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Crowdfunding is a lot of work. It is also how many creators who dream about bringing their projects to life get to do so. It is pretty cool when you think about it. However, for many folks, getting started can be daunting. The good news? It doesn’t have to be.
Crowdfund Your F#@king Life was written by a former traveling blender salesman with... [click here for more] |
Ham and Egg Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
Pay What You Want
 An Indesign template meant to mimic the house style of the playbooks/character sheets for Masks: A New Generation.
Fonts: All fonts used are free or Adobe CC approximations of the fonts used in Masks.
Antonio: Free
Franklin Gothic: Adobe CC
Minion Pro: Adobe CC
Source Code Pro: Free
If you want to use the actual fonts used in Masks, the paid fonts are:
Trade Gothic Condensed
Cubano... [click here for more] |
Veil's Edge Games |
Pay What You Want
Take5 has been a TTRPG in the making for the past 5+ years, ambitiously made to rival other TTRPGs like D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk RED, Call of Cthulhu, etc, in a single-system format. As of version 3.44, Take5’s Base Rulebook has 187 pages.
The system is a setting-fluid, d100 percentage base game, built to enable creativity to its fullest by players and GMs alike. Abilities are written... [click here for more] |
Take5TTRPG |
Pay What You Want
Tired of samey and tropey medieval civilizations and societies in your realistic or fantasy RPGs? With this generator, based on actual theories of political development, you can generate entirely unique, detailed societal structures, governments, and conflicts which are entirely realistic, but may have never occurred in the real world.
You may create civilizations appropriate to your world’s equivalent... [click here for more] |
Currentpattern |
Pay What You Want
 Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready"
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.
However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 Les livrets de Personnages et de la Bande de la deuxième édition en VF ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
Lars Christiansen’s Tabletop World Layout And History Generator, or LCTWLHG for short, is a tool that aims to game-ify the process of worldbuilding, letting creators visualize their world as it evolves through its history. ... [click here for more] |
Lars Christiansen |
Pay What You Want
The purpose of How to RPG is to explain in simple language what a tabletop role playing game is and how to start playing. This advice is written for people new to role playing games - for those who have heard of TTRPGs and might want to play them, but don’t really know what it’s all about. How to RPG applies to any role playing game: Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder or any of... [click here for more] |
Shadomain |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever thought about publishing your own Tabletop RPG products for your favorite system? I’ll take you through the steps to do just that with the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild (SWAG) program on DriveThruRPG and get you that first sale. This guide provides need-to-know information that will make the process as easy as possible for an absolute beginner. ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Get 40 images to use in your Survival Zombie Setting. Great for spot and story filler, can be cropped for diferent compositions and to fit your needs.
A mix of settings, characters, and story situations.
Check out the preview!
all images seperated in ZiP file, acompanying PDF so you know what youre getting.
By purchasing this stock art pack, you are granted a royalty-free license to use these... [click here for more] |
kirilot |
Pay What You Want
Terms of Use
These images were created by Josh Cornwell, and are intended to be a resource for personal use, or for small presses and independent publishers to use in their own products. Any of these images may be used for personal or commercial use, provided you follow the following rules:
Please give credit to Josh Cornwell wherever you recognize artists and/or contributors. The... [click here for more] |
Copper Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This eBook will help guide you on the different topics to improve your hobby skills from building miniatures, painting them to a level you are happy, and how to showcase them online. While I focus on gothic sci-fi miniatures, you can use the tips in this book for figures for wargaming, tabletop games, RPG, scale models, or really any other plastic miniature.
This is the first book in the Beginner... [click here for more] |
Joe Baird |
Pay What You Want
This document provides a full explanation of all aptitudes & proficiencies listed within the Critical 10 core rules. It is intended as supplementary material and will (likely) not appear in the final rules.
If you are reading this document it is probable that you are seeking clarity on one of the listings. We would very much appreciate your feedback with regards to what was not clear and whether... [click here for more] |
Strike Amount Studio |
Pay What You Want
Outland Entertainment's works with over two dozen artists to provide Stock Artwork that is distinct, quality, and affordable. Outland Entertainment's Stock Art is available for personal or commercial projects.
This illustration of a Zombie Bear (or Skinhusk) was created by Jeremy Mohler.
This image is provided as a 1767 x 1386 JPG.
(license terms included) ... [click here for more] |
Outland Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to my collection of royalty-free stock illustrations, my name is Evangelia Kaliva and I work as a freelancer illustrator. Every single image you may find in this tiny art-selling corner is entirely produced by my own hands.
License & Copyrights
Ideal for book publications. Please visit the address below to view licence. https://www.dropbox.com/s/efeo8a8aoneqhl1/vagelio%20stock%20art%20licence.pdf?dl=0... [click here for more] |
Vagelio |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day.
Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks!
FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015
Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!)
Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams.... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Su un foglio un mini board game sui duelli aerei della seconda guerra mondiale in africa tra la Regia Aereonautica e Royal Air Force.
CR 42 Falco contro Gloster Gladiator
Il gioco con regolamento completo di miniature è un print and play, basta 1 dado a sei facce, degli amici fogli e matite. ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
PANOPTIC (“all-seeing”) is a freeform GMless roleplaying game.
By freeform, we mean it lacks a predefined structure. Its ultralight rules encourage unrestrained creative freedom.
By GMless, we mean Panoptic does not need a Director or Game Master. Collaborative storytelling drives the narrative.
These characteristics make Panoptic ideal for one-shot sessions that feel like ’80s B movies.... [click here for more] |
Gavriel Quiroga |
Pay What You Want
Introductory OFFER ! AS THIS IS FREE I WOULD LIKE TO ASK OF YOU TO GIVE A QUICK FEEDBACK :) As I am new to getting my stock Art Out, This is your chance to TRY my Line out. I would be producing more, and it would be good to hear first hand about your comments.Please do either email me or send me a PM. This product includes a color and Black And White Render.(2983X... [click here for more] |
Long Robot Designs |
Pay What You Want
VEN6 is a roleplaying game system specifically designed to create narrative storytelling roleplaying games with conflict mechanics and a GM option. Players choose traits that define their character. Where those traits overlap reveals the characters' skills.
Characters are built on four Traits, four Skills, two Relationships, and one Group. Take those bits, polish it up with an Archetype and some... [click here for more] |
Live Real Press |
Pay What You Want
For Netherstorm and 5th edition. Overwhelm and terrify your players with this quick, tree-dwelling monster, based on the mythological creature from New Zealand. ... [click here for more] |
Thunderhead Gaming |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to my collection of royalty-free stock illustrations, my name is Evangelia Kaliva and I work as a freelancer illustrator. Every single image you may find in this tiny art-selling corner is entirely produced by my own hands.
License & Copyrights
Ideal for book publications. Please visit the address below to view licence. https://www.dropbox.com/s/efeo8a8aoneqhl1/vagelio%20stock%20art%20licence.pdf?dl=0... [click here for more] |
Vagelio |
Pay What You Want
 This is the 2 page character sheet for The Ultimate Hero Play test edition.
Like us on facebook/paragonnotion
or follow us on twitter @paragonnotion ... [click here for more] |
Paragon Notion |
Pay What You Want
 Gioco di calcio alternativo tra Umani e Orchi, semplificato UNA PAGINA di Qwein
Se ti è piaciuto offrimi un caffè ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
 Pelivalmiit hahmolomakkeet fantasia-aiheisille seikkailuille. Hahmolomakkeet sisältävät seuraavia seikkailijoita: - Varas - Taistelija - Barbaari - Temppeliritari - Velho ... [click here for more] |
Artur Gajewski |
Pay What You Want
 “Alla gloriosa vita di un glorioso Picaro!”
Un onore, pensate, quello di un Funerale così illustre,
che pochi a Picaria hanno la fortuna di meritare.
Circondati da alcune delle figure più importanti di Lodossola,
vi trovate casualmente a celebrare la morte del Conte locale,
Eustacchio dei Papagli.
Un Morto a Lodossola è una breve Avventura... [click here for more] |
Black Dice Lobby |
Pay What You Want
 Mono pagina gioco di guerra stampa e gioca di Qwein ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want