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The Hour of Chains is upon you and it's time to go to work, Scoundrel. The Dusk's full of opportunities if you know what you're looking for.
This collection of one-page scores for Blades in the Dark offers ten ready-to-run scenarios with patrons, paydays, and problems aplenty. Suggested clocks are included, so all you need to run an explosive heist, a thrilling chase, or a tense... [click here for more] |
A Couple of Drakes |
Pay What You Want
The Hour of Silk is upon you and a Scoundrel's work is never done. The Dusk's full of opportunities if you know what you're looking for.
This collection of one-page scores for Blades in the Dark offers ten more ready-to-run scenarios with patrons, paydays, and problems aplenty. Suggested clocks are included, so all you need to run an explosive heist, a thrilling chase, or a tense... [click here for more] |
A Couple of Drakes |
Pay What You Want
The Hour of Smoke's just tolled and it's time to get the cargo rolling, Smuggler. The payday's secure, the route's planned, and all that stands between you and a juicy payday is...well, Doskvol.
This collection of one-page scores for Blades in the Dark offers five ready-to-run Smuggler-focused scenarios with patrons, paydays, and problems aplenty. Suggested clocks are included, so all you need... [click here for more] |
A Couple of Drakes |
Pay What You Want
Bargains! Complications! Consequences!
The Devil's Almanac is a collection of Devil’s Bargains to be used in the Blades in the Dark role-playing game. It provides multiple suggestions to fuel the imagination of game masters and players alike. You’ll find Devil’s Bargains for different crews, characters, districts in Doskvol, and more. Each of these are organized into tables... [click here for more] |
Not Writing Games |
Pay What You Want
Three Desperate Nights is three potential scores or interesting events happening in and around Doskvol designed for the Blades in the Dark role-playing game. Use these to supplement the story of your game as it’s happening, or kick start a new story when things are getting complacent or dull, or if you’re just starting a new campaign. Treat them as individual events, or strong them together... [click here for more] |
Not Writing Games |
Pay What You Want
Defend your home. Face the unknown. Survive the night.
You are a villager from a quiet hamlet in the Lower Princedoms, far from the bustling cities and ports of the world. The Autumn War may have spared your home, but it left scars across the land. Life remained a daily struggle for survival, but now a new threat has emerged – a monstrous creation of the war, a chimeromantic beast,... [click here for more] |
Ogre Pit Games |
Pay What You Want
Ruins of Kharion is a fantasy setting where players explore and tame a newly discovered, savage land, uncovering a long-forgotten secret lurking beneath its surface.
Inspired by the Viking arrival in North America and the ensuing cultural clash, this original setting puts the players in a land called Kharion. Torn apart by magic, where spirits roam free, even space and time bend... [click here for more] |
Ivan Djordjevic |
Pay What You Want
A young thief and newcomer
You’re new here. New to the crew, new to Doskvol, or just new to being a scoundrel. You might be the youngest in the crew, but you still know a thing or two about a thing or two. You know how to lift a coin purse, how to slip out of the local Bluecoat precinct, or just how to cause a good distraction. You’ve made friends with ghosts and pulled off a few small-time... [click here for more] |
Not Writing Games |
Pay What You Want
In a city brimming with secrets only one individual can cut through the smoke and make sense of it all.
Enter The Sleuth, a peerless detective and mentalist.
"In every lie there exists a kernel of truth. In every stroke of the pen, a hundred words. In a city like Doskvol it can be tempting to turn a blind eye to the meaning of it all, to shut the door... [click here for more] |
Moth Lands |
Pay What You Want
Introducing the Stitcher!
A talented fixer and philosopher charlatan.
"You’ve always been a fixer. Be it broken bones or shattered dreams, everyone back home knew they could count on you to set things right. You stitched folks up, earned your way, learned a trade, and paid your debt to the crew that owned your block.
Then, one night, you escaped to richer... [click here for more] |
Moth Lands |
Pay What You Want
The Unity Of Skovlan is an unofficial collection for Blades in the Dark about the impact and aftermath of The Unity War, consisting of a campaign titled The Unity War, a short story titled The Legacy of Stonetable, and a rules supplement called Fractured Unity.
Due to licensing requirements, this game is provided as Pay What You Want. It's 180 pages of really good game content, so I would be extraordinarily... [click here for more] |
The Logbook Project |
Pay What You Want
Whether you and your friends have been hit by a truck, summoned, worked too hard, reincarnated into the future or past, or found a weird wardrobe, you've ended up in a strange world/videogame/different time period. Or perhaps fantasy came to you with portals opening up in the modern world releasing monsters into the concrete jungles. A normal person would be in trouble but you all have gifts. CHEAT... [click here for more] |
Beliasta |
Pay What You Want
Introducing the Stranger An unusual soul blessed with strange talents.
Different. Moon-blessed. Stranger. Darkling. Even in Doskvol, your personality and your nature make you an oddity. Still, there are those who are drawn to you, to the glimmer in your eyes and the rhythm of your steps. To the subtle music of a drum only you can hear.
What made you this way?... [click here for more] |
Moth Lands |
Pay What You Want
You are an Adventurer.
You will venture into dangerous places in search of riches and treasures, undertaking epic missions to achieve your goal!
Crawlers in Dark Dungeons is a minimalistic Forged In The Dark game designed to play a group of fantasy adventurers exploring deep dark places in cinematic play sessions.
Written in cooperation... [click here for more] |
Vittorio De Stefano |
Pay What You Want
A New Resource for Designers and Fans Using Affinity Publisher
Blades Affinity Templates is a series of files meant to guide designers, GMs, and fans of Blades in the Dark in crafting their own iconic playbooks and crews. Contained within are a series of documents and files with easy to use elements as well as helpful tips and examples.
For an example of a finished playbook using this layout and... [click here for more] |
Moth Lands |
Pay What You Want
Tender Hearts is a pastoral fantasy, a chance for players to unwind in a world of their own creation with a loving community and a bright, colourful world full of adorable slimes to explore.
Grab your partner by the hand and watch them transform into a giant sword. Search deep inside your caring heart and magically make a garden blossom. Run into a slime nest with no inhibitions... [click here for more] |
Border Reiver Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Witches of Midnight Quickstart is a gender inclusive "hopeful horror" urban fantasy Forged in the Dark table-top game.
Players take the roles of Wyld Witches and their Familiars who form a Coven for mutual support in a dark and harsh modern world.
It's the not-too-distant future and your magical powers aren't registered. You can't rely on the electronic infrastructure of the world economy or... [click here for more] |
Balsamic Moon Games Collective |
Pay What You Want
Directly for "Blades in the Dark", to enhance its kind of just spirits-related magic, here is a new playbook (usable also as a chracter sheet).
It is the playbook for a arcane fighter and curses resolver. But also colecting herbs etc. is an option.
It includes editable DOCX version (as addition to zhe main PDF version). ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 Questo supplemento aggiunge alcune regole per rendere più strategica la fase di Tempo Libero di “A Torch in the Dark”.
Per essere giocato sono necessarie le versioni V1.1 o V2.2 del gioco.
Sono inoltre presenti alcune regole avanzate per rendere l’esperienza del Dungeon più interessante, mantenendo comunque la stessa struttura di base.
Le regole delle due fasi sono indipendenti tra loro;... [click here for more] |
SimoneB |
Pay What You Want
This supplement adds some rules to make the Downtime phase of “A Torch in the Dark” more strategic. To play, versions V1.1 or V2.2 of the game are required. There are also some advanced rules to make the Dungeon experience more interesting while keeping the same basic structure. The rules of the two phases are independent; you can choose to use only the first, the second, or both without... [click here for more] |
SimoneB |
Pay What You Want
This simple tabletop roleplaying game was designed for parents to play with their younger children, all that's needed is this PDF and some regular six-sided dice. In just three pages you have a roleplaying game system and some guidelines on how to run the game as a gamemaster. For more advanced players, you have an extra page of additional rules you can choose to play with. Finally, there's a simple... [click here for more] |
Mystecore Games |
Pay What You Want
Shibuyan Knights is an Anime style RPG that lets you play adventures like some of your favorite Anime shows and movies. It ships with the steampunk, magical world of Shibuya, where everything works on favors, and as you rise in Reputation Level, you gain more influence and power in the city
Quick, fast character creation. Play a scheming Roppongan, steampunk Tink, battle toughened Warrior, fist-fighting... [click here for more] |
AshyFeetGames |
Pay What You Want