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Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Six (6) New Magic Spells
-Three (3) New Monsters
-One (1) Unstocked Dungeon Map
-One (1)... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Champion, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. impress your foes with fantastic maneuvers before ending them!
“The same honour waits for the coward and the brave" Ligyron- human champion
Champion calss is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark... [click here for more] |
Vorpal edge |
Pay What You Want
Struggler, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. high risk high reward is the name of the game, throw caution to the wind, prove your Guts and hit hard!
"In the end the winner is still the last man standing"
Struggler is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane... [click here for more] |
Vorpal edge |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Eight (8) New Dwarven Magic Items
-One (1) Tavern Map
-Goblinoid Character Class... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Five (5) New Magic Spells
-Six (6) New Monsters
-Two (2) Unstocked Village Maps
-One... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
 A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam.
*NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Two (2) new Dwarven races (Clockwork and Stone)
-Chaos magic to beef up your humanoid... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Rescued from the dry sands of history...
The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin. It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity. Enjoy this document as it... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
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![The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21347/446719-thumb140.jpg) All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants!
Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More.
Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg.
This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce
The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
Polyhedral will be a quarterly magazine which takes a modern approach to RPG content, paying homage to the formats of roleplaying magazines of yesteryear.
Each issue will showcase the games we play and the people who play them.
Issue 0 serves to introduce you to the content we both plan on having and want submitted to the magazine.
Fields of Fire - A 5e and OSE One Shot
Chaos... [click here for more] |
Polyhedral Press |
Pay What You Want
Jackknife Trail is a complete action role playing, frontier exploring, character leveling, hunt and grab, loot finding, adventure game that's built around the usage of a single deck of ordinary playing cards. If you're familiar with the Cards & Catacombs rules, you'll have no problem adjusting.
This game is designed to function as a solitaire experience as well as a group-based crawl. Jackknife... [click here for more] |
Harrington Martin Books |
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En medio de un invierno nuclear que oculta la luz del sol, un único faro de civilización, luz y energía, brilla en la oscuridad del yermo glacial: la arcología de Cybersalles. En la cúspide de este gigantesco palacio de alta tecnología, una decadente aristocracia compite por la atención del todopoderoso Louis 01, el Rey Sol, mientras millones de plebeyos viven oprimidos en sus entrañas. Desde... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
La terrible batalla contra los Arcaicos ha terminado, los Dioses han muerto dejando a las razas de Korn abandonadas a su suerte. Sin embargo, su ausencia y la consecuente desaparición de la magia no ha sido el fin de sus habitantes. Una nueva revolución ha comenzado.
Tras siglos de oscuridad, grandes imperios se alzan de las ruinas de los antiguos apoyados en la arcanotecnología y un nuevo recurso:... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Any small donation to feed the Wolfhill Goblins coffee addiction would be greatly appreciated.
Please enjoy this Wolfhill Entertainment image. Feel free to use it to notify friends of games nights or for posting general information about your RPG’s. Simply add your message with an image editor and save it. Please note that this is only for personal use only,... [click here for more] |
Wolfhill Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Please enjoy this free Wolfhill Entertainment image. Please note that this is only for personal use only, not commercial use. ... [click here for more] |
Wolfhill Entertainment |
Pay What You Want