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Camp Hollow Lake – A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Camp Hollow Lake is set in the modern day and is designed to recreate the feel of a typical slasher film, including all its clenches. Four pre-generated investigators are provided, each with a secret which can help the investigators piece together what is going on at Camp Hollow Lake.
Camp Hollow Lake is designed for up to 4... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This is a compilation of the starter adventures to engage players into the game and setting of Moss, Ston & Steel: a low magic, dark fantasy RPG. Each adventure is designed and tested to last as a one-shot (approx 2 to 3 hours), and they come with a bestiary, colour and b&w maps, and unique trasure.
The following adventures are included -... [click here for more] |
FantasyBound |
Pay What You Want
The one-shot scenario On Air was created for The Call of Cthulhu's 7th edition and is set in 1920s Arkham. The players portray the cast of the neighborhood radio show "The Witching Hour" who are the "lucky ones" tasked with broadcasting live the introduction and spread of an unidentified evil to the community. The people who live in Arkham will be the ones to tell others what is happening over phone... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 A community mourns. After trying to rebuild their lives in the wasteland, a village has been attacked by raiders who have taken their children hostage. Only strangers from the wasteland can save them now.
Wasteland Rescue is a oneshot adventure where the PCs attempt to rescue innocent children from their captors. Intended for new GMs or those wanting a change of pace, it features 5 prebuilt... [click here for more] |
mritalian |
Pay What You Want
HARK! Is a simple medieval dark fantasy rpg based on folklore. where adventure is abundant, crypts are piled with treasures, and danger lurks around every corner. many adventurers have tried and failed to defeat the hag queen that rules over the land. Will you be hailed as heroes? Or be snuffed out like so many before you? This is HARK! and this is your tale... ... [click here for more] |
Conall Haughey |
Pay What You Want
![[Korean] 레디메이드 러버](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/503405-thumb140.jpg)
분류: 오픈 시티
배경: 현대
추천 관계: KPC와 PC는 연인이고, KPC는 PC를 행복하게 해 주고 싶어합니다.
내가 지금 플레이하는 것은 COC 시나리오며, 플레이어들은 탐사자들은 가상의 캐릭터 임을 명확하게 인지해야 합니다. 또한, 시나리오 내에서 어떠한 일이 발생하든... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This release contains those materials from our Dracula, the Great Old One supplement you might want to have in separate files, namely:
cards with bout of madness effects.
maps of sample rooms in Dracula's castle.
It can be especially useful if you buy the print version only, and don't have the access to the digital files that come with the PDF version.
Dracula, the Great Old One is... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
It's campus chaos at Miskatonic University!
Tess Alvitr is a Norwegian exchange student that has come to Miskatonic University to get her Doctorate of Synthetic Biology. Little did she know that the sinister forces which stalk this place would be her undoing.
Vincent Pollo is not really Vincent Pollo, but a rogue Yithian who has broken with protocol and defied his brethren by "dropping in" to a human... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Contact is a modern scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. It is designed to be played in a single session and is intended for small groups of investigators. Over the course of the scenario, the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 * Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
"Arguam's Magic Rings" is a glimpse at a more extensive work, "A Collection of Useful Magic Rings."
The four rings spotlighted within this ePub are Craftright, Golden Radius, Skincraft, and Water.
These rings will not overpower your characters, storyline, or campaign but can aid the characters in numerous ways in the long term. ... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want
 “Telling the fortunes of men who live only in dreams.”
That‘s what this game system is for. It’s how I describe the tabletop role playing game hobby in general.
You roll the dice to determine
the fortunes, options, boons and banes of people who we know exist only in our minds.
“Cascading Systems” as a game engine is built for tabletop, pen-and-dice, theater of the mind... [click here for more] |
Twilight Gardens Presentations |
Pay What You Want
On Air, es un one shot ambientado en el Arkham de los años 20, pensado para la 7º edición de La Llamada de Cthulhu. En él, los investigadores encarnan al equipo del programa de radio local "La Hora Bruja"; siendo estos los "afortunados" que deberán retransmitir en vivo y en directo la llegada y expansión de un desconocido horror al pueblo. Serán los propios habitantes de Arkham, quienes a través... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Elderberry Inn Icons set includes as follows:
1 ZIP file:
1 folder that includes Character Classes icons (25 icons)
Inside this folder you will also find a folder with some class abilities (17 icons).
1 folder that includes some Conditions (21 SVG icons)
1 folder that includes some Damage icons (14 SVG icons)
1 folder that includes... [click here for more] |
anaislalovi |
Pay What You Want
In the second outing of Flint's Detective Agency, get involved in the murky world of organised crime in the Prohibition era! The team are hired to clear the name of a young rich kid who ran amok in a restaurant. Are illegal substances to blame, or is there a more sinister conspiracy at play? ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
In this pack, you'll find all the handouts and pregenerated investigators from the upcoming Zgrozy: From Beyond scenario anthology, to be released on September 30! All handouts are included as PDF pages and separate image files.
To find out more about Zgrozy, visit our Facebook page (/ZgrozyEN) or see our other English releases. ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 A goodie was provided for the TtRPG community!
Please consider reviewing some of my other content here as well!
What's In Your Bag O' Tricks?
Visual game tokens can benefit you in many ways if you produce content.
This small set of over fifty (50+) game tokens provides tokens for monsters and characters alike.
So, if you need to set a scene in... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want

This is a Pay Want You Want product: if you choose to download this set of tiles for free, please can you, in lieu of payment, agree to accepting emails from The Black Fortress so that you can recieve infomation about our new products. Many thanks.
This Tile Set contains 4 different... [click here for more] |
The Black Fortress |
Pay What You Want
![[Polish] Upiory Graham Court](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/424502-thumb140.jpg) „Upiory Graham Court” jest scenariuszem modern-horror , który można rozgrywać na dowolnej mechanice. Przeznaczony jest, aby cieszyć rozgrywką od 1 do 4 graczy, w czasie jednego lub dwóch spotkań. Elementy klasycznego śledztwa i przesłuchania połączą się ze spotkaniem nadnaturalnym, które stoi u zarania tej opowieści.
We współczesnym Nowym Yorku, podczas wezwania do zakłócenia... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 Enjoy three unique characters for use in your next game!
This free 3 pack of characters include a dogged treasure hunter, a lonesome mystic, and a skilled thief for use in your next TTRPG. These characters are perfect for a game master in need of unique NPCs or a player looking for character inspiration. Perfect for adding depth to your next game.
Each NPC includes a backstory, distinct personality... [click here for more] |
AdventureGoods |
Pay What You Want
* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
* FREE * Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens!
Contains thirty-seven (37) high-quality figures from Dragons to Burrowbane and beyond.
If you need a few bonus items for the gamer, this could be what you're looking for!
Have fun at your next game session! ... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want
EXPLOSIVE BEHAVIOUR is a level 1, introductory quest for those trying to get into the game of Moss, Stone & Steel
Explosive Behaviour is a fun and simple adventure that will introduce the players to the various mechanics of Moss, Stone & Steel, as they venture through the lower streets of the largest city of the Barantine Republic – Ryton. It will incorporate a balanced option to utilise... [click here for more] |
FantasyBound |
Pay What You Want
NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ♦ POINT ZERO - THE ATLAS PRINCIPLE V1.1 DEMO 2025 IS A PENCIL-AND-PAPER, HORROR SURVIVAL ADVENTURE You’re an infiltrator tasked to destroy an artificial intelligence aboard the Atlas. This mission failed and Calypso persecutes you–the AI you were set out to destroy. After your execution, you wake up with a throbbing headache. You don’t know where you... [click here for more] |
IIBBoardgames |
Pay What You Want
 * Digital Stocling Stiffer for Black Friday! *
This collection of four Side Quests provides you with Visual Gaming and Writing Sparks for four quick storylines to include in your existing adventures.
Each can complement a current adventure or become something far more significant.
With the need to introduce new characters, be they friends, foes, or allies, each can better round out your worldbuilding... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want