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In Seedwords, books are fertile ground, and their words are the seeds that grow into vibrant, living narratives. Each page you turn and every word you discover lays the roots of your characters, cultivates the plot, and nurtures the stakes of your adventure. Whether you’re tending the soil of a classic novel, a modern fantasy, or even an instruction manual, the worlds and challenges that... [click here for more] |
what else |
Pay What You Want
This quick-start rulebook contains all you need to dive into the world of Death Valley, where you will take on the role of an undead resident of Bardo’s Bluff. Whether you desire to exist in peace or seek out revenge for your wrongful killing, there is always something or someone determined to make your life hell.
From the award-winning creator of Be Like a Crow comes a TTRPG that is quick to learn... [click here for more] |
Critical Kit Ltd |
Pay What You Want
"When a traveller in north central Massachusetts takes the wrong fork at the junction of the Aylesbury Pike just beyond Dean’s Corners he comes upon a lonely and curious country."
- The Dunwich Horror
This issue of the Arkham Gazette was developed as a 'proof' of concept' test to see if the idea for a magazine focused on the Lovecraft Country setting for The Call of Cthulhu... [click here for more] |
Sentinel Hill Press |
Pay What You Want
Witajcie w 8 wrześniowym numerze „To się Wytnie!” – Zinie, który wita nadchodzący miesiąc z nową dawką ekscytujących artykułów i inspirujących treści! W tym numerze zanurzymy się w mroczne zakamarki świata duchów, tajemnicze światy i kulturowe zjawiska, które pobudzą Waszą wyobraźnię i poszerzą horyzonty.
Rozpoczynamy od fascynującego artykułu „Bilet na… Księgarze”,... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
TTRPGs are storytelling, acting, and logic games where the players take on roles in the fiction as part of engaging with the game.
There are a lot of them.
This is a guide to making your own.
It is not a step by step assembly manual. It covers personal theory and experiences, and some elements of it are apt to get outdated pretty quickly (publication date 2024!)
However, if you want to do some... [click here for more] |
Richard Kelly |
Pay What You Want
The Lost Shipwreck of Le Griffon Has Been Found!
A Discovery Made
A mysterious statue is found below the deck of that barnacled wreck and dredged from its depths. A once in a lifetime recovery for the local maritime institutions.
An Event Set
An unveiling at the Port of Ludington Maritime Museum is announced by its curator — the stodgy and uptight Lance Handerson. It's cravats,... [click here for more] |
Dark of the Night Network |
Pay What You Want
Codex is the monthly RPG magazine published by the Gauntlet gaming community! Each issue features a variety of articles organized around a theme, loads of original artwork, and a custom layout.
Inside Codex - Glamour 2:
The Pines A game of GAY HORROR!!! It’s the annual Fire Island Pines party and lovable twunk Chad has gone missing. Can you locate him before you are assimilated?... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
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MEPHISTO Review Insider 03
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 03 Jul/Aug 2024Cthulhu-Mythos & die Großen Alten
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
Codex is the monthly RPG fanzine published by the Gauntlet gaming community! Each issue features a variety of articles organized around a theme, loads of original artwork, and a custom layout.
Inside Codex - Glamour:
Serious Moonlight This is a scenario for Night’s Black Agents and other supernatural mystery games that focuses on David Bowie’s time in 1970s West Berlin.
The... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
Pay What You Want
Vacant Ritual Assembly is an OSR zine. Directly compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but easily adaptable to other OSR games. 22-pages of content, most of which comes straight from my weekly LotFP campaign. Issue #4 Includes:
Fresh New Artwork from Matthew Adams, Anxious P, Sean Poppe, and Xolis.... [click here for more] |
Red Moon Medicine Show |
Pay What You Want
Z radością witamy Was po raz szósty w wakacyjnym, lipcowym numerze "To Się Wytnie". Ten numer poświęciliśmy wyjątkowemu podręcznikowi do gry fabularnej "Kult: Boskość Utracona". Przedstawiliśmy też ogólne zasady systemu PBtA. W tym wydaniu znajdziecie mnóstwo nowości, zapowiedzi oraz informacji o zbliżających się wydarzeniach i konwentach. Specjalnie dla Was przygotowaliśmy również... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Witajcie drodzy Czytelnicy! Z radością witamy Was w siódmym numerze naszego zina "To się wytnie!". Tym razem przygotowaliśmy dla Was wyjątkowy numer, poświęcony magicznym i tajemniczym istotom, które od wieków zamieszkują wyobraźnię ludzi. W tym wydaniu szczególną uwagę poświęciliśmy wróżkom oraz fascynującym stworzeniom z kultury słowiańskiej. Znajdziecie tu nie tylko nowinki... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko... Mówi się, że najtrudniej zacząć, a my właśnie postawiliśmy nasz pierwszy krok, aby dzielić się z Wami naszą pasją do gier RPG. Jesteśmy grupą znajomych z całej Polski, którzy spotykają się na Discordzie, by tworzyć mroczne historie i przygody w Świecie Mroku i nie tylko. Prowadzimy kanały na YT, Instagrama i TikToka,... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the first collection of themebooks for Fear of the Unknown. This collection includes Deadly Dreams, Found Footage, Halloween Party, Curious Things, Day of the Mall, and The Return. You'll need the core rules to play. A theme is... [click here for more] |
Sixpence Games |
Pay What You Want
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
Pay What You Want
Witamy Was serdecznie po raz piąty na łamach naszego magazynu, tym razem poświęconego jednemu z najbardziej kultowych i fascynujących uniwersów w świecie gier – Fallouta. To miejsce, gdzie przeszłość spotyka się z przyszłością, a zgliszcza dawnego świata kryją nie tylko zagrożenia, ale i nieskończone możliwości. Zapewne każdy z Was, tak jak my, poczuł dreszcz emocji, gdy po... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
"To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Cieszymy się, że po raz trzeci jesteście z nami. Kwietniowy numer poświęciliśmy zbliżającej się premierze polskiego wydania podręcznika do Wilkołaka Apokalipsy 5 edycji, którą zapewne w kwietniu ogłosi AlisGames. Postaraliśmy się przybliżyć Wam świat Garou, kim są, jakimi plemionami można grać, a przede wszystkim dokonaliśmy... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Miesiąc maj poświęciliśmy Cthulhu, odsłaniając przed Wami kilka podręczników z tego uniwersum. Czytając ten numer, dowiecie się, czym jest Cthulhu, jak powstał i kto jest odpowiedzialny za jego powstanie. Przedstawimy sylwetkę Howarda Philipsa Lovecrafta, dokonamy porównania trzech systemów: Zew Cthulhu, Pulp Cthulhu i Achtung!... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Cieszymy się, że jesteście z nami drugi raz. Po pierwszym numerze dostaliśmy dużo pozytywnych reakcji, co bardzo nas ucieszyło i zmotywowało do pracy. Ciągle się rozwijamy, poznajemy świat pisania czasopism i będziemy wdzięczni za wszelkie wskazówki, sugestie. Drugi numer poświęciliśmy świeżemu tematowi, czyli premierze... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Killing for a Cause is a new charity RPG zine. This issue, Bloodsuckers, is about vampires, and proceeds from this go to support the Against Malaria Foundation, a charity that stops the most fiendish bloodsuckers in the world, mosquitos, from killing people with their deadly curse (malaria).
This issue contains new and original vampire-themed... [click here for more] |
Sixpence Games |
Pay What You Want
A rules light sowrd and sorcery RPG set in a heavy metal hellscape guaranteed to melt your face off!
Players lives will be short, but interesting. Their deaths will be grisly and brutal. NO MATTER! For it is written: 'Tis better to have a metal death, than a boring life! ... [click here for more] |
Coffee and Hate |
Pay What You Want
An IKEA inspired horror
Modular Demons, Some assembly required.
Everything you need to summon some foes to slay your enemies and really tie the room together. Yes their terrible screams and uncomfortable clicking noises are just the thing to make your house into a home. Easy to follow instructions and demon parts that practically put themselves together.
Just print out the various components and... [click here for more] |
JonzyE |
Pay What You Want
MEPHISTO Review Insider 02
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 02 Mrz/Apr 2024 Horror und Urban Fantasy
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 1 is focused on the theme of ‘Gothic’, and is a massive 78 pages! Within this issue you will find articles, interviews, reviews and coverage of crowdfunding projects, as well as a range of system agnostic... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
Pay What You Want
Is an independent, 30-page-zine for MÖRK BORG featuring new rules, weird random tables, items, and a new, miserable class. Rummaging through its pages you might find...
An NPC appearances generator, for providing a hideous face to that weird quest giver, or that scum who just stole all your silver
Advanced rules for combat, aimed shots, and... [click here for more] |
Giulio "GVIX" Vissio |
Pay What You Want
A chaotic RPG about channeling the dead.
What Possessed You? is an RP-heavy role-playing game with just a few rules, a GMless mode, some character creation and chaotic results. It is designed for 2 to ∞ players and requires all kinds of dice and some timers.
... [click here for more] |
Critical Kit Ltd |
Pay What You Want
A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam.
*NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
Are you doomed to die but refuse to heed the call of fate?
Is your world crumbling around you and you have nowhere to go but down?
Do you yearn for the tunnels and all that which is ununderstandable?
Then “The Sky is Falling” is here to heed your call.... [click here for more] |
The Flagellant & The Fool |
Pay What You Want
So, I've been playing RPGs for years now, but very recently I started to make more time again to jump back in the hobby.
I've always liked to make my own stuff, and one of the things I used to pay a lot of attention to was the content in my Referee's Screen. I used to edit and print charts for very specific systems and ongoing campaigns, but now that most of my games take place either... [click here for more] |
Carlos Castillo Dávalos |
Pay What You Want
This is the 6th published (and the Fift-ever Full issue) of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Awesome, ain't it?
Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by the devoted and (in)famous Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. an indie RPG designer,... [click here for more] |
Coming Through RPGs |
Pay What You Want
Das Mephisto Magazin für Tabletop-Spiele und Miniaturen Ausgabe 00 Jan/Feb 2009
Hordes: Legion of Everblight Taktikführer & Szenario. Nach dem Circle of Orboros und den Skorne, erfahren Sie im dritten Teil unserer Taktik- und Turnier-Reihe alles über die Legion of Everblight für Privateer Press' Hordes.
Hordes: Drachenherz Szenario.... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
MEPHISTO Review Insider 01
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 01 Mai/Jun 2023 Escape- und Ermittlungsspiele
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
There is a noise. A sort of shrieking, squealing sound, echoing through the storm. And it is getting louder. “Hogmen!” screams the coachman, fumbling to load a flintlock pistol. “The Hogmen are abroad!”
TEETH: NIGHT OF THE HOGMEN is a grotesque, single-session table-top roleplaying game for 3-5 people. The players portray... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
In an ecologically devastated future, the animal kingdom is riven into two rival factions: those who have sworn allegiance to the last surviving human, and those who blame this species for the planet’s demise…
An apocalyptic showdown looms. Darwin-ner takes all.
Welcome to Ultimate Beast Royale! A silly zine based on a tweet I saw from @4WhomJBellTolls. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
Ouijames Games |
Pay What You Want
While The Obsidian Veil was a out-right beast of an RPG, its sister- The Light, offers a classless, easy-to-learn zine. The Light is a Lite version of the M.A.D. System, looking at a refined, one-page, easy to learn TTRPG that borrows influences from: Bastionland, Lilliputian, and The Obsidian Veil while incorporating the same Dice-Mechanics from the... [click here for more] |
M.A.D. Productions |
Pay What You Want
“King Sigfúm's plan is set and soon, you've got no choice but to get yourself and these kids out of this hellhole before time runs out. Hold on to your sanity, 'cause this ride's about to get rougher than a troll's ass.”
An Exodus is an introductory solo adventure in the style similar... [click here for more] |
unitsix |
Pay What You Want
All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants!
Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More.
Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg.
This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce
The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
Chamber of Reflection is a one page dungeon made by Dice & Dish. A fun dungeon crawl with custom monsters, one custom weapon, or mechanic for breaking mirrors. Your players will be lucky if they leave here with just 7 years of bad luck. Your group owes the Two Headed Basilisk a favor, and requested 5 Onyx stones from the Chamber of Reflection. These stones are unique and will complete the Basilisk... [click here for more] |
Dice & Dish |
Pay What You Want
MEPHISTO 69 Online-Beilage
Nachdem Mephisto 69 aus allen Nähten geplatzt ist, haben wir einen Berg zusätzlicher Beiträge online "ausgelagert".
Ihr findet in dem PDF alles über die Fortsetzung der legendären Bard's Tale Trilogie inklusive einem Interview mit Brian Fargo. Zusätzlich zu unserer Systemvorstellung von Vampire V5 im Heft, geben wir... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page.
... [click here for more] |
RitualCuts |
Pay What You Want
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
This game is a message is a lyric game about mental health, Frankenstein, nuclear waste fallout, and writing really cool descriptions of monsters. A solo journalling game, read and play it when you're looking for a creative way to express something... [click here for more] |
Damsels & Dice |
Pay What You Want
This is the 2nd published (and the First-ever Full issue) of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Awesome, ain't it?
Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by the devoted and (in)famous Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. indie RPG designer,... [click here for more] |
Coming Through RPGs |
Pay What You Want
"Creeps" is a simple OSR system using a single d6. Players will take on the role of ghosts summoned by the will of a sorcerer to complete an otherworldly task. The characters have a single characteristic - Corporeality, which determines their intermediate state between the world of the living and the afterlife. The file contains tables with random features that will allow you to create a unique ghost,... [click here for more] |
Etheral guardian |
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Harrowings is a collaboration-based RPG Zine with Old School gaming content. It strives to help you create storytelling experiences blending the tried-and-true Fantasy and Horror genres.
Most of the game content is system-neutral, and all of it is easily hackable. Harrowings 2: The Exalted Hours hopes to explore the liminal space of Twilight and see what passages... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day.
Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks!
FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015
Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!)
Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams.... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Fragged Empire - Showcasing Wade Dyer's awesome Kickstarter project.
Outbreak: Undead 2nd Edition Starter Kit - a look at the sequel to the award winning Outbreak: Undead with commentary from developer Christopher De La Rosa.
The... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Industrial Fishing Simulator (FishSim) 1e is a surrealist nautical horror science-fantasy adventure game for one Gamemaster (GM) and at least one other player (Survivor). Players act as a rag-tag band of wanderers or crewmates aboard sea ships or starships searching for meaning on a far-future Earth which has been consumed by an ocean full of strange creatures and technology.... [click here for more] |
the canyon club |
Pay What You Want
How a grimdark campaign should feel? Scrolls of Kadath shall be your guide!
Death? Suffering? Misery? We have all the good stuff here!
This zine is everything that I wanted to say to all the GM's out there. I always loved grimdark, dark fantasy and sword and sorcery, and now they can think in not so usual ways with me.
Hope you enjoy it!!... [click here for more] |
Lucas Vaz |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to 1985 Pennsauken, New Jersey
You’re just in time for a cozy summer-time fright-fest.
Sunscream is the first published micro-module under the Splatterhaus label. An entire setting — people, places, threats, and a map — packed into a front-and-back flyer. Included are both the highly spoileriffic Game Master flyer and a barebones Player version with detailed information... [click here for more] |
Dark of the Night Network |
Pay What You Want