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One Hundred encounters of mystery, magic, and horror for your game. This offering from Grey Wolf Writes includes: Dreams, Signs, Nightmares, Lost Weapons, Lost Items, Fairy Kind, Holes, Doors, Boats and Mercenaries to intrigue your players and enrich your game. Include these flavors of mystery in your game today! ... [click here for more] |
Grey Wolf Writes |
Pay What You Want
One Hundred encounters of mystery, magic, and horror for your game gleaned from the wandering writer Grey Wolf. This offering from Grey Wolf Writes includes: Festivals, Local Events, Disasters, Local Conflicts, Farmers, Adventurers, Shiny Things, Folk Tales, Ghosts and Witches. Include these encounters, tales and characters in your game today! ... [click here for more] |
Grey Wolf Writes |
Pay What You Want
The Latest in the 100 Encounters Series! Welcome to the Barony of Comharren!
Check out the One Hundred Encounters Series for more great items, and don't forget to add music to your game from the Bard Joshua! ... [click here for more] |
Grey Wolf Writes |
Pay What You Want
The Latest in the 100 Encounters Series! The latest answer to the question: What does the merchant have for sale?
Check out the One Hundred Encounters Series for more great items, and don't forget to add music to your game from the Bard Joshua! ... [click here for more] |
Grey Wolf Writes |
Pay What You Want
Did your players touch an evil alter? A cursed magic item? The list contains one hundred magical curses that can be bestowed upon an unsuspecting player. ... [click here for more] |
OSR Vault |
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Whether your players are touching something they shouldn’t or falling prey to mad experiments, these mutations are sure to challenge their creativity. Transform your game with this list of one hundred unique mutations, ranging from grotesque deformities to uncanny abilities. ... [click here for more] |
OSR Vault |
Pay What You Want
All proceeds go to the Roleplaying Game Creators Relief Fund (RCRF)!
The RCRF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization* founded to provide financial assistance to tabletop roleplaying game creators suffering hardship due to medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other catastrophic situations. To learn more please visit http://www.rcrfcharity.org.
From Scary Ghost Stories to... [click here for more] |
Michael Tresca |
Pay What You Want
“A Bouquet of Roses” is a mystery adventure designed for four level-4 players and compatible with fifth edition. Easily pick up and play this tale of gothic tragic romance. Face elements of heartbreak, suspense and moral ambiguity. The PCs will have to interrogate layered witnesses and investigate the truth behind each clue. Will they choose forgiveness or justice?
... [click here for more] |
Curiosity Calls |
Pay What You Want
 Monsters created in a research-before-combat style for Fifth Edition!
A Handful of Monsters II includes a demonic fungal creature, a spring-loaded golem, and a mass of undead forming into a giant vampire along with others! If you want to heighten your combat by having interesting monsters that aren't just a bag of hitpoints A Handful of Monsters is for you!
Spring Golem... [click here for more] |
Jonny Cordova |
Pay What You Want
A huindred minor demons straight from the Abyss, Tartarus, Gehenna, Hades or the Hell of your choice! All the Hordlings are scalable for different challenge levels. Also included are tables for generating your own demonic adversaries. Written to be compatible with OSRIC but easily converted for any table-top RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Stephen A McCavour |
Pay What You Want
*** THESE ARE THE SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS AND DO NOT INCLUDE THE ADVENTURE *** *** The adventure can be purchased separately from this very site ***
These are all 115 treasure, unique item, attribute, rumor, and maze cards for use in the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition version of the adventure A Night in Seyvoth Manor by... [click here for more] |
Darklight Interactive |
Pay What You Want
 This is a Forrest themed map pack featuring an old sacred pool. This is a quad map, 4 22x17 maps drawn and colored to be assembled into a larger 44x34 image. The pack contains 5 maps with various themes.
Have fun, be safe, and Happy gaming! ... [click here for more] |
Lunatic Design |
Pay What You Want
This is a 5e compatible character sheet with both print and form-fillable versions included. While designed for my custom Witch Class it has all the pages a standard sheet does with the included 4th sheet for the Witch's Curios.
I've always personally enjoyed hand made character sheets for my characters over the standard fair and I hope by making these available others will be able to enjoy them.... [click here for more] |
Eva Brown |
Pay What You Want
 "You're traveling along a lonesome road, the sun has set a couple of hours ago but the road is safe(ish) enough, so you keep going a little further into the night, when the perceptive one in the party (yes, the one with the Observant feat) sees a split in the road ahead, some vegetation has grown and died over the seemingly forgotten path, and looking over the... [click here for more] |
Fifi Game Design |
Pay What You Want
Lostlorn Games |
Pay What You Want
Lostlorn Games |
Pay What You Want
Lostlorn Games |
Pay What You Want
 A Holloween story in a world where the ducks have gone mad.
Visit a small village where the citizens huddle in fear, where the night time is dangerous, where swarms of ducks become deadly!
Seriously, this is a short adventure for 5E. It will take one to two hours to play and will either send chills down your spine or leave you laughing. There are ducks and... [click here for more] |
Rats in the Rain |
Pay What You Want
This homebrew is something that helps make traps a more interactive and interesting part of an adventure or dungeon. As it is, with 5E and most d20 systems, detecting and disabling traps is basically just a die roll. That's pretty boring. This alternative set of rules adds a little more flavor and allows the creativity of the GM and players to shine through.
These rules can be applied every time a... [click here for more] |
Big20 Games |
Pay What You Want
An OSRIC adventure for characters of 8th to 10th level of experience. The adventurers are invited to a special dinner party at a large mansion in town owned by a powerful noble and wizard. The hosts and the guests are not what they seem. Nor is the house itself. And a surprise guest is the real life of the party. ... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
I fedeli accendono candele nei templi, sperando che le loro preghiere trovino orecchio. Quando fatto con sincerità, questo gesto porta con se un ricco significato e il potere intrinseco che ne deriva. Col passare del tempo, mentre innumerevoli candele vengono accese e consumate, la cera che ne rimane può animarsi spontaneamente in... [click here for more] |
Echidna Design |
Pay What You Want
Do you want to incorporate animal player characters into your adventures? These are homebrewed races of 6 different animals:
Giant Owl
These races are featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.
These races are also available on D&D Beyond as a home-brewed races to build into your character sheets.... [click here for more] |
Cat Tale Press |
Pay What You Want
 The Start of a brand new series. Zidal's Compendium of Misunderstandings. The concept of this is that each spell, monster, race, location, or magic item has a name that bares a striking resemblance to a monster in the Official MM.
To start this series, we bring you the Ankh Hag. A mischievious and intelligent hag that feeds on the missery of their targets families instead of the target themselves.... [click here for more] |
Quillous Library |
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These are 1/4 page cut out cards that can be printed in a home computer. They each depict monsters from the Savage Shapeshifters bundle and are available for free.
This package also contains high res images of the maps used in the modules, as well as compressed 70DPI versions. This will allow you to print, or use them in VTT systems such as Roll20 or Foundry.
For the adventures related to these... [click here for more] |
Luna Publishing |
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Morphers spend much of their time in the study of aberrations, monstrosities and other vile monsters. Morphers have mastered new ways to alter their own body to mimic some of the most devastating abilities that those creatures possess. Wizards that follow this tradition are able to temporarily shift into an Aberrant Form to surprise and overwhelm those that oppose them with bizarre and unsettling abilities.... [click here for more] |
Arcanissar |
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 Apocalypse the Risen (AtR) Campaign Setting is a 5E Compatible post-apocalyptic fantasy horror roleplaying game. This character sheet is custom built to allow unique AtR 5E details, such as Insanities, Mutations, expanded Conditions, new Skills & Tools, and a host of other top to bottom game design changes with the +SPINE Powered updates to 5E.
Bulid the Survivor you've always wanted... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
 Apocalypse the Risen (AtR) Campaign Setting is a 5E Compatible post-apocalyptic fantasy horror roleplaying game. This character sheet is custom built to allow unique AtR 5E details, such as Insanities, Mutations, expanded Conditions, new Skills & Tools, and a host of other top to bottom game design changes with the +SPINE Powered updates to 5E.
Bulid the Survivor you've always wanted... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
 Apocalypse the Risen (AtR) Campaign Setting is a 5E Compatible post-apocalyptic fantasy horror roleplaying game. This character sheet is custom built to allow unique AtR 5E details, such as Insanities, Mutations, expanded Conditions, new Skills & Tools, and a host of other top to bottom game design changes with the +SPINE Powered updates to 5E.
Bulid the Survivor you've always wanted... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
 What’s Cooking is an incident for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting,
published by Rusted Portal Games.
This Print & Play Scavenge Map is designed for the warehouse encounter of What's Cooking, an AtR Incident. This map prints on Four (4) 8.5"x11" (letter)
This Incident is a 5E compatible one-shot adventure set in AtR, the Apocalypse the Risen Campaign... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
This Print & Play Map is designed for the Cabin encounter featured in Perilous Hunt 1: Acid Trip is a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are singl encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print this map at actual size for standard 1" = 5' squares. And good luck to your players.
published by Rusted... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
A true horror game for the 5E rule set
Nearly every TTRPG group begins their adventures with swords, elves, crackling spells, goblins and dragons. We cut our gaming teeth with these tropes and learn to love the art form through them, shepherding fragile characters into powerful heroes, and, eventually, virtual demi-gods. We spend years learning the nuances of the rules,... [click here for more] |
A Team of Exberts |
Pay What You Want
ALL proceeds from this title go to support the art of Derek Stevens.
Get 12 excitingly dangerous creatures with an Autumn Flavor to them, all laid out from a low CR 1 all the way up to CR 12. Get exciting new takes on Fall themes, like candy corn, bats, wolves, and even clowns! Each creature was created by an industry writer, either independent or attached to an indie publisher. Each... [click here for more] |
MediaStream Press |
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This adventure bundle provides unique battle maps with alternate versions for DMs and players, tokens, and a whole new fiend with stats to use in your games! Within the shadowed confines of a haunted castle atop the mountain, an ancient and wicked demon lord, known as Azaroth the Devourer, has taken root. Azaroth is a creature of unfathomable power and malevolence, whose very presence corrupts and... [click here for more] |
JB-Media |
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Looking for new backgrounds? These are 6 new homebrewed backgrounds that were featured in the character sheets in the Bremen Town-Musicians, but can be incorporated into any 5e character sheet:
Forest Dweller
Royal Heir
Street Performer
These were originally made for animals, but were generalized for all races and characters.
These are also available on D&D Beyond... [click here for more] |
Cat Tale Press |
Pay What You Want
Welcome stranger to the Bardic College of Sorrows. Please sit and tell us of your troubles, that we may weave them into story and song, to soothe your woes and offer warning to others. Fear not for that which is already gone, for you cannot change the past. We will mourn it for you. Fear the future pain you have yet to endure, unless you have nothing left to lose. Once you have come to such a state,... [click here for more] |
Red Roc Gaming |
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Работа, получившая 4 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
Башня вивимансера Волути возвышается на одиноком выступе одной из скал Больших Утесов, в 500 футах над бушующим морем. Ходят слухи, что именно тут хранится... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
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"All that you love most in this world will be taken from you. I do this under command and not of my own free will"
Just in time for Valentine's Day, the Beast of a Thousand Broken Hearts is a Pathfinder (d20/OGL as well) creature that attacks love itself.
An interesting villian and plot item, it can easily be inserted into your Pathfinder game, giving your players a chance to save love itself. ... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
Bend Until Broken is a 5E Cthulhu Mythos adventure for characters of Level 4-5. A village deep in the woods is being harassed by a crazy wizard. Their only crime: planting their crops in straight lines. All they need from those adventurers willing to take the job is to see that a heavy chest is offered as payment to the wizard - convince him (one way or another) to leave them alone. And while it becomes... [click here for more] |
Petersen Games |
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Transport your game to the era of Gaslight!
What is Blackfog?
Blackfog is perhaps the defining feature of the Fourth Age and the Gaslight era of the Midlands around Lake Argosa; certainly its arrival changed the Third Age world as the inhabitants knew it. However, while it is native to that setting, there is no reason it cannot be imported to any campaign world.... [click here for more] |
Barewood Press |
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Bleeding Hearts and Chocolate
This Valentine's Day wear your heart on your sleeve and let the romance fly at the gaming table! Bleeding Hearts and Chocolate offers an assortment of goodies from romantic campaign traits, love spells, zombie prostitutes, love potions and charms, seductive npc's, and the Demiplane of Chocolate! ... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
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Behold the Blood Rose Knight! All roses have thorns, and the Blood Rose feeds from your cuts. The Blood Rose Knight is a fighter archetype (or subclass) designed for 5e. The Blood Rose Knight specializes in using their own life force to empower their attacks, as well steal the life force from others. They do this using their three magical items, the Blade of the Blood Rose, Shield of the Blood Rose,... [click here for more] |
Mica Raymond |
Pay What You Want
Ever wonder what happens when your players do something really bad and the cops get involved? Wonder no more! "Book 'Em!" provides the harried GM with a quick and easy means of figuring out how good the local police are at figuring out what the players did and to whom!
Designed for d20 systems with an eye on the contemporary rather than the fantasy, this simple system can be used with little or no... [click here for more] |
Mind Games Design Bureau |
Pay What You Want
 Are you a decidated studen of the arcane arts? Do you want to attend the most prestigious school of magic in the Kingdom of Grimsby Choose the Bremen School of Magic wizard subclass for your next adventure!
This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.
Included Features:
Strengthened Magic
Advanced Scholar
Focused Concentration
Multitaked... [click here for more] |
Cat Tale Press |
Pay What You Want
While visiting a sea-coast town, PCs hear a call for arms by several excited bards and minstrels! Korwyn, mighty hero of the lands, known for vanquishing the sea devil Dwormer and its minions, seeks experienced volunteers to assist him in recovering treasures from Brine Lord Cassidy’s Tomb! Korwyn claims he has a map to the fifty-year old tomb, a ship full of sailors, a sharpened sword, and wishes... [click here for more] |
The Merciless Merchants |
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Most people in the world of Contagion are normal, mundane humans with normal mundane lives. In terms of the War, they are referred to as Bystanders.
They represent the largest prize in the War: souls.
This supplement contains ten ready to use characters of the Bystander class. Usable as NPCs, antagonists, or to be handed out to player characters, Bystanders... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
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The Bard Joshua invites you to enjoy the ninth of his musical series for gaming: Campfire. ... [click here for more] |
Grey Wolf Writes |
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A carnivorous mask is a dangerous wondrous item able to transform you into a giant predatory plant. While the transformation is powerful, the mask embodies chaotic natural powers difficult to control and can cause harm to the wearer, or turn the nearby flora into a hostile force.
Paola Recalcati... [click here for more] |
Echidna Design |
Pay What You Want
This is the third installment in the Mountain of Fire series. In this installment the adventurers must face an ancient vampire allied with the arch-lich Malcon. This ancient vampire sits in his lonely castle in the Dark Woods of Zanzia playing his pipe organ and creating an army of undead to do his bidding. This unholy artifact must be destroyed or all is lost! ... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
Here is a series of maps for Cavern environments featuring a variety of lighting and developed for VTT. All of them measure 3300x2550 or 22x17
Have fun, be safe, and happy gaming. ... [click here for more] |
Lunatic Design |
Pay What You Want
 This is a cemetary themed map. Four maps draw individually and combined together to make a larger map. This map is 42x32 and drawn at 1/2 scale. While this map is drawn for VTT it is also excelltent for printing. It comes in a variety of seasons and light styles.
Have fun, be safe, and Happy gaming! ... [click here for more] |
Lunatic Design |
Pay What You Want