This game aid is written for beginners, teachers and parents who wants to play with their kids. I have travelled around much, playing in kindergardens, schools, at libraries, conventions and much more, and one thing many adults I have met during these travels have in common a fear of letting go. You see, they are used to boardgames where all the rules are stated on the lid of the game, such as Monopoly... [click here for more]
Победа ещё никогда не была такой сладкой!
Шуточный детский данжкроул по зачистке подземелий от сладостей с элементами наследия, который поможет вам весело провести время вместе.... [click here for more]
Su un foglio un mini board game sui duelli aerei della seconda guerra mondiale in africa tra la Regia Aereonautica e Royal Air Force.
CR 42 Falco contro Gloster Gladiator
Il gioco con regolamento completo di miniature è un print and play, basta 1 dado a sei facce, degli amici fogli e matite. ... [click here for more]