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Looking at the world through a feminist lens reveals absurd, tragic, and fascinating situations.
Written by feminists from eleven different countries, #Feminism offers bite-sized takes on contemporary feminist issues. Each of the 34 nano-games in this collection requires between three and five participants, simple (if any) props, and up to an hour of play time.
The games range from silly to serious,... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
 Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
 Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
 Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
 Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
 Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
 Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa!
Ma la cosa più... [click here for more] |
Wyrd Edizioni |
The Trooper
Want interstellar adventure without leaving your seat?
1' into space turns every journey into a galactic saga. Step into the shoes of a Star Trooper, alone against the universe, in a game designed for fast-paced action and instant immersion.
Finally finish your games!
Designed for solo players, 1' into space stands out for its speed and simplicity. Choose... [click here for more] |
Doppelgänger Publishing |
10th Millennium is set about 58,000 years in the past. Systems of planets formed galactic entities to wage great wars over resources, wealth, and worlds that were closer to stars.
Earth finds herself dead center of this epic struggle that lasts 10,000 years. Then stars are destroyed and one third of the universe is rendered lifeless. 48,000 years later an alien species visits Earth, and the human... [click here for more] |
10th Millennium |
Pay What You Want
This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
Three monsters of the 13th Age - a free preview of the 13th Age Bestiary
The naga, orc and white dragon are given the 13th Age treatment in this preview of the forthcoming 13th Age Bestiary, complete and ready to use.
The 13th Age Bestiary introduces all-new creatures for the 13th Age Roleplaying Game,... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
13th Age
Download a high-resolution map of the Dragon Empire! This ancient world is the setting for 13th Age, the d20-rolling fantasy roleplaying game from legendary designers Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo where you play epic adventures in a world where mighty Icons war and scheme in a tense balance of power.
... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
This quickstart document includes the rules and advice you’ll need to run or play a game or three of 13th Age Roleplaying Game. You’ll also need a couple of other things: an introductory adventure, pre-generated characters, and some d20s, d8s, and other dice. Our adventures Crown of Axis and The Strangling Sea were... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
13th Age Second Edition
A New Edition of the Award-Winning Heroic Fantasy Game!
The coolest and most fun parts of traditional d20-rolling fantasy gaming plus story-focused rules, now with updated class and kin powers, fearsome new abilities for your favorite monsters, and revamped icon connection mechanics!
Exciting Battles
Revamped Class Powers (or, Hard Choices = Good Choices)
13th... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
This is the 13th Age System Reference document. It contains all the open content from the 13th Age RPG which we call the Archmage Engine. Whether you are a publisher or a gamer, you can use this under the terms of the Open Gaming License.
This is not the 13th Age Core Book, which is a beautiful, gamer-friendly book packed with extra content and written in the author’s distinctive... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
Interested in giving 1879 a try? Want to do it for free? The 1879 Quickstart presents an overview of the basic game concepts and rules, pre-generated characters, and an introductory London adventure to introduce you to the game and its world, and perhaps jump start your campaign. ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
1989 to kilkunastostronicowa gra fabularna będąca w dużym skrócie słowiańskim urban fantasy w Polsce czasu przemiany ustrojowej (około 1989 rok). System został stworzony z założeniem grania raczej krótkich i pojedynczych sesji niż całych kampanii, a załączona w tym podręczniku treść zakłada, że gracz wie czym są i na czym polegają gry fabularne.
Gra mechanicznie oparta jest... [click here for more] |
Karol Sollich |
Pay What You Want
The first Indie+ Anthology is a collection of short roleplaying games and resources, released as a thank you to all our loyal subscribers who check out our videos each month during a subscriber drive to bring in new folks to our community. Thanks to all of your efforts, we added over 300 subscribers in 2014! ... [click here for more] |
Indie+ |
We are proud to say that Pelgrane Press has been nominated six times in this year's ENnie awards. This free ENnies sampler features choice selections from each entry. If you like what you see, please consider voting for us. All these ENnie nominated products are available at 15% off until 1st August 2017.
Best Adventure The Edom Files
An adventure collection for the Dracula Dossier... [click here for more] |
Pelgrane Press |
 Galaventia è la prima ambientazione pubblicata per il sistema Creative Commons Roleplay Rules (2C2R).
Si tratta di un'ambientazione high-fantasy, e all'interno del file zip troverete tutto il necessario per giocare. A una prima occhiata potrebbe sembrare che ci siano troppi manuali, ma in realtà è più semplice di quanto sembri: assicuratevi solo di iniziare la lettura dal manuale chiamato Galaventia... [click here for more] |
2C2R |
The 2D10 Roleplaying Game is a fast, free, action-packed game system that comes in a single, stunning page of rules.
All you need to play are these rules, some ten-sided dice, and your imagination.
Here is why 2D10 is so cool:
The rules can be learned and mastered in minutes.
Heroes can be created in even less time.
Hooks make it easy for GMs and players to get right into the thick of adventure.
Feats... [click here for more] |
Mystic Ages Publishing |
321RPG is a d10 roll under system high on cinematic fun and low on crunchy rules. ... [click here for more] |
Ham and Egg Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Uniwersalny, minimalistyczny i oryginalny system RPG służący jako baza do gry podczas jednosrzałów i kampanii. Solidny fundament pod dalszą rozbudowę przez doświadczonych mistrzów gry. Wydany na licencji (CC BY-SA 4.0) - możliwy do kopiowania, przeróbki i wykorzystania komercyjnego. ... [click here for more] |
Basement Dwellers Productions |
"Someone you know was just replaced by a machine. No one else knows. You are next."
44: A Game of Automatic Fear is a suspense RPG. You portray people who know a robot conspiracy called Section 44 is replacing humanity. Can you survive before the conspiracy replaces you with a machine?
Set in the backdrop of the early 1950s, a time of high paranoia, 44 works like an Alfred Hitchcock... [click here for more] |
Stories You Play |
This license (the "Agreement") is an agreement between a publisher or author ("You") and McNabb Games LLC ("MGR"), that grants You an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to publish and distribute tabletop roleplaying game materials (the "Work") based on and incorporating the Morgalad Fantasy RPG Starter Book ("4d6 System ") and declaring compatibility with the 4d6 System. By... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Pay What You Want
Making 5th Edition Accessible for All
A free, comprehensive braille conversion of the 5th Edition System Reference Document (SRD) for players and content creators.
We believe everyone should be welcomed at TTRPG tables. This project is our commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, providing the core rules in braille for the first time in history!
What's Included:
Players... [click here for more] |
Wyrmworks |
6083 is an original tabletop role playing game set in the far flung future. You play as elite military operatives who are tasked with the protection and safety of the citizens of the Central Alliance of Planets.
6083 features an original ruleset and a unique universe with deep and compelling lore. It is a skill based system with a heavy emphasis on skills and unique gear items for character progression.... [click here for more] |
Jason Oberman |
6083 is an original science fiction tabletop role playing game set in the far flung future. You play as elite military operatives who are tasked with the protection and safety of the citizens of the Central Alliance of Planets. Hold the line, and fight the good fight!
6083 features an original ruleset and a unique universe with deep and compelling lore. It is a skill based D100/ 3D6 system with a... [click here for more] |
Jason Oberman |
6083 is an original tabletop role playing game set in the far flung future. You play as elite military operatives who are tasked with the protection and safety of the citizens of the Central Alliance of Planets.
6083 features an original ruleset and a unique universe with deep and compelling lore. It is a skill based system with a heavy emphasis on skills and unique gear items for character progression.... [click here for more] |
Jason Oberman |
"An amazing role playing experience"
"Highly flexible and intuitive"
"Great fun system lends itself to creativity"
"Novel mechanic, fun game, easy to learn"
This is just some of the feedback we have received as we toured the country visiting shops, conventions and clubs, running games for hundreds of people.
(See more feedback on the 6d6RPG.com website)
6d6 Core
Quick and easy to learn, this... [click here for more] |
6d6 Fireball |
Comprehensive rulebook for the 7th Sea: City of Five Sails Base Set card game. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
7th Sea City of Five Sails learn to play book for the Base Set card game. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
The secrets of Théah are yours!
This compilation of rules, updates and player information contains details on every aspect of 7th Sea. For new players, it provides an introductory guide to an exciting world of swordsmen and swashbucklers. For experienced players, it contains all the new material from the 7th Sea second printing, allowing you to stay caught up on everything. Whether you’re a bright-eyed... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Across the world of Terra, far from the familiar kingdoms of Theah, lies the East. The lands of Khitai fill nearly half the world’s map, a rich tapestry of kingdoms connected by adventure, intrigue, trade and exploration. It is an intricate world of contemplative warriors, samurai and animistic mystics, all heeding a Call to Adventure resonating out across the world.
Your adventure in... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
This is a digital copy of the Rulebook & Guide for 8-BIT DUNGEON: Retro-Pixel Fantasy FPRPG Card Game. You can download this product for free as a replacement PDF or if you just want to check out the rules of the game. You must have the core deck to play the game.
• 8-BIT DUNGEON: Retro-Pixel Fantasy... [click here for more] |
Paths to Adventure |
Demons with railguns. Spirits in cybersapce. Gods in the slums.
:Otherscape is a fantasy-cyberpunk role-playing game that combines supernatural powers inspired by mythology and legend with the gritty neon-lit streets of a sprawling futuristic Megacity.
It takes your game group on a rollercoaster ride of gunfights, vehicle chases, cyberspace heists, urban... [click here for more] |
Son of Oak Game Studio |
Götter. Menschen. Drohnen.
In einer nicht zu fernen Zukunft hat die ständige Bombardierung mit technologischen Reizen, dem sogenannten Rauschen, den menschlichen Verstand überlastet und abgestumpft, so dass einst versteckte okkulte Kräfte nun offener agieren.
Dämonen, Geister, Monster und Götter - dieselben mythischen Mächte, die die Menschheit seit jeher begleitet und heimgesucht haben - müssen... [click here for more] |
Storypunks Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The smell of smoke in the forest.
A rustle of leaves behind you, then stillness.
A glimpse of something more beautiful than you can imagine.
You've made the mistake of being a human in the fae woods.
A Dream in the Woods is a hack of Lasers and Feelings, inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream. Play as servants of the fae Queen Titania and King Oberon, causing chaos and mischief while trying to please... [click here for more] |
Owl Knight Games |
A Fistful of Quidloos! - Character Sheets
Free to download and print.
Game rules available on this site. ... [click here for more] |
Kitsune Press |
A Fistful of Quidloos! - Free Money
Free to download and print.
Game rules available on this site. ... [click here for more] |
Kitsune Press |
A Start of the Flair of Dramatics ttrpg: Space Adventures, Combat, and Exploration. These are among the many things you can do in this roleplaying game. Among the different things you can do, you will be able to create your own custom spells, you can create your own spaceships, and you can play as people from many different cultures. A whole universe is out there to be explored. Time to Set Sail!... [click here for more] |
Richard Clark |
Pay What You Want
A solo RPG made by a human, for other humans to enjoy. ... [click here for more] |
Human Publishing |
A Land of Ice and Blades: beta version 2
A game about intrigue and adventures, about the deeds of single characters and the struggles of entire populations, about the fate of lonely heroes and the destinies of nations and tribes.
A Land of Ice and Blades was born to try to emulate epic grand stories (ASOIAF?) by using the engine of Apocalypse World (and its... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
A lonely road stretches in front of you, its point disappearing in the misty horizon. You are its companion, someone with a wandering soul, a desire to keep moving. The road will lead you to new places, each time different. Together, you and the road will set off on new adventures. Where will this lonely road take you?
This is a solo role-playing game about following a lone road and exploring stops... [click here for more] |
LostWaysClub |
A Monster's Tail is a Powered by the Apocalypse TTRPG inspired by games such as Pokemon, Dragon Warrior Monster, Digimon and other games in the Monster Catching genre of RPGs.
What's in the Quickstart?
The Rules - All the Basic Moves and Mechanics needed to run the basic game - Rules for Character creation as well as Conditions and Status Effects
The Eight Core Playbooks... [click here for more] |
Five Points Games |
A compendium of selected flora and fauna native to the magical realm of Talislanta. Compiled from the notes of Tamerlin-traveler, self-styled wizard and author of The Chronicles Of Talislanta – The Naturalist’s Guide features illustrations and descriptions for over a hundred different creatures and beings, including: Ahazu, Exomorphs, Gnomekin, Monoliths, Sardonicus, Snipes, Vorls, Mandragores,... [click here for more] |
Everything Epic |
For a few years now, I've been writing a series of novels set on a Dyson Sphere.
Then the opportunity arose for me to run a game based upon them. I created a beespoke set of rules, based upon my own preferences and so I decided to put it out there and see if anyone else would like to play it.
I've broken the rules into two books, the GM's guide and the Player's guide. Hopefully someone out there... [click here for more] |
Slight Mistake |
Pay What You Want
A while ago I wrote some novels, and then the opportunity arose to GM an RPG., so I converted the first in the series into an RPG. I've placed it up here so other people can play it as well if they so desire. There are two books, a GM book and a player's manual and both are set as pay what you like. ... [click here for more] |
Slight Mistake |
Pay What You Want
The first adventure module for the Open Legend roleplaying game system, perfect for experienced and new players alike. Marooned on an uncharted island, caught between two warring tribes, and threatened at all hours by a dormant volcano prophesied to awaken again. Can our brave heroes discover the legend of Starfall Island before they fall prey to its denizens? In this introductory... [click here for more] |
Seventh Sphere Publishing |
Pay What You Want