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5 post apocalyptic places images (color an B/W) with cc-by-sa License ( Allow for commercial use)
... [click here for more] |
Estudio D6 |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
Pay What You Want
TTRPGs are storytelling, acting, and logic games where the players take on roles in the fiction as part of engaging with the game.
There are a lot of them.
This is a guide to making your own.
It is not a step by step assembly manual. It covers personal theory and experiences, and some elements of it are apt to get outdated pretty quickly (publication date 2024!)
However, if you want to do some... [click here for more] |
Richard Kelly |
Pay What You Want
This module can be used with any TTRPG, but was made for TTRPG "Apocalypse Keys".
This module seamlessly integrates with the renowned TTRPG "Apocalypse Keys", promising an immersive experience in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Whether you're facing the aftermath of a Harbinger or navigating a primitive world, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination.
Lucky 7 Enticements: Explore seven captivating... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Baby starter pack We all have had that player who wants to find small animals and raise them or perhaps you are that player,
In this set you will find some smale critters to sate those baby animal loving players!
includes: - 2 foals (riding and draft) - 2 puppies (mastiff and medium pup) - 2 kittens (long and short haired )
Each with 4 color variations + a blank version ... [click here for more] |
Ymia's Mini Kingdom |
Pay What You Want
This Rules Supplement enables single-player mode (Solo-Play) for the Skirmish Wargame - BATTLE FORCE. Contained within the pages are the various changes to the multi-player version of the game to allow solo-play, along with a set of UI-Action cards, one for Offense the other for Defense, to provide instructions to the enemy models during your solo-play session.
If you're... [click here for more] |
Bald Guy Games |
Pay What You Want
This suplement is a Narrative Campaign for the miniature's skirmish game, BATTLE FORCE. Play as the UN forces, or troops loyal to the International Terrorist, the Red Scorpion, in this thrilling 4 mission 'learn to play' campaign.
A default BATTLE FORCE is included along with blank unit rosters and templates.
The main rule book is required for play. ... [click here for more] |
Bald Guy Games |
Pay What You Want
This colored Gimp brush provides a nice selection of boulders for RPG mapmaking. Also great for creating rocky cliffs and chasms.
Please note that this is technically a "pipe" of images, so they should come out randomly one after another. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
This pattern allows anyone to make really cobblestone patterns for their maps. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 Hi there and welcome to my RPG stock art page here on Drivethru!
This Crossed Hatchets black and white sillhouette image is suitable for a wide range of fantasy genres.
No ai was used in creating any of my artwork.
This file contains a hi-res transparent .png and a vector EPS file. ... [click here for more] |
Rob Necronomicon |
Pay What You Want
 Hi there and welcome to my RPG stock art page here on Drivethru!
This Fantasy Crossed American Indian Tomahawk Silhouette image is suitable for a wide range of fantasy genres.
No ai was used in creating any of my artwork.
This file contains a hi-res transparent .png. ... [click here for more] |
Rob Necronomicon |
Pay What You Want
 This pattern allows anyone to add a decent dirt pattern to their maps. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
Much digital ink (and blood) has been spilt taking about diversity representation in tabletop gaming and in every other field of geek and nerd endeavour. Usually these conversations are extremely combative and they tend to end poorly for everyone involved. I've been involved in these debates and discussions myself, to my detriment. The position I hold being that free expression and the vision of the... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
Pay What You Want
 This pattern allows anyone to add a transparent dragonscale pattern to an image. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 Gioco di calcio alternativo tra Umani e Orchi, semplificato UNA PAGINA di Qwein
Se ti è piaciuto offrimi un caffè ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
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Eric Lofgren Presents: Away Crew
This stock art image by Eric Lofgren presents a member of an Away Crew brandishing a pistol. What sort of trouble has the crew run into? Is this crewman on his own, perhaps the only survivor?
This color purchase includes one JPG and a TIFF version, both at 300 dpi.... [click here for more] |
Misfit Studios |
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Eric Lofgren Presents: Dragon Sword
This stock art image by Eric Lofgren depicts a Dragon Sword with winged hilt and sporting a stylized dragon’s head. Is it magical? Simply expensive and ornate?
This colour purchase includes one JPG and a TIFF version each of the image with background and without, all at 300... [click here for more] |
Misfit Studios |
Pay What You Want
 This is a simple rope bridge crossing a chasm near a small cave. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
This brush lets you paint a consistent city layout in minutes. This brush is a collection of 33 individual roof lines that can be added to any map to whip up a quick city.
Please note that this is technically a "pipe" of images, so they should come out randomly one after another. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 This is a simple roadside map with a field on one side, and thick forest on the other. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 This pattern allows anyone to add a decent grass pattern to their maps. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, depicitng a pair of ground attack fighters on an attack run.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of various images, all of which have been used in our products. All the images are based on photographs that have been tweaked and filtered to make them look more like illustrations. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all measure 1500 pixels in the longest dimension. There are 13 different images in the collection, and they are mostly suited to a... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of five images of rocky worlds that were created for an in-development project. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all are 1500 pixels square. Four of the worlds lack atmospheres whilst the fifth has a faint one. They are aimed at a science fiction setting, but will work anywhere that an image of a rocky world or moon is required. These images... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of various images, which have been created for our own projects, specifically the Fantasy Beer Name Generator. All the images are based on photographs that have been tweaked and filtered to make them look more like illustrations. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all measure 1500 pixels in the longest dimension. There are 11 different images in... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of five images of asteroids that were created during the development of A Baker's Dozen of Inhabited Worlds. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all are 1500 pixels in their longest dimension. Two asteroids are single, one is a large asteroid with a lot of smaller ones, one is a cluster and the last is a swarm. They are aimed at a science... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of various images, which have been created for our own projects, specifically 100 Electronics Supply Items to Find. All the images are based on photographs that have been tweaked and filtered to make them look more like illustrations. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all measure 1500 pixels in the longest dimension. There are 18 different images... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of various images, which have been created for our own projects, specifically A Baker's Dozen of Ioun Stones, plus a couple of extras. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all measure 1500 pixels in the longest dimension. There are 15 images in the collection, all of which are gems and gem-like images that have been created in 3D software and are partly... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of five images of living worlds that were created during the development of A Baker's Dozen of Inhabited Worlds. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all are 1500 pixels square. Four of the worlds lack atmospheres whilst the fifth has a faint one. They are aimed at a science fiction setting, but will work anywhere that an image of a rocky... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of five images of gas giants that were created during the development of A Baker's Dozen of Inhabited Worlds. All the images are at a 300dpi resolution and in TIFF format, and all are 1500 pixels in their logest dimension. Four of the worlds are standard gas giants in a variety of colours; the fifth has a ring system. They are aimed at a science fiction setting, but will... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
Image Portfolio Platinum Edition is the premier line of online PDF art resource that gaming companies can use. All the art pieces in this art resource can be used in any of their upcoming RPG ideas or projects. When a person acquires Image Portfolio, any of the art in the PDF can be used in any of their own products as if they owned them. This is due to the limited licensing agreement of Image Portfolio.... [click here for more] |
LPJ Design |
Pay What You Want
 Mini gioco di guerra, quattro eserciti si contendono il parco chi avrà la meglio?
Stampi incolli e giochi in un attimo!!
Se ti è piaciuto accetto volentieri un caffè ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
31 pictures for landscapes or paintings. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. The are Photographs that have been put through Photoshop to look like paintings. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
24 pictures for landscapes or paintings. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist.
Created with AI from Midjourney. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
24 pictures for landscapes or paintings. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist.
Created with AI from Midjourney. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is another modern pinup.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into a ZIP file. The image is 2550 x 1650 pixels in size... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
Get yourself some Lizard Men
11.5"x14" 300 dpi (3495x4200px)
Great for a spot or corner filler, can be cropped for different compositions and to fit your needs.
Check out the preview!
Image in ZiP file, acompanying PDF so you know what youre getting.
By purchasing this stock art pack, you are granted a royalty-free license to use these images in unlimited personal and up to 1 commercial... [click here for more] |
kirilot |
Pay What You Want
This is for the stock art picture titled 'Mage' done by artist John Nixon and released through Truly Rural Productions. Img comes in both jpg and tif form with a standard usage agreement (digital, print and web releases allowed, stock art collection releases not allowed, crop, color, fold, spindle, mutilate all allowed).
Images are 300 DPI
2517 pixels wide 3253 pixels high ... [click here for more] |
Truly Rural Productions |
Pay What You Want
This pattern allows anyone to make really nice hashing patterns for their maps. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
This colored Gimp brush uses a combination of colors, patterns, and divisions to make quick work of any map needing dense, maze-like sections of city. With 120 different combinations, you can quickly create a unique neighborhood map.
Please note that this is technically a "pipe" of images, so they should come out randomly one after another. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 From the Art Archive: The Mystic
NUELOW Stock Art Collection: The Mystic contains two high resolution and two low resolution bonus black-and-white pieces of line-art for use in your personal or commercial projects with few restructions. When you download this collection, you receive a PDF index of the art, as well as a zip archive that contains a jpg file for each image.... [click here for more] |
NUELOW Games |
Pay What You Want
One of the greatest components of any tabletop game world is the lore. The shards of history and the details of the world around you that you’ve slowly established with your friends are what makes the game feel alive. In most modern RPG systems, however, these pieces of canon are limited to minor details and events - as the overarching game world is usually established by a book... [click here for more] |
Ivy Murphy |
Pay What You Want
The WWII: Operation WhiteBox Compatibility License (OWBCL) is a royalty-free non-exclusive agreement between Small Niche Games and third parties (individuals or organizations) to allow limited use of the WWII: Operation WhiteBox™ trademark and use of the OWBCL Logo visual mark (OWBCL Logo) to indicate that third party products are compatible with the WWII: Operation WhiteBox™... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
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PANOPTIC (“all-seeing”) is a freeform GMless roleplaying game.
By freeform, we mean it lacks a predefined structure. Its ultralight rules encourage unrestrained creative freedom.
By GMless, we mean Panoptic does not need a Director or Game Master. Collaborative storytelling drives the narrative.
These characteristics make Panoptic ideal for one-shot sessions that feel like ’80s B movies.... [click here for more] |
Gavriel Quiroga |
Pay What You Want
Pay what you want!
As a thank you for the warm reception I've recieved on my first week on Drive Thru RPG, I'd like to offer up this Ninja for your next RPG adventure.
Thanks to everyone for the views, and here's to many fun adventures ahead!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my RPG Stock Art! If you can't find what you're looking for, please don't hessitate to contact me... [click here for more] |
Rian Trost RPG Stock Art |
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 Mono pagina gioco di guerra stampa e gioca di Qwein ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
In the thrill of the Kickstarter, fans of Relics made a short-lived fanzine. This is Issue One. It contains fiction, poetry, interviews and game ideas! ... [click here for more] |
Tin Star Games |
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Raven God Games presents Stock Art: 1920s Equipment!
This package includes 7 images of equipage common in the 1920s era.
All images in this package were drawn and inked by Joseph D. Salvador, have white backgrounds, and are high-quality 300 dpi TIFF files. Most images are approximately 3"x5" actual size (though there is some variation) and make excellent spot art... [click here for more] |
Raven God Games |
Pay What You Want
 A bunch of crows at dawn, suitable for a cover.
- 3508x2480 px (A4)
- 300 dpi
- Jpeg format
- png format
- PDF format
- commercial license inside
No font included, you have to put your own title on the cover. ... [click here for more] |
Queen |
Pay What You Want
 A bunch of crows at dawn, suitable for a cover.
- 3508x2480 px (A4)
- 300 dpi
- Jpeg format
- png format
- PDF format
- commercial license inside
No font included, you have to put your own title on the cover. ... [click here for more] |
Queen |
Pay What You Want