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 Hottest Core Rulebooks, Family Gaming
 Hottest Community Core Rulebooks, Family Gaming
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Rubber Duckies! An Rpg made for rubber ducks. Yes, the kind you take in the bath. Yes, the kind that come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. I wrote this for kids of all ages. So Squeak your beaks, and splish your Splashes. Adventures out there waiting, you might even make it back for bathy time. ...   [click here for more]
Branden Webb  Pay What You Want

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~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

Якщо ви живете в Україні або є українцем, ми заохочуємо вас отримати це україномовне видання нашого бестселера TSRPG (Travel Sized RPG) безкоштовно як наш подарунок! Ми хотіли б попросити всіх інших підтримати наші зусилля від...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Deadball: Baseball With Dice

Deadball: Baseball With Dice

READY NOW: The Second Edition of Deadball: Baseball With Dice! Be Sure to Check out Deadball: 1909Deadball: Year II, Deadball: Year III, and Deadball: Year IV Available Now! Teach Your Kids to Love the Game With Deadball Junior! Or Make...   [click here for more]
W.M. Akers  Pay What You Want

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Perils & Princesses Quick Start

Perils & Princesses Quick Start

Once Upon A Time... A party of valiant Princesses embarked on a grand adventure. They each received a magical Gift from their Fairy Godmothers to aid them in their quest through the enchanted forest. They bargained with pixies, outwitted goblins, danced in the moonlight at a mossy shrine and even stopped for a picnic with a unicorn along the way.  With bright sword in hand, they faced down the fire-breathing...   [click here for more]
Outrider Creative  Pay What You Want

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Toons & Detectives

Toons & Detectives

Crime is rising in Toontown! You are zany cartoon detectives. Your mission is to explore wacky mysteries, deal with crazy criminals, and defend Toontown against cataclysmic capers. Your boss Commissioner Benton has been overcome by the Dip, leaving you to fend for yourselves while your boss recovers in the...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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A Very Honey Heist Christmas

A Very Honey Heist Christmas

It's Christmas Eve. Santa's missing. His only hope is a crew of washed-up, semi-retired criminal bears. Best get to mauling. CHRISTMAS EVE. Across the globe, children slumber fitful in their beds awaiting the arrival of their presents. But all is not well in the halls of power at the North Pole: Santa is missing. Thanks to a convoluted set of events and extensive legal obligations, the responsibility...   [click here for more]
Rowan, Rook & Decard  Pay What You Want

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Micro RPG-R: Fantasy Game Starter Book

Micro RPG-R: Fantasy Game Starter Book

A Complete Simple Solo Role-Playing Experience Set in a Fantasy World This complete starter includes all the rules you need to play the game and utilize any game adventures or expansions.  Micro RPG-R is a super simple and easy-to-learn/play tabletop roleplaying game system. (Hence the "micro" portion of the Micro RPG-R title of the system). This simplicity makes the game accessible to new...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Wild Lands

Wild Lands

Scurry into adventure with Wild Lands a cooperative storytelling RPG where players control squirrel knights, mouse mages,  badger barbarians, and more! Wild Lands Core Rule Book: 11 Playable critters,  Core Rules, Equipment, Great Isle Campaign Guide, Bestiary including 40+ creatures, and Loot! *Adventures in Silverthorn...   [click here for more]
Stephen Wood Games  Pay What You Want

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Fairytale Goons

Fairytale Goons

A one-page, low-violence roleplaying game of fairytale adventures for children ages 5 and up. Play as the Gingerbread-person from the Castle, the Witch from the Floating City or several other combinations of Identity, Origin and Relic. Fairytale Goons is a hack of Tunnel Goons by Nate Treme (CC 4.0). If you are familiar with that game, here are some differences: Not-death: Characters don't die but...   [click here for more]
Dados Tostados  Pay What You Want

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XOE: Warriors From Beyond Antiquity (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

XOE: Warriors From Beyond Antiquity (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

An Index Card Sword and Sandal RPG A SPECIAL PRIDE 2024 RELEASE! In a time lost to the annals of antiquity, a realm in turmoil called out for champions. Forged in the crucible of war & suffering, you emerged as one such champion. Once an outcast for your gender, sexuality, & queerness, you are now endowed with the gifts of power, fervor, & valor from the...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces: TOS (The Original Sheets)

Space Aces: TOS (The Original Sheets)

In Outer Space, there's tons of things to do. When you have a thing that you want done, contract the Space Aces! We are mostly competent, heavily in debt, and highly motivated! Do you love rules-lite no-prep sci-fi rpg games like Lasers & Feelings but wish it had a little more to it? Crave the emergent narratives of Fate, PBtA and Genesys...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - EFS Japanese Version

エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - EFS Japanese Version

Express Frontier System (EFS) は、凝縮された簡潔なロールプレイ ゲーム システムであり、上級ゲームマスターまたはすでに Original Frontiers ゲームに精通している人向けに設計されています。これは、世界最大のゲーム コミュニティであるテーブルトップ RPG ゲームの世界に何かをお返しする私の方法でもあります。...   [click here for more]
Original Frontiers  Pay What You Want

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Movie Night

Movie Night

An all-ages storytelling roleplaying game inspired by the movies of the 80's and shows such as Stranger Things. I originally designed this as a game to play with my daughter who was really wanting to try gaming but was a bit too young to take in all of the mechanics. It then developed into this, which was playtested in both a school and at a few small, daring tables. It's designed to be child-friendly...   [click here for more]
77studios  Pay What You Want

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OWLBEARD ACADEMY (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

OWLBEARD ACADEMY (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

An Index Card Magical School RPG A SPECIAL PRIDE 2024 RELEASE! FREE TO DOWNLOAD! Please consider donating at least a dollar to support LGBTQ+ creators and designers!  You have been chosen by the Great Owl Oracle to attend Owlbeard Academy, a school for fledgling witches. Students here are often outcasts including trans, queer, & gay youth seeking a second chance...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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STAR FLIGHT (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

STAR FLIGHT (Micro Player Index Card RPG)

An Index Card Space Exploration RPG A SPECIAL PRIDE 2024 RELEASE! FREE TO DOWNLOAD! Please consider donating at least a dollar to support LGBTQ+ creators and designers!  Congratulations on completing your training at Star Flight Academy & embarking on your first deep space mission. Our collective of explorers & scientists is dedicated to discovering...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Pocket: An Emergency RPG & GM Emulator

Pocket: An Emergency RPG & GM Emulator

Pocket is a ultra rules light RPG system and GM emulator that works off of one little six sided dice. That's right, all you need is some paper, pens, a d6, and your imagination and you too can play Pocket. So go raid Grandma’s Monopoly and make this next family get together the most fun, RPGest one yet. ...   [click here for more]
Austin Swartzendruber  Pay What You Want

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For Treats! For Glory!

For Treats! For Glory!

LIVE THAT KITTY LIFE! For Treats! For Glory! is a one page tabletop RPG about living that cat life. Avoid Boredom. Seek a balance of Calm and Stimulation. Do what you want to do and have cool kitty experiences.  RUNS ON MOTIF Simple d6 mechanic based on the Motif Framework. It answers both world questions and action resolution.  Create your kitty....   [click here for more]
Thought Punks  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Ahead!

Adventure Ahead!

Adventure Ahead! is a One-Page Tabletop RPG system that provides a super fast route to start fantasy adventures at the table for both players and GMs. The system prioritizes fast mechanics to keep immersion as the focus of your sessions with an easy "doing stuff" system and a lean and fast-paced combat structure. With a page and some six-sided die you'll be ready to adventure, explore dungeons, or...   [click here for more]
StankNasty  Pay What You Want

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The Animals

The Animals

The Animals (CC BY 4.0) is a rules-lite RPG about a group of farm animals trying to escape their ultimate fate. The game was made for One-Page RPG Game Jam 2024. If you like the hijinx of movies like "Chicken Run" and "Fantastic Mr. Fox" you might like The Animals. Some of the game mechanics were inspired by  Raid The Cidadel by Gnarled Monster and D.O.G.S. by Tiago Junges. To run this game you'll...   [click here for more]
B Paolucci  Pay What You Want

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10 Cantrips with Piercing Damage for 5e

10 Cantrips with Piercing Damage for 5e

Dungeons & Dragons 5e players often find that physical damage spells, especially those dealing piercing damage, are few and far between. The core rules include only one piercing cantrip, Thorn Whip, exclusive to Druids. But why stop there? 10 Cantrips with Piercing Damage for 5e brings new depth and versatility to your spellcasting options. Designed to fill this gap, this collection offers spells...   [click here for more]
Mark Richard Francis  Pay What You Want

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All Dwarves Are Dead

All Dwarves Are Dead

All Dwarves Are Dead is a fresh, fantasy roleplaying system! It's pithy narrative about the Dwarves demise is optional. This manual uses a quick and exciting core mechanism that makes it easy for any gamer to engage and enjoy! It can be used as a standalone rpg and encourages Game Masters to expand its horizons. ...   [click here for more]
Tarver Games  Pay What You Want

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Summer Camp Mystery

Summer Camp Mystery

Summer Camp Mystery is a family investigation focused RPG inspired by Scooby Doo, The Three Investigators, Gravity Falls, and other mystery shows and books for kids. The players create their characters (known as the Kids) and together spend a week in a summer camp. They go for treks, swim on the lake... and solve a Mystery of the Monster! The system is narrative-based, using a simplified...   [click here for more]
Jozef Frajkor  Pay What You Want

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The Silver Road

The Silver Road

The Silver Road is an experimental, minimalist story-telling game for 3 to 5 players, written by Jon Hodgson (Writer on The One Ring, Adventures in Middle-earth, BEOWULF Age of Heroes and The Terminator RPG) The new edition, version 2, releases April 4th 2023 contains all new human-made artwork. The book is 24 pages long, and each spread features an image created with models, sets, computer...   [click here for more]
Handiwork Games  Pay What You Want

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In Seedwords, books are fertile ground, and their words are the seeds that grow into vibrant, living narratives. Each page you turn and every word you discover lays the roots of your characters, cultivates the plot, and nurtures the stakes of your adventure. Whether you’re tending the soil of a classic novel, a modern fantasy, or even an instruction manual, the worlds and challenges that...   [click here for more]
what else  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon to Table

Dungeon to Table

D2T is a one-page GMless dungeon crawler designed for two or more players. Explore the dungeon, battle monsters,  disable traps, and find treasure to create a list of tasty meals to cook in real life! ...   [click here for more]
Lorelock  Pay What You Want

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Big Country Mobster

Big Country Mobster

Big Country Mobster is a solitaire tabletop game set in the Big Country Boxing universe of BCB. The player, that's you, creates a mobster and sets out to take over Paradise City. Can you survive and become PC's next Don?  All one needs to enjoy this game in a book is this book, a ten-sided die, paper, and pencil. ...   [click here for more]
DarkAgeOfGames  Pay What You Want

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Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

What Robot Will You Draw? Perfect for families with children over the age of 10. Bots 'n Pieces is a role-playing game where you'll join a screwball team of clapped-out robots on the junk-covered frontier planet of Tartaria. You're an Urfling, a Bot created for various purposes: gardening, opera, or WAR. The coolest thing about Urflings? You can COMBINE them into more powerful and weirder...   [click here for more]
Dark Jewel Games  Pay What You Want

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Not Another Space Adventure

Not Another Space Adventure

Were you disappointed by NASA's rpg offering? Did you expect to at least get to ride in a spaceship? This is a better quick RPG for a NASA space mission. No elves or mages, just the wonder of space travel and real people doing their best in a dire situation with millions of lives at stake in a situation based on a real NASA practice mission. Read it in ten minutes and play with two six sided dice....   [click here for more]
SpaceRoadie  Pay What You Want

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Mushroom Realty

Mushroom Realty

Mushroom Realty is a simple cozy GM-less TTRPG to play alone or with friends where you (a mushroom real estate agent) can buy mushroom houses with colorful randomized descriptions. Match up the color coded key words in the mushroom descriptions with mushroom buyer preferences to make a sale (hopefully at a profit) to buy bigger and better mushroom houses or perhaps rare real estate artifacts...   [click here for more]
Aiphos the Dragon  Pay What You Want

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d12GO! - The Universal RPG

d12GO! - The Universal RPG

d12GO is a simple rules-lite role playing system that uses a single 12-sided die (a “d12”).  The driving philosophy behind d12GO is that players and game masters can start playing in any genre or setting they want.  Just pick up a d12… and go! Character creation is a breeze, with different character levels suited to different styles of game or difficulty. Playing something tense and full...   [click here for more]
Squadeth Games  Pay What You Want

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Pip System QuickStart

Pip System QuickStart

Pip System QuickStart Contained within is but one kind of story you can tell with the Pip System. In the prewritten adventures, The Crash Site, players take the role of survivors in a post apocalyptic setting called The World After and are racing against scavengers in hopes of securing supplies for their group. For up to 6 players. Includes: – Rules summary – Intro Adventure: The Crash...   [click here for more]
Third Eye Games  Pay What You Want

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10 Cantrips with Intelligence Saving Throws for 5e

10 Cantrips with Intelligence Saving Throws for 5e

Elevate Your Spellcasting with 10 Cantrips Requiring Intelligence Saving Throws! In the vast world of Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Intelligence saving throws represent a critical weak spot for many creatures, particularly martial classes. Yet, spells that utilize this saving throw remain astonishingly rare. For those seeking to challenge their enemies’ intellect, 10 Cantrips with...   [click here for more]
Mark Richard Francis  Pay What You Want

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Tales of Forge & Fortune - Barebones Quickstart

Tales of Forge & Fortune - Barebones Quickstart

Tales of Forge & Fortune is a Cozy Fantasy Smithing TTRPG where you set out to forge a legacy, on your own or with friends. Traverse the land in search of materials to craft countless wondrous items to sell at your shop within an ever-evolving town! Although crafting is at the heart of this game, there are still PLENTY of opportunities for roleplaying and adventure, without...   [click here for more]
ReadyComicsRoll  Pay What You Want

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10 Cantrips with Bludgeoning Damage for 5e

10 Cantrips with Bludgeoning Damage for 5e

Unlock a new dimension of magic in your tabletop adventures with 10 Cantrips with Bludgeoning Damage for 5e! Designed for the 5th edition of the world’s most popular RPG, this spellbook reimagines what casters can achieve with physical force. While many spellcasters rely on fire or lightning, bludgeoning damage brings a visceral impact that stands apart. This collection introduces ten unique cantrips...   [click here for more]
Mark Richard Francis  Pay What You Want

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11 Spells with Charisma Saving Throws for 5e

11 Spells with Charisma Saving Throws for 5e

Discover 11 Spells That Redefine Charisma Saving Throws in D&D 5e! Unleash the untapped potential of Charisma saving throws with this imaginative spellbook for Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Dive into the depths of magic where personality, willpower, and the essence of the soul are pushed to their limits. These eleven original spells blend creative mechanics with compelling storytelling,...   [click here for more]
Mark Richard Francis  Pay What You Want

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12 Cantrips with Strength Saving Throws for 5E

12 Cantrips with Strength Saving Throws for 5E

12 Cantrips with Strength Saving Throws for 5E Tired of the same spell lists? Looking to push your opponents in novel and tactical ways? 12 Cantrips with Strength Saving Throws for 5e will help you expand your arsenal with alternatives that take advantage of the often-overlooked Strength saving throw. This carefully picked collection includes 12 cantrips that will give you new methods...   [click here for more]
Mark Richard Francis  Pay What You Want

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Fountain Regular: Popeye

Fountain Regular: Popeye

The highly implausible has occurred: Popeye has done it again! With remarkable good luck, a sharp wit, and the ability to become extremely potent should he need to get into a fight or out of a scrape, this sailor man will no doubt lend interest to your next adventure! ...   [click here for more]
Noah Kastin  Pay What You Want

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Wild Lands Essentials

Wild Lands Essentials

Scurry into adventure with Wild Lands a cooperative storytelling RPG where players control squirrel knights, mouse mages,  badger barbarians, and more! Wild Lands Essentials: 5 Playable critters (Mice, Voles, Moles, Squirrels, and Badgers),  Core Rules, Equipment,  Bestiary including 15+ creatures! 1 adventure, The Wayward Apprentice, to...   [click here for more]
Stephen Wood Games  Pay What You Want

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Embark on a quest in that liminal place between waking and sleeping. Diedream is a one-page (front and back) solo TTRPG that you play in your head.  Within two sides of A5 is an elegant game system that allows a player to go on adventures in the comfort of their bed with nothing more than their brain and their fingers. "Alfred's work pokes at the edges of human consciousness" — Will Jobst, Good...   [click here for more]
Alfred Valley  Pay What You Want

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Sugarplum Village Bakery

Sugarplum Village Bakery

With only eight days ‘til Christmas Eve, your bakery is working around the clock to create treats for the townsfolk of the snow-covered village. Each day brings new challenges, from restocking ingredients to handling last-minute holiday orders. Running your own bakery, you'll need to manage your resources to make sure everyone gets their treats on time. Play alone or compete with others as friendly...   [click here for more]
Grim Sour Games  Pay What You Want

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Micro RPG-R: Bare Bones Basics Rules Preview

Micro RPG-R: Bare Bones Basics Rules Preview

Get a FREE preview of the Micro RPG system for FREE RPG DAY 2023 Micro RPG-R is a super simple and easy-to-learn/play tabletop roleplaying game system. (Hence the "micro" portion of the Micro RPG-R title of the system). This simplicity makes the game accessible to new gamers, gamers with less time on their hands, and even new Game Masters wanting to run a system that is easy to randomize and...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Sword & Backpack: Twin Cities Edition

Sword & Backpack: Twin Cities Edition

Sword and Backpack Twin Cities Edition is a reimagining of the original that was released by Rothbard and Gazpus in 2013.  The Twin Cities Edition uses 2d6 instead of a d20 (there is just something elegant about 2d6) and has some expanded definitions to help solve a lot of common situations that come up in play. It also includes a new job, the Cleric to give it a 1980's old school vibe.  Also included...   [click here for more]
Tainted Edge Games  Pay What You Want

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OSRPG Quickfire Rules

OSRPG Quickfire Rules

If you love one-shots and are looking for simpler rules that what regular OSRPG products offer, then the Quickfire rules are for you! An easy-to-learn D100 system Quick yet robust character creation Players define their own feats and must creatively apply them during play.  Mechanics like Action Dice give your character their heroic moment. Fillable PDF Character Sheet HELP SUPPORT ONE-SHOT...   [click here for more]
One Shot RPG  Pay What You Want

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Goblins Grabbed My Dice!

Goblins Grabbed My Dice!

Peeplin' HARD! Dice GOOD! Goblins Grabbed My Dice is a game where you play a team(?) of goblins that have snuck into a gaming convention somewhere in Middle America. Your goal is to steal the most precious jewel among goblinkind. Mathy rocks. Clickity clacks. Dice. It is a fun one-shot game of zany hijinks, cartoon mischief, and chaotic silly gobbos. It's about stuffing three goblins in a trenchcoat,...   [click here for more]
Matt Stormcrow  Pay What You Want

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The Treatise of Adventure

The Treatise of Adventure

Learn the how to play our 5e styled game for kids! The treatise explains how to adventure in this 5e super lite styled game for young minds. Simplified game play, easy to understand rules, short narratives for small attention spans, our adventures are written for families to focus on fun and not get bogged down with the tediousness that can happen with TTRPGs. This treatise explains how to create...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  Pay What You Want

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Land of Eem RPG Quickstart Guide

Land of Eem RPG Quickstart Guide

UPDATE! Support the Land of Eem crowdfunding campaign: The Lord of the Rings meets The Muppets in this lighthearted, epic fantasy roleplaying game! Land of Eem is a game about adventurers exploring and discovering the remnants of a forgotten, better age. Players take on the roles of lore-seeking travelers,...   [click here for more]
Star & Flame Games  Pay What You Want

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Age of Exploration Complete Bundle

Age of Exploration Complete Bundle

The printed version of this game is 72 cards in a tuck box All other materials are digital.  Choose one of Six elemental spell schools, and explore the bright and optimistic world of Alterra. The Print and Play Edition includes all spells, weapons, and treasure on illustrated cards, helping players visualize and plan their turns. This is the latest version of Age of Exploration. The downloadable...   [click here for more]
Age of Exploration  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

The Adventure Begins With You! For over 100 years, Dorothy's adventures in the Land of Oz have fired the imaginations of millions. Now it's time to create your own Adventures in Oz! * Easily create your own unique Oz character, or recreate your favorite Oz hero! * A great starter game for Oz fans aged 8-800! * Earn Oz Points and grow in power by making friends instead of fighting enemies! * A...   [click here for more]
F. Douglas Wall Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Fail Forward RPG system

Fail Forward RPG system

Introducing Fail Forward RPG Fail Forward is a setting-agnostic roleplaying game designed for oneshots and short campaigns. The system provides the tools to run games without mechanical preparation required. A game master who designs their own scenarios can thus give up on worrying on the mechanics and concentrate on the narrative content!  Why should I get Fail Forward?...   [click here for more]
Nuclear Saints  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces Supplemental: That One Where

Space Aces Supplemental: That One Where

Every great episode needs a fun b-plot. Whether it’s lower decks ensigns trying to impress the senior staff, or hapless redshirts just trying to NOT get eaten by a Jovian moon beast... a b-plot makes any episode better. Now you can improve your scene changes, break up your space opera story, and keep the fun flowing with this standalone b-plot mini game of your very own. Featuring quick low stakes...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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