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You've returned wearing your own corpse
But your Suffering still shackles you
Flesh, blood, and living breath
Your craving for Chi is neverending
An eternity of night stretches before you
The only way out is Dharma
The... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Certains y ont goûté, mais presque tout le monde en parle : la Lune Cerise. Un produit inhabituel a débarqué dans les rues : du sang. Et ça n’arrive pas toutes les nuits. De ce qu’en savent les Descendants, le sang se gâte et devient rance. Ce produit est impossible à vendre parce qu’il est impossible à stocker. Seuls les Descendants à l’estomac très bien accroché peuvent se nourrir... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Une place s’est libérée parmi les vampires haut placés de la Camarilla locale, et un lécheur prometteur est prêt à tout pour s’en emparer. Ses alliés et lui savent quel avenir ils veulent donner à la cité, un futur qui inclut une fin sanglante pour ses anarchs (c’est-à-dire vous). Réussirez-vous à l’abattre dans son propre Elysium ?
Le jeu du primogène est un scénario... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Nouvelle année, nouveau vous !
Vous essayez de survivre nuit après nuit en tant que Descendant en gérant les sectes, les chasseurs de vampires et votre lien déclinant avec le monde des mortels dans lequel vous viviez avant. Posez-vous la question : votre non-vie va-t-elle se résumer à cela pour l’éternité ? Nous sommes le soir de la Saint-Sylvestre et, tandis que toute... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Dites toute la verite, mais dites-la sous un certain angle. Le succes s'affirme par des voies detournees.”
—Emily Dickinson
L’ami de Daria, Sam, est mort il y a trois ans, mais maintenant, il est de retour. Elle espère que la cellule des Chasseurs va pouvoir l’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe. Est-ce qu’il s’agit juste d’un sosie ou est-ce que les... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Si un artiste veut essayer de mordre dans du fer chauffe au rouge, qu'il s'assure d'abord d'avoir de bonnes dents.”
Harry Houdini
Dans la ville de Rochefort, dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre prestidigitateur reconverti en « chercheur en quête de vérités paranormales », Aaron Phelps, disparaît. Il laisse derrière lui le seul mystère qu’il n’a pas pu résoudre : la... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Horrors of the Continuum offers advice on writing horror scenarios for your games of Trinity Continuum. It is designed to be used alongside the core rulebook but is system-agnostic so can be used for any games in the Trinity Continuum line.
It covers six genres: body, comic, cosmic, disaster, folk, and psycholgical horror. Because of its subject matter, there is a general trigger warning in place... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre. Vous avez été invités à une fête pour discuter avec Isabella, une amie d’ami. Elle est harcelée par quelqu’un qui en sait trop sur les vampires. Allez-vous réussir à traiter cette dernière affaire avant les douze coups de minuit ?
Réveillon sanglant est un scénario pour Vampire : la Mascarade. Il est conçu idéalement pour une coterie de 4 à... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
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Sehet die aufziehende Dunkelheit
Als Dankeschön für alle Fans der Welt der Dunkelheit enthält dieses Buch:
Beschreibungen der Clans der untergegangenen Ravnos, der gejagten Salubri und der begierigen Tzimisce
Regeln für das Spielen von Sterblichen und Ghulen
umfangreiche neue Eigenschaften zur Erweiterung deiner Chronik, von Disziplinskräften bis hin zu clanspezifischen Vorteilen einschließlich... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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Requires the use of Scion: Origin from Onyx Path Publishing When the nascent universe was still in its cradle, that great and terrible Titan known as The Radiance came into being. The Nuclear Titan now threatens our world. Can the Scions of the modern age hope to waylay our inevitable doom, or are even those chosen by the gods themselves no match for the power of the... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Radford Estate has been abandoned since the 1970s, the last victim of the exodus of wealth from Georgeville. Shrouded with an aura of mystery and the setting of no small number of urban legends, it is the perfect place for some unwitting mortals to accidentally peak behind the curtain and catch a glimpse of what lurks in the shadows of the world. - The Radford Estate is a bookmarked, short introductory... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
In einer amerikanischen Kleinstadt tötet jemand Menschen und raubt ihnen ihr Blut, was für Vampire immer ein Problem darstellt. Wenn es sich um einen Menschen handelt, könnte dadurch die Aufmerksamkeit auf die wahren Raubtiere der Nacht gelenkt werden. Wenn es ein Blutsverwandter ist, ist die Maskerade in Gefahr. Wenn es etwas anderes ist …
In diesem Schnellstart-Szenario von „Vampire: Die... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
This is a map of a 1920's imaginary town, divided by districts with some notes that will stimulate your imagination. Use it as a guidelines for the quests, as a background for your adventure or as a prop. ... [click here for more] |
Dead Fly Press |
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Rage Across Pindorama: A W20 setting for Brazil
Explore the ruins of a Quilombo; become a part of a secular fera Cold War in the tropics; Discover the secrets of the Amazon.
Brazil in incredible detail!
A refreshing new look on the fera of Brazil, from north to south, coast to interior. Discover a entire new continent of adventures!
Rage Across Pindorama includes:
• A entire new setting... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This novella tells the TRUE story of Goratrix, his abiding lust for his lover and master, Tremere, and the foundation of House and Clan Tremere.
"Warning: This book contains adult content, and a sex-focused take on Tremere high ritual, including a graphic look at the creation of the clan, the creation of thaumaturgy, and the creation, and seduction, of the first Gargoyle. This should not be... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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How To Date A Vampire
An RPG For One or Two Players
You’ve dated all the humans you could find but have struggled to find a match. Now it’s time to search a little deeper and see if you can find true love in the underworld.
Over the course of seven dates, you will be asking your date questions about themselves whilst answering their questions for you.
On each date you will ask two questions,... [click here for more] |
Long Games |
Pay What You Want
Crochet a sampler afghan made up of 88 six-inch squares and write entries in your secret diary as a gothic soap opera of a tale unfolds. ... [click here for more] |
Wendy Fisher |
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A perfect game for horror movie fans. Final girl puts you in the shoes of a stereotypical horror movie character trying to survive. The goal of this two page rpg is to be the last one standing, and discover the secret to destroying the monster. ... [click here for more] |
FinalGirl |
Pay What You Want
Neujahrsabend. Ihr wurdet zu einer Party eingeladen, um die Gelegenheit zu haben, mit Isabella zu sprechen, der Freundin eines Freundes. Sie wurde von jemandem belästigt, der zu viel über Vampire weiß. Könnt ihr euch um diese Angelegenheit kümmern, bis es Mitternacht schlägt?
Auld Sanguine ist eine Geschichte für Vampire: Die Maskerade. Sie funktioniert am besten für einen Klüngel von vier... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Carcosa, rien de plus que l’histoire d’une énième cité antique ravagée par la décadence et l’ambition de son roi fou. Du moins pour les historiens de cette fin de siècle.
Pour d’autres en revanche, cette cité mythique, versée dans la philosophie et les arts magiques, haut-lieu de l’alchimie, n’attend que l’avènement de l’héritier du Dernier des rois pour retrouver sa gloire... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Frater Bellator, the new Space Knights TTRPG expansion! Create the heroes of your company! Zoom in to the grittiest scenes of a warzone! Experiment with the struggle at an individual level! With Frater Bellator you can expand your Space Knights games and play in those places where an army of super-soldiers can´t succeed. Or you can give names to those... [click here for more] |
Gabriel Ciprés |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever read cosmic horror fiction—especially stories in which a curious protagonist recovers a journal detailing some poor victim’s descent into madness—and thought, “what kind of person runs into unspeakable evil and decides to meticulously document it in their diary?” Unveil puts you in the shoes of these madly scrawling victims and challenges you to tell their story. You play a... [click here for more] |
Operant Game Lab |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever been in a position where you need some junk? Would your game session be drasticly improved by injecting a Powerful Shoelace into the mix? Would a Bloody Condom raise some awkward questions? Could a Graceful Cigarette hold the key to the universe? How would I know, you are the GM...But this is the junk generating tool that you have been looking for. ... [click here for more] |
Role Cast Die Productions |
Pay What You Want
Wie weit ist zu weit? Ersparen Sie sich Ihnen und Ihren Mitspielern unangenehme Abende in denen sie im voraus Grenzen klären. All das, wenn sie es wollen, kostenlos.
So verwenden Sie die Liste:
1. Bieten Sie jeder/jedem Spieler*in in einer bevorstehenden Runde an, vor Beginn... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want
There be TROLLS in the forest.
Ancient hill-like creatures who sleep most of the time.
While they are asleep, their Light keeps your village safe.
There are no accidents, no diseases, no crimes.
You are one of the chosen ones, you are their KEEPER.
When they wake bad things start to happen.... [click here for more] |
RPGuPolaka |
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À première vue l’univers de Crimes et celui issu des écrits de Lovecraft semblent incompatibles, leurs conceptions de la folie étant diamétralement opposées, (endogène pour l’un, exogène pour l’autre). Mais il existe un lien.
Si l’on considère les entités du mythe comme un égrégore de la déresponsabilisation des hommes face à leur propre horreur, et que ce qu’ils contemplent... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Vikingr RPG Character Sheet ... [click here for more] |
VikingRPG |
Pay What You Want
Get some revenge on the worst job you've ever had! Retail Hell pits the stocking crew against the customers in this quick, pick up one shot. Mechanics light, pre-generated characters. Plays in 3-4 hours, for 4-8 players.
Using only standard 6-sided dice, Retail Hell depends mostly on story-telling so even inexperienced players can jump right in.
Andi Straube Art's first Tabletop RPG ... [click here for more] |
Andi Straube Art |
Pay What You Want
Maiden's Preyer is a glimpse into the (un)life of Kelly Patterson as she confronts both her own evil and that of the world at large.
If you enjoy Maiden's Preyer, you can find more Kelly Patterson in Beneath The Mask and Hammer and Chisel. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Honour Students is the Quick Start version of the full Honour RPG. In HS you play a 17-year-old college student who has just realised the world is a lot darker than you might first think. Soon you'll be fighting Yaoguai demons, helping the wise Baize and casting powerful sorceries, as well as studying, drinking... [click here for more] |
Nine Dragons |
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Vikingr RPG Settlement Sheet ... [click here for more] |
VikingRPG |
Pay What You Want
Most vampires do not exist in a social vacuum when it comes to their own kind. At least, there is somebody that has created them. The link between a vampire and his progenitor is different from that of a parent to a child. Parents only decide to have a child (if at all), and that is all they may truly choose and decide in regard to their offspring. The vampire that creates another chooses an already... [click here for more] |
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 |
Pay What You Want
Wie weit ist zu weit? Ersparen sie sich ihnen und ihren Mitspielern unangenehme Abende in denen sie im voraus Grenzen klären. All das für, wenn sie es wollen, kostenlos.
So verwenden Sie die Liste:
1. Bieten Sie jeder/jedem Spieler*in in einer bevorstehenden Runde an, vor... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want