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 Hottest Magazines / Zines, Modern
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Codex - Glamour 2 (Jun. 2019)

Codex - Glamour 2 (Jun. 2019)

Codex is the monthly RPG magazine published by the Gauntlet gaming community! Each issue features a variety of articles organized around a theme, loads of original artwork, and a custom layout. Inside Codex - Glamour 2: The Pines A game of GAY HORROR!!! It’s the annual Fire Island Pines party and lovable twunk Chad has gone missing. Can you locate him before you are assimilated?...   [click here for more]
The Gauntlet  Pay What You Want

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Codex - Glamour (Jun 2018)

Codex - Glamour (Jun 2018)

Codex is the monthly RPG fanzine published by the Gauntlet gaming community! Each issue features a variety of articles organized around a theme, loads of original artwork, and a custom layout. Inside Codex - Glamour: Serious Moonlight This is a scenario for Night’s Black Agents and other supernatural mystery games that focuses on David Bowie’s time in 1970s West Berlin. The...   [click here for more]
The Gauntlet  Pay What You Want

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In Seedwords, books are fertile ground, and their words are the seeds that grow into vibrant, living narratives. Each page you turn and every word you discover lays the roots of your characters, cultivates the plot, and nurtures the stakes of your adventure. Whether you’re tending the soil of a classic novel, a modern fantasy, or even an instruction manual, the worlds and challenges that...   [click here for more]
what else  Pay What You Want

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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

First published in 1820, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a haunting tale set in a small, eerie village nestled along the banks of the Hudson River. The story follows Ichabod Crane, a superstitious schoolteacher with dreams of wealth, who arrives in the quiet, mist-shrouded town of Sleepy Hollow. There, he competes for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy farmer,...   [click here for more]
Kids in the Attic  Pay What You Want

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The Silence

The Silence

THE SILENCE is a journaling experience that puts you in the shoes of someone exploring the Appalachian back country. Uncover the truth of what's really out there. TOOLS You'll need: - A set of RPG dice - Pen or pencil - Notebook I've included a download for a report sheet/ resource tracker. For those who have played feel free to e-mail me ( your playthrough. ...   [click here for more]
Under the Dice  Pay What You Want

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Theme Zine 1 for Fear of the Unknown

Theme Zine 1 for Fear of the Unknown

Welcome to the first collection of themebooks for Fear of the Unknown. This collection includes Deadly Dreams, Found Footage, Halloween Party, Curious Things, Day of the Mall, and The Return. You'll need the core rules to play.     A theme is...   [click here for more]
Sixpence Games  Pay What You Want

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A Sprinting Owl Manual For Making TTRPGs

A Sprinting Owl Manual For Making TTRPGs

TTRPGs are storytelling, acting, and logic games where the players take on roles in the fiction as part of engaging with the game. There are a lot of them. This is a guide to making your own. It is not a step by step assembly manual. It covers personal theory and experiences, and some elements of it are apt to get outdated pretty quickly (publication date 2024!) However, if you want to do some...   [click here for more]
Richard Kelly  Pay What You Want

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Mephisto Review Insider 02

Mephisto Review Insider 02

MEPHISTO Review Insider 02 Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 02 Mrz/Apr 2024 Horror und Urban Fantasy Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer...   [click here for more]
Verlag Martin Ellermeier  Pay What You Want

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The Devil with Long Ears on: for CY_BORG

The Devil with Long Ears on: for CY_BORG

A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam. *NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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Tabletop Insider 00

Tabletop Insider 00

TABLETOP INSIDER Das Mephisto Magazin für Tabletop-Spiele und Miniaturen Ausgabe 00 Jan/Feb 2009 Hordes: Legion of Everblight Taktikführer & Szenario. Nach dem Circle of Orboros und den Skorne, erfahren Sie im dritten Teil unserer Taktik- und Turnier-Reihe alles über die Legion of Everblight für Privateer Press' Hordes. Hordes: Drachenherz Szenario....   [click here for more]
Verlag Martin Ellermeier  Pay What You Want

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Mephisto Review Insider 01

Mephisto Review Insider 01

MEPHISTO Review Insider 01 Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 01 Mai/Jun 2023 Escape- und Ermittlungsspiele Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer...   [click here for more]
Verlag Martin Ellermeier  Pay What You Want

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Motherfucker Stole My Baby!

Motherfucker Stole My Baby!

You're a jewel thief - and you and your crew just nabbed a bag of black diamonds for a mysterious employer. You hand the jewels over to your fence for appraisal and kick back for a well-deserved party. Then comes the unexpected double whammy... Gangsters robbed your fence and swiped the diamonds - and your only child has been kidnapped by the billionaire that you stole the diamonds from! Can you retrieve...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press  Pay What You Want

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The Breightarren Vineyard: A module for ShadowdarkRPG

The Breightarren Vineyard: A module for ShadowdarkRPG

Once a household name in taverns far and wide, now fallen to ruin its grounds have become a graveyard. Explore the vineyard, uncover its secretes, drink what's left if it hasn't spoiled to vinegar.  The vineyard sits on a rocky slope that leads down from the main house and winery. The left vineyard is almost completely barren, the few remaining vines sit like bleached bone scarecrows...   [click here for more]
The Ninth Vault  Pay What You Want

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Take the Edge fanzine, issue 5.25

Take the Edge fanzine, issue 5.25

This is the 6th published (and the Fift-ever Full issue) of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Awesome, ain't it? Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by the devoted and (in)famous Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. an indie RPG designer,...   [click here for more]
Coming Through RPGs  Pay What You Want

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Mephisto 69 AddOn

Mephisto 69 AddOn

MEPHISTO 69 Online-Beilage Nachdem Mephisto 69 aus allen Nähten geplatzt ist, haben wir einen Berg zusätzlicher Beiträge online "ausgelagert". Ihr findet in dem PDF alles über die Fortsetzung der legendären Bard's Tale Trilogie inklusive einem Interview mit Brian Fargo. Zusätzlich zu unserer Systemvorstellung von Vampire V5 im Heft, geben wir...   [click here for more]
Verlag Martin Ellermeier  Pay What You Want

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The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]

The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]

All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants! Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More. Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg. This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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Index PMCs

Index PMCs

Do you roleplay in a military setting?  Are you looking to add some authenticity to your table?  Do you just like things that go 'BOOM' in the night?  Then this little book here might interest you, at least a little bit. PMCs are a very real variable of the modern battlefield, as well as an option for private security and policing.  This book acts as a set of simple examples for GMs to add to...   [click here for more]
Dark Tentacle  Pay What You Want

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Ritual Cuts Inktober 2023

Ritual Cuts Inktober 2023

Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page. ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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Take the Edge fanzine, issue 1.5 AKA #1.5

Take the Edge fanzine, issue 1.5 AKA #1.5

This is the 2nd published (and the First-ever Full issue) of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Awesome, ain't it? Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by the devoted and (in)famous Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. indie RPG designer,...   [click here for more]
Coming Through RPGs  Pay What You Want

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"Creeps" is a simple OSR system using a single d6. Players will take on the role of ghosts summoned by the will of a sorcerer to complete an otherworldly task. The characters have a single characteristic - Corporeality, which determines their intermediate state between the world of the living and the afterlife. The file contains tables with random features that will allow you to create a unique ghost,...   [click here for more]
Etheral guardian  Pay What You Want

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Le Dernier Casse (JDR en une page basé sur Tricube Tales)

Le Dernier Casse (JDR en une page basé sur Tricube Tales)

Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement le PDF complet en cliquant sur 'Publisher Preview', mais si vous souhaitez soutenir mon travail, merci ! "Vous avez eu votre heure de gloire dans les années 70, votre photo s’étalait en première page de tous les journaux. Malheureusement cela c’est très mal terminé et vous avez passé plusieurs dizaines d’années sous les barreaux....   [click here for more]
Nicolas Chauveau  Pay What You Want

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  Vampire: The Masquerade, Winter's Teeth #1