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A.P.P.L.E.” (Quotemarks included) works like a loot in hindsight. Its purpose: prevent you from rolling 50 dice every time you kill a minor enemy -breaking the immersion looking at time-consuming tables and resources (for those like me, who have little time to play solo or GM-less games.) Download the image, or buy...   [click here for more]
Hogash  Pay What You Want

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#Dream(Mingle) is a freeform larp played alone or with friends using a webcam or mobile phone cam with the intention of sharing it online to see what stories you can create. It is greatly inspired by Banana Chan’s They’re Onto Me and Jared Sorenson’s Lacuna: The Birth of Mystery and the Girl from Blue City, and draws inspiration from movies such as Satoshi Kon’s Paprika and Tarsem Singh’s...   [click here for more]
Tobie Abad  Pay What You Want

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(DIY GM Tools) Blank Starship Deck Plan Map

(DIY GM Tools) Blank Starship Deck Plan Map

(DIY GM Tools) Presented here is a blank top down oval shaped starship deck plan map with set of 7 image variations. The set includes images with and without grids at 300 DPI all over 2000 pixels in size. The suggested grid scale is 10'x10' but the blank maps can easily be scaled to whatever size you need. The maps can be oriented either in portrait layout or landscape layout. The example given in...   [click here for more]
Luminous Design  Pay What You Want

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(G-Core) G-Core & Dragons

(G-Core) G-Core & Dragons

Looking to use G-Core for Fantasy gaming? Or send your heroes into the past or future? G-Core & Dragons can help you along the way. This PDF includes all the basics to get your fantasy game up and running using G-Core PRIME. This product requires: G-Core PRIME ...   [click here for more]
Dilly Green Bean Games  Pay What You Want

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(SNS)Synesthesia Synthetica

(SNS)Synesthesia Synthetica

This is an early access game and will continue to be updated. Step into a world where flesh transcends metal, and biotechnology reigns supreme. Synesthesia Synthetica is a Biopunk table top roleplaying game built for digital and real life play. On an alternate future earth, after a horrific calamity knocks technological progress into a tailspin, the world is wholly entrenched in a snowy hellscape...   [click here for more]
Kubota Productions  Pay What You Want

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*Punk - A Retroclone RPG System

*Punk - A Retroclone RPG System

A retroclone RPG for making your own *Punk games. Atompunk, Biopunk, Clockpunk, Cyber noir, Cyberprep, Cyberpunk, Decopunk, Dieselpunk, Dungeonpunk, Elfpunk, Islandpunk, Lunarpunk, Mythpunk, Nanopunk, Necropunk, Nowpunk, Postcyberpunk, Raypunk, Retrofuture, Rococopunk, Solarpunk, Steampunk, Steelpunk, Stonepunk, Transhuman. ...   [click here for more]
Postmortem Studios  Pay What You Want

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1 Page Cargo Manifest, Set: 01

1 Page Cargo Manifest, Set: 01

1 PAGE CARGO MANIFEST, SET: 01 The characters have broken into a docking bay and want to know what’s in those sealed crates sitting in the corner… but you don’t have anything particular in mind? No problem, we’ve got you covered! This one page space cargo commodity product offers 4 different exotic goods to drop into your star faring campaign. Included in each listing are the...   [click here for more]
Fishwife Games  Pay What You Want

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1 Page Cargo Manifest, Set: 10

1 Page Cargo Manifest, Set: 10

1 PAGE CARGO MANIFEST, SET: 10 The characters have broken into a docking bay and want to know what’s in those sealed crates sitting in the corner… but you don’t have anything particular in mind? No problem, we’ve got you covered! This one page space cargo commodity product offers 5 different exotic goods to drop into your star faring campaign. Included in each listing are the...   [click here for more]
Fishwife Games  Pay What You Want

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1 Stat Skirmish

1 Stat Skirmish

When a train of thoughts derails, the result is "1 stat skirmish", a tactical skirmish system with simple rules, where all stats of a miniature are boiled down to 1 single stat. Included are rules for solitaire gaming, too! The system is miniatures agnostic and due to its abstaction of everything suitable for all kinds of ranges and genres. A fantasy brawl? Go for it. A western shootout? Will do....   [click here for more]
CatZeyeS Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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10 of Diamonds - Stragglers

10 of Diamonds - Stragglers

An encounter that is used as the characters are moving through Poland in the days after fleeing Kalisz. This is a variation on the 10 of Diamonds encounter from the Referee’s Manual. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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10 Sci-Fi (5x5) Room Tiles (Pack 1)

10 Sci-Fi (5x5) Room Tiles (Pack 1)

5x5 Tabletop room tiles with a Sci-fi themed backdrop. This product contains assets that were, wholly or in part, procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
Cobra Games  Pay What You Want

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10 Things Found in Abandoned Spacecraft

10 Things Found in Abandoned Spacecraft

10 Things Found in Abandoned Spacecraft A Collection of 10 things you could find during your Spacefaring Adventures! You might find all sorts of things floating around in abandoned spacecraft. Tormented souls, ancient relics, and forgotten treasures are just waiting to be discovered. But what else might you find? This collection of 10 things gives you a preview...   [click here for more]
Crimson Terrain  Pay What You Want

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100 Ancient Clans

100 Ancient Clans

Introducing a pirate crew? Sneaky ninjas taking up residence in a nearby fortress? Viking warriors relentlessly assaulting the border villages? This guide is for you! In "100 Ancient Clans" you will find Basis for the formation & practices of your clan Tables for clan values and taboos A list of origins to inspire your clan history Instructions to generate...   [click here for more]
Totem  Pay What You Want

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100 Distant Worlds

100 Distant Worlds

Traveling through space? Looking for a planet to crash land on? Trying to get started with a unique world for your epic story's setting? This guide is for you! In "100 Distant Worlds" you will find 100 base planet types Tables for habitation and unique materials Simple descriptions of each outcome Inspiration for anomalies in space impacting the generated planet ...   [click here for more]
Totem  Pay What You Want

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100 Dungeon Descriptions

100 Dungeon Descriptions

Working out where the big bad evil guy in your campaign lives? Drawing a blank on how to trip up the party this time? Returning to the same super-dungeon again and again getting tiresome? This guide is for you! In "100 Dungeon Descriptions" you will find Over 100 dungeon configurations Tables for hazards and special entrances Simple descriptions of each outcome Inspiration...   [click here for more]
Totem  Pay What You Want

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100 Dungeon Inhabitants

100 Dungeon Inhabitants

Need inspiration for a good monster? Want to set up a stronghold but don't have a lot of time? Need some inspiration for a quick one shot but drawing a blank? This guide is for you! In "100 Dungeon Inhabitants" you will find Over 100 creatures, both unique and familiar Secondary inhabitants for dungeon flavor Simple descriptions of each outcome Inspiration to...   [click here for more]
Totem  Pay What You Want

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100 Dungeon Layouts

100 Dungeon Layouts

Creating a mountain lair for a bunch of ogres? Players going off the rails into a forgotten catacomb? Did the random encounter tables call for a monster's lair (again)? This guide is for you! In "100 Dungeon Layouts" you will find Comprehensive random dungeon generation Tables for basic objects and features in individual rooms Over 200 base room configurations Instructions...   [click here for more]
Totem  Pay What You Want

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100 Encounters VI

100 Encounters VI

The Latest in the 100 Encounters Series! Welcome to the Barony of Comharren! Check out the One Hundred Encounters Series for more great items, and don't forget to add music to your game from the Bard Joshua! ...   [click here for more]
Grey Wolf Writes  Pay What You Want

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100 Exotic Pawns - Scifi Heroes 1

100 Exotic Pawns - Scifi Heroes 1

100 images of SciFi Heroes, original mix chosen and then AI generated in 384x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for printed pawns, virtual table tops, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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100 Exotic Portraits - Christmas Cyborgs

100 Exotic Portraits - Christmas Cyborgs

100 SciFi portraits, original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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100 Exotic Portraits - Scifi Orks 1

100 Exotic Portraits - Scifi Orks 1

100 SciFi Orks portraits, original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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100 Items from the Wagon of Tokugawa Koshi

100 Items from the Wagon of Tokugawa Koshi

The Latest in the 100 Encounters Series! The latest answer to the question: What does the merchant have for sale? Check out the One Hundred Encounters Series for more great items, and don't forget to add music to your game from the Bard Joshua! ...   [click here for more]
Grey Wolf Writes  Pay What You Want

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100 Low Passengers for the Frontiers of Space

100 Low Passengers for the Frontiers of Space

This is a supplement for Cepheus Engine. What sort of person is willing to risk their lives traveling by low passage? Traveling in suspended animation is a low cost form of travel in the Frontiers of Space. But it comes at great risk. Not everyone survives the process. Not every ship offering such passage has quality medical personnel on staff to give the passenger the best chance for survival. One...   [click here for more]
Old School Role Playing  Pay What You Want

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100 Overheard Cyber City Chatter V 15.0

100 Overheard Cyber City Chatter V 15.0

100 OVERHEARD CYBER CITY CHATTER V 15.0 The city overwhelms the senses. Neon against rainy black sky, reflecting in the puddles. Smells of things out of the sewers mix with the deep fried offerings of street vendors. Stale sweat so heavy in the air you can taste it. The most overwhelming of all is the sound… especially the endless sea of chatter. This list provides 100 random things...   [click here for more]
Fishwife Games  Pay What You Want

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100 Passengers for the Frontiers of Space

100 Passengers for the Frontiers of Space

This is a supplement for Cepheus Engine. All sorts of people travel in the Frontiers of Space for all sorts of reasons. Not all of them have star ships of their own. Many are leery of the dangers of low passage and opt to pay for better accommodations. Lots of star ship owners in the Frontiers have state rooms available in their ships and an interest in picking up a few credits by accepting passengers...   [click here for more]
Old School Role Playing  Pay What You Want

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100 Santa's Little Helpers for all RPGs

100 Santa's Little Helpers for all RPGs

Grinning Skull's seasonal Pointless Classics title is designed for those of you who want a little bit of Chrimbo Spirit in your adventures. 100 Santa's Little Helpers presents to you an absolutely Xmas offering of Northern Polar themed, toy making Elves for any festive RPG sessions. As with all Pointless Classics titles, we offer...   [click here for more]
Grinning Skull Studios  Pay What You Want

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100 Vile Mutations

100 Vile Mutations

Whether your players are touching something they shouldn’t or falling prey to mad experiments, these mutations are sure to challenge their creativity. Transform your game with this list of one hundred unique mutations, ranging from grotesque deformities to uncanny abilities. ...   [click here for more]
OSR Vault  Pay What You Want

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1001 Cargoes for the Frontiers of Space

1001 Cargoes for the Frontiers of Space

This is a supplement for use with Cepheus Engine. Sooner or later travelers in the Frontiers of Space are likely to encounter other ships carrying cargo. Perhaps the travelers have decided to engage in a little piracy between missions. Or perhaps pirates themselves are encountered which have cargo aboard their vessel which they have taken from others. Perhaps the travelers are just looking to make...   [click here for more]
Old School Role Playing  Pay What You Want

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101 Exotic Portraits - Scifi Sinister 1

101 Exotic Portraits - Scifi Sinister 1

101 SciFi sinister humanoids and undead astronauts portraits, original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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101 Exotic Portraits - Scifi Sinister 2

101 Exotic Portraits - Scifi Sinister 2

101 SciFi sinister humanoids and undead astronauts portraits, original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 1

101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 1

101 Portraits of Cyber & Dark characters , original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 2

101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 2

101 Portraits of Cyber & Dark characters , original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products . ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 3

101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 3

.101 Portraits of Cyber & Dark characters , original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 4

101 Flat Portraits - Cyber & Dark 4

101 Portraits of Cyber & Dark characters , original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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101 Retro Portraits - Cyber Wave 1

101 Retro Portraits - Cyber Wave 1

101 Retro Cyber portraits, original mix chosen and then AI generated in 512x512 px size, JPG Format in Zipped file, for VTT, printing, commercial and noncommercial products. ...   [click here for more]
GusRPG  Pay What You Want

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10th Millennium RolePlayer's Handbook

10th Millennium RolePlayer's Handbook

10th Millennium is set about 58,000 years in the past. Systems of planets formed galactic entities to wage great wars over resources, wealth, and worlds that were closer to stars. Earth finds herself dead center of this epic struggle that lasts 10,000 years. Then stars are destroyed and one third of the universe is rendered lifeless. 48,000 years later an alien species visits Earth, and the human...   [click here for more]
10th Millennium  Pay What You Want

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12 Post Apocalytic Sci-Fi Vehicles

12 Post Apocalytic Sci-Fi Vehicles

This product contains assets that were, wholly or in part, procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
Cobra Games  Pay What You Want

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15mm Small Bunker with Removable Roof

15mm Small Bunker with Removable Roof

This generic Small Bunker is a 15mm (1:100 to 1:120 scale) STL model, suitable for WW1, WW2, Modern, and Science Fiction games. This model comes in two parts. Print the bottom part with the floor on the print bed and the roof upside down. This is for personal use only. It is best printed with a 0.4mm nozzle at 10% to 20% infill without supports. ...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Enterprises  Pay What You Want

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16x16" Map:: The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

16x16" Map:: The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

Visit the Crossroads Region It is the year 2364. The Tainted Sea continues to recede, exposing patches of the former megalopolis of Los Angeles. Few areas in the brutal world of The Mutant Epoch are so densely populated nor so embroiled in factional warfare as The Crossroads Region. This 16 x 16”, 200 dpi image shows the 3d hand sculpted map for The Crossroads Region,...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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197X: Defend the Dakota - NPCs & Drive-In Delights

197X: Defend the Dakota - NPCs & Drive-In Delights

I had to cut a number of things from 197X: Defend the Dakota for space considerations but I liked them a lot and thought players should have them, so I decided to make them available separately. Here's an NPC encounter table that got cut, along with a list of subplot hooks and two tables for generating a horror-movie marathon comprised of actual films from the era. Though some of the material is specific...   [click here for more]
sometimes knot  Pay What You Want

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197X: Expanded Skill List

197X: Expanded Skill List

Due to limited space, I had to cut a bunch of stuff from 197X: Defend the Dakota. Most significantly, I had to omit an expanded skill list and some of the explanatory text that went with it. I didn't want any of that to go to waste though, so I thought I'd put it out as its own thing. These skills should enhance your ability to create custom characters for any of the upcoming adventures...   [click here for more]
sometimes knot  Pay What You Want

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Up until now, you would have had to rely on your own clouded memories, or even your parents’ memories, to create a realistic facsimile of 1985 . But, thanks to our diligent research and honest hard-work, you now hold in your hand the key to this vaulted and hallowed year! You are welcome, intrepid gamer. 1985 is fully compatible with any RPG system!  ...   [click here for more]
Knight Owl Publishing  Pay What You Want

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1d100 Dragons and Treasures

1d100 Dragons and Treasures

Dragon slaying made easy! 1d100 Random Dragons and Treasures is a fantastic resource for any fantasy RPG game. This collection of inspiring dragon names and honorifics, locations, guardian threats, and incredible treasures is just what you need to plan your next session. Use this resource to give your players plot hooks, quest items, local lore, and more. This exciting...   [click here for more]
Terry Herc  Pay What You Want

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1TR Core Rules

1TR Core Rules

Welcome to the early beta of 1TR system. It has been tested since 2015 and there are still glitches and imbalances in the gameplay mechanics, but you can try it yourself already! This system was designed for two sci-fi campaigns that will be published in pay what you want fashion in episodes later in 2016. Both of them can be played using your favourite universal rules, but we strongly adivise you...   [click here for more]
Cat at Home Studio  Pay What You Want

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2 Parsecs from Sol

2 Parsecs from Sol

2-Parsecs from Sol is a set of adventures set in Alpha Centauri's triple star system, Luhman 16 AB's binary star system, and Barnard's Star. Its setting information and adventures are designed to be played with only needing the Cepheus Engine SRD. Link to Youtube Video Featuring the Product.  Contained are the following:  the 82 page PDF All the Character Portraits as JPGs  All the Maps, with...   [click here for more]
Game in the Brain  Pay What You Want

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20 Real Diseases and Their Effects

20 Real Diseases and Their Effects

The diseases on this table all actually exist. The symptoms, contagiousness and untreated mortality rates are estimated based on World Health Organization statistics, so roll a d20 and see what happens! You can find more cool stuff like this at, and you can check out my other drivethrurpg products by clicking here. ...   [click here for more]
Never Engine  Pay What You Want

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20 Spaceport Rumors

20 Spaceport Rumors

A table of rumors which the gm may present to the players either in the form of overheard conversation, or mentioned in passing. The table is for a general sci fi setting, and is meant to be as generic as possible to include a wide variety of games. These rumors are generally what sci fi adventurers/mercenaries would hear on a spaceport, but could be potentially applicaple to other places, as for whether...   [click here for more]
Osiris  Pay What You Want

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20-ton Shuttle

20-ton Shuttle

A small 20-ton shuttlecraft capable of carrying up to 12 personnel. Deckplan is formatted for 5-foot per inch battlemap systems, full color, printable on a single sheet 8.5x11" page. ...   [click here for more]
Wydraz  Pay What You Want

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2061 is the first in Candlelight Games minimalist, 3-page, simple, unique roleplaying games.  In 2061, players create Wardens charged with securing post-apocalyptic areas on behalf of their small surviving communities.  2061 requires generally two persons, 1 single six-sided die, pencil, and paper. One player is the Presenter or GM, and the others are player-characters.  Warden Jack receives...   [click here for more]
DarkAgeOfGames  Pay What You Want

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24 Goons

24 Goons

Trying to bash together the simplicities of Tunnel Goons x 24XX, and see what comes out. No hit points. Action based in fiction more than dice. The first page is any type of setting, the second and third pages are mostly about Magic, so you could ignore those if they don't interest you. The second page also has stuff about player against player, NPC v NPC fights; and load; and advancement. The...   [click here for more]
Tibbius  Pay What You Want

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  Warp Space: Heroes & Combat