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CC1 Creature Compendium

CC1 Creature Compendium

Remember those flashes of inspiration that electrified your brain when you first picked up that hardback volume of monsters all those years ago? The countless nights you sat up thinking of how to use those monsters, where to put them, and when your players would meet them? Those unceasing waves of joy that swam over you and your players as you unleashed those creatures, critters,...   [click here for more]
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited  Pay What You Want

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Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps

Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps

Welcome to the Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps! This PDF product features 20 maps of The Halls of Arden Vul highlighting the various Zones of Control of factions or important/powerful entities or groups. ...   [click here for more]
Expeditious Retreat Press  Pay What You Want

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Hexcrawl Basics

Hexcrawl Basics

This supplement is a guide to the mechanical methods of running a hexcrawl style campaign. It is written for OSR-style games, specifically Necrotic Gnome's Old School Essentials, but can easily be adapted to fit others. It includes methods of both traveling through hexes and exploring within a hex, clarifications on rules for getting lost, populating a hex with lairs, determining the...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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The Maps of Arden Vul

The Maps of Arden Vul

Welcome to the Maps of Arden Vul! This PDF product features all 33 maps of The Halls of Arden Vul, the most-ambitious megadungeon ever. As we have gotten requests for VTT maps, we have created The VTT Maps of Arden Vul for free as well. ...   [click here for more]
Expeditious Retreat Press  Pay What You Want

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PHM Hex 48.67 -- The Shrine of Daothog

PHM Hex 48.67 -- The Shrine of Daothog

The first in the new series called Populated Hexes Monthly, the Shrine of Daothog features a dragonne lair in a sea-side hex of rocky dunes and a cave containing a node of Chaos and the godling it spawned. Includes rules for generating nodes of chaos and adding schools of magic to your B/X-based OSR game. Populated Hexes Monthly is a monthly release containing 10 pages of unique content, with a goal...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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Domain Building

Domain Building

Domain Building is a sourcebook for OSR-style games that focuses on the mechanical aspects of founding and building a domain as part of higher-level play. From gaining multiple retainers to manage aspects of one's domain, to clearing and claiming land, to building strongholds and towns, to using the natural resources that a hex provides, Domain Building explores some of the oft hand-waved...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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The VTT Maps of Arden Vul

The VTT Maps of Arden Vul

Welcome to the VTT (Virtual Table Top) Maps of Arden Vul! This PDF product features all maps of The Halls of Arden Vul, the most-ambitious megadungeon ever, in VTT format. The maps are featured in black and white versions as well as in the traditional old-school blue. ...   [click here for more]
Expeditious Retreat Press  Pay What You Want

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The Lake of Abominations -- Hex 17.23

The Lake of Abominations -- Hex 17.23

The first hex in the Populated Hex series, The Lake of Abominations includes an overview of Absalom, the continent on which the series is set, and is an introduction to the one hex format used by this series. Each hex cluster will contain a central 6-mile hex (in this case the titular Lake) as well as the surrounding six hexes, and will include lairs, encounters, features, as well as optional rules...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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prototyping a d20 - d6 white box OSR variant, refined to work and play with D&D 0E,1E,2E, PHB,  B/X & Companion box modules and materials. efforts to fit all the Whitebox, Supplements, Strategic Review,Dragon magazine, and other classes, in a way that are fun, and balanced mathematically while thematically fitting the original Tolkien, Conan, Kung-fu, Van Helsing character inspirations, minus...   [click here for more]
Steven Hauger  Pay What You Want

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Magic Weapon Generator

Magic Weapon Generator

I created this generator for the use with OSRIC or similar systems. The purpose is to create random magic weapons for random treasures without creating an immense list, while still remaining somewhat plausible. This generator has one downside: One needs to roll several times for any single weapon. This is offset by its two advantages: Nearly any type of weapon can turn up to be an extremely powerful...   [click here for more]
Eichhörnchen Rollenspiele  Pay What You Want

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Generator für magische Waffen

Generator für magische Waffen

Einsatzzweck Dieser Waffengenerator ist vor allem für die Nutzung mit OSRIC bzw. dessen deutscher Übersetzung ALRIK gedacht. Sie soll bei zufälligen bestimmten Schätzen eine größere Vielfalt an Waffentypen bieten, ohne eine ewig lange Liste zu erstellen. Der Nachteil ist natürlich, dass man mehrfach pro Waffe würfeln muss. Dafür bieten sie zwei Vorteile: Nahezu jeder Waffentyp...   [click here for more]
Eichhörnchen Rollenspiele  Pay What You Want

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OSR & B/X to Troika! Creature Conversion

OSR & B/X to Troika! Creature Conversion

Quick and dirty creature conversions for running D&D-derived OSR adventures with Troika!. ...   [click here for more]
Ecstatic Entropy Games  Pay What You Want

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d20age #2 - Aventuremos

d20age #2 - Aventuremos

Quiral  Pay What You Want

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O Povo do Buraco #1

O Povo do Buraco #1

O Povo do Buraco is the first brazilian Lamentations of the Flame Princess non official fanzine.This zine content will work not only with LotFP, but with all retro clone based games with minimal adaptation. Contents: 1- Toolkit for the creation of a small village 2- Magic Objects 3- Poisons 4- An Adventure 5- An Article on Sandboxing ...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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d20age #0 - Uma mesa BX

d20age #0 - Uma mesa BX

Quiral  Pay What You Want

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d20age #1 - Um guia para o espírito OSR

d20age #1 - Um guia para o espírito OSR

Quiral  Pay What You Want

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La Quête des gemmes

La Quête des gemmes

Découvrez en douceur le jeu de rôle à l’ancienne et les règles de Portes, Monstres & Trésors avec La Quête des gemmes. Deux joueurs incarnent des apprentis aventuriers dans un monde fantastique : pour prouver leur valeur, ils devront remporter une épreuve dangereuse. Le troisième joueur est le Maitre des Trésors : il racontera l’aventure en fonction des actions des...   [click here for more]
Le Scriptorium  Pay What You Want

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d20age #7 - "Dungeons" Gerais

d20age #7 - "Dungeons" Gerais

Este fanzine faz parte da coleção d'vintage, compatível com ferramentas do D&D clássico, com forte inspiração do espírito “faça você” (DIY, do inglês Do It Yourself), com objetivo de estimular compartilhamento de conteúdo artesanal. O movimento OSR e a raiz de nosso hobby bebem muito dessa fonte caseira, com forte estímulo à produção e compartilhamento de ideias...   [click here for more]
Quiral  Pay What You Want

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d20age #3 - A azenha de Fritz Harber

d20age #3 - A azenha de Fritz Harber

Quiral  Pay What You Want

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d20age #4 - A vila Armênia

d20age #4 - A vila Armênia

Quiral  Pay What You Want

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Castle of Aandoran the Defiler

Castle of Aandoran the Defiler

This is the third installment in the Mountain of Fire series. In this installment the adventurers must face an ancient vampire allied with the arch-lich Malcon. This ancient vampire sits in his lonely castle in the Dark Woods of Zanzia playing his pipe organ and creating an army of undead to do his bidding. This unholy artifact must be destroyed or all is lost! ...   [click here for more]
Old School Role Playing  Pay What You Want

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XQ1 Map/Stat Pack

XQ1 Map/Stat Pack

If you own Dungeon Module XQ1 The Castle that Fell From the Sky please download this file for FREE! Others, feel free to download the file and pay what you want. Thank you!  The print version of Dungeon Module XQ1 The Castle that Fell From the Sky has a multi-page center "pull out" section containing maps and encounter statistic matrices. For...   [click here for more]
The Scribes of Sparn  Pay What You Want

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The Mountain of Fire

The Mountain of Fire

This if the final installment of the Mountain of Fire series. This is the final confrontation with the Arch-Lich Malcon the Firebringer who has been plaguing the kingdom of Zanzia for centuries. This final battle takes place inside of an active volcano which has been the Lich's lair for over a hundred years since he was imprisoned there.  ...   [click here for more]
Old School Role Playing  Pay What You Want

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Cachorro Preto #1 (Contribua com 5 dólares e receba uma copia física)

Cachorro Preto #1 (Contribua com 5 dólares e receba uma copia física)

Enviaremos uma copia fisica para residentes no Brasil que contribuirem com 5 dolares. Aqueles que fizerem a contribuição entrem em contato conosco através do drivethru para enviar seu endereço, caso contrário não teremos acesso aos dados nos impedindo de prosseguir com o envio. Primeira zine brasileira do jogo Lamentations...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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