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The Road to Ruin
by Hero Forge Games

Zombie hordes roam the city; You venture into the ruins to scavenge for supplies.

The Road to Ruin offers fast and deep exploration and combat in a compact package. One to four players control survivors of a zombie apocalypse that has plunged the world into ruin.

LAUNCH SALE: 40% off now!

The Road to Ruin
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(5E) Heir & Back Again -- Character Cards

(5E) Heir & Back Again -- Character Cards

Would you like to print out the characters from Heir & Back Again or perhaps have them professionally printed in full color for your players? You've come to the right place! Make your choice here and soon you shall smile wide with character cards in hand for all the Heir & Back Again pre-generated characters!  Huzzah! ...   [click here for more]
AAW Games  $2.99

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(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Fighter

(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Fighter

DESIGNED FOR THE NEWEST EDITION OF YOUR FAVORITE ROLEPLAYING GAME! Adventurers possess phenomenal skills and powers, though it proves difficult to keep track of each feature or when they are once again available. Trailblazer Tokens™ provide a simple, yet effective method of organizing which features you expended and which are still at hand. HOW TO USE When...   [click here for more]
Alea Publishing Group  $1.95

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(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Paladin

(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Paladin

DESIGNED FOR THE NEWEST EDITION OF YOUR FAVORITE ROLEPLAYING GAME! Adventurers possess phenomenal skills and powers, though it proves difficult to keep track of each feature or when they are once again available.  Trailblazer Tokens™ provide a simple, yet effective method of organizing which features you expended and which are still at hand. HOW TO USE When...   [click here for more]
Alea Publishing Group  $1.95

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(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Ranger and Rogue

(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Ranger and Rogue

DESIGNED FOR THE NEWEST EDITION OF YOUR FAVORITE ROLEPLAYING GAME! Adventurers possess phenomenal skills and powers, though it proves difficult to keep track of each feature or when they are once again available. Trailblazer Tokens™ provide a simple, yet effective method of organizing which features you expended and which are still at hand. HOW TO USE...   [click here for more]
Alea Publishing Group  $1.95

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(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Sorcerer

(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Sorcerer

DESIGNED FOR THE NEWEST EDITION OF YOUR FAVORITE ROLEPLAYING GAME! Adventurers possess phenomenal skills and powers, though it proves difficult to keep track of each feature or when they are once again available. Trailblazer Tokens™ provide a simple, yet effective method of organizing which features you expended and which are still at hand. HOW TO USE When...   [click here for more]
Alea Publishing Group  $1.95

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(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Wizard

(5E) Trailblazer Tokens - Wizard

DESIGNED FOR THE NEWEST EDITION OF YOUR FAVORITE ROLEPLAYING GAME! Adventurers possess phenomenal skills and powers, though it proves difficult to keep track of each feature or when they are once again available. Trailblazer Tokens™ provide a simple, yet effective method of organizing which features you expended and which are still at hand. HOW TO USE When...   [click here for more]
Alea Publishing Group  $1.95

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0one's Dungeon Tile System

0one's Dungeon Tile System

Øone's Dungeon Tile System is a versatile, simple and cool tile system that allows you to arrange your desired dungeon in minutes. Perfect for miniature play, it features a standard 1-inch grid and a beautiful hand-drawn design. What you Get: Cover and Tile List : The tile list features checkmarks. This way, while building your dungeon you can check out the tiles...   [click here for more]
0one Games  $9.99

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0one's Dungeon Tile System - Arrowslits & Cornerstones

0one's Dungeon Tile System - Arrowslits & Cornerstones

Øone's Dungeon Tile System is a versatile, simple and cool tile system that allows you to arrange your desired dungeon in minutes. Perfect for miniature play, it features a standard 1-inch grid and a beautiful hand-drawn design. Dungeon Tile System: Arrowslits & Cornerstones is the first expansion allowing you to build more complex dungeons. Dungeon Tile System...   [click here for more]
0one Games  $9.99

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1 - Corrosive Staff - Custom Card

1 - Corrosive Staff - Custom Card

Each successful hit with this cypher on a target inflicts acid damage equal to the level. If not removed or nullified in some way, this damage repeats for a number of rounds equal to the cypher level
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1 - Nullifying Lotion - Custom Card

1 - Nullifying Lotion - Custom Card

This crystal clear, yet sticky liquid, comes in a sealed vial. Once opened, it can be smeared on any object or living being. It negates,prevents or reduces an amount of acid or corrosive damage equal to the cyphers level. Once opened, it evaporates within 1 hour.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1 - Stapler Of Health - Custom Card

1 - Stapler Of Health - Custom Card

This contraption heals Level+3 Might points when applied to wounds.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1 Certain Attack - Custom Card

1 Certain Attack - Custom Card

For the next round, when the user attacks a target with an ability, weapon, or device, regardless of the range or any barriers separating them, the attack succeeds (treat as a routine task). The user can attack any target, but only if she knows that the target exists.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1 Rejuvenator - Custom Card

1 Rejuvenator - Custom Card

After 5 minutes, restores all expended Might points, 1 Intellect point and 1 Speed point.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1 Word Of Creation - Custom Card

1 Word Of Creation - Custom Card

This small crystal hums with inner power. Upon activation it creates up to 100 pounds (45 kg) or one cubic yard (.75 cubic meters), whichever is less, of mundane material(s) specified by the user. This can take any form, and even appear fully worked into useful shapes such as weapons, armor, or a multiple course, fully set banquet. All such creations are of normal material, and neither illusory nor...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Autonomer Botschafter - Custom Card

1. Autonomer Botschafter - Custom Card

Schwebende Kugel, die eine Aufzeichnung von Ton und Bild von 1 Minute Dauer pro Cypherstufe anfertigt und dann zu einem festgelegten Ziel im Umkreis von 10 Kilometern fliegt. Durch erneutes Aktivieren vor Ort wird die Botschaft als Hologramm abgespielt.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Bouncing Scope - Custom Card

1. Bouncing Scope - Custom Card

It looks like a simple scope, but, when attached to a gun, its shots can now bounce from one target to another. The level number indicates the number of additional targets.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Complete Restoration - Custom Card

1. Complete Restoration - Custom Card

User’s Pools are completely restored, she becomes hale on the damage track, and she is cured of all diseases, poisons, and other ongoing deleterious effects.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Cubic Pair - Custom Card

1. Cubic Pair - Custom Card

These pair of cubes always contain the same item. Putting any item of a lower or equal level to the cypher in one cube, creates a duplicate in the other. When the items are removed, the cubes crumble to dust.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. De-stabilisator - Custom Card

1. De-stabilisator - Custom Card

Stört den Gleichgewichtssinn des Ziels, so dass es jede Runde einen Geschwindigkeitswurf gegen die Stufe des Cyphers machen muss, um nicht zu Boden zu fallen bzw. um wieder aufzustehen. Hält 1 Runde pro Cypherlevel.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Dimensionaler Anker - Custom Card

1. Dimensionaler Anker - Custom Card

In einem Radius von 20m um den aktivierte Cypher herum werden phasenverschobene Wesen und Gegenstände in der Dimension verankert, in der sich der Cypher befindet. Mit auf diese Weise festgesetzten Dingen kann so interagiert werden, als seien sie materiell anwesend. Hält 1 Minute pro Cypherlevel.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Disciple - Custom Card

1. Disciple - Custom Card

A creature about the size of the user and whose level does not exceed the cypher’s level becomes convinced that the user is worthy of service and sacrifice. The creature gives up whatever occupation and life it previously pursued to become the user’s follower. It continues to serve the user gladly, unless or until the user does wrong by the creature.
A community created card built with the...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Discocombulator - Custom Card

1. Discocombulator - Custom Card

When smashed onto a surface, this fragile Cypher emits no sound, nor does it leave remnants behind, but everyone in Immediate range, except you, is Stunned for their next turn, aware of the Cypher's existence and wondering where it has gone...
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Effortless - Custom Card

1. Effortless - Custom Card

For the next hour, the user doesn’t spend points from her Pools when applying Effort. Other normal limits for applying Effort remain in effect.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Far Traveler - Custom Card

1. Far Traveler - Custom Card

User is transferred to a location that she knows to exist, no matter how far away it is or how many interceding barriers lie between her and the endpoint.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Frakturgeschosse - Custom Card

1. Frakturgeschosse - Custom Card

Erzeugt drei Geschosse, die auf dasselbe oder unterschiedliche Ziele gefeuert werden können. Es sind drei Geschwindkeitswürfe nötig. Jedes Geschoss richtet 4 Schaden an.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Grabglass Blade - Custom Card

1. Grabglass Blade - Custom Card

This sword is forged from a combination of greenish glass and synth. It otherwise functions as a normal medium weapon (4 damage). If the synth stud on it's hilt is depressed, it will permanently adhere to the next object the blade touches, requiring a Might action with a difficulty equal to the blade's level to detach. Once detached, the blade's adherence power no longer functions.
A community...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Gravity Suspensor - Custom Card

1. Gravity Suspensor - Custom Card

This cypher must be applied to a weapon in some fashion. Once applied, the weapon functions as though it were one size class lower, and can be wielded as such, although it continues to inflict it's original damage value. Once applied to a weapon, it cannot be removed, and this effect is permanent.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Heartwaster - Custom Card

1. Heartwaster - Custom Card

A liquid that can be injected into a target, rendering their single strongest emotion dull. For one hour per level, they will treat their true love as a mere acquaintance, their hated foe as mildly irritating, or some similar consequence.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Hochleistungsschub - Custom Card

1. Hochleistungsschub - Custom Card

Erhöht den Kraftpool um das doppelte Level des Cyphers, auch über sein Maximum hinaus. Nach 2D6 Stunden fällt der Kraftpool um die gleiche Anzahl Punkte. Reichen die Punkte im Kraftpool dazu nicht aus, reduziert sich der Geschwindigkeitspool bzw. Intellektpool entsprechend.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Instant Tower - Custom Card

1. Instant Tower - Custom Card

Expands into a complex twenty-story structure with entrances, windows, and stairs connecting each level. The structure is permanent and immobile once created.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Lethal Upgrade - Custom Card

1. Lethal Upgrade - Custom Card

For the next minute, a selected weapon within immediate range inflicts additional points of damage equal to the cypher’s level.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Leuchtfeuer - Custom Card

1. Leuchtfeuer - Custom Card

Nimmt ein Ziel ins Visier und erzeugt ein sichtbares Leuchten um das Ziel. Fernkampfangriffe werden um 1 Stufe leichter und das Ziel profitiert nicht von Deckung durch Nebel, Dunkelheit, Rauch, etc..
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Multiport - Custom Card

1. Multiport - Custom Card

User and all allies within short range are instantly transferred to any location the user designates within 100 miles, as long as she has previously visited the location and the location still exists.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Quell - Custom Card

1. Quell - Custom Card

All chosen targets within long range fall unconscious or become inoperative for one hour or until a target sustains damage, which wakes that particular target.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Reflexteleporter - Custom Card

1. Reflexteleporter - Custom Card

Kann anstelle eines Verteidigungswurfs aktiviert werden. Der Anwender wird zufällig an eine ungefährliche Stelle im Umkreis von 50 Metern teleportiert.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Replacement - Custom Card

1. Replacement - Custom Card

Target within long range disappears for one hour, while the user gains the target’s features, general mannerisms, and trivial surface knowledge (such as the names of friends). This lowers the difficulty by four steps of the user’s attempts to pass himself off as or disguise himself as the target.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Schrumpftuch - Custom Card

1. Schrumpftuch - Custom Card

Eine 2x2 Meter große Synthstoffdecke. Dinge, die bei Aktivierung komplett von ihr bedeckt sind, verschwinden für 1 Stunde pro Cypherlevel in einer Taschendimension. Unwillige Ziele können mit einem Intellektwurf entkommen. Der Wurf kann jede Runde wiederholt werden.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Shadow Body - Custom Card

1. Shadow Body - Custom Card

For one day, the user and all her equipment becomes equivalent to an animate shadow. As a shadow, she can flicker between two shadows within 300 feet of each other as part of another action (regardless of interceding barriers), and she gains +15 to Armor against all sources of damage other than those generated by light. In addition, the difficulty of all stealth tasks is reduced by two steps.
...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Skara's Beetle - Custom Card

1. Skara's Beetle - Custom Card

If ingested, this small insect provides whoever swallowed it with an asset for resisting effects from any ingested poison or toxin for 28 hours. At the end of 28hrs, the beetle will burrow out of it's host's belly, inflicting unavoidable damage equal to it's level.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Tragbarer Stolz - Custom Card

1. Tragbarer Stolz - Custom Card

Erfüllt den Träger mit einem Gefühl der Kompetenz und des Selbstvertrauens für 28 Stunden. Sein Edge in Intellekt steigt um 1 und soziale Interaktionen, deren Ziel es ist, andere zu überzeugen, sind für ihn um eine Stufe erleichtert.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Vanish Creature - Custom Card

1. Vanish Creature - Custom Card

One creature within immediate range, that is of the user’s size or smaller, permanently vanishes.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.30

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1. Vile Vial - Custom Card

1. Vile Vial - Custom Card

Level 1D6+1
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Wayback Dust - Custom Card

1. Wayback Dust - Custom Card

When used, time is rewinded up to one hour in the past or the moment when this Cypher was acquired, whichever is the most recent. No one has recollection of the lost time. The only sign of its use is its absence, and the taste of sand in your mouth...
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Web Grenade: - Custom Card

1. Web Grenade: - Custom Card

Small metal sphere with a button on one side. Push the button and throw it at targets up to long range, all within immediate range of impact are entangled in sticky webbing for a number of rounds equal to the cypher's level unless a speed defense roll is made.
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Zeitlinse - Custom Card

1. Zeitlinse - Custom Card

Stellt für 10 Minuten den Sichtbereich des Anwenders zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt dar. Der Anwender würfelt mit 1W6: 1: Vor 6 Stunden 2: Vor 10 Tagen 3: Vor 250 Jahren 4: Vor 3628 Jahre 5: Vor 77.627 Jahren 6: vor 4 Millionen Jahren
A community created card built with the DriveThru card creator.   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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1. Zeitloses Portal - Custom Card

1. Zeitloses Portal - Custom Card

Erschafft eine permanente Verbindung zwischen zwei Orten in derselben Dimension, die aber ansonsten beliebig weit voneinander entfernt sein können. Der Erschaffer muss an beiden Orten bereits gewesen sein. Die Verbindung kann die Form einer Tür, eines Lochs im Boden, eines Runenkreises oder etwas ähnlichem haben. Das Durchschreiten des Portals bringt eine Person oder ein Objekt augenblicklich an...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  $0.31

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100 Cyberpunk City Events

100 Cyberpunk City Events

A deck of 100 city events for cyberpunk games like The Veil, Hard Wired Island, Headspace, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk RED, The Sprawl and beyond. The pdf includes a Print-and-Play version and an rtf table. The PoD has 100 cards plus a guide card. Use this in several different ways. kick off a campaign or arc to provide some recent happenings in the background. ...during “downtime”...   [click here for more]
Age of Ravens Games  $2.00

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100 Fantasy City Events

100 Fantasy City Events

A deck of 100 events for any fantasy game. Use this in several different ways. kick off a campaign or arc to provide some recent happenings in the background. ...during “downtime” to generate events for context. ...for games with Fallout or Entanglements (i.e. FitD) connect an event to what’s happening. ...foreshadow or set up other future plots by connecting them.  Each event has six...   [click here for more]
Age of Ravens Games  $2.00

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100 Fantasy Journey Events

100 Fantasy Journey Events

A Print-and-Play deck of 100 events to use as inspiration for travel moments in any fantasy ttrpg. Especially useful for games with travel moves, systems, or montages like The One Ring, Forbidden Lands, Dungeon World, and 13th Age. Might also be useful for post-apocalyptic games, though with some tweaks. Includes an rtf version of the list as well. Each card has an event with a...   [click here for more]
Age of Ravens Games  $2.00

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100 Kingdom Events

100 Kingdom Events

A deck of 100 events to use as any prompts for any kind of fantastic game and setting-- Free from the Yoke, Shattered City, Legend of the Five Rings, Glorantha, etc. Use this in several different ways. kick off a campaign or arc to provide some recent happenings in the background. ...during “downtime” to generate events for context. ...for games with Fallout or Entanglements (i.e. FitD)...   [click here for more]
Age of Ravens Games  $2.00

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