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RedHack2er (RedHack Second Edition Revised) is a TTRPG that will be familiar to fans of d20, roll high systems. It differs from most of those systems in these areas: “Classless” (Skill-Based) System: Players build PCs by choosing Attributes, Feats, and Skills. Feats replace traditional class abilities, allowing for more customization without overwhelming players with too many...   [click here for more]
TheNatOne  Pay What You Want

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The Count, the Castle, & the Curse

The Count, the Castle, & the Curse

An invitation—by a Count of a name you’ve never heard. From a Castle in a land unknown around these parts. And a Curse which plagues him, pleading for each of your aid—by name—in exchange for an offer too tempting to ignore.   By next morning a horse-drawn carriage awaited each of you. The dark horses stood silent, their black eyes seeing...   [click here for more]
Deficient Games  Pay What You Want

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The Gloom Beneath Stonefell Keep

The Gloom Beneath Stonefell Keep

A 4th level dungeon crawl designed for Shadowdark rpg. The Stonefell clan was strange, even by dwarf standards. Rumors of necromancy and demonic pacts tarnished the family name. In defiance of the dwarf clans that ostracized him, Durkan Stonefell constructed a small, but sturdy keep overlooking an ancient fey forest. He and his clan dwelled there for centuries, growing more isolated and depraved...   [click here for more]
eeRomero  Pay What You Want

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Casket of Fays #14 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine (PDF)

Casket of Fays #14 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine (PDF)

Autumn is nigh,  Chill winds start to bite, Sit warm by the fire, And guard against the night. While you're sitting by the aforementioned fire, what better accompaniment could there be than this, the fourteenth issue of Casket of Fays and now available in print here:   [click here for more]
Red Ruin Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Casket of Fays #15 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine

Casket of Fays #15 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine

The Enchanter by Wayne Imlachfrom Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why ...   [click here for more]
Red Ruin Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Free Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 7th Printing

Free Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 7th Printing

TLG 80107 Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, 7th Printing We’ve moved to the 7th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook. A pillar of the table top RPG industry, Castles & Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school gamer with the easy to use modern mechanics. The Players Handbook has all you need to get started in a wild ride of adventure! It’s easy...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  Pay What You Want

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CC1 Creature Compendium

CC1 Creature Compendium

Remember those flashes of inspiration that electrified your brain when you first picked up that hardback volume of monsters all those years ago? The countless nights you sat up thinking of how to use those monsters, where to put them, and when your players would meet them? Those unceasing waves of joy that swam over you and your players as you unleashed those creatures, critters,...   [click here for more]
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited  Pay What You Want

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Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps

Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps

Welcome to the Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps! This PDF product features 20 maps of The Halls of Arden Vul highlighting the various Zones of Control of factions or important/powerful entities or groups. ...   [click here for more]
Expeditious Retreat Press  Pay What You Want

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Cult of the Blood God

Cult of the Blood God

Can you escape the wrath of the Blood God and his Inquisitor Horde?  Cult of the Blood God is a dungeon crawl adventure in the old-school renaissance style. It is suitable for players new to tabletop roleplaying, and can optionally include a "session 0", where players create characters and familiarize themselves with the rules. The adventure concludes with a thrilling...   [click here for more]
hexhog  Pay What You Want

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Black Powder and Brimstone Quick Start

Black Powder and Brimstone Quick Start

Black Powder and Brimstone is a gunpowder and withchcraft infused TTRPG, a complete stand-alone game based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This wicked cauldron of a game is packed to the brim with with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons. Written and illustrated by Benjamin Tobitt, the game will be printed and distributed by the rockstar...   [click here for more]
Benjamin Tobitt  Pay What You Want

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The ancient game of Dungeons & Dragons is played for victory. We play to improve and learn. There is no fairness of sport nor soporific of power fantasy, merely the earnest exploration of the possible and the fantastic. Muster is a friendly introduction to the particular ethos and technique of playing D&D as a wargame, a kriegsspiel. It’s for both players and referees interested...   [click here for more]
Arkenstone Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Przyczajona groza

Przyczajona groza

Przyczajona groza to kompletny system do rozgrywania sesji w klimatach przedwiecznego horroru, mieszczący się jedynie na 16 stronach. Gra została zaprojektowana na wzór popularnych retroklonów i z powodzeniem może zostać wykorzystana jako uzupełnienie kampanii w dużych systemach. Sprawdzi się również jako łatwy sposób na wprowadzenie nowych osób do hobby. Przyczajona...   [click here for more]
Daily Kraken Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The One Borg

The One Borg

Get ready for the moronic quest to destroy an ancient evil artifact in order to avoid eviction from your apartment.  Prove to the Quest Extruder that you can handle this epic and somewhat clammy task, and perhaps you will be asked back to earn a little spending cash before grocery day.  The One Borg is an independent production by Scott C. McDonald  and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare...   [click here for more]
Wasteland Degenerates LLC  Pay What You Want

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Delver Magazine Issue #1 - OSR / OSE Resource

Delver Magazine Issue #1 - OSR / OSE Resource

Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure. Table of Contents for Issue #1 ----- Random Charts & Tables -----...   [click here for more]
The Tabletop Engineer  Pay What You Want

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This is the french translation of Mausritter, a sword-and-whiskers RPG by Losing Games. Saisissez l'épée et revêtez les moustaches d'une courageuse souris aventurière dans Mausritter, un jeu de rôle d'aventure fantastique aux règles légères. La création des personnages est rapide et simple, conçue pour vous faire jouer le plus vite possible. Votre...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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Weather Hex Flower | Random weather generation - by Goblin's Henchman

Weather Hex Flower | Random weather generation - by Goblin's Henchman

Weather Hex Flower This Hex Flower enables you to generate weather in a random yet reasonably consistent way. Hex Flowers are a bit like a random table, but with a 'memory'. Hex Flower Procedural Products you might be interested in :: In the Heart of Oz - procedural sandbox in the Land of Oz :: In the Heart of the Unknown -  procedural wilderness (Hex) exploration...   [click here for more]
Goblin's Henchman  Pay What You Want

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The Wizard's Scroll - Issue 1

The Wizard's Scroll - Issue 1

The Wizard's Scroll is a new Swords & Wizardry fanzine. Within you will find all manner of excellent gaming material by some truly creative fans of the game. 2 Races: The Testudo (tortoise men) and Ratfolk A Spell: Binding Familiars An NPC for Carcosa 4 Monsters: The Skin Bag, Lightning Monk, Shield Guardian and the Abominable Beastman 7 Magic Items:...   [click here for more]
Seattle Hill Games  Pay What You Want

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Enter the Dismal Armory

Enter the Dismal Armory

Welcome to the solo "Dark Fort"-alike for Wasteland Degenerates! While this 12-page solo game differs in several mechanical ways to main Wasteland Degenerates game (see the Jumper Cable Edition and the upcoming hardcover Kickstarter for February 25, 2025), the worldbuilding and vibes are consistent with my final vision.  This is meant to be a solo journaling RPG played with All Of the Dice, a pencil/pen,...   [click here for more]
Wasteland Degenerates LLC  Pay What You Want

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Hexcrawl Basics

Hexcrawl Basics

This supplement is a guide to the mechanical methods of running a hexcrawl style campaign. It is written for OSR-style games, specifically Necrotic Gnome's Old School Essentials, but can easily be adapted to fit others. It includes methods of both traveling through hexes and exploring within a hex, clarifications on rules for getting lost, populating a hex with lairs, determining the...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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Cursed Library of Gro'Thell

Cursed Library of Gro'Thell

Welcome, delvers of lost places, to the Cursed Library of Gro'Thell - a place of learning and pushing the boundaries of what magic (and morality) can accomplish. In this 3rd-ish level  adventure for Shadowdark RPG you will explore a library filled to the brim with forbidden knowledge, treasure, and just a few too many oozes. But you should hurry, there's evidence that some other group...   [click here for more]
Cthonic Studios LLC  Pay What You Want

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The Maps of Arden Vul

The Maps of Arden Vul

Welcome to the Maps of Arden Vul! This PDF product features all 33 maps of The Halls of Arden Vul, the most-ambitious megadungeon ever. As we have gotten requests for VTT maps, we have created The VTT Maps of Arden Vul for free as well. ...   [click here for more]
Expeditious Retreat Press  Pay What You Want

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Isle of the Evil Eye

Isle of the Evil Eye

A sunken island sits alone, surrounded by frosty fog. Windswept, coiling towers stick out of waves as a ruined keep of green stone clings to salt-covered rocks. The Haunted Keep At first glance dwellers will find skeletons and rats, however, they will not be alone. They will uncover what happened within the walls of the keep. If the characters survive what lives in the rafters,...   [click here for more]
Rippip  Pay What You Want

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The Unearned Halls

The Unearned Halls

Erwin Selwin has a bit of a problem on his hands, and your ragtag team of dungeon crawlers is poised to provide just the solution - or create an even more problems. Grab your torches and head into the depths in this short 1st level adventure for Shadowdark RPG and leave with maybe a few new friends. This 8 page mini adventure contains: Devilish Machinations A broken man who really loves cabbage A...   [click here for more]
Cthonic Studios LLC  Pay What You Want

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PHM Hex 48.67 -- The Shrine of Daothog

PHM Hex 48.67 -- The Shrine of Daothog

The first in the new series called Populated Hexes Monthly, the Shrine of Daothog features a dragonne lair in a sea-side hex of rocky dunes and a cave containing a node of Chaos and the godling it spawned. Includes rules for generating nodes of chaos and adding schools of magic to your B/X-based OSR game. Populated Hexes Monthly is a monthly release containing 10 pages of unique content, with a goal...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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Moss, Stone & Steel: Tales of Westland

Moss, Stone & Steel: Tales of Westland

TALES OF WESTLAND: A COMPENDIUM This is a compilation of the starter adventures to engage players into the game and setting of Moss, Ston & Steel: a low magic, dark fantasy RPG. Each adventure is designed and tested to last as a one-shot (approx 2 to 3 hours), and they come with a bestiary, colour and b&w maps, and unique trasure.  The following adventures are included -...   [click here for more]
FantasyBound  Pay What You Want

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COA03: Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay (PDF)

COA03: Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay (PDF)

Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay The Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay is a FREE Labyrinth Lord™ supplement that details the people, layout, and government of the City of Dolmvay. The city is presented in broad strokes and is open to customization. It was specifically designed to give Labyrinth Lords a convenient and familiar city setting to place their adventures....   [click here for more]
Small Niche Games  Pay What You Want

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Domain Building

Domain Building

Domain Building is a sourcebook for OSR-style games that focuses on the mechanical aspects of founding and building a domain as part of higher-level play. From gaining multiple retainers to manage aspects of one's domain, to clearing and claiming land, to building strongholds and towns, to using the natural resources that a hex provides, Domain Building explores some of the oft hand-waved...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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Sqwurmish Playtest Rules

Sqwurmish Playtest Rules

Sqwürmish is a stand-alone tabletop miniatures game in the Vast Grimm setting. It is inspired by and fully compatible with the MÖRK BORG ttRPGand Forbidden Psalm miniatures games. This Playtest download includes rough, unedited rules, a crew sheet, and a single scenario. The layout is clean and simple to mimic our Skeleton Crew rulebook. Included in the Playtest Rules: Building a Crew Specialists Factions Abilities HP...   [click here for more]
Creature Curation  Pay What You Want

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A game about dungeon exploration, resource management, deadly combat, and character advancement with novel mechanics and a unique twist on traditional ideas. Here you will find tons of loot, new spells, unique monsters, crafting, interconnected mechanics, and an attempt to improve player agency, collaboration, and game simplicity while retaining depth. Book of Rules (53 pages) contains: Deadly mechanics. Roll-to-cast...   [click here for more]
Metal Bard Games  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Character Sheet

Shadowdark Character Sheet

Portrait Character Sheet for Shadowdark RPG.  ...   [click here for more]
Jeff Craigmile  Pay What You Want

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The Vessel - A mug for Mork Borg

The Vessel - A mug for Mork Borg

The Vessel was inspired by Derek Gustafsons genius idea of "Mug Borg". I decided to write a mug of my own and get it printed on a 440ml mug. This was the result so, if anyone else out there thinks its fun, feel free to use a mug printing website to get one for yourself. Thanks Derek for the inspiration, we will have a laugh with this. The Vessel is an independent production by Playful Raven and...   [click here for more]
Playful Raven  Pay What You Want

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AutoFill Dungeon Crawl Classics Character Sheets (DCC)

AutoFill Dungeon Crawl Classics Character Sheets (DCC)

Auto-Fill Dungeon Crawl Classics Character Sheets Sheets included: Cleric, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Thief, Warrior & Wizard. Auto-Fill Fields: Class Title, Class, Ability Score Modifiers, Speed, Initiative, Armor Class, Action Dice, Attack, Crit Die, Crit Table, Saves, Melee Attack, Missile Attack, Lucky Sign. Crit Threat Range for Warrior. Luck Die & Skills for Thief, Sneak...   [click here for more]
Horseshark Games  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Dungeon Chef Class

Shadowdark Dungeon Chef Class

Has your party ever wondered, "We've killed it,  but can we eat it?" Well, if you have a Dungeon Chef in your party, you no longer need to wonder. Or worry.. about getting food poisoning. The Dungeon Chef was inspired by the Manga, Dungeon Meshi, and offers a lighthearted, yet beneficial, optional support class for use in the Shadowdark RPG by the indomitable Kelsey Dionne.  ...   [click here for more]
Alto Tempes Creative Curios  Pay What You Want

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Winds of the Ice Forest (LL)

Winds of the Ice Forest (LL)

The dreaded Ice Forest! Once a safe passage to the north, now the forest's evil magic seeks to trap and confuse travelers with ever-shifting paths full of terrible dangers. New monsters, new magic items, new magics! This adventure for character levels 1-3 was designed for Labyrinth Lord but can be used with any old school dungeon-crawling RPG. It is a drop-in locale that can be played through in a...   [click here for more]
Random Order Creations  Pay What You Want

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5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is a sourcebook and conversion guide for playing in a setting inspired by an RPG from the early 90s about the adventures of a man transported to the future world of the 25th century using the White Star RPG rules 5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is not a full RPG. It is a sourcebook for playing White...   [click here for more]
Geek Rampage  Pay What You Want

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The VTT Maps of Arden Vul

The VTT Maps of Arden Vul

Welcome to the VTT (Virtual Table Top) Maps of Arden Vul! This PDF product features all maps of The Halls of Arden Vul, the most-ambitious megadungeon ever, in VTT format. The maps are featured in black and white versions as well as in the traditional old-school blue. ...   [click here for more]
Expeditious Retreat Press  Pay What You Want

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Delving Deeper - Bard (Labyrinth Lord)

Delving Deeper - Bard (Labyrinth Lord)

*Please note - Although this product could be used with the Delving Deeper RPG (with some small changes) is was created for use with the Labyrinth Lord RPG. The Delving Deeper RPG was named after this successful, Labyrinth Lord RPG product line. In many ways, the bard can be seen as an ideal adventurer – a little like a fighter, magic-user, historian and sage - but a master of none. Above...   [click here for more]
Brave Halfling Publishing  Pay What You Want

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With very few changes at all, we were able to run a modern RPG campaign similar to those promised by the world's most well marketed fantasy RPG using Shadowdark RPG, but better, faster and more fun! These are the rules we used and we found they worked great for making an epic, heroic fantasy campaign out of Shadowdark.  Use the optional "pulpy" rule from Shadowdark then add all or any number of these...   [click here for more]
Mythic Mountains RPG  Pay What You Want

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The Towers of the Weretoads

The Towers of the Weretoads

Are you in need of a breeding factory that spews out torrents of mutated weretoads into your campaign world? Do your adventurers enjoy exploring slimy, wet ruins inhabited by depraved, vile creatures?  The Towers of the Weretoads is a mini-dungeon you can plop down in the edges of any of the lakes/fresh water bodies in your campaign world. It's filled with treasure, danger and slime. ...   [click here for more]
Gorgzu Games  Pay What You Want

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Monster Extractor I, for DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG) — INNER HAM

Monster Extractor I, for DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG) — INNER HAM

The Monster Extractor is meant to help jump-start your brain when you need a new monster, but can't dredge up anything from the murky depths of your creative centers. A single page of charts to aid in finding that new monster, and a page of monster "character sheets" for recording your creations. This product also acts as the "tip jar" for the Appendix M blog. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG...   [click here for more]
Inner Ham  Pay What You Want

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - Exiles of the Scarlet Tabard

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Exiles of the Scarlet Tabard

A sequel to the 2019 supplement Captains of the Scarlet Tabard, EXILES is a companion volume which advances the known lore of the author’s World of Oldskull campaign setting, while also serving as an introduction to the ongoing saga of the Realm of Tyrrhenia, the Chaos Plague, Castle Oldskull, and the Free City State of Grimrook. Herein, your worthy guide — Damian Prester, Plague Patriarch...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  Pay What You Want

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Samurai for Shadowdark RPG

Samurai for Shadowdark RPG

Samurai, the noble and swift striking warrior now available for Shadowdark! Courageous soldiers bound by moral code, nameless vagabonds who wander the open plains, and unshakable warriors that embody self-discipline! ...   [click here for more]
VagabondXP  Pay What You Want

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BTL001: Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #1 (PDF)

BTL001: Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #1 (PDF)

Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming. In this Issue you get:  -Six (6) New Magic Spells -Three (3) New Monsters -One (1) Unstocked Dungeon Map -One (1)...   [click here for more]
Small Niche Games  Pay What You Want

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Death in Space - Acid Trip

Death in Space - Acid Trip

ACID TRIP is an adventure site with 7-hex features : a moon which has a chemical ocean below a soft surface a crashed HAULER spacecraft that got stuck in the moon crust a crew of outlaws recruited by a T.T.O. cultist a band of marshals determined to earn the bounties ACID TRIP is an independent production by Neuralnoise and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the DEATH...   [click here for more]
Neuralnoise  Pay What You Want

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Professional Income for Shadowdark

Professional Income for Shadowdark

► Need a quick Shadowdark friendly system to simulate earning wages as an adventurer between dungeon delves? Look no further! Quick easy table and system for earning that weekly coin. ...   [click here for more]
Nashcraft  Pay What You Want

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Champion Class for Shadowdark

Champion Class for Shadowdark

Champion, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. impress your foes with fantastic maneuvers before ending them! “The same honour waits for the coward and the brave" Ligyron- human champion  Champion calss is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark...   [click here for more]
Vorpal edge  Pay What You Want

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Подсортирные Полости

Подсортирные Полости

Что может скрывать под собой (помимо ожидаемого) обычный деревенский сортир? Например карстовые полости, населенные жизнью естественной и искусственной, сокровища и опасность подцепить язык дочеловеческой эпохи. Достаточно...   [click here for more]
Ransvind  Pay What You Want

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The Right to Bear Arm. A dungeon for MÖRK BORG

The Right to Bear Arm. A dungeon for MÖRK BORG

Somehow, you are now in possession of an arm. Cut off, somewhere between the shoulder and the elbow. Chop chop. Grind marks c l e a r l y v i s i b l e . Tattooed on the arm is a labyrinthine map, and the hand holds the head of a sceptre in a firm grip. It is brown, tinted in azure, and smooth like porcelain. The arm is heavy, and you become briefly...   [click here for more]
Martin Ackerfors  Pay What You Want

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Monster Extractor II - THE UN-DEAD, for DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG undead) — INNER HAM

Monster Extractor II - THE UN-DEAD, for DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG undead) — INNER HAM

Monster Extractor II is designed to help jump-start your brain when you become weary of the garden-variety un-dead out there already staggering through the world, but can’t dig up anything from the mist-covered loam of your creative centers. A single page of charts to aid in finding that new un-dead monster, and a page of monster "character sheets" for recording your creations. This product also...   [click here for more]
Inner Ham  Pay What You Want

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Struggler Class for Shadowdark

Struggler Class for Shadowdark

Struggler, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. high risk high reward is the name of the game,  throw caution to the wind, prove your Guts and hit hard! "In the end the winner is still the last man standing" Struggler is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane...   [click here for more]
Vorpal edge  Pay What You Want

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  Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition