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Darkstorm Adventures: Silverflame's Legacy is a brand new adventure module designed for 5e and Pathfinder 2e.
This is the map pack bundle you can download and use for your VTT of choice.
Check out the Adventure Module here! On Sale now:
https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/451964/Darkstorm-Adventures-Silverflames-Legacy-Escape-to-Stangate ... [click here for more] |
Walrus Game Studio |
Pay What You Want
This is a blank 11x17 hex sheet for making campaign world maps or whatever else. It is designed to be hole punched folded and placed in a regular 8.5x11 binder. The sheet can then be unfolded to reveal your map. ... [click here for more] |
mstephenjoy |
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Visit the Crossroads Region
It is the year 2364. The Tainted Sea continues to recede, exposing patches of the former megalopolis of Los Angeles. Few areas in the brutal world of The Mutant Epoch are so densely populated nor so embroiled in factional warfare as The Crossroads Region.
This 16 x 16”, 200 dpi image shows the 3d hand sculpted map for The Crossroads Region,... [click here for more] |
Outland Arts |
Pay What You Want
From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Talisman Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the basic characters from the beloved Talisman game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Talisman Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the basic characters from the beloved Talisman game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Talisman Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the basic characters from the beloved Talisman game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Heroqest Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the miniatures from the beloved Heroquest game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This set... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
A5 Maps is a collection of 12 fantasy maps. Two versions of each map are included, one blank, and one with title, scale and numbering added. The maps are ideal for dropping into an existing campaign, and may easily be extended or altered to suit your requirements. All the included maps were hand-drawn on A5 sheets of 7mm grid paper. ... [click here for more] |
Gold Piece Publications |
Pay What You Want
Dungeon Map for the first and second level of the final dungeon of Against the Cult of the Reptile God. Created in photoshop from assets, no AI. Intended for noncommercial distribution, but if you wanna throw a tip our way we won't argue.
This piece can be used with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 terms. ... [click here for more] |
Old Gods Games |
Pay What You Want
Lead an expedition into the Untamed Waste in search of the buried Palace of Ashurbanipal, the Universal King! Battle thirst, fear, and thousands of cruel spirits who seek to undo your mission!
Recruit an army of laborers and mercenaries, then cleverly deploy your forces to withstand the assaults of a relentless foe. Aborting the mission once attrition sets in is possible, but does the pride of the... [click here for more] |
Olle Skogren |
Pay What You Want
Jump off the map and embark on adventurous routes beyond the empire of Aksum, to the seas where east and west meet.
... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Here is a GORGEOUSLY MINIMAL collection of 12 finely forged fantasy tokens for your warriors characters: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of fighter to face your dungeons and campaigns.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the Dungeonism Lab, and will include complete sets of characters, monsters, thematic collections... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
Here is an IMPRESSIVE MINIMAL collection of 12 finely forged fantasy tokens for your wizard characters: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of magic-users to face your enemies and adventures.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the Dungeonism Lab, and will include complete sets of characters, monsters, thematic collections... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
Directly from the DungeonisM Lab here is a DWARVISH collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your dwarfs fighting the forces of evil: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of dwarves for your fantasy campaigning.
This set contains 12 different dwarves.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the Dungeonism Lab,... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the forges of DungeonisM Lab here is an ELVEN collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your elfs fighting the darkness: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of elves for your fantasy campaigning.
This set contains 12 different elves.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the Dungeonism Lab, and will include... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the laboratories of DungeonisM Lab here is an HOLY collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your clerics and priests protecting your groups: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of holy characters.
This set contains 12 clerics tokens.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the Dungeonism Lab, and will... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the laboratories of DungeonisM Lab here is an HOLY collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your knights and paladins protecting your groups: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of blessed and proud characters.
This set contains 12 kinghts tokens.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the Dungeonism... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the laboratories of DungeonisM Lab here is a SAVAGE collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your barbarians destroying the monsters of your campaigns: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of berserker and wild characters.
This set contains 12 barbarians tokens.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize the... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the laboratories of DungeonisM Lab here is a RIGHTEOUS collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your hunters searching for sins and witches in your campaign: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of inquisitors and witch hunters.
This set contains 12 witch hunters tokens.
This set features the minimalist style that will characterize... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the laboratories of DungeonisM Lab here is an IRON collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your ironbreakers dwarves, heavily armed and protected by their full plates: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of metallic dwarves.
This set contains 12 ironbreakers dwarves tokens.
This set features the minimalist style that will... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
From the laboratories of DungeonisM Lab here is a GLADIATORY collection of 12 lovely forged fantasy tokens for all your gladiators characters, champions of the arenas with their exotic weapons: an original release from the Dungeonism laboratories to provide you with different types of exotic fiery fighters.
This set contains 12 gladiators tokens.
This set features the minimalist style that will... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
Battlepad Maps is a collection of 12 hand-drawn fantasy maps. Two versions of each map are included, one blank, and one with title, scale and numbering added. The maps are ideal for dropping into an existing campaign, and may easily be extended or altered to suit your requirements. Each map is drawn on a 23x16 grid to match Squarehex's A2 Battlepad sheets which have a litho-printed 1" stone effect... [click here for more] |
Gold Piece Publications |
Pay What You Want
This ship sample is generated from the Blue Dungeon Tiles DM Add-On layered pdf. It represents a 1" scale battle map tile of a genre neutral ship below deck that can be used for fantasy, modern or other setting.
... [click here for more] |
Red Kobold Games |
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Greetings, Adventurers and Dungeon Masters!
Lorefinder Steve here, from Reunited Brothers Adventures. We're excited to introduce our latest prelude to: “Beneath the Surface: 10 Medium Sized Cave Encounters For Any 5E Adventure”. This guide is a treasure trove for any Dungeon Master, regardless of experience. Whether you've led countless campaigns or are about to host your first game, "Beneath... [click here for more] |
Reunited Brothers Adventures |
Pay What You Want
HAPPY FREE RPG DAY 2018! Have a coffee on us :D
Binder Maps are designed to live in a Gamemaster’s three-ring binder. The on the fly solution for Contingency Plans, One-Off Encounters, and the sort of places that one wants to have on hand in case their players cause trouble or the unexpected is required. They can be easily run off a home printer en masse, scribbled on,... [click here for more] |
Joe's Binder |
Pay What You Want
Iridescent blue pearls highly desired for their unique color and rumored to have magical properties have become much more common over the past few years. Rumors trace their source to a merchant in a seacoast village. Other rumors tell of a wild witch that lives in a cave by the sea and conjures the pearls from the cliffs themselves.
The Blue Pearl Grotto is the source of these naturally-occurring,... [click here for more] |
New Frontier Games |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Five (5) New Magic Spells
-Six (6) New Monsters
-Two (2) Unstocked Village Maps
-One... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Eight (8) New Dwarven Magic Items
-One (1) Tavern Map
-Goblinoid Character Class... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
The Campaign Workbook PDF edition offers a selection of printable mapping and note sheets. The sheets are designed to be home printed as an aid for producing hand-written adventure maps and notes. The maps include numbered and plain hexes, and standard 5mm grid pages. All the pages of the PDF may be viewed in the preview.
A print version of the Workbook is also available which features a laminated... [click here for more] |
Gold Piece Publications |
Pay What You Want
In the Pathfinder® Ulitmate Combat book they introduced rules for the Wounds and Vigor Optional Rules and the Pathfinder® Advanced Player's Guide book they introduced the Hero Points optional rules.
This 3-page character sheet supports both of these optional rules.
We at CandleLight Games, LLC hope that you find... [click here for more] |
CandleLight Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Template to make stone archways for castles, crypts, or caverns, as shown in the Black Magic Craft Episode 06 tutorial. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Please Enjoy this Product From Arcanum Syndicate!
The Chaos 6010 A.D. Sevatus Atlas! This is the new map of the Milky Way Galaxy (Sevatus) for your use in the Chaos 6010 A.D. Campaign. This galactic map comes with descriptions on all the empires and realms of space for you and your crew to explore! I hope you enjoy the free download or Pay What You Want if you enjoy it and would like to help out,... [click here for more] |
Arcanum Syndicate |
Pay What You Want
Description: - "Cliff" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization.
... [click here for more] |
Estação RPG |
Pay What You Want
Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. Assembly time is about an hour.
15mm to 30mm scale: This model is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming scale, and can be shrunk down to 15mm, 20mm or 25mm... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Pay What You Want
A wonderful way to make your game night awkward and uncomfortable!
Completely Horrible and Utterly Made Up Covers is a compilation of 8 covers for RPG supplements that don't exist, and probably shouldn't.
Perfect for printing out and putting on the gaming table just as your group is arriving, on top of a stack of unrelated papers.
Contains such classics as:
Bowlers and Haberdasheries: 101 Magical... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
Gridless version added, laid over a transparent 26x26 background. Works well if set to 26x26 units in Roll20.
Crypt is a small 11x24 tile map Designed for use with VTT.
It is presented in Jpg format with grid, PNG format gridless version, and set to 150 DPI.
Priced to sell!
Thanks, and have fun gaming.
... [click here for more] |
Lawrence L Bertoniere |
Pay What You Want
Master the Heist of the Century in The Cryptic Caper!
A bartender drowning in debt begs you to steal him one last big score. In this thrilling Level 1-2 5e-compatible one-shot, your party is tasked with breaking into the mysterious Cryptic Quill bookstore to steal are rare magical tome.
Adventure Overview:
The Cryptic Caper takes your party from the dimly... [click here for more] |
The Wandering DM |
Pay What You Want
Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo!
Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting.
Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system!
The... [click here for more] |
Alessia Lonardi |
Pay What You Want
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Zero: Basic Adventure gives you 10 original Classic Fantasy themed miniature figures perfect for roleplaying games or wargames. All files are 300dpi and include front and back views. This is a layered PDF giving you two options of colour schemes for the figures.
There are 20 possible miniature combinations in this set! Please... [click here for more] |
Okumarts Games |
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If you're looking for a new way to roll dice, then this is for you! Deck of Dice is a 60 card setup, each card containing a value for the d20 (centered), d10 and d6. Depending on how you want to use the probability of the decks, you can either, shuffle each draw or just create a discard pile until all 60 cards have been drawn (and all three 1's have been drawn)
Flexible and easy to use for any system... [click here for more] |
Metal Weave Games |
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Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure.
Table of Contents for Issue #1
----- Random Charts & Tables -----... [click here for more] |
The Tabletop Engineer |
Pay What You Want
Dive into your Destiny as fast as possible!
GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES is happy to present a new supporting product for our underseas Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition campaign setting Destiny of Tides. These file contains ten character options that you can pick and play from, using a new quickstart character generation method! Simply check the boxes to select Traits, Masteries,... [click here for more] |
Gallant Knight Games |
Pay What You Want
Dockside Ghost Ship - RPG Encounter Map
36" x 48" image of a dockside with large ghostly pirate ship out in the harbour (optional square 1" grid).
A ship that was lost with all hands has just sailed back to its home port, now crewed by a motley crew of undead.
Files included:
For Large Format Printing
300 DPI JPEG with 1" square grid
300... [click here for more] |
Loke BattleMats |
Pay What You Want
Dog Fight: Starship Edition is a fast paced, sci-fi tactical combat game. Version 2.0 of the Deck Building Guide is now available.
This document covers the following:
General concepts
Offense concepts
Defense concepts
Advanced concepts
Alternate rules
... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 101: King of the Hill
Free-for-all, 2+ players
Reach the flag, entering the same space. Your capital ship must remain in the same space from the beginning of one of your tiers to the beginning of the next (during the Resolution Phase) to take possession of the flag. Return to your start space with the flag to win.
Updated for version 2.0.
Be sure to download the official rulebook.... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 102: Grab the Flags
Free-for-all, 2+ players
Enter the same space as a flag token. Flags disappear during the game. When no flags remain on the map, the player with the most flag tokens wins.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 103: Bag the Buoys
Free-for-all, 2+ players
Race to destroy as many buoy drones as possible. Buoys are armored, 2 attacks required.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 104: Dodge the Bullet
Solitaire, Team, Cooperative, 1+ players
Destroy all radiological missiles before they destroy you.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 105: Pick Your Battles
Solitaire, Team, Free-for-All, 1+ players
Some players will be assigned a random objective to complete within a time limit.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 106: Walk About
Solitaire, Free-for-All, 1+ players
All players travel to each obstruction on the map, declaring a number of attacks in each obstruction. Then return to start position.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want