truly Rural Productions. Img comes in both jpg and tif form with a standard usage agreement (digital, print and web releases allowed, stock art collection releases not allowed, crop, color, fold, spindle, mutilate all allowed).
Images are 300 DPI
2517 pixels wide 3253 pixels high ... [click here for more] |
Truly Rural Productions |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Grave Giant".
The set includes 2 figures of Grave GIant in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 10 minis).
Figure represents huge undead construct, destroing and adsorbing everything it meets.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Tombstones".
The set includes 10 figures of Tombstones in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 50 minis).
Figures represent undead creatures, chained to their tombstones via despair and hopelessness.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
Most vampires do not exist in a social vacuum when it comes to their own kind. At least, there is somebody that has created them. The link between a vampire and his progenitor is different from that of a parent to a child. Parents only decide to have a child (if at all), and that is all they may truly choose and decide in regard to their offspring. The vampire that creates another chooses an already... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Characters part 1".
The set includes 6 figures of different Undead Characters in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 30 minis).
Figures represent:
Ksorianna Agnes de Molly "Drink this wonderful drink ..." - the queen of the dead, daughter of the God of Blood and the immortal vampire with a cup of souls;
Hastur Bane Ax... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Provost Court".
The set includes 5 figures of Provosts 4 colours and unpainted (total: 25 minis).
Figures represent heavy armoured vampires with two-handed weapons.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Armies of Undead: Scarlet Blades Court".
The set includes 10 figures of Scarlet Blades in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 40 minis).
Figures represent light armoured vampires swordmasters.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from the from dark fantasy up to horror. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
 Full set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Dukes of Underworld: Scrap Lords"
The set includes 5 figures of Scrap Lords in 4 colours and unpainted (total: 25 minis).
Figures represent huge Demonic creatures forever damned to sort the endless piles of valuable junk accumulated by the greedy king, Behemoth.
Figures may be very useful for many different settings, from fantasy up... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
This dungeon is designed for 3-5 players of at least level 10. The Party, for one reason or another, have come to this pyramid-shaped dungeon in the middle of a vast desert. They must traverse the three floors, filled with traps and monsters, in order to reap the rewards: treasure & glory rumored by those aware of the dungeon, as well as a mysterious drive to continue... [click here for more] |
TableTop Totality |
Pay What You Want
 Hi there and welcome to my RPG stock art page here on Drivethru!
This Crossed Hatchets black and white sillhouette image is suitable for a wide range of fantasy genres.
No ai was used in creating any of my artwork.
This file contains a hi-res transparent .png and a vector EPS file. ... [click here for more] |
Rob Necronomicon |
Pay What You Want
 Hi there and welcome to my RPG stock art page here on Drivethru!
This Fantasy Crossed American Indian Tomahawk Silhouette image is suitable for a wide range of fantasy genres.
No ai was used in creating any of my artwork.
This file contains a hi-res transparent .png. ... [click here for more] |
Rob Necronomicon |
Pay What You Want
 Inner Sanctum Preview Rules Book ... [click here for more] |
New Comet Games |
Pay What You Want
Use these Icons to spruce up your warband folio. Simply print, cut, and glue them into place, or attach them to your folio digitally before printing, then get to gaming!
Cursed Lands: Morgulia is required to make full use of this item. For more information, see: https://www.wargamevault.com/product/462284/Cursed-Lands-Morgulia?affiliate_rem=1247716 ... [click here for more] |
Horizon Point Studios |
Pay What You Want
Mythos Illustration - Permanent License - Fear Elemental
A purely sadistic creation; the embodiment of hatred, abhorrence and terror. Capable of causing inhuman, excruciating torment and driving nations into mindless wars. It follows pain and suffering like a starving hound and festers in the minds of the weak.
Hand-painted digital artwork, summoned from the tortured nightmares of the artist. Looks... [click here for more] |
Lore Wise Games |
Pay What You Want