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Encyclopedia is a 360-page lore book for your 5th Edition campaign, including multitudes of ready-to-use cities, locations, NPCs, plot hooks, and magic items for your next game session.
Across this book, you will find 15 cities and many locations ready to serve as the settings of your next adventures. Each of these places has its own identity, featuring many... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Pay What You Want
Créatures est un recueil de plus de 200 monstres, animaux et personnages compatibles avec la 5e édition du plus fameux des jeux de rôle.
Une moitié de son contenu surprendra vos joueurs en revisitant de grands classiques de la fantasy, l’autre en les confrontant à des créatures inédites, hostiles ou amicales. Il présente des rencontres et des dangers... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Pay What You Want
Creatures is a collection of more than 200 monsters, animals, and characters compatible with the 5th edition of the most famous role-playing game. Half of its contents will surprise your players, putting a twist on fantasy classics; the other will bring them face to face with brand new creatures, both friends and foes. It presents encounters and dangers typical... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Pay What You Want
 This mini-expansion is a collection of spells previously published in various releases from the Zgrozy series. What they have in common is that each of them changes people drastically, and usually permanently. At Zgrozy, we are very fascinated by how the terror of the Cthulhu Mythos permanently transforms people, and we were amazed to realize that the spells that allow such transformation described... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
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"Fateforge, Epic tales in the world of Eana for 5th Edition. A love letter to Sword & Sorcery and the world's greatest RPG, from the team behind Shadows of Esteren, the most awarded French RPG."
Grimoire is the second book of the Fateforge series. Centered on magic and spellcasters, it includes information on:
Modular Magic. The modular system... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Pay What You Want
Foxes, ravens, rabbits and snails are among the many sapient animals with whom cats share their world. These creatures have their own agendas and their own magical abilities, and whether they’re friend or foe they have a habit of making things much more complicated for the Parliaments of Cats.
As difficult as these animals make things, there... [click here for more] |
Richard Bellingham |
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This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane.
Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.
The new magic schools included are:
The new professions are:
The new kin are:
The... [click here for more] |
Squadeth Games |
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Into the Odd Character Sheet is an independently created sheet for the gorgeous Into the Odd tabletop RPG written by Chris McDowall / Bastionland Press.
German translation by Matta Italian translation by Arthax Erathian
Support, community, and requests: https://discord.gg/2zsvMkKeW5
Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute... [click here for more] |
Lazarus |
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 Print Friendly Empty Character Sheets for Eat The Reich
You've seen the awesome pre-generated characters available in Eat The Reich. You've had an amazing idea for a proud F.A.N.G. member, a vampire of your own creation. Even read the suggestions on how to create one, featured on the back of the book.
But there is no clean empty print-friendly... [click here for more] |
Ilias Iovis |
Pay What You Want
Ten mini-dodatek to zbiór zaklęć opublikowanych wcześniej w różnych dodatkach z serii Zgrozy. Łączy je to, że każdy z nich zmienia ludzi drastycznie, a zwykle też trwale. W Zgrozach bardzo fascynuje nas to, jak groza Mitów Cthulhu trwale przemienia ludzi, i ze zdumieniem zorientowaliśmy się, że opisanych w naszych dodatkach czarów pozwalających na taką przemianę starczy na krótką... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
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The Genesys Character sheet for the Android setting, Shadow of the Beanstalk, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
“Fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream…” William Golding, Lord of the Flies
In August of 1984, the FBI investigated the events at Camp Willow Lake, a Christian summer camp for boys. Multiple deaths were reported in the press, but the circumstances surrounding the fate of the campers and staff remains a mystery. This is their story.
Fear Can’t Hurt... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
Pay What You Want
The viol’s melody filled the air with an inexpressible sweetness and longing, the final notes lingering after the musician’s hand became still. Finnigan the bard appreciated the few seconds of silence before the audience in the Black Lobster broke into thunderous applause. Taking his bow, the bard sat down with a satisfied smile.
“Aye, she may seem serene from afar, lad,” said... [click here for more] |
Strange Quark |
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This download includes the 25 characters with their sheets in PDF and JPG, their images and some extras, plus the booklet of sheets included in the Appendices of the Special Agency: The Series campaign. 54 pages of booklet and a zip file - watch out for spoilers!
... [click here for more] |
Agencia Especial |
Pay What You Want
For use with Monster of the Week by Michael Sands. Monster of the Week is copyrighted by Evil Hat Productions, LLC and Generic Games.
Fairy tales are full of horror: shadowy woods, witches, and wicked step-parents. So we thought, why not make some Monster of the Week playbooks based on fairy tale archetypes?
In this homebrew packet, the Beast, the Charming Prince, the Frog Prince, the Godparent,... [click here for more] |
DoctorGremlin |
Pay What You Want
Ever since you were brought into this cruel world, you've been moving from place to place, squat to squat, and payday to payday. Your family taught you everything you needed to know to eke out a meager existence for yourself, and always put you and your needs above theirs. That is, until you got to El Paso six years ago. The Wounded Night is what the folk 'round here call it, and they say everyone... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
The Witching Hour is an intermediary adventure for the Contagion Role Playing Game. The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them. Despite humanity's vast ignorance, the horrors are there.
The Witching... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. Hellspawn and monsters of various stripes walk the earth, hunting, feeding from and exploiting humanity. Humans, far from innocent, perpetuate unspeakable evils onto one another for fun, profit, or simply because they don’t know any better.
While some of these people may avoid punishment and accounting for their transgressions throughout... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place to live...
...and a horrific place to die.
Purgatorio is a sourcebook that describes the existence of ghosts and the realm of Purgatory, which they inhabit. A battleground in the War between Heaven and Hell, angels of the Gregori and Demons of the Chammadi use Purgatory as a grounds for hunting and recruiting those souls... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
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Veteran Level Up: Advanced Fifth Edition designer Josh Gentry brings you an all-new approach to looking at monsters!
This free supplement spotlights the khalkos, and how to make running this monster precisely as horrific as this creature diserves to be! The tool features the following benefits:
Hardcore horror content not for the faint of heart!
A drag-and-drop... [click here for more] |
Josh Gentry |
Pay What You Want
OGL Modern Horror/Urban Fantasy Roleplaying!
You've seen the horrors of the war between the divine and the infernal. You've heard the rumors of the Magi, adored masters of magic. At your side, faithful companions have fought. Now witness as the virulence spreads... Virulence includes:
An expanded history of the world of Contagion
Detailed treatments of the eight Schools of Magic, shadowy... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
Death is merely an obstacle to overcome, and life the tool used to do it. Come all ye would-be immortals and conquer mortality with blood and bone!
Scarlet Bones is a mod for the Sigil System that deals with drinking blood, raising corpses, stealing bodies and becoming immortal. Whether you prefer to stay alive for eternity (albeit jumping from host to host) or enjoy the... [click here for more] |
Stormforge Productions |
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Restless Dreams provides a complete update to the psionics system in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, fully integrating it into the modern system. This product is designed to replace the psionic classes, skills, feats and powers contained in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game. Each basic class now has the opportunity to enter a psionic advanced class focusing on a discipline... [click here for more] |
Urban Labyrinth Productions |
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The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place to live...
...fortunately there are tools to help you survive!
Player's Toolkit is a sourcebook that contains several optional resources for character creation, customization and advancement.
Player's Toolkit utilizes a modified version of the 3.5 OGL. All material can be easily adapted to your existing... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
"When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow." - Ursula K. Le Guin
After a cataclysm, desperate survivors find themselves deep underground. Amid the ruins of a broken world, they must find their way out and face the strange, alien life forms that live down in the dark. Can they make it out alive before the light runs out?
Nightcrawlers is a swords and sorcery... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
Pay What You Want
Esta descarga incluye los 25 personajes con sus fichas en PDF y JPG, sus imágenes y algunos extras, además del libreto de fichas incluido en los Apéndices de la campaña Agencia Especial: La Serie. 54 páginas de libreto y un archivo zip. ¡Cuidado con los espoilers!
... [click here for more] |
Agencia Especial |
Pay What You Want
Behold the Ultimate Tome of Koboldic Lore! Long have they been abused, misused, and underappreciated. Now, from the depths of the underdark, they come. They come with their weapons. Their magic. Their mastery. They come to take their rightful place among the races of the surface world. I have bore witness to their unholy wrath. Beware! You will not hear them coming. You will... [click here for more] |
Bards and Sages |
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The Saint of Calamity They are cursed to carry one of the forty-nine Doomblades, evil weapons forged by Nechrubel to hasten the End of Time. With each successive Misery, the terrible hunger and might of their blades grow. When they kill each other (as Saints of Calamity often do), the winner's blade consumes the power of the loser's. When the seventh seal is broken for the seventh and final... [click here for more] |
Blasted Tower Games |
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“The Blood is the Life!”
The Vampire Class for Basic Era Games
Vampires… They have haunted our myths and legends since time began.
They have been a staple of role-playing villains, monsters, and anti-heroes since the dawn of the role-playing hobby.
Now you can play these fearsome monsters of horror tales in your Basic-Era style games.
Presented here is a... [click here for more] |
The Other Side Publishing |
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Welcome to the Jungle
Vietnam, 1966. You’re the last survivors of a long-range reconnaissance patrol sent to investigate Viet Cong activity near the Cambodian border. But now you’ve lost half the squad, the radio guy just stepped on a mine and you’re stranded in the bush. Between you and safety lie miles of death, disease, starvation; and something even worse. Can you make... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
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Welcome to the second Indie+ Anthology, released just in time for Halloween weekend! Enjoy eleven differnet short horror pieces from the Indie+ staff, special guests, and friends of Indie+ to celebrate the creation of our Indie+ Community page on G+!
Indie+ is a community of role-playing game fans, some tabletop, some LARP, too.
What’s the indie part? From the very beginning of the... [click here for more] |
Indie+ |
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Hidden Races contains two all new races for play in the Contagion game setting, as well as two Racial Variants for human characters. Dwarves are a human Racial Variant. These humans, affected by dwarfism are typically shorter and stockier than standard humans. Their small size grants them certain advantages in combat. Giants are the second human... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
The Saint Butcher
Relics are the miracles of a dead saint crystallized within their mummified flesh and sacred bones. Someone has to cut these holy treasures out of their corpses and distribute them to the faithful. Why not make a bloody fortune while you're at it? The Saint Butcher is a merchant who specializes in black market relics. Some break open tombs, others rob temples,... [click here for more] |
Blasted Tower Games |
Pay What You Want
Most people in the world of Contagion are normal, mundane humans with normal mundane lives. In terms of the War, they are referred to as Bystanders.
They represent the largest prize in the War: souls.
This supplement contains ten ready to use characters of the Bystander class. Usable as NPCs, antagonists, or to be handed out to player characters, Bystanders... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
The Best Heroes Failed, What Can You Do Sidekick?
The Black Swan is a new One Sheet by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu and StarStreamers, that places players into the roles of sidekicks and C-Rank superheroes that were sent to an alternate universe on a vitally important mission. However, upon returning home they awaken to the harsh reality that... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
Kill ... Consume ... Devour your enemies!
The Chimeric is a dark warrior descended from a bloodline capable of manipulating and molding Malice—the negative energies which permeate the world. With this power, Chimerics are capable of devouring monsters, consuming them for their power. With each kill, their alternate form grows ever more monstrous: a walking manifestation of and testament to Malice. ... [click here for more] |
Black Zeppelin Corps |
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For My Next Trick, I'll Make My Assistant Disappear
Grand Debut is a new One Sheet by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu and StarStreamers, that places players into the roles of average people looking to enjoy a night of stage magic. Suspend your disbelief, please. After watching a surprisingly impressive performance by the legendary Arturius the... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents 12 characters who could be used in the upcoming Old Bones scenario Savage Swords in the City of Plagues, as either protagonists or antagonists. Naturally they could be used in any other scenario as well, keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting. In accord with the genre, none of these individuals knows magic, and most... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
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This is an original setting for the Genesys Roleplaying Game System, drawing inspiration from steampunk, fantasy, and cosmic horror tropes. Players take on adventures in the maritime culture of New Braemar, within a world teetering upon a new technological epoch, and upon a geopolitical powder keg waiting to break into war.
Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents ten characters who could be used in the Old Bones scenario Savage Swords Against the Necromancer, as alternates to those provided, or for additional personae if there were more than three players. Of course they could be used in any other scenario as well, keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting. In accord with the genre,... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This pdf contains many tables that are to be rolled on the generate more interesting backgrounds. Not as suitable for Fantasy gaming, these were designed for an occult-style post apocalyptic game that I am working on publishing. The tables are more meant to be a starting point for your character. you can take them as serious or as unserious as you want. ... [click here for more] |
Masters of Pen and Paper |
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Inside you will find six pregenerated characters for Bug Hunt, a Cypher System series of adventures launching in 2019, plus guidelines for creating your own characters for Bug Hunt.
Currently released adventures:
The Children of Argent
What is Bug Hunt?
A decade has passed since the bug-pocalypse. Humans slid down the food chain, making way for giant mutant insects to devour and enslave... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
Pay What You Want
 Today is an exciting day for you—finally, after millennia of unspeakable torments (or maybe just a few minutes, time is kind of just a vibe in the afterlife) you have earned yourself a promotion to demonhood! Starting now, you work at Hell, Inc., the labyrinthine corporate bureaucracy that keeps the worst parts of the underworld running. It's a great job, if you don't mind having your will to exist... [click here for more] |
Rent-A-Thug Comics |
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Master: You complete the ritual and before you stands a creature, with burning skin and large horns!
Master (as Creature): WHO DARES TO SUMMON THE GREAT...uhm...
Happened to you before?
Our Mad Wizard took notes of every creature he summoned during the last years and presents you 100 Demon Names to use!
Authors Note: Summoning Demons might be bad for your health! ... [click here for more] |
Frozen Gates Entertainment |
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A set of three tables, that will determine the behavior of your NPCs
The tales are on two middle sites, that can be printed on a single A4 sheet, which is easy to manage. I've created this for myself, but I hope it will be useful to you to.
This product works well with Warhammer and Dungeons & Dragons!
The tips are welcome :) ... [click here for more] |
Dead Fly Press |
Pay What You Want
I Plan To upload more In the future. This first one Is pay what you want.
Image Specs: A4 - Logo Removed
Commercial Stock Art License The image can appear in print, electronic or web-based advertisements for the product in which it features. The image may not be used in another stock art collection or sold Individually.
The licensee... [click here for more] |
drbjr |
Pay What You Want
Play as a Possessing Spirit in 4e DnD!
This PDF contains
11 feats from all three tiers (including several power-swap feats with brand new powers)
A Paragon Path that allows you to unleash your mighty spiritual powers to damage your foes, and heal yourself.
2 new rituals allowing you to seperate from your body, and possess... [click here for more] |
Rattlesn@ke Games |
Pay What You Want
Form-Fill Character Sheet PDF for the Cosmic Cutthroats RPG!
Note: There's a space for character portrait, but sadly, this field is not form-fill. We hope to resolve this in the future, but don't have a timeline.
Cosmic Cutthroats is a roleplaying game of adventure and exploration through endless worlds. Your scavengers, exiles, and freeloaders can come from any... [click here for more] |
Imperfekt Gammes |
Pay What You Want
 This role playing accessory is designed specifically for use with Zodiac Gods Publishing's Secrets of Necromancy, V1.12.
It contains 115 cards in beautiful full color that describe all of the Necromancer's powers.
If you are playing a Necromancer, this product is a must-have! ... [click here for more] |
The Fantasy Cartographic |
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Within this tome you will find options for various classes to use with The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The alchemical fighter, a master of alchemical weaponry; the occult knight, a fighter with access to arcane spells; the occult scholar, a dabbler in the esoteric in possession of a monstrous spellbook; and the warmage, a new bloodline for sorcerers focusing on melee combat.
Players may enrich their... [click here for more] |
ARMR Studios |
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