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An invitation—by a Count of a name you’ve never heard. From a Castle in a land unknown around these parts. And a Curse which plagues him, pleading for each of your aid—by name—in exchange for an offer too tempting to ignore.
By next morning a horse-drawn carriage awaited each of you. The dark horses stood silent, their black eyes seeing... [click here for more] |
Deficient Games |
Pay What You Want
One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ... [click here for more] |
Rook's Dungeon |
Pay What You Want
The Enchanter by Wayne Imlach : from Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere
Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why
... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This listing is for the PDF version of The Void Core.
POD also available!
The Stars Were Never Meant For Us
2159 AD. It is a good time to be alive. The nations of Earth still exist, but they have become more civilized, and humanity has expanded into the rest of our solar system. But, alas, it is not to be our time. Something... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
Przyczajona groza to kompletny system do rozgrywania sesji w klimatach przedwiecznego horroru, mieszczący się jedynie na 16 stronach. Gra została zaprojektowana na wzór popularnych retroklonów i z powodzeniem może zostać wykorzystana jako uzupełnienie kampanii w dużych systemach. Sprawdzi się również jako łatwy sposób na wprowadzenie nowych osób do hobby. Przyczajona... [click here for more] |
Daily Kraken Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Black Powder and Brimstone is a gunpowder and withchcraft infused TTRPG, a complete stand-alone game based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This wicked cauldron of a game is packed to the brim with with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons. Written and illustrated by Benjamin Tobitt, the game will be printed and distributed by the rockstar... [click here for more] |
Benjamin Tobitt |
Pay What You Want
Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them!
This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Knight est un jeu de rôle d’horreur épique où vous affronterez des créatures cauchemardesques grâce à votre courage et à votre puissance. Capable de déclencher la fureur d’armes dévastatrices, votre méta-armure vous dote aussi de capacités surhumaines telles qu’une force colossale ou une invisibilité totale.
Serez-vous un héros égoïste capable de déclencher votre fureur sur les... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane.
Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.
The new magic schools included are:
The new professions are:
The new kin are:
The... [click here for more] |
Squadeth Games |
Pay What You Want
"When a traveller in north central Massachusetts takes the wrong fork at the junction of the Aylesbury Pike just beyond Dean’s Corners he comes upon a lonely and curious country."
- The Dunwich Horror
This issue of the Arkham Gazette was developed as a 'proof' of concept' test to see if the idea for a magazine focused on the Lovecraft Country setting for The Call of Cthulhu... [click here for more] |
Sentinel Hill Press |
Pay What You Want
Thanks for checking out the Free RPG Day 2019 release for Kids on Bikes!
5 Pre-Made Characters (All Teens)
4 Monsters
1 Powered Character
3 Part Scenario
Hebron, Indiana
Theo Easton has called together a meeting of the Investigations Club, like he might normally do on a weekend night. Tonight, he has decided it’s time to investigate the strange, abandoned... [click here for more] |
Hunters Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
UPDATED AND REVISED! This eight-page reference document adds resources to orient new Agents of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: typical professions, tables to generate agent motivations, tables to generate the horrifying incursion that brought a new agent in, tradecraft tips, a summary of personal pursuits in home scenes, and a home scene... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Far away from the glamour and champaign of New England, the once formidable conqueror of the ‘New world’ sees itself outpaced by a rapidly changing world. The control of the Spanish Church, landowners and the aristocracy has remained unchanged for centuries. Yet, strong forces of modernity fill this ‘’Nation of nations’’ with a desire for change. It is in this context that we set... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Camp Hollow Lake – A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Camp Hollow Lake is set in the modern day and is designed to recreate the feel of a typical slasher film, including all its clenches. Four pre-generated investigators are provided, each with a secret which can help the investigators piece together what is going on at Camp Hollow Lake.
Camp Hollow Lake is designed for up to 4... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Nominated for the 2018 ENnies Product of the Year, The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth is set in a fictional theme park called Mouse Park. Its special blend of satire and horror takes collaborative storytelling to the brink, where players can take on the role of guests or staff in a theme park that barely masks a terrible horror lurking beneath.
What horror Mouse Park brings is up to you—the... [click here for more] |
Sundered Hold Scriptorium |
Pay What You Want
Use this printable template to create the modular MAGE TOWER sections built in Black Magic Craft episode 206.
This is an easy to build product utilizing very cheap and beginner friendly tools and materials. Dollar store (easy peel) foamcore, an X-acto knife, nail file, glue gun, pencil, mod podge, and craft paint are all that are needed to create these modular... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
***This products includes both English and Italian Version | Questo prodotto include sia il file Inglese che Italiano***
Quickstart 2.0 implementation:
New lore
New game mechanics
Introduction of the Werebeast class
New spells
Revision of the adventure for level 1 players 'Our Lady of the Beasts'
New pregenerated characters
... [click here for more] |
Mana Project Studio |
Pay What You Want
Use this printable hexagon template to creat the fountain built in Black Magic Craft episode 152. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Enter the world of Haros - a land besieged by demonic invaders, a corrupted landscape, and undead hordes. Your band is among those humans fighting back against the Pestiline in this Eldritch Fantasy RPG. This is the primer and playtest packet distributed and run at Gencon 2019. Fox and Boar Games hopes to be reanimating this game through out 2025. Get your copy, give it a read and a play, and let... [click here for more] |
Fox and Boar Games |
Pay What You Want
Préparez-vous à explorer les profondeurs de l'esprit humain. Ces blessures mentales ne se contentent pas de marquer votre corps, elles façonnent votre psyché, impactant vos décisions, vos relations et votre perception de la réalité. Ne laissez pas vos joueurs échapper à l'horreur psychologique qui les attend !
Ce supplément a été conçu pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos parties de... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Certains y ont goûté, mais presque tout le monde en parle : la Lune Cerise. Un produit inhabituel a débarqué dans les rues : du sang. Et ça n’arrive pas toutes les nuits. De ce qu’en savent les Descendants, le sang se gâte et devient rance. Ce produit est impossible à vendre parce qu’il est impossible à stocker. Seuls les Descendants à l’estomac très bien accroché peuvent se nourrir... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Master the Heist of the Century in The Cryptic Caper!
A bartender drowning in debt begs you to steal him one last big score. In this thrilling Level 1-2 5e-compatible one-shot, your party is tasked with breaking into the mysterious Cryptic Quill bookstore to steal are rare magical tome.
Adventure Overview:
The Cryptic Caper takes your party from the dimly... [click here for more] |
The Wandering DM |
Pay What You Want
An abandoned landscape, soaked with unresolved histories; a village, hiding an age-old conspiracy; a shadowy thing, whispering terrible secrets to children; a tortured house, playing back the traumas of the past; a stone circle, where the ley lines meet.
Although you don’t belong here... although you don’t understand this place... it was you... [click here for more] |
Howard David Ingham |
Pay What You Want
The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.
We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system.
The... [click here for more] |
Awfully Queer Heroes |
Pay What You Want
Warning...this game contains adult themes and a tour bus full of awesomeness!
1...2...3...4....The Gods of rock must be appeased, and you have answered the call. For as long as you can remember all you wanted to do was rock. To be adored by the masses and give your fans the best goddamn soundtrack of their lives! There’s no doubt about it, you got something special, but it’s gonna be a hard... [click here for more] |
Non-Euclidean Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Une place s’est libérée parmi les vampires haut placés de la Camarilla locale, et un lécheur prometteur est prêt à tout pour s’en emparer. Ses alliés et lui savent quel avenir ils veulent donner à la cité, un futur qui inclut une fin sanglante pour ses anarchs (c’est-à-dire vous). Réussirez-vous à l’abattre dans son propre Elysium ?
Le jeu du primogène est un scénario... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Revista gratuita de Ragnarok
Biblioteca Merrick es una publicación digital gratuita dedicada al juego de rol Ragnarok (3a edición). Este primer número contiene.
Entrevista a Luis Ángel Madorrán, autor de la tercera edición de Ragnarok.
Sombras en la Ventisca, una aventura one-shot.
La Orden de la Estrella de Plata. Información sobre esta peligrosa organización.
... [click here for more] |
Ediciones t&t |
Pay What You Want
It started with a few missing pets. Then things started turning up missing. Then people disappeared. In the small Martian Outback town called Presidia, things are much more than they seem. Find out for yourself.
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror setting, and this an adventure to take you there.
The Stygian Cycle I – Barsoom:
Is a turn-key adventure,... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
Venusian Sunset
Venus. A corporate world, steeped in propaganda. However, Founding Day approaches and people flood from all over the planet for the celebration. Then, people go missing. Some turn up in a ritualistic-style sacrifice, cooked from the inside out. What is going on in the Diamond Head colony? Find out for yourself.
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
Vous êtes assis dans le métro. La nuit est bien avancée. La rame n’est même pas remplie à moitié. La lumière vacille. Vous êtes assis à proximité de trois hommes. Ils vous semblent tous vaguement familiers. Chacun d’entre vous dévisage les trois autres, comme pour se remémorer d’où provient cette impression de vous connaître. Vous vous figez ; un malaise vous gagne ; quelque chose... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Demons feed on innocent souls while angels obliterate cities. Humans are caught in the middle: possessed, devoured, judged, damned.
The world needs a hero. Unfortunately, there aren't any, so what the hell, you might as well give it a try.
You're a Disciple, a supernatural warrior on the front lines. Wielding bizarre magics like Sexpletive, Death Panel, Photobomb,... [click here for more] |
Neoplastic Press |
Pay What You Want
분류: 오픈 시티
배경: 현대
추천 관계: KPC와 PC는 연인이고, KPC는 PC를 행복하게 해 주고 싶어합니다.
내가 지금 플레이하는 것은 COC 시나리오며, 플레이어들은 탐사자들은 가상의 캐릭터 임을 명확하게 인지해야 합니다. 또한, 시나리오 내에서 어떠한 일이 발생하든... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Liminal is a new tabletop roleplaying game about those on the boundary between the modern day United Kingdom and the Hidden World- the world of secret societies of magicians, a police division investigating Fortean crimes, fae courts, werewolf gangs, and haunted places where the walls between worlds are thin.
The players portray Liminals - those who stand between the mortal and magical realms, with... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Pay What You Want
Nouvelle année, nouveau vous !
Vous essayez de survivre nuit après nuit en tant que Descendant en gérant les sectes, les chasseurs de vampires et votre lien déclinant avec le monde des mortels dans lequel vous viviez avant. Posez-vous la question : votre non-vie va-t-elle se résumer à cela pour l’éternité ? Nous sommes le soir de la Saint-Sylvestre et, tandis que toute... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Travel to the Mythic Alps ranging from eastern France to western Slowenia.
Includes 23 Vaesen (and counting) from all around the Alps, presented in a fashion similar to the Vaesen Core books with Flavor Text and sample Conflicts.
4 new archetypes complete with 17 additional talents befitting the Region.
A small framework to set your campaign in.
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The animals, what’s happening to them? Last week it was the lambs at the Larsson farm, the week before the hens of the Gustavssons and now.. Now the prized cow of the farmer Sten is missing. Right from the cowshed she was taken. Sten blames his brother Stig, but how could Stig wreck the door like that?
"The Strength of the Meat" is a short Vaesen mystery, most suitable to run as a one-shot... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The House Always Wins
Ganymede, the Las Vegas of the Outer Planets. It’s time for a little rest and relaxation. Right. All hell breaks loose when someone airs confidential Warden information to an entire entertainment dome. Who would do such a thing? And what do they really want? Find out for yourself. The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror setting, and... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
This is a Cthulhu Dark Hack for the Mothership RPG from Isla Neal and Martin Leicht. It has been modified to fit an innovative & streamlined Stress system.
Thank you for leaving a review!
Thank you for supporting our work! ... [click here for more] |
Gavriel Quiroga |
Pay What You Want
After the events on Ganymede, it’s time for a real vacation. The Wardens have paid for a pleasure cruise through Saturnine space. However, the Children of the Void have other plans…
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror setting, and this is an adventure to take you there. The Stygian Cycle IV – Turbulence:
Is a turn-key adventure, ready-to-run,... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
“Dites toute la verite, mais dites-la sous un certain angle. Le succes s'affirme par des voies detournees.”
—Emily Dickinson
L’ami de Daria, Sam, est mort il y a trois ans, mais maintenant, il est de retour. Elle espère que la cellule des Chasseurs va pouvoir l’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe. Est-ce qu’il s’agit juste d’un sosie ou est-ce que les... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
I Think I Feel a Song Coming On!
ComStar lied! (We know: Big shock!) They said they checked out this distant rimward nebula, which ancient charts called “California” for some reason. Perhaps because someone in IE’s corporate mishmash of a leadership didn’t trust them—or more likely because they forgot that there even was a report from the Explorer Corps—the... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Pay What You Want
“Si un artiste veut essayer de mordre dans du fer chauffe au rouge, qu'il s'assure d'abord d'avoir de bonnes dents.”
Harry Houdini
Dans la ville de Rochefort, dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre prestidigitateur reconverti en « chercheur en quête de vérités paranormales », Aaron Phelps, disparaît. Il laisse derrière lui le seul mystère qu’il n’a pas pu résoudre : la... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre. Vous avez été invités à une fête pour discuter avec Isabella, une amie d’ami. Elle est harcelée par quelqu’un qui en sait trop sur les vampires. Allez-vous réussir à traiter cette dernière affaire avant les douze coups de minuit ?
Réveillon sanglant est un scénario pour Vampire : la Mascarade. Il est conçu idéalement pour une coterie de 4 à... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Hello, lovecraft universe worshippers, thank you for choosing Lovemaps.
You will find in this pack a large content of (grid and gridless) Maps for An Old Abandoned Manor. You can print them out to play at a table or use them on a Virtual Tabletop. Maps are JPEGs files, and a User Manual (PDF) is here to guide you.
Here is the list of maps in this Pack :
Main... [click here for more] |
Lovemaps-RPG |
Pay What You Want
This is an introductory adventure for The Legacy of Cthulhu, a Role-Playing Game that lets players act as one of the few Survivors of the apocalypse brought to Earth by the Great Old Ones and their minions.
The game’s main goal is survival, hiding in Shelters and waiting for the best windows of opportunity to go on supply runs. Food, medicine, weapons, and gear are the essential... [click here for more] |
Mind's Vision |
Pay What You Want
The Nazis are up to something mighty strange in Paris, Texas. Every day the city absorbs more of its French counterpart. Meanwhile, strange mimes lurk in the city catacombs and the 333rd Reich tightens its grip on city hall.
Paris, Texas vs. the 333rd Reich is a complete setting for Unknown Armies, suitable for long-term gaming, one-shots, or integration in an on-going compaign.
This document includes...... [click here for more] |
Atlas Games |
Pay What You Want
This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. The police in Toil, Illinois have their work cut out for them when the sleepy town suddenly suffers an outbreak of bizarre events. Someone's been planting strange trees in the night, replacing bread with ash, and filling coffins with bees. As the day goes on, what at first appeared to be a series of unrelated pranks... [click here for more] |
Hebanon Games |
Pay What You Want
Use this template to simplify the task of building the Iron Door I made in episode 103 of Black Magic Craft. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Hollywood during the height of the silent film era. A missing woman. A sinister plot to bring America to her knees. This original scenario for 7th Edition of Call of Cthulhu plunges Investigators into the gritty and glamorous world of 1920s Los Angeles. Evil forces are at work to use the new medium of film to herald the coming of other-worldy entities. Only the Investigators can save the country... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. Barefoot Crossing seemed like any other sharecropping community on the rural outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. But when the murder of a Methodist preacher sends the community searching for answers across racial and economic divides, investigators stumble into an ancient, inhuman conspiracy. Can they overcome a supernatural... [click here for more] |
Hebanon Games |
Pay What You Want