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 Hottest Game Master Rule Guides, Modern
 Hottest Community Game Master Rule Guides, Modern
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Most people do fun things during summer, such as going to the beach or pool, are partying with friends till the morning, enjoying a nice hike in the mountains and others doing a BBQ in their garden. Some, however, decide they want to learn how to survive by going to the survival summer camp. No matter whether you are at a camp-fire, sitting in a bar or driving a car, if you are with a friend or two,...   [click here for more]
FogBound Tom  Pay What You Want

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Covert Ops - GMs Screen Print & Play

Covert Ops - GMs Screen Print & Play

See Core Product here Hide mission-critical intel from operatives! This is a game master's screen for the Covert Ops role-playing game (see Core Product).  It is presented in a 6-page layout to be printed landscape and inserted into sleeve-based universal GM screen systems such as those sold elsewhere.  Alternatively, you can print on project paper (the printable self-adhesive paper available at...   [click here for more]
DwD Studios  Pay What You Want

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Shattered Worlds Introduction Guide

Shattered Worlds Introduction Guide

This is a free introduction to the Shattered Worlds - Join us on our Reddit Page: Based on the world’s most popular tabletop role-playing game, Shattered Worlds transports the players to a gritty post-apocalyptic setting where technology and magic exist side-by-side. Events, now commonly referred to as...   [click here for more]
siegebreaker games  Pay What You Want

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Mausritter (Nederlands)

Mausritter (Nederlands)

This is the authorized Dutch translation of Mausritter, the sword and whiskers roleplaying game by Isaac Williams. Pak het zwaard en zet de snorharen op van een dappere muisavonturier in Mausritter (Muisridders), een avontuurlijk fantasierollenspel. Dankzij heerlijk snelle en kleurrijke personagecreatie speel je super snel je eigen muisavonturier. Een...   [click here for more]
Wonderschouw  Pay What You Want

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Alique: an Anything RPG

Alique: an Anything RPG

I don't want you to buy a game you're not interested in, so here's the design decisions and concepts. This game is heavily narrativist. That means the system is very simple without any real tactical complexity. It’s more focused on telling a cool story than on careful resource management. There's lots of ways for players to manipulate the dice rolls, and players almost always succeed. There are resources...   [click here for more]
Twisted Die Productions  Pay What You Want

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Tervetuloa pelaamaan Mölkkyroolipeliä! Kyseessä on roolipelijärjestelmä, joka soveltuu monenlaisissa ympäristöissä pelaamiseen ja kaikenlaisten tarinoiden kertomiseen. Näin voitte viettää ulkona aikaa tarinoiden parissa. Mölkkypamfletti ei sijoitu mihinkään tiettyyn maailmaan tai genreen, vaan tarinat voivat olla ihan mitä tahansa Kummelista Kaurismäkeen tai fantasiasta avaruusoopperaan. ...   [click here for more]
Storycraftsman  Pay What You Want

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Modernity (Fate Edition) Coordinator's Toolkit

Modernity (Fate Edition) Coordinator's Toolkit

This pay-what-you-want product is an interactive PDF designed for use by coordinators with the Modernity (Fate Edition) RPG. The PDF has two modes: a printable version and an electronic game tracking version that you can use in realtime at the game table.   The Coordinator's Toolkit contains: Game Briefing Sheet (front & back) Hero Briefing Sheet (front & back) Session Briefing...   [click here for more]
Wistful Tiger  Pay What You Want

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A ROLE-PLAYING RULE-SET DESIGNED FOR ANY SETTING, AT ANY TABLE Rules, classes, enemies, and a starter adventure included! Lambhide is a tabletop role-playing game played with a designated narrator  and characters created and acted out by the other players. Using the rules provided the game is played with the narrator weaving a story or adventure and the players...   [click here for more]
LambHide  Pay What You Want

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One-shots: a practical primer for GMs

One-shots: a practical primer for GMs

Practical advice on coming up with adventure ideas and making the best out of a 3 hours game. ...   [click here for more]
Artikid Arts  Pay What You Want

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Proiettili e Parolacce

Proiettili e Parolacce

Questo gioco di ruolo investigativo si ispira alla serie di film degli anni ‘70-’80 conTomas Milian e Bombolo. ...   [click here for more]
Collettivo Antracite  Pay What You Want

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Ein Schwarzer Hund

Ein Schwarzer Hund

Depression ist ein Hund und zwar ein Schwarzer. Inspiriert von Matthew Johnstones Buch Mein Schwarzer Hund habe ich meine eigene Depressionserfahrung als Kreatur für 5e verarbeitet: Ein Schwarzer Hund, der sich einnistet und den man nicht so leicht wieder los wird. Anfangs ist er noch ein wenig bedrohlicher Schwarzer Welpe, aber...   [click here for more]
D3  Pay What You Want

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Quick! Act Human!

Quick! Act Human!

A comedic co-operative one page role playing game for three or more players. YOU ARE AN ALIEN You are an alien specializing in Advanced Human Studies. An important secret mission has been assigned to your team by your Grand Alien Superior. Failure is not an option. Each member of your team is to be teleported inside an individual Human on planet Earth. Once on Earth you...   [click here for more]
Leigh Carrthulhu  Pay What You Want

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Devolver: GM Guide

Devolver: GM Guide

This guide is to help GMs create these senarios and give an idea of how most cases work from their end. This also covers creating serial killers.  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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  Historiae Mundi: A History of the Known World