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'Mount Saint-Mikkel' is a beautifully designed 26 full-colour pages adventure with 5 beautiful maps included !
This adventure includes VTT support:
2D maps and NPCs portraits for your favorite classic VTT
3D board for Talespire, a wonderful and easy to use 3D VTT
In a secluded corner of the countryside, on top of a hill stands Mount Saint-Mikkel. An ancient power awakened there... [click here for more] |
Dendrobat Prod. |
Pay What You Want
I see that you’ve found a Dragonegg! Each egg is designed to crack open onto any rustic fantasy campaign to stir up mirth, mayhem, and mystery wherever you find it waning. With rules specifically supporting Free League’s Dragonbane; the following sample location could lead simply anywhere…
This Thanksgiving treat contains a small map ready for VTT and a A5 scale PDF with details about what... [click here for more] |
Joe's Binder |
Pay What You Want
'The Bloody Cliff' is a beautifully designed 45 full-colour pages adventure with 4 superb maps included !
This adventure includes VTT support:
2D maps and NPCs portraits for your favorite classic VTT
3D board for Talespire, a wonderful and easy to use 3D VTT
French version available here / Version française disponible ici :
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/352363/La-Falaise-Sanglante... [click here for more] |
Dendrobat Prod. |
Pay What You Want
This is a set of 76 different Token Markers, primarily intended for use on Roll20.net. They come in 512x512px png format, ideal for uploading to Roll20.
Uploading custom token markers is free for any Roll20 user, even without a subscription. See links in the included credits page. This set replaces the default markers, which do not capture Pathfinder conditions well.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
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Hypatia is a one-shot for 5th Edition designed for four players that should take around four hours to complete. It includes four maps, multiple encounters, magic items, and everything you need to run this revolutionary romp. Your party, a group of 3rd level rebel operatives, must rescue Hypatia Brightspark, a captured gnomish inventor being transported from her... [click here for more] |
Spooky Action Games |
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'The Burnt Church' is a beautifully designed MedFan adventure with 4 color maps and 8 NPCs portraits!
This adventure includes VTT support:
2D maps and NPCs portraits for your favorite classic VTT
3D board for Talespire, a wonderful and easy to use 3D VTT
French version available here / Version française disponible ici :
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/362463/LEglise-Brulee... [click here for more] |
Dendrobat Prod. |
Pay What You Want
Abenteurer aufgepasst! Quest DnDs erstes Abenteuer zum selbst erleben. Schafft ihr es, dass arkane Aufnahmeritual zu bestehen & auf die Arkane Akademie aufgenommen zu werden? Ihr reist in das kleine Dorf Klingenhoch, um euch im angrenzenden Feuerkieferwald einigen Prüfungen zu stellen. 35 Seiten, mit eigenen Statblöcken, Maps, Battlemaps und natürlich einer Urkunde für die... [click here for more] |
Quest |
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 Set of twenty tokens for Fantasy Grounds, Roll20 or any other virtual table top system. Includes Princess Yosha Pug, Leo Bulldog, Pan Dachshund, Jack Rat-Terrier, Sister Picassa Collie, Spike Mutt and other characters and monsters needed to play the Great Cat Conspiracy scenario at the end of the Pugmire Core Rulebook.
Now includes printable tokens in two formats: flat and standing. If you have... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Strange New Worlds – Island Map – Agyll Southwest
Agyll Prime is mostly water, with an abundance of aquatic life at the surface. Some of this life nestles within the expansive coral reefs, as it attempts to find somewhere to shelter from the planets considerable storms. What secrets lie within its watery depths, and the subterranean caverns in the deeper bedrock?
-------------------------... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
This product contains the monsters and rules from Those Outside the Walls - Free Preview, useable in FoundryVTT!. Each monster entry is complete with its abilities (including new images for magical attacks and monster non-attack actions) and a token, featuring some "exquisite" AI art!
The product files consist of a zipped module and an installation guide.
... [click here for more] |
Alex Dworman |
Pay What You Want
Electrochemistry abounds in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game!
Generations ago Ummyl Swordbuckle entrapped an evil metallic elemental called Sild'ruun in a Medallion. Vesta Catfinger, a criminal mastermind, recently stole this artifact with the intent to free the creature and add it to her ranks. However, Sild'ruun is far too powerful to control and... [click here for more] |
Lucas Chiesa |
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Virtual Tabletop Journey present the Mystery in Bludmist Swamp, a 4th level adventure, complete with support for the Talespire Virtual Tabletop!
The potion maker Meriadel is desperate to find more supplies or she will be forced to move shop! Her supplies come from dangerous areas of the Bludmist Swamp and hardy adventurers are needed to find out what happened to... [click here for more] |
Virtual Tabletop Journey |
Pay What You Want
 Tragedy at Glimmerlyte Mine is a third-level dungeon, set in a dwarven silver mine, overrun with giant ant-like monstrosities.
Gondrut Stonehand purchased the mineral rights to Glimmerlyte Mine with the intention of mining and smelting silver. Drawn to the mine by the rich mineral deposits, a hive of insectoid monstrosities tunneled their way into the mine, and killed nearly everyone inside.
Zip... [click here for more] |
Bleating Deacons Adventure Club |
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This silver-slinging rogue archetype focuses on rooting out evil from the edge of darkness. A third-caster with access to paladin spells in the style of the Arcane Trickster, Nightingales strike hard and keep the pressure on the strongest creature in the room while the rest of the party deals with other issues.
This comes with a FoundryVTT compendium, version-10 ready, with the archetype divided into... [click here for more] |
YesThievesCan |
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A VTT Asset Pack for Trouble in Tripoli, the adventure bundled with the Taster Edition of The Secret Files of Section D.
The Asset pack contains:
Maps for key locations
Deckplans for a gigantic airship
Player Character portraits
Player handouts
Tokens for Player Characters and NPCs
9 Pre Generated characters
Example map
The basic pack contains all the above with maps at 100dpi... [click here for more] |
Imaginarium Games |
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 Enter an underground lab and guide your players though a crisis while they discover the Secrets of the Mad Druid, a classic dungeon-crawl filled with beasts, both natural and created. Talk to the scientists behind the project and confront the terrible Dr. Horato Grimm. This module is a complete ready-to-run scenario for 5e and comes with everything you need to run this adventure at a real table or... [click here for more] |
Magnus Soul Studios LLC |
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 Pelo, pico, anca ...y Maza es una aventura sencilla de una o dos sesiones pensada para un director de juego y tres jugadores que interpretarán el papel de ciertos... enanos, en lo que pretende ser una cómica misión de rescate que se puede completar en unas 2-4 horas de juego.
El módulo incluye un World para Foundry VTT (V11.315) Non-premium... [click here for more] |
GBK Ediciones |
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 TLDR: This 5e Module is a 3-5 hour dungeon for 3-5 characters of 5th level. It contains new monsters, new magical items, and a story-driven reason for it to exist. 7 Deadly Sins features magical traps, new unique mechanics, and some tricky combat encounters. This dungeon is a favorite of our community of players.
Ultimate Dungeon Warrior modlues are designed to be dropped... [click here for more] |
Gold Dragon Tales |
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The Ratking’s Revenge is a third-level adventure, set in an ancient aberrational death trap, inhabited by a clan of ratfolk outlaws.
A clan of ratfolk were viciously driven out of the city in which they previously lived. The local citizens expressed their vitriol towards the ratfolk with epithets and threats. The threats escalated into violence, and the ratfolk were forced to flee into the... [click here for more] |
Bleating Deacons Adventure Club |
Pay What You Want
 Belligerent Ambition is a fifth edition compatible adventure, optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 1.
A vengeful hobgoblin attacks a festival celebration to avenge the death of his father and plunder a crypt in search of a powerful relic. The characters track the hobgoblin to a memorial crypt, where they face deadly traps and undead foes. Can the heroes survive the... [click here for more] |
Bleating Deacons Adventure Club |
Pay What You Want
Synopsis: This short little adventure entails a group of four professional dungeoneers who have been hired by Talimer the Sage to explore a nearby dungeon and retrieve magical artifacts from it. Within the dungeon players will go up against elemental foes and deadly traps, and collect magical weapons forged in the elemental planes.
Product Details: This adventure was designed... [click here for more] |
Sam Bunda |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to Mes`k, the Mageroads!
Ruled completely by ascending councils of mages, Mes`k is a marvelous city unlike any other in the realms, a city of magic and intrigueof politics and secrets. Traverse the winding streets and darkened alleyways to encounter the unique inhabitants of the city, inhabitants whose proximity to abundant magics has shaped their world views and their way... [click here for more] |
Trollatlas |
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Strange New Worlds – Island Map – Agyll Southwest - Roll20 VTT Unlock
The image assets from this product are only available on the Roll20 platform, where they unlock after purchase of this DTRPG product. If you prefer the non-Roll20 version (which includes 300dpi assets), please click here [LINK]: Island Map - Agyll Southwest.
NOTE: PDFs and other... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
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A phoenix bound sorcerer is one that mixes fire to burn away the possible futures they do not wish to see flourish. The perfect balance of Evocation and Divination magics, a Phoenix Bound Sorcerer will rise from the ashes and return their enemies to dust. ... [click here for more] |
Statera Gaming |
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 "La Iglesia Quemada" es una aventura de fantasía medieval de precioso diseño. ¡Contiene cuatro mapas a todo color y ocho retratos de PNJ!
Incluye estos complementos, que te permitirán jugarla en mesas de juego virtual (VTT):
Mapas 2D y retratos de los PNJ para tus VTT clásicas preferidas.
Un escenario 3D para Talespire, una VTT increíble y muy fácil de usar.
Puedes encontrar... [click here for more] |
Dendrobat Prod. |
Pay What You Want
 Thieves and Haberdashers is a first-level one-shot dungeon dive, set in the haunted remains of an insane necromancer’s stronghold.
This dungeon is plot and setting neutral, making it easy to fit into any campaign without hassle.
The necromancer that once inhabited this stronghold slowly went insane after obtaining a powerful yet cursed magic item. This madness manifested as compulsive paranoia... [click here for more] |
Bleating Deacons Adventure Club |
Pay What You Want
 The bundle includes all the maps used in the "Dungeon Master's SECRET WEAPON: Movement in D&D Encounters" tutorial found on my YouTube channel.
The tips from the tutorial come from the D&D 4e Dungeon Master's Guide 2. I highly recommend this book. It has great DM advice no matter what RPG you are running. ... [click here for more] |
Shenanigans Media LLC |
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