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RPG Backstory Template

RPG Backstory Template

Are you a game master who struggles to get their players to create backstories for their characters? Are you a player looking for a quick and easy way to create backstories for your characters -- and get your GM to stop bugging you about it? If so, this backstory template can probably help you. This template consists of a short list of questions players answer about their characters to create a basic...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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Reforged Power (for Forbidden Lands)

Reforged Power (for Forbidden Lands)

2024-10-09: Updated Players' booklet to 3.3. As usual, refer to the list_of_changes.txt for more information on what has changed. 2024-02-10: Updated both booklets to 3.2. 2023-09-01: Updated both booklets to 3.1. No content changes, just added bookmarks to the pdfs. 2023-08-30: Updated both booklets to 3.0. This is a major update, changing some modules, adding/changing some spells and adding a...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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MgT Traveller Character Sheet

MgT Traveller Character Sheet

A redesign of the character sheet for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition (compatibility with other versions of Traveller may be possible, but I make no promises). This sheet is designed to be clean, low on ink-use, and provides as much information as possible in a user-friendly way. It includes a number of additions to the version included in the Core Rulebook - such as space...   [click here for more]
Mongoose  Pay What You Want

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Color Coded - Auto Calculating - Character Sheet for 5e Dungeons and Dragons

Color Coded - Auto Calculating - Character Sheet for 5e Dungeons and Dragons

I’m excited to bring you Project Gnome 3.12 of my a color coded character sheet for 5e Dungeons and Dragons. It is both form fillable and auto calculating. Put in your level and your ability scores and then watch your skills and abilities auto-populate.  The sheet is redesigned with a crisper look, the removal of some seldom used columns, and then using the repurposed...   [click here for more]
Lahrs  Pay What You Want

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The Secret World Character Sheet 5e

The Secret World Character Sheet 5e

The Secret World Character sheet for the 5e system. 4 pages including areas to mark Luminance/Shado, Anima Die Type and other details for your character. Includes  both basic and form fillable versions. ...   [click here for more]
Star Anvil Studios  Pay What You Want

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Twilight 2000 4E: Expanded Character Record Sheet

Twilight 2000 4E: Expanded Character Record Sheet

This is a set of Expanded CRS for Twilight 2000 4th Edition.  On the back of the sheet is a list of Specialties and a second double sided sheet is included with Player Reference Details for new players.  There are 4 sheets, one with a few bonus House Rules and one without and a color and no color version of each. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Dyson Logos' Fifth Edition Character Sheets

Dyson Logos' Fifth Edition Character Sheets

A hand-drawn single-sided character sheet in portrait format for Fifth Edition. This package includes eight files: 1. Standard sheet 2. Alternate format sheet 3. Standard sheet with hand-lettering 4. Spellbook sheet 5-8. The above sheets in form-fillable versions ...   [click here for more]
ZERObarrier  Pay What You Want

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Revised Carrying Capacity

Revised Carrying Capacity

Do you like the idea of characters tracking how much they carry, but aren't super thrilled about having players track every single pound carried? (Because, you know, that's tedious and boring.) If so, this Revised Carrying Capacity ruleset may be just what you're looking for. My Revised Carrying Capacity system uses the idea of small, medium, and large slots to help players keep track of how much...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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D&D 5th Edition Character Sheet

D&D 5th Edition Character Sheet

Oh my goodness! It's a few form-fillable, custom character sheets!  UPDATED JUNE 2018 The first sheet is for experienced players. I really liked the aesthetics of the official sheets (they're super nice!), but I often ran out of room where I needed it, and found myself keeping track of things in the margins. The purpose of this redesign is to...   [click here for more]
Matthew Perkins  Pay What You Want

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Class Character Sheets - The Bundle

Class Character Sheets - The Bundle

2024 Class Character Sheets Now Available! Click Here!  This bundle collects all of the individual class focused characters sheets in one easy place. A whopping 50+ character sheets! This bundle Includes:  The 12 core classes from the Player’s Handbook, plus the updated Artificer from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.  25 supplementary...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Into the Odd Character Sheet

Into the Odd Character Sheet

Into the Odd Character Sheet is an independently created sheet for the gorgeous Into the Odd tabletop RPG written by Chris McDowall / Bastionland Press. German translation by Matta Italian translation by Arthax Erathian Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  Pay What You Want

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Tales of Menace & Mystery – Fillable Character Sheet

Tales of Menace & Mystery – Fillable Character Sheet

TALES OF MENACE & MYSTERY Fillable Character Sheet The Tales of Menace & Mystery Fillable Character Sheet is a PWYW download for all players of the game, facilitating entering and storing the data for your pulp adventure characters. The Character Sheet comes in a PDF format and can easily be filled out and printed for your convenience. --- YH-MM-2 ...   [click here for more]
The Yellow Hand  Pay What You Want

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The Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet

The Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet

This Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet was made by a dissatisfied Pathfinder player for other Pathfinder players who are equally appalled by the vast lack of space and detail on all the other standard, run-of-the-mill character sheets they've tried. TL;DR: 8 pages of everything needed for recording a Pathfinder character of any level! Form-fillable PDF with several...   [click here for more]
Rachel Sandene  Pay What You Want

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Eat The Reich Empty Character Sheets

Eat The Reich Empty Character Sheets

Print Friendly Empty Character Sheets for Eat The Reich You've seen the awesome pre-generated characters available in Eat The Reich. You've had an amazing idea for a proud F.A.N.G. member, a vampire of your own creation. Even read the suggestions on how to create one, featured on the back of the book. But there is no clean empty print-friendly...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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Ironsworn: Starforged - Character Sheet (Card Size)

Ironsworn: Starforged - Character Sheet (Card Size)

Non-official card-sized character sheet for Ironsworn: Starforged. A convenient format to save and store your characters along with the asset cards, try different characters, or make pre-generated characters for a coop session or one-shot convention game.  Standard card size (similar to asset cards). Double-sided.  2 files: singles and sheets (9 cards per page—letter size). You can use d6 to track...   [click here for more]
Grim Banjo Games  Pay What You Want

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Castle Twilight Magic, Magic Supplement for Dragonbane / Drakar och Demoner

Castle Twilight Magic, Magic Supplement for Dragonbane / Drakar och Demoner

Note: This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party Supplement License. 30+ new spells and tricks for the Dragonbane RPG. Spells for all three schools of magic, as well as general spells for all mages. This module also includes premade grimoires that a GM can use as treasure or plot points....   [click here for more]
The Midgar Press  Pay What You Want

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Playkit Plus

Playkit Plus

A redesign of the Dungeon World playkit (playbooks+basic/special moves+GM section) with a new look, expanded class racial and alignment options, reworked bonds, and more!  Includes both an 8.5x11 and A4 size PDF copy, so those outside the U.S. can print it easily. List of New Features: Complete race names and moves (16 new moves total): be an elf, human, halfling,...   [click here for more]
Laughing Gnoll Games  Pay What You Want

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Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

The generic Genesys Character sheet, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster. Now includes a version with editable skill names. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Artistic Character Sheet for Four Against Darkness (4AD)

Artistic Character Sheet for Four Against Darkness (4AD)

Artistic Character Sheet I created for 4AD.  Files include PDFs for 2 character sheets per page, 4 character sheets per page and a jpeg of 1 character sheet. Four Against Darkness is an excellent solo RPG by Andrea Sfiligoi. ...   [click here for more]
Paw Wings Art  Pay What You Want

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Legend of the Five Rings Form Fillable 20 questions & Character Sheet 5E

Legend of the Five Rings Form Fillable 20 questions & Character Sheet 5E

This is only a form fillable and basic calculation sheet. It is using the actual standard sheet from FFG. Now includes the 20 questions document form fillable as well. ...   [click here for more]
Games By Pixie LLC  Pay What You Want

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Mermaids of the Depths

Mermaids of the Depths

Mermaids of the Depths is a transhumanist, post-apocalyptic TTRPG where the Players take on the role of aquatic-dwelling cyborgs known as Divers. Your goal is to dive into the depths of the globe-spanning ocean to discover lost artifacts, priceless technology, and forbidden knowledge from the time before the apocalyptic event known as the Deathfall. (Cosmic) horror, carefully crafted mechanics,...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Baptism of Fire Character Sheet

Baptism of Fire Character Sheet

This is a fillable digital pdf of the character sheet for the Baptism of Fire ttrpg. ...   [click here for more]
Mad Scribe Games  Pay What You Want

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Castle Twilight Kin - Profession - Heroic Abilities, Supplement for Dragonbane / Drakar och Demoner

Castle Twilight Kin - Profession - Heroic Abilities, Supplement for Dragonbane / Drakar och Demoner

Note: This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party Supplement License. New Kin and Profession for Dragonbane. The Spellborn Kin is an innate magic user with a limited ability to cast spells, which can be heightened by new Heroic Abilities included in this module. The Arcane Warden is a guardian...   [click here for more]
The Midgar Press  Pay What You Want

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The Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet Redesign

The Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet Redesign

This Improved Pathfinder Character Sheet Redesign was made by a dissatisfied Pathfinder player for other Pathfinder players who are equally appalled by the vast lack of space and detail on all the other standard, run-of-the-mill character sheets they've tried. It's a redesigned PDF of the previous version, with much of the same content—just aesthetically streamlined a bit!  TL;DR:...   [click here for more]
Rachel Sandene  Pay What You Want

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Historia - Character Sheet

Historia - Character Sheet

***This products includes both English and Italian Version | Questo prodotto include sia il file Inglese che Italiano*** ...   [click here for more]
Mana Project Studio  Pay What You Want

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Ultramodern 5 Form Fillable Character Sheet

Ultramodern 5 Form Fillable Character Sheet

/product/190188/Ultramodern5-5th-Edition link to required product for this character sheet. This is a form fillable PDF character sheet for Ultramodern 5, it's basically the original file with the following changes. -Fixed "Weapons boxes". Original used to automatically fill ALL weapon boxes with whatever you typed in the first box -Added check box for Skills if proficient...   [click here for more]
Session Zero  Pay What You Want

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Simple 5e Character Sheets

Simple 5e Character Sheets

If you're running 5e for a brand new player, the character sheet can be pretty overwhelming. It's pages of dense numbers and information that can easily get too much for a new player.  This character sheet fits on half an A4 page and only includes the essentials so as not to overwhelm new players.  Download includes a form fillable PDF for those who wish to use the sheets with a tablet at the table. ...   [click here for more]
Icarus Games  Pay What You Want

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Fate Character Tents

Fate Character Tents

Fate Character Tents is a tool for Game Masters. This form fillable PDF can be used to display your character's name, aspects, and image to the other players at the table. Also, on the back side of each character tent is a simple cheatsheet so that you always have the most important rules right in front of you. All downloads are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0...   [click here for more]
Tallstrunt Press LLC  Pay What You Want

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Vaesen - Charecter Sheet 2 pages Revised

Vaesen - Charecter Sheet 2 pages Revised

While the original character sheet is fantastic I added some improvements based on players feedback: 1. Increased space for descriptions (motivations, trauma, dark secrets, talents, insights, defects, etc.) 2. Advantage bonus indicator next to Skill value 3. Debuff indicator per condition  4. Extra space for misc equipment  5. A 2nd page for character picture / drawing, Bio and Notes. Enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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EZD6 Fillable Character Sheet

EZD6 Fillable Character Sheet

A generic fillable PDF character sheet that includes drop-downs and check-boxes for the basics. This file is organized very differently from the official EZD6 character sheet but includes everything you need to store and run your character in a single place. Thanks for reading, Feedback is always welcome. 2.0 Has Dropped! It's a little prettier and hopefully a little more functional! Enjoy!...   [click here for more]
Redd Jack  Pay What You Want

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Pop Girlie Gladiators

Pop Girlie Gladiators

Pop Girlie Gladiators is a collection of five new D&D subclasses based on some of the world’s most famous pop stars. Here you’ll find a full breakdown of those subclasses for you to play as, plus a character who embodies them. You can include these characters in your world as NPCs, or play as them yourself. You’ll find a stat block for each character at Level 1 and Level 10, making it easy...   [click here for more]
Wub Games  Pay What You Want

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The Improved Pathfinder Animal Companion Sheet

The Improved Pathfinder Animal Companion Sheet

This Improved Pathfinder Companion Sheet was made by a dissatisfied Pathfinder player for other Pathfinder players who are equally appalled by the vast lack of space and detail on all the other standard, run-of-the-mill animal companion and familiar sheets they’ve tried.  With all of its vital stats on the first page and ample room for its special abilities, feats, and other notes on the...   [click here for more]
Rachel Sandene  Pay What You Want

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Divergent Dragons

Divergent Dragons

Dragons have always been known as gold hoarder creatures. Legends, tales, books, have described them asleep on piles of coins and jewels. What this books presents is a small collection of dragons not interested in shiny metals. They have different interests. They can hoard only jewelery, for example. Or fossils.  Maybe even cursed itens! You will find a short description of each dragon containing...   [click here for more]
Arthur Losquiavo  Pay What You Want

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His Majesty the Worm: Adventurer Generation Guide Booklet

His Majesty the Worm: Adventurer Generation Guide Booklet

Designed to help new players get it right, and experienced players generate characters quickly, this officially sanctioned guide booklet will have you up and playing Joshua McCrowell's His Majesty the Worm in minutes. Taking a spread for each step, with each table and list you need for that specific step, and visually demonstrating what section of the Character Sheet to fill out in...   [click here for more]
5tephe RPGs  Pay What You Want

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Genesys Landscape Auto Calculating Character Sheets

Genesys Landscape Auto Calculating Character Sheets

The simplest, most intuitive, yet most inclusive character sheet for the Genesys RPG yet! This comprehensive character sheet is spread across 2 landscape-oriented pages and is fully customizable for any genre or setting! This product’s zip file contains both a print version and fully form-fillable, auto-calculating version intended for screens. What you need: Adobe...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Ironsworn Journal Booklet

Ironsworn Journal Booklet

A booklet made to help in your Ironsworn adventures with everything you need in a single place. With this you can print a 40 page booklet/notebook. This booklet contains: The base ironsworn sheet. Character personality and traits. Special itens and inventory space. Bonds, assets, habilities and curses. Maps including the base from ironsworn and a hex map. A page to make your own oracles Some pages...   [click here for more]
Elln The Witch  Pay What You Want

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Genesys Character Booklet (Folio)

Genesys Character Booklet (Folio)

*All pictures are for reference only Presenting the Genesys Character Booklet! This folio-style character sheet is intended for long-term campaigns with lots and lots of space for recording information. In addition, several important rules references, including healing, status effects, encumbrance, etc., are placed in strategic locations, which will surely speed up the game of any player...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Windjammer Character Sheet

Windjammer Character Sheet

Ships are Characters just like any other in an RPG, and sometimes a bit more of a character. They have histories, records, critical data, and abilities just like a PC, and should be kept track of like a PC or NPC. This Windjammer Character sheet was designed specifically to keep track of a vessel's story, stats, and other information in a quick reference manner just like a PC or NPC character sheet....   [click here for more]
Ludos Calis Longa  Pay What You Want

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Scion 2nd Edition A5 Character Booklet

Scion 2nd Edition A5 Character Booklet

This character booklet is made for Scion 2nd edition from Onyx Path. It features: Editable PDF, that allows you to fill in your character and keep digitally Legend from 1-12, just in case Insert image of your character into the PDF (just click the portrait section) Space for 10 Conditions, for all your sufferings! Two versions:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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[BESM 4] Character Spreadsheets

[BESM 4] Character Spreadsheets

A character sheet spreadsheet made for BESM 4th Edition that autocalculates the derived values for your character. There is a 3 page version that includes a dedicated page for items for those characters that have complex items and a 2 page version for simpler characters. It's not too heavy on the automation to leave room for players (or GMs) to adjust the sheet to their needs like adding rows for...   [click here for more]
Dyskami Publishing Company  Pay What You Want

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Mechasys Character Sheet

Mechasys Character Sheet

This character sheet is for use with Mechasys A Mecha Construction and Campaign Supplement. Check out our Form Fillable version of this sheet. ...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Stars Without Number Revised Character Sheet (Unofficial)

Stars Without Number Revised Character Sheet (Unofficial)

New and improved character sheet for the brilliant sci-fi sandbox trpg, Stars Without Number. This product is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Sine Nomine Publishing, Inc.  ...   [click here for more]
Erie Mountain  Pay What You Want

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Basic ICRPG Character Record Sheet

Basic ICRPG Character Record Sheet

Get your 80's fantasy game on with this simple character record sheet for ICRPG inspired by the basic edition character record sheet from days gone by.  A percentage of all proceeds from this title goes to the Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation! We hope you enjoy this sample and please let us know what you think and consider sponsoring our Patreon!    ...   [click here for more]
Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.  Pay What You Want

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Realms of Terrinoth Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

Realms of Terrinoth Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Realsm of Terrinoth setting, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Shadow of the Beanstalk Genesys Character Sheet  (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

Shadow of the Beanstalk Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Android setting, Shadow of the Beanstalk, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Knave 2e Character Sheet

Knave 2e Character Sheet

A customized character sheet for Knave 2nd Edition  by Ben Milton. Included in the downloads are printable PDFs for Letter sized paper, and Form fillable sheets for online play. There are 2 versions of the sheet, one is the regular sheet for the core rules, and the other is a sheet that includes my optional house rules Optional House Rules: Ranks - A quality...   [click here for more]
Jod The Cod  Pay What You Want

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The Mechanist - A Blades in the Dark Playbook

The Mechanist - A Blades in the Dark Playbook

Under lamplight and in the heat of a forge you do your best work. Metal bends to your will, and electricity courses through capacitors, giving a semblance of life to your creations. Encased in armour that augments your strength and carries your weaponry, you are more than human, and more than machine. And the city holds no secrets, no limits, over your ingenuity.  --- The...   [click here for more]
Mitchell Salmon  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Merchant Class

Shadowdark Merchant Class

Traveling merchants, treasure hunters, and explorers. You are always on the look out for a good deal and selling your wares to increase the weight of your purse ...   [click here for more]
Rocket Punch Press  Pay What You Want

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Shadow of the Demon Lord Character Sheet

Shadow of the Demon Lord Character Sheet

Requires Shadow of the Demon Lord from Schwalb Entertainment. Begin Your Journey Record your Shadow of the Demon Lord character's details and accomplishments in this form-fillable PDF character sheet. Features auto-calculating fields and dropdowns to help you fill out your character's details quickly! Printer Friendly! ...   [click here for more]
Schwalb Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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  Dune - Adventures in the Imperium: Agents of Dune Deluxe Starter Set