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Take up the sword and don the whiskers of a brave mouse adventurer in Mausritter, a rules-light fantasy adventure roleplaying game.
Brutally fast, equally flavourful character creation gets you playing your mouse adventurer as quickly as possible.
Physical card-based inventory system minimises bookkeeping and maximises hard choices.
Dangerous... [click here for more] |
Losing Games |
Pay What You Want
Once Upon A Time...
A party of valiant Princesses embarked on a grand adventure. They each received a magical Gift from their Fairy Godmothers to aid them in their quest through the enchanted forest. They bargained with pixies, outwitted goblins, danced in the moonlight at a mossy shrine and even stopped for a picnic with a unicorn along the way.
With bright sword in hand, they faced down the fire-breathing... [click here for more] |
Outrider Creative |
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Has your party ever wondered, "We've killed it, but can we eat it?" Well, if you have a Dungeon Chef in your party, you no longer need to wonder. Or worry.. about getting food poisoning. The Dungeon Chef was inspired by the Manga, Dungeon Meshi, and offers a lighthearted, yet beneficial, optional support class for use in the Shadowdark RPG by the indomitable Kelsey Dionne. ... [click here for more] |
Alto Tempes Creative Curios |
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Optional Rodent character ancestries for the Shadowdark RPG game system. Mauskin - small, mice-like beings that are resilient and tenacious.
Rattigan - Rat-like humanoids that have the uncanny ability to always know a way out.
Includes optional D20 name generators for each. ... [click here for more] |
Alto Tempes Creative Curios |
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Sword and Backpack Twin Cities Edition is a reimagining of the original that was released by Rothbard and Gazpus in 2013.
The Twin Cities Edition uses 2d6 instead of a d20 (there is just something elegant about 2d6) and has some expanded definitions to help solve a lot of common situations that come up in play. It also includes a new job, the Cleric to give it a 1980's old school vibe.
Also included... [click here for more] |
Tainted Edge Games |
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The Paladin is a sacred warrior, bound by divine oaths to uphold justice and righteousness, wielding both holy power and martial prowess to protect the innocent and vanquish evil. ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
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Maus Boons is a set of 30 positive conditions for player mice in Mausritter. The GM can grant these at their discretion - after particularly challenging combat, heroic feats, or for any other reason.
Boons take up one inventory or grit space and only take effect once activated by the player. Activating a... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
Mouse Classes is a collection of classes for players to select when creating a new character in Mausritter. They can roll on the table for a random class or select one that appeals to them.
If you don't want to use the classes then this package still provides you with 180 unique and interesting spells... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
This is the russian translation of Mausritter, a sword-and-whiskers RPG by Losing Games
Mausritter — это настольная ролевая игра Айзека Уильямса в духе новой старой школы, посвящённая приключениям маленьких храбрых мышек.... [click here for more] |
Red Librarian |
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Secret S.Q.I.R.L. (Speedy, Questionable Investigations, Requiring Larson) is a one-page RPG, that peaks behind the bark, lifts some stones, and chews through some attic walls to give a glimpse into the secret agent world of squirrels. Utilizing d6 tables to create a team of agents, whose first mission is to aquire a big enough NUT to survive the coming Winter! Quick &... [click here for more] |
Ch3mical Rabbit |
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 Blah Blah! Velcome to Sesame Hill! Vhere monsters have taken over the neighborhood. I am called the Countess. Please be my guest in my castle, or visit The Grump at the trash heap, or possibly take a trip to the Undertrash.
But BEVARE Hellmo stalks the neighborhood, singing his maddening song.
H is for Hellmo is an agnostic guide to build Sesame adventures using Knave 2e OSR style... [click here for more] |
Monster Fight 5e Presents |
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Songbirds 3e is a tabletop roleplaying game about undeath, supernatural powers, and the blue dreams of the moon. In the game, you create a strange survivor of the world who was chosen (or cursed) by Death. Spirits aren't able to pass on to the afterlife and grow monstrous with each passing day. You know the songs to send them on. You have the abilities that help you find them. You are the canary in... [click here for more] |
John Battle |
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 Centuries ago, a lost deity entrusted the guardianship of the forest to a Unicorn. The deity merged the life force of the unicorn and the spirit of the forest. Since that time a family of unicorns have thrived in the forest. The adventure begins as a band of chaotic kobolds led by a savage sorcerer, Symax began slaughtering the unicorn herd. ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
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This is an adventure for Mausritter intended as one-shot for a spidery adventure, or something that can be worked into an existing campaign.
An ominous tree of yore is home to a menacing spider - Arachas the Terrible. Either out of fear or worship, local zealots pay tribute to her under the banner of the Cult of Arachas, attempting to recruit... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
There's nothing like sitting down with a group of friends and loved ones to tell a story of heroes facing off against terrible odds, but sometimes to get there we must first face off against the rules. For young kids, the uninitiated, or those who only have a few hours to spare, heavy rulebooks can be a massive barrier to surpass.
Take Courage! aims to tackle that issue by relying on a... [click here for more] |
Hilander RPGs |
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A bestiary of animals from Aotearoa New Zealand, compatible with Mausritter and other OSR games.
This bestiary is a compendium of 22 new creatures for player mice to encounter from small to warband scale. They are all real creatures from New Zealand. All animals come with basic stats, as well as a general... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
Players needing more space in their packs? The Bag of Holding is a handy item for increasing their carrying capacity by doubling their pack size with 6 additional inventory slots. The GM can make the item available in any way they like - looted from a chest, given as a reward from an NPC, or simply as a purchase from a high-end merchant (recommended... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
 skinshifter tradition in Worlds Without Number is fun, but has one issue that I have seen repeatedly brought up: All forms are mechanically the same for a few levels.
This is an attempt to rectify this issue. Each form can now choose from a variety of trait arts that modify it, such as giving it a faster speed, armor, or claws. Trait arts can be chosen freely,... [click here for more] |
Alex Dworman |
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Thank you for looking at D20 Simple a game designed for new and young players to learn the ropes of tabletop gaming.
Inspired by OSR style games with a heavy modern influence D20 Simple features:
Freeform Classless Characters
Genre Neutral Design to play in any world you wish
Low to No Math Gameplay
Maliable Powers System to allow a veriety of Magic, Psychic, Superers, or whatever you imagine
D20... [click here for more] |
The GM's Table |
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 This is the authorized Dutch translation of Mausritter, the sword and whiskers roleplaying game by Isaac Williams.
Pak het zwaard en zet de snorharen op van een dappere muisavonturier in Mausritter (Muisridders), een avontuurlijk fantasierollenspel.
Dankzij heerlijk snelle en kleurrijke personagecreatie speel je super snel je eigen muisavonturier.
Een... [click here for more] |
Wonderschouw |
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The Clockwork Door is a system neutral 2-page dungeon. It can be used as a portal to get from the mortal world to Fairy/Feywild/Elfland and is intended to be completed in a single session.
The Viscount Tanlin Copperstar, a half-gnome half-fairy, built The Clockwork Door so that he could take his wife and daughter to visit their extended family in Fairy. In their absence, looters have moved in, pets... [click here for more] |
From Otter Space |
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A Mausritter-compatible adventure module about descending into a disused fungus mine filled with Earth’s avenging agents of digestion and decay. It includes:
13 keyed locations (including a mine, a tunneling worm's burrow, a reincarnation lab, and a secret roach city)
Unique NPCs (bugs and dirt dwellers of all sizes and personalities)
Unique treasures (shiny, medicinal, and explosive)
GM aids (faction... [click here for more] |
Operant Game Lab |
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Have you wanted to experience combat in a more dynamic, exciting, and interesting way? This toolbox is designed to offer new and experienced GMs some alternative methods to approach combat in table top RPGs. This resource succinctly details several different mechanical ideas that expand your combat beyond the "I roll to hit, I roll to damage" paradigm common to our hobby. Specifically you will find:... [click here for more] |
JD Fett Gaming |
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This is a safety tool kit that details the nature of the gaming table in the early decades of the TTRPG hobby and a few tools that I used or still use that are consitent with that early expeerience. I'm providing this as a free resource and hope that you may find it helpful. ... [click here for more] |
R.Sell Games Publishing |
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A micro OSR style game on one page desgined to be run as is or infinitely hacked
Are you tired of games with several pages of rules run by Coastal Wizards and want a change!?
This is the game for you! ... [click here for more] |
PBJ Games |
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Altogether in Cahoots; an Atherrian World Adventure Module. (A short role-play campaign) An illegal brothel in Havaroon City has burnt to the ground, conceivably along with the brothel's greatest patron "Count Edmund Druet" who is missing and soon to be an embarrassment to the King's Court. There are those that blame the courtesens for starting the fire, while others believe something more sinister... [click here for more] |
Archaic Adventures |
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If 80s Hero Rock was an RPG Suppliment... Around every corner, darkness, deceit, evil and devastation. The innocent folk suffer at the hands of power villains; bullies who target the vulnerable instead of dealing with their own issues.
From the darkest depts, a group of heroes appear to defend the innocent, vanquish evil, and bring light to the darkness!
Fae Fire is Mork Borg as you’ve... [click here for more] |
Void10 |
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 This Mausritter adventure has been extracted from 10 Downing, a 50-page campaign for Mausritter set in the home of the British Prime Minister. Get the full campaign for more adventures.
A bust stands in a corner alcove - it is said that a powerful spell tablet lies deep within its twisted tunnels, but no mouse has yet been brave enough to retrieve it... ... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
You're not heroes - well not yet anyway. Presented here in mini zine format are zero level rules for the Swords and Wizardry TTRPG. The basics to get you on your way. Become heroes or, well zeroes. Included is a two page mini zine (front and back of an A4) along with the instructions on how to fold the zine. Happy gaming! ... [click here for more] |
Ostensible Cat Design |
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"The Dreadwood is a very scary place with a very scary reputation. Many believe it to be a malevolent spirit. However, a select few know that The Dreadwood actually seeks to protect the natural balance of all life. The Dreadwood’s will reaches far beyond its treelines. It not only terrorizes its villains, but it also relentlessly haunts its chosen heroes."
This RPG is loosely based on PBTA... [click here for more] |
dreadwood prophecies |
Pay What You Want
Trail of Deceit is centered around the search and capture of goblin raiders responsible for attacking wagon trains along the Narrow March.
5E Compatible ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
Pay What You Want
 Con este manual de los héroes podrás adentrarte en el mundo de Espadas y dragones y jugar aventuras de fantasía medieval junto a tus amigos. Estas reglas abarcan lo necesario para crear personajes de nivel 1 al 10. Las reglas cubren atributos, herencias, clases y combate. Las herencias que se encuentran en este manual son: dvargar, lios alfar, mediano y humano; las clases: clérigo, guerrero, bárbaro,... [click here for more] |
Ediciones Venadito |
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TSOR is an Ultra-Light TTRPG loosely based on the likes of Knave and Maze Rats, but there's a catch: it's one page long! The entirety of the rules fit ontoo a single page, w/ room to spare ... [click here for more] |
Alt-Fire Games |
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As many stories and movies tell us, the solving of mysteries, foiling of evil plots, or rescuing of the abducted is much too serious of a matter to be left up to adults. And they wouldn't believe you anyway, so it’s up to you and your chums to go out and make things right.
This game is intended for players of any experience – from novices to experienced. The game-mastering portion is especially... [click here for more] |
Leicester's Rambles |
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"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and has no intent on arriving." - Lau Tzu
Overland travel is one of the most important, and often disregarded, elements of any role-playing game. Many GMs have struggled to satisfyingly simulate travel for their players - but no longer! All you have to do is follow these three simple rules for traversal and your party will be on the road again in no time.... [click here for more] |
Coroner's Cauldron Publishing |
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GoldenSword is designed to be a simple gaming system, without a ton of rules, where you don't waste a lot of time scanning through hundreds of pages of manuals. This handbook should suffice for the novice to intermediate player. Advanced players may find the GM Guide and Magic Manual to be useful additional resources. ... [click here for more] |
Dimensionfold Games |
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GoldenSword is designed to be a simple gaming system, without a ton of rules, where you don't waste a lot of time scanning through hundreds of pages of manuals. This handbook is designed for the Game Master.
The Magic Manual should be used to accompany this guide.
We recommend having at least one copy of the Players Quick Start Manual for player's to refer to during game play.
http://goldensword.dimensionfold.com... [click here for more] |
Dimensionfold Games |
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This is a character sheet designed and hand-drawn by a 6 year old D&D player. It has space for a character's name, Armor, Class, and Hit Points, and also lines to write in equipment or gear, treature, and a space to draw your character facing off against a boss monster atop a castle wall. ... [click here for more] |
Miniature Giant Space Hamster Press |
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Работа, получившая 7 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В результате неосторожного обращения с таинственным автефактом вы оказались на поверхности одной из лун. Вам предстоит разгадать тайну этого места,... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
 This bestiary has been extracted from 10 Downing, a 50-page campaign for Mausritter set in the home of the British Prime Minister.
10 Downing is filled with interesting creatures and characters. This bestiary pulls the unique creatures from the campaign out to make them available to use in any setting. If you own the 10 Downing campaign then you have this bestiary already.... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
 Работа, получившая 8 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
Таинственная гробница с могучими артефактами, существующая сразу в нескольких временных точках. Для любителей путешествий во времени! А также для любителей... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
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 An Urgent Quest is a short adventure for Mausritter in the Kiwi Acres setting. It is designed to be played as short quest between larger adventures. Think of this as an interactive short story, where you decide the outcome.
As you return to Scarecrow Stand after your latest adventure, the reclusive rat from the ramshackle hut runs past you, shouting, “Come with me! Now!” No one... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
 Frosty the Pumpkin is a powerful autumn-themed NPC for Mausritter. He is a strong character who can be both friend and foe and can be worked into any game of Mausritter or adapted into any other similar game.
Given life and cursed by a seasonal witch, Frosty is constantly shifting between two realities - one of comfort and warmth, the other of frost and cold.
... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
 A small Mausritter adventure, written for Christmas time. Play as one of Sanna's Eleves to rescue them from Grampuss. Meet the Rat Pack with their crooning songs, the guard of Ginger Keep with their Hot Chocolate chutes and Sugar Plum cannons, ride the Holiday Express, and visit Candy Cane Lane, all to rescue your leader and save Crizzmouse. ... [click here for more] |
Nick Heckbert |
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