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The original 24 pack of character sheets designed for use with the Arduin® game system, published by Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures Corp. These are cleaned up (righted, re-sized, and proprotioned) the originals made for the Arduin Grimoire system/Arduin Trilogy. ... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
A conundrum of cultures is spread out before you!
Tired of playing the same old hero? What happens to a Dwarft raised by a Throon? What kind of skills would a cosmopolitan Kobold achieve? What effect do the dark rites of Marmachand have on the burgeoning villian?
Compiled within is the myriad of cultures simply to vast to be included in the core rules of Arduin Eternal. ... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
Designed for use with the Compleat Arduin system.
Arduin is a Registered Trademark of Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures Corp. ... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
 A fillable character sheet for your DarkSpace Ships! ... [click here for more] |
DMing the World Press |
Pay What You Want
 A fillable character sheet for your DarkSpace Spacers ... [click here for more] |
DMing the World Press |
Pay What You Want
Frontiersman! Have you ever been stymied trying to remember where you saw a new piece of equipment, alien race, starship, or a rule that was in the fan magazines? Now you can look them up in this, the Grand Index of the Frontier. Fifty-Five issues of the Frontier Explorer and the Star Frontiersman are fully indexed with appendixes for the four official magazines from the original TSR.
The Grand Index... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
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Meandering - Across the Radlands #1. Welcome to the GLOW. Where were you when the bombs fell? Did you make it to the ShelterTek Shelter? Are you one of the mutated survivors? Whithin the pages of this inaugural issue, you will find: The Buggeymen, a new sub-class of Insecta mutants. The Vault of the Ancients contains sixteen new artifacts for seekers to find. Expanded weapons, armor, and occupations... [click here for more] |
Epic Meanderings |
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 “What sets me apart from the others? I have the strength of an ogrek, the speed of a black weasel, and an eighteen inch grauln spike embedded in my left arm. Now, what do you want me to eviscerate?” Fjer Teffisc, Graft
Spring 2018 brings a new year for Meanderings. I review the Mike Evan’s Hubris campaign. Tools of the Trade details and expands thieves tools. Next up are new weapon styles, and... [click here for more] |
Epic Meanderings |
Pay What You Want
The third issue of Megadungeon is upon us!
Dungeon adventures, NPC's, and resources suitable for any campaign! Dual-statted for Basic Dungeons & Dragons and 5e. Come explore the upper and lower crypts of Hierax. Visit the sadlark mine, get lost in non-euclidean space. Meet interesting people and kill them!
Articles on actual play in the gaming renaissance, as well as disscussing dungeon restocking,... [click here for more] |
Hack & Slash Publishing |
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Ever wanted a simple way to record and note your roleplaying games? Then this is for you! Check out the “My Little Zines” series, packed with helpful zines for your roleplaying adventures.
This is My Little Campaign Journal: For solo roleplaying, I like to use tracks for objectives and quests, making gameplay smoother and easier to remember. I usually set up five lines for each... [click here for more] |
Elln The Witch |
Pay What You Want
Ever wanted a simple way to record and note your roleplaying games? Then this is for you! Check out the “My Little Zines” series, packed with helpful zines for your roleplaying adventures.
This is My Little combat tracks: This zine is designed to help you track your combats. When I play, I usually journal, but I don’t like cluttering my main notes with vow tracking. So, I made... [click here for more] |
Elln The Witch |
Pay What You Want
Ever wanted a simple way to record and note your roleplaying games? Then this is for you! Check out the “My Little Zines” series, packed with helpful zines for your roleplaying adventures.
This is My Little Vows Journal: This zine is designed to help you track your vows and quests. When I play, I usually journal, but I don’t like cluttering my main notes with vow tracking.... [click here for more] |
Elln The Witch |
Pay What You Want
Ever wanted a simple way to record and note your roleplaying games? Then this is for you! Check out the “My Little Zines” series, packed with helpful zines for your roleplaying adventures.
This is My Little Session Notes: I used to jot down my session notes on random sheets of paper or cards, but later, whenever I tried to read them, it was a mess! This zine is designed to keep... [click here for more] |
Elln The Witch |
Pay What You Want
Ever wanted a simple way to record and note your roleplaying games? Then this is for you! Check out the “My Little Zines” series, packed with helpful zines for your roleplaying adventures.
This is My Little combat tracks: This zine is designed to help you track your combats. When I play, I usually journal, but I don’t like cluttering my main notes with vow tracking. So, I made... [click here for more] |
Elln The Witch |
Pay What You Want
Ever wanted a simple way to record and note your roleplaying games? Then this is for you! Check out the “My Little Zines” series, packed with helpful zines for your roleplaying adventures.
This is My Little Vows Journal: This zine is designed to help you track your vows and quests. When I play, I usually journal, but I don’t like cluttering my main notes with vow tracking.... [click here for more] |
Elln The Witch |
Pay What You Want
 Yarrrr! Set sail to the endless voids of space where adventure and terror lie beyond every nebula!
An old-school, hand-drawn character sheet (front and back) themed around space and ships for the world's most popular roleplaying game. B&W.
PDF includes 3 pages (Front, Back & Legal Info).
Add some spacey flair to your 5e games today! ... [click here for more] |
Colin Richards Art |
Pay What You Want
These are six Archetypes, near ready to roll. The players just need to choose Focus Skills, add Languages, total the bonuses, and choose an Advancement. That's it!
Be Fast. Shoot First. Commit fully to violence of action. ... [click here for more] |
Thieves Guild Games |
Pay What You Want
 This is the character sheet for Obsidian Dragon Slayer that has been designed by the Amazing Mr. Gone! ... [click here for more] |
Tainted Edge Games |
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 Poker sized playing cards for Porkin' the VOID RPG. These cards may be used for poker style games - it consists of 4 suits, plus 2 jokers. The suits show different aspects of the Porkin' the VOID RPG: character classes, equipment, weapons, monsters/creatures. ... [click here for more] |
Yog'du Games |
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Rescued from the dry sands of history...
The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin. It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity. Enjoy this document as it... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
This pdf includes a Roll20 ungrided map and a full size tabletop map for use with miniatures or tokens. I created this for the Gangbusters B/X game system (core rules can be found here on DTRPG) but can be used with any rpg. ... [click here for more] |
FEI Games inc. |
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 Adventure Summary: Shadow of The Obsidian Sun is a hair-raising rescue mission. The players are sent as a team of special forces through time to the Pre-Columbian world of Latin America. The squad is tasked with saving Professor Higgins from the dark fate of human-sacrifice. But things take a turn for the worst when the team’s time-point transponder is damaged. Now without a functioning transponder,... [click here for more] |
RPGspree |
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Six player facing pixel art maps for use in the Flayed Domain introductory adventure from the Slipgate Chokepoint rulebook. Also suitable for use in your gun toting eldritch science fiction RPG of choice.
Contains maps for:
Chapel Acid Vats Ruined Void Corpsegrinding Facility Ceremonial Room Deathlord's Lair ... [click here for more] |
Forgotten Oubliette of Forgetfulness |
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SOLARCRAWL is an orbital-fantasy, hexcrawling tabletop roleplaying game, built from the OSR system, The Black Hack, and inspired by such touchstones as The Outer WIlds, No Man's Sky, For All Mankind, Gravity, & the early manga works of Hayao Miyazaki.
The MOONSHOT playtest consists of the first planetary hexmap, a PNP Exploration Deck, and a handbook with... [click here for more] |
Galen Pejeau |
Pay What You Want
 The city of Testudinea has crawled for eons.
Upon the colossal Turtle’s back the city has weathered through countless invasions and passed through many hands. Now a catastrophe looms on the horizon as the Turtle ceaselessly marches towards the ocean, ready to submerge the city beneath the waves. The downtrodden and overworked people cry out for help, but their lamentations... [click here for more] |
Mark Conway |
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![The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21347/446719-thumb140.jpg) All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants!
Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More.
Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg.
This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce
The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
You're maintenance and repair units. You've activated to find power failing and no network connectivity except for short range buzz shots to other local units. Stabilize. Restore. Report. Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements. Database file appears corrupt (). Shellmanager database is corrupt of missing. Unit enquiry could... [click here for more] |
Just Crunch Games |
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 A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam.
*NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Draconem sub-sector!
This creation is something that I began on my blog [www.andrewjluther.com] as a discussion of science fiction roleplaying in the early days of the hobby with the first edition of the first SF RPG released back in 1977. Back in those days, there was no “official” setting published in which players were expected to set their games. In fact, it was generally expected... [click here for more] |
Vanishing Goblin |
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 Strange vapors pour out from the archeological dig site on planet Marzanna and soon drive the colonists mad. The famous scientist charged with leading the fiasco [Dr. Ben Leach] is drawing a blank. Meanwhile the notorious cannibal murderer [Sick Zed] claims to know the truth behind what's happening.
A System Agnostic adventure for the Death in Space setting.... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
 This six-page packet contains all of the character and datafile sheets for the Thirteen Parsecs RPG. Included within you will find:
Form-Fillable player character data record (character sheet); 2 pages
Starship data record (Static; not form-fillable)
Planetary Datafile record (Static; not form-fillable)
Time Machine data record (Static; not form-fillable)
BONUS single-page Planetary... [click here for more] |
Elf Lair Games |
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Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В данном PDF приведен слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических личностей. Каждое имя заменено завуалированной... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
 Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В данном PDF приведен вариант точного перевода оригинала. Слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a form-fillable character sheet for Troika! with a custom hand-written font, courtesy of the Gællæffa Guide to Troika Kickstarter. ... [click here for more] |
OmniMyth Press |
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