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The Stuffed Guardians

The Stuffed Guardians

Hark! Hear now the Tale of the Lord of Nightmares! Once, he was merely the dream of a frightened child. Each morning he would fade away and each night he would return. He knew, however, that one day he would fade forever and face his eternal death. And so he dared to commit the ultimate sin! To steal the imagination from an innocent child, leaving it without hopes and dreams, without fun or happiness,...   [click here for more]
Benjamin Z. Edelen  Pay What You Want

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Five Dragons: Oneiros (Early Access)

Five Dragons: Oneiros (Early Access)

"Last night, I dreamt I flew upon great wings and held a fire deep within my belly. I dreamt of a great beast who was my father; the beast spoke, “my son go forth and conquer”.  Today I awoke to find the dream is real." This early access version of Five Dragons: The Oneiros introduces a magic system for dragon themed characters. This Fate supplement was created for usage with the Renaissance...   [click here for more]
Bennett-Burks Design  Pay What You Want

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Oubliette Second Edition Character Sheets

Oubliette Second Edition Character Sheets

Character Sheets and Campaign sheets for Oubliette Second Edition. ...   [click here for more]
Voidspiral Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Jernhest - En Busca del Luna Esmeralda

Jernhest - En Busca del Luna Esmeralda

Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 4. "El capitán Connors y su tripulación acaban de llegar a la misteriosa Zankara en busca de una oportunidad. Ismal Dilawar ha encontrado indicios de dónde pudo ocurrir el naufragio del Luna Esmeralda. El Gusano de Mar puede ser la oportunidad perfecta que está buscando Ismal... Les ofrecerá algo que no podrán rechazar."...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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Jernhest - Sangre y Acero

Jernhest - Sangre y Acero

Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 3. Dos países unidos en una guerra fría realizan un intercambio de dos de sus prisioneros más valiosos. Observadores imparciales se asegurarán de que ninguna de estas dos potencias rompa los tratados y arrastre al mundo a una guerra sin cuartel. ¿Serán capaces de mantener la paz cuando un tercer jugador entre en escena?...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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  Rivers of London: Jimmy's Last Dance - CHA-3205-PDF