This is the second Toolkit I have created to help out Game Masters new and old for 5E. Similar to the first, you will find fully detailed dungeons and one-shot adventures, most of which can be dropped in any traditional fantasy world with minimal effort. This Toolkit also comes with 100 new monsters as part of Nerzugal’s Extended Bestiary with numerous unique creatures as well as expansions upon... [click here for more]
This booklet provides the necessary instructions to help convert system-agnostic game statistics expressed in the Calidar books. It also gives an introductory overview of the Calidar Universe and its "known world," the Great Caldera.
In a fantasy setting designed without core rules from a specific role-playing game, there lies a challenge in describing creatures, spells,... [click here for more]
Du bist der Held deiner eigenen Geschichte, ob in den weiten Sternen einer fernen Galaxie, in den düsteren Gassen einer verfallenen Stadt oder in den Tiefen einer vergessenen Höhle. Mit Einsamer Held kannst du diese Welten solo oder mit einer Gruppe von Freunden erleben – ganz ohne komplizierte Vorbereitungen.
Dieses Buch bietet neben den Soloregeln, die prinzipiell für jedes... [click here for more]