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 Hottest Old-School Revival (OSR), Creation Method
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(MELL002) Labyrinth Lord Gnome Class

(MELL002) Labyrinth Lord Gnome Class

One of the races considered prominent in Mithgarthr is gnomes, but for those who like to play their Labyrinth Lord games with only the core rules there are no rules to play them! Mithgarthr Entertainment presents our version of a race-as-class gnome! Inside you'll find a description of their appearance (notably different than that given for gnomes in the monster section of the core rule book; these...   [click here for more]
Mithgarthr Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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10 Downing Bestiary for Mausritter

10 Downing Bestiary for Mausritter

This bestiary has been extracted from 10 Downing, a 50-page campaign for Mausritter set in the home of the British Prime Minister. 10 Downing is filled with interesting creatures and characters. This bestiary pulls the unique creatures from the campaign out to make them available to use in any setting. If you own the 10 Downing campaign then you have this bestiary already....   [click here for more]
Ten Acre Games  Pay What You Want

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100 Cy_Borg Characters

100 Cy_Borg Characters

Let me guess, your players are at prepping a heist and in the process take a turn you didnt excect leading them to want to talk to someone that's not a part of their current goal. Sure you could improve something on the fly but why not let this list of 100 Cy_Borg Characters and their goals take some of the work of running the game off your shoulders? ...   [click here for more]
Galactic Funk Creations  Pay What You Want

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20 OSR Style Magic Items

20 OSR Style Magic Items

Looking for unique utility magic items? Maybe something quirky like a fork that perfectly salts whatever it stabs? Search no further! You have found 20 magic items that will make your players go, "What on earth is that?! Who would create such a thing?!" From coins that turn to frogs to smoke that literally follows beauty. These 20 items are sure to spice up your game. ...   [click here for more]
Piranha Squirrel Productions  Pay What You Want

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300 Random Ability Scores for NPCs

300 Random Ability Scores for NPCs

This supplement contains three sets of 100 hand-rolled - not computer generated - ability scores suitable for the World's Oldest Roleplaying Game and most derivatives or OSR games. These are perhaps best used for random NPCs for whom ability scores are quickly needed, rather than more important characters. Each result has a list of six ability score values in the 3-18 range, followed by their total....   [click here for more]
Azukail Games  Pay What You Want

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51 Random NPCs for Shadowdark

51 Random NPCs for Shadowdark

51 NPCs consisting of a name and possible hook, presented in the existing Shadowdark d100 table format.  Examples: Ifdel, scribe’s apprentice seeking the special ink of the Ur-Squid Gron, crawler turned blacksmith who scoffs at crawler weapons Brenq, a sailor seeking the person he dreamt about last night Urnst, a grizzled bounty hunter seeking a mysterious assassin ...   [click here for more]
Golshan's Labyrinth  Pay What You Want

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5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is a sourcebook and conversion guide for playing in a setting inspired by an RPG from the early 90s about the adventures of a man transported to the future world of the 25th century using the White Star RPG rules 5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is not a full RPG. It is a sourcebook for playing White...   [click here for more]
Geek Rampage  Pay What You Want

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5e Borg

5e Borg

5e → Mörk Borg Conversion Guide With new and amazing 5e content churned out every day, not being able to use it in all of your TTRPG games, let alone in Mörk Borg and its siblings, is very disappointing to say the least. Now with this very simple 5e to MB conversion guide, you can use all your 5e books during your grim, apocalyptic and brutal {insert name}-Borg games! NOT Disclaimer:...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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A Baker's Dozen of D66 Lists

A Baker's Dozen of D66 Lists

A collection of random D66 lists originally posted on my blog (plus an extra!) for use, abuse, or inspiration at your table. Contents include: shrine locations, weird goblins, intelligent swords, apocalypses, and more! ...   [click here for more]
Leicester's Rambles  Pay What You Want

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A Guide to Hallowfest [Swords and Wizardry/OSR]

A Guide to Hallowfest [Swords and Wizardry/OSR]

A Completely Serious Halloween Sourcebook and Adventure In celebration of Halloween 2015, compatible with Swords and Wizardry and compatible OSR games: Inside this grisly tome… well… suitably orange-colored booklet, you’ll find: An over view of the holiday of Hallowfest in the world of the Sundered Chronicles. A bestiary of six Hallowfest critters such as the terrible...   [click here for more]
Sundered Blade Games  Pay What You Want

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A Hundred Years in Yeoldelands

A Hundred Years in Yeoldelands

A Game Master's account of a hundred sessions running an open-table fantasy roleplaying game campaign using Old School Essentials (a modern take on BX Dungeons & Dragons), published modules and homebrew material over a three-year period. Illustrated session reports recounting the gaming session are accompanied by GM lessons learnt from gameplay and by accounts produced by the players . Featured...   [click here for more]
Idle Hobbying  Pay What You Want

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A Quiet Midwinter: An Old School Heist with the Hallmarks of a Holiday Special

A Quiet Midwinter: An Old School Heist with the Hallmarks of a Holiday Special

A very queer Holiday-themed fantasy heist adventure for Old School Essentials or your favorite BX clone (or other OSR games). In the time of legends, when the gods, fey, and demons finished their war, they signed their peace treaty on Midwinter Night in the village of Quiet. Midwinter has been sacred throughout the known lands ever since, and Quiet’s Midwinter...   [click here for more]
R. Rook Games  Pay What You Want

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This work is based on the dungeon map on page 95 of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG) by Gary Gygax. The map has 39 numbered areas and is provided under the heading of A SAMPLE DUNGEON, with the first three rooms described. A few additional clues can be gleaned from details in the text, such as the wandering monsters table mention of bandits in areas 4 and 5 and...   [click here for more]
Novis Ludis  Pay What You Want

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A Trail of Deceit

A Trail of Deceit

Trail of Deceit is centered around the search and capture of goblin raiders responsible for attacking wagon trains along the Narrow March.  5E Compatible   ...   [click here for more]
Paladin  Pay What You Want

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A Trapped Tablet: A Mausritter Adventure

A Trapped Tablet: A Mausritter Adventure

This Mausritter adventure has been extracted from 10 Downing, a 50-page campaign for Mausritter set in the home of the British Prime Minister. Get the full campaign for more adventures. A bust stands in a corner alcove - it is said that a powerful spell tablet lies deep within its twisted tunnels, but no mouse has yet been brave enough to retrieve it... ...   [click here for more]
Ten Acre Games  Pay What You Want

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A Walk in the Harwood

A Walk in the Harwood

Adventure Overview The folk of Almsville enjoyed a quiet existence far from the worries of city life and foreign wars, but recently a strange spirit has been seen in town, a weeping woman beckoning strong folk into the Harwood, pleading with them to free her from her curse. Just last week the mayor’s son, young Constance, disappeared, stealing away in the night with a sword and shield taken from...   [click here for more]
Hilander RPGs  Pay What You Want

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Accursed Jester

Accursed Jester

Accursed Jester A Monster for Mörk Borg Thrown out of King Fathmu VII’s court after offending his mistress, this jester was sentenced to roam the Dying Lands until the END. Cursed with a never ending hunger and obsessively juggling. Accursed Jester is an independent production by Ilias Iovis and is...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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Advanced Ape Class

Advanced Ape Class

Have you ever wanted to play your favorite RPG as one of the Apes from Planet of the Apes? Or something pretty similar anyway. We here at Great Khan Games have statted up an Advanced Ape for use with either Basic or Advanced versions of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game or one of it's retroclones. ...   [click here for more]
Great Khan Games  Pay What You Want

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Advent Calendar of Nechrubel

Advent Calendar of Nechrubel

Well you see...this is an ADVENT Calendar, but instead of fun it is terrible and horrifying.  Compatible with Mork Borg ...   [click here for more]
Man Alone  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Fantasy Game

Adventure Fantasy Game

An original Old School Fantasy game. New School Game Mechanics, Old School Adventure Game. Simple, d6-based game mechanics. Characters improve by Plundering, completing Accomplishments, or by actually trying to do stuff. No clerics, no XPs, memorization or other legacy rules, no accounting, but still compatible with Old School material without conversion. 5MORE Resolution System, skills...   [click here for more]
Lost Pages  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Module BL1-2: The Ruined Hamlet/Terror in the Gloaming

Adventure Module BL1-2: The Ruined Hamlet/Terror in the Gloaming

Into the Unknown! The wilderness around the cave stronghold called Gold Hill Trading Post is dangerous and scattered with ruins of large and small settlements. Will your party find fame and fortune, solve ancient mysteries, or just disappear into the Borderlands like so many that came before? This module contains underground and wilderness maps that form a detailed adventure and mini-campaign for beginning...   [click here for more]
Barrataria Games  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Seeds: Islands

Adventure Seeds: Islands

Adventure Seeds are ideas to help you devise your next adventures.  This particular supplement is a collection of tables that help you generate an island location of a certain size with random encounter ideas. The tables are without stats to be generic to almost any fantasy RPG system.  ...   [click here for more]
Taskboy Games  Pay What You Want

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Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand

Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand

Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand is a 1st level, one-shot adventure for Shadowdark RPG: Designed to be accessible for new players, especially those coming from 5e, (hopefully) without sacrificing what makes Shadowdark such a wonderful game. Can be used with just the free Shadowdark Quickstart Rules. Can be finished in a single 3-5 hour session. Adventure is 'Pay-What-You-Want',...   [click here for more]
Runeforged Tabletop Gaming  Pay What You Want

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Aleister & Artemis Wolf: An NPC for Pirate Borg

Aleister & Artemis Wolf: An NPC for Pirate Borg

Devilish NPCs to use to torment your players or have them join their crew! ...   [click here for more]
D'Arcangel Productions  Pay What You Want

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All Hallows' Eve: Halloween Carousing

All Hallows' Eve: Halloween Carousing

"There's magic in the air on All Hallows' Eve — a potion, a curse, a chance to spin fate. But remember, love, magic always demands a price." ~Mistress Thornshade, a wily witch Embrace the Shadows with All Hallows' Eve: Halloween Carousing Dive into the eerie world of Halloween revelry with this fun supplement for Shadowdark RPG! Enhance Your Halloween Adventures...   [click here for more]
Joker & Thief Publishing  Pay What You Want

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An Urgent Quest: A short Mausritter adventure

An Urgent Quest: A short Mausritter adventure

An Urgent Quest is a short adventure for Mausritter in the Kiwi Acres setting. It is designed to be played as short quest between larger adventures. Think of this as an interactive short story, where you decide the outcome. As you return to Scarecrow Stand after your latest adventure, the reclusive rat from the ramshackle hut runs past you, shouting, “Come with me! Now!” No one...   [click here for more]
Ten Acre Games  Pay What You Want

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Ancestries of the Galaxy - A STAR DARK Supplement

Ancestries of the Galaxy - A STAR DARK Supplement

In this supplement for STAR DARK, my rules supplement to play space opera adventures using the Shadowdark ruleset, you will find eight ancestries to use in your STAR DARK campaign. ...   [click here for more]
Late Night Typing  Pay What You Want

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Animal Archives Primer Shadowdark Edition

Animal Archives Primer Shadowdark Edition

Greetings, and salutations! I hope you enjoy this pay what you want Animal Archives Primer! This is a no/low cost sample of my upcoming Animal Archives Shadowdark Edition book I will run on Backerkit in the near future. Fully illustrated in an OSR style, Animal Archives will focus on making animals a challenge for players and fun to run for the judge! If you like what you see, there will also...   [click here for more]
Monster Mage Games  Pay What You Want

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Antediluvian Slaughterpit

Antediluvian Slaughterpit

Lead an expedition into the Untamed Waste in search of the buried Palace of Ashurbanipal, the Universal King! Battle thirst, fear, and thousands of cruel spirits who seek to undo your mission! Recruit an army of laborers and mercenaries, then cleverly deploy your forces to withstand the assaults of a relentless foe. Aborting the mission once attrition sets in is possible, but does the pride of the...   [click here for more]
Olle Skogren  Pay What You Want

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Ants in the Plants

Ants in the Plants

A one-shot adventure designed to be used with any edition of your favorite tabletop role-playing game.  This adventure is written to give a GM an adventure that can be used as a stand alone, side quest, or incorporated into a larger campaign.  It includes a background and introduction, adventure hooks, map, list of encounters, and GM notes.  This adventure will be updated, over time, with stats...   [click here for more]
Black Knife Media  Pay What You Want

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Arcane Tools, Treasures & Trinkets

Arcane Tools, Treasures & Trinkets

This book contains one hundred magic items to use in your games that are more interesting than yet another plus one sword. 100 original items each with an illustration by the author; covering a range combat and non-combat uses and with a mix of interesting mechanics, implied world-building and humour. An adventuring helpline, a curse eating bug, a haunted sledgehammer, armour...   [click here for more]
Mothic Knight  Pay What You Want

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Bag of Holding: A Mausritter Item

Bag of Holding: A Mausritter Item

Players needing more space in their packs? The Bag of Holding is a handy item for increasing their carrying capacity by doubling their pack size with 6 additional inventory slots. The GM can make the item available in any way they like - looted from a chest, given as a reward from an NPC, or simply as a purchase from a high-end merchant (recommended...   [click here for more]
Ten Acre Games  Pay What You Want

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Basic Alchemist

Basic Alchemist

The alchemist is more than a potion wholesaler or a mad bomber! Give your players something interesting with both use and potential. Using a basic framework and a few alternate magic rules (which could be added to nearly any existing magic system,) this concept is intended to provide a more interesting and versatile option with many role playing possibilities and a few—optional—crunchy bits. Printer...   [click here for more]
Den Meister Games  Pay What You Want

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Basilisk Hills Map Packet

Basilisk Hills Map Packet

This packet contains 18 .hxm files for the nine hexes in the Basilisk Hills hex cluster; a player's and a DM's map for each hex This includes hexes: 13.21 13.22 14.21 14.22 14.23 15.21 15.22 16.21 16.22 ...   [click here for more]
Third Kingdom Games  Pay What You Want

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Battle Axe

Battle Axe

Battle aXe is a fantasy mass combat supplement for old school tabletop role-playing games, and their clones.  It is designed to accompany your adventures, when you find your character in the middle of a battlefield, or when you, as the player, want to act as a lieutenant and command armies, and crush enemies. It can also be played as a stand-alone game when all...   [click here for more]
Utku Tönel  Pay What You Want

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Beach Encounter

Beach Encounter

Made using / Fait avec Campaign Cartographer 3+ by / par Jean-Claude ''Raznag'' Tremblay A great map for a Krabken encounter!  Une excellente carte pour un combat contre le Krabken! This pack includes / Ce paquet de cartes inclut: 1 Battlemap (140 pixels per square / par case) (20 x 20) Don't forget to follow me on this platform to stay up to date with my latest...   [click here for more]
Le Paysagiste de l'Imaginaire  Pay What You Want

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Beast Folio Volume 1

Beast Folio Volume 1

Beast Folio Volume 1 Four new monster for your Labyrinth Lord Game. Comptatible with most OSR RPGs. Included are: -Chaos Ooze -Ocular Jelly -Red-Legged Scissor-Man -Steam Beast ...   [click here for more]
Broken Tower Games  Pay What You Want

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Beneath the Temple of Edea

Beneath the Temple of Edea

(SPOILER) I guess I'd never noticed the 'thoul' listing in the B/X monsters. Chalk that up to incomplete reading comprehension, or something. And, I don't think I've seen them employed in the adventures I've perused.  So, time to drop them as backup dancers in some B/X-style song and dance, this one taking place in caverns accessed via a tidal marsh, where someone is up to nefarious deeds. Again,...   [click here for more]
Leicester's Rambles  Pay What You Want

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Bite-Sized Dungeon

Bite-Sized Dungeon

Remastered: This game has a remastered edition, containing the core rules and all five scenarios in one improved PDF. The remaster is included with all regular downloads and reflects the print version of the game. Braille: The remastered edition is also available in Braille. Simply download the .BRF file and use it with a Braille reader or Brailler. --- Bite-Sized...   [click here for more]
Richard Kelly  Pay What You Want

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Black Stump, a new dungeon for Mörk Borg

Black Stump, a new dungeon for Mörk Borg

Something weird is happening in Sarkash down a well covered in human fur. The Black Stump is a new dungeon for Mörk Borg filled with strange and weird encounters for your players to interact with. Angry Liches, dead people and a weird stain on the floor that goes deeper than anyone can imagine... The Black Stump is an independent production by Rinaldo Agostini and is not affiliated with Ockult...   [click here for more]
Rynoch  Pay What You Want

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Blacken & Burn, Rumors of a Dying World for Mörk Borg

Blacken & Burn, Rumors of a Dying World for Mörk Borg

Rumors, lies, gossip, and falsehoods fill the streets and alleys of the city as the people spread the juiciest of tales. Though most words spoken are untrue, there are often strands of reality hiding in the deceptive stories repeated by those who are prone to talking too much.  Within this short PDF are 2d12 snippets of these conversations, scraps of information that the gamemaster may feed to the...   [click here for more]
Philip Reed Games  Pay What You Want

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Blade of the Barbarian

Blade of the Barbarian

The Barbarian King Bertachar was told a doom by his Seer-Sister Radegunda. He must gift his magic blade Shieldbreaker to a worthy hero or die like a dog. Heroes gather in his hall to compete in drinking, lifting stones and answering riddles. The competition is stiff - players who don't employ ruthless cunning will walk away empty handed... or worse! This 1 page adventure should...   [click here for more]
Olle Skogren  Pay What You Want

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Blightbeak A feral pet penguin for Mörk Borg Inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion A highly intelligent, feral, flightless bird, that follows anyone that feeds it. But they'll need to continue feeding it or else face a barrage of attacks from its sharp beak.  Keep feeding it or get... the BEAK Part 4 of the Neon Genesis Evangelion inspired stuffs for Mörk Borg. Blightbeak is...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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Blood Engine Essential

Blood Engine Essential

Blood Engine Essential is a complete OSR package in a lean, mean format. Inside the book, you will find everything you need to play brutal, bleak adventures in unforgiving worlds, easily compatible with all the best modules, monsters, and adventures of the Old School scene. Old...   [click here for more]
Oddplan!  Pay What You Want

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BLUEHOLME™ The Necropolis of Nuromen

BLUEHOLME™ The Necropolis of Nuromen

The Necropolis of Nuromen is a modular quest designed to let the referee introduce a group of 1st level characters to the thrills of Underworld exploration as they attempt to unravel they secrets of the evil necromancer’s lair and deal with some bandits, too. To play this adventure you also require the BLUEHOLME™ Prentice Rules or the BLUEHOLME™ Journeymanne Rules....   [click here for more]
Dreamscape Design  Pay What You Want

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BRAINROTTEN INFLUENCER, a new third-party class for CY_BORG

BRAINROTTEN INFLUENCER, a new third-party class for CY_BORG

When you signed up with the network, you didn’t expect your life to spiral downhill this quickly. Your RCD is modified to stream 24/7 on platforms like NuTube and Spasm, no pauses allowed. Most of your colleagues died chasing fame. You’re still alive, barely teetering on the brink of psychological and physical collapse. BRAINROTTEN INFLUENCER is a third-party class for CY_Borg....   [click here for more]
Rynoch  Pay What You Want

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Brawl of the Odd

Brawl of the Odd

Brawl of the Odd is a system-agnostic module with a non-lethal combat arena where players can engage in a fight club or fight against each other. These rules are compatible with any game and will work in any tabletop system. They are particularly well-suited to games like Into the Odd, Cairn, Mausritter,...   [click here for more]
Ten Acre Games  Pay What You Want

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Brine Lord Cassidy's Tomb

Brine Lord Cassidy's Tomb

While visiting a sea-coast town, PCs hear a call for arms by several excited bards and minstrels! Korwyn, mighty hero of the lands, known for vanquishing the sea devil Dwormer and its minions, seeks experienced volunteers to assist him in recovering treasures from Brine Lord Cassidy’s Tomb! Korwyn claims he has a map to the fifty-year old tomb, a ship full of sailors, a sharpened sword, and wishes...   [click here for more]
The Merciless Merchants  Pay What You Want

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BTL001: Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #1 (PDF)

BTL001: Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #1 (PDF)

Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming. In this Issue you get:  -Six (6) New Magic Spells -Three (3) New Monsters -One (1) Unstocked Dungeon Map -One (1)...   [click here for more]
Small Niche Games  Pay What You Want

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BTL002: Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #2 (PDF)

BTL002: Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #2 (PDF)

Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming. In this Issue you get:  -Five (5) New Magic Spells -Six (6) New Monsters -Two (2) Unstocked Village Maps -One...   [click here for more]
Small Niche Games  Pay What You Want

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  The City of 10 Rings – City locations and encounters