For all those who don't want to waste time, here are 8 pre-generated characters ready for your intrepid adventurers!
The characters you will find in the compendium are freely inspired by the characters of the original players of the playtest for "The Silence of Hollowind".
The cards are in A5 format, easily printable.
Per tutti coloro che non vogliono perdere... [click here for more]
Monster Clues Table for The Silence of Hollowind, Urban Fantasy role playing setting.
The "Monster Clues Table" is an essential tool for all those agents on the trail of a monster who wanders the streets of Hollowind!
By gradually marking the clues collected you will find out what threat awaits you!
PS: We recommend using it with the Hollowind... [click here for more]
The Silence Journal N°1, for The Silence of Hollowind, Urban Fantasy role playing setting, is a fake newspaper of the world of Hollowind full of ideas for setting and for your adventures!
Hollowind is a vast megalopolis that fifty years ago, thanks to Merlin’s Edict, managed to overthrow the tyranny of arcane families; since that very moment it has been fighting... [click here for more]
Un mini gioco da tavolo con miniature di carta 3D molto coreografico e semplice.
Adatto a ludoteche per attirare pubblico con due fotocopie, se ti è piaciuto accetto volentieri un caffè ... [click here for more]
La scomparsa della nona legione nelle terre di Britannia, un nuovo pianeta, una razza aliena divisa in tribù in guerra.
Il numero, la velocità, la forza, contro la disciplina di un esercito capace di conquistare il mondo.
Si tratta di un gioco minimale. Crea il tuo mondo alieno e misurati con gli amici in scontri epici.
Salva la nona legione!! ... [click here for more]
Mini gioco di guerra, quattro eserciti si contendono il parco chi avrà la meglio?
Stampi incolli e giochi in un attimo!!
Se ti è piaciuto accetto volentieri un caffè ... [click here for more]
Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo!
Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting.
Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system!
The... [click here for more]