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Acceptable Casualties

Acceptable Casualties

Who knows why we're fighting anymore? For the glory of our countries, the irradiated ash heaps? For political ideologies so long forgotten they're meaningless idols? For resources all already consumed by the war? The last remaining fighters are the Casualties, the scavengers, survivors and soldiers of the Warzone. Assume the role of one of these wretched conscripts and battle through suicide missions,...   [click here for more]
Ross Hollander  Pay What You Want

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TAKE YOUR FIGHTS TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Whether you've just entered the Octogon or infiltrated the inner sanctum of a wicked real estate developer, you don't want to get caught flat-footed! The ACTION INTERNATIONAL! Maneuver Deck is your essential companion to the blockbuster TTRPG! All 153 Maneuvers, both general and Style-specific, get...   [click here for more]
Feral Gnome LLC   FREE 

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Adventure Generator: Fantasy City Volume II

Adventure Generator: Fantasy City Volume II

D6 Adventure hooks with sub-tables to help direct a new adventure for your players. This supplement provides information to help structure the adventure leaving your imagination to craft the story your looking to tell. Adventure Hooks Ghostly Hauntings Rival Guild Confrontation Espionage Mission Uncovering a Conspiracy Dangerous Beast in the City Festival or Celebration Chaos ...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Beach Tiki Bar

Beach Tiki Bar

The Drunken Tiki, a cabanna bar on an island beach somewhere in the tropics.   A small, thatched roof open structure, it has a small bar with stools, coolers and...the carven drunken tiki!   So pull up a banboo stool and order a cold, tropical drink. ...   [click here for more]
Golden Lion Papercraft   FREE 

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Big Little Town

Big Little Town

Prohibition, followed hard by the Great Depression, hit the cozy burg of Cedar Creek with a one-two punch. When the town’s main employer, the Schottsheim brewery, had to close its doors, everybody thought the little community was a goner. But it wasn’t. Showing typical Midwestern gumption, Pops Schottsheim retooled his company to make ice cream, while his wife, Henrietta, turned their mansion into...   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $2.99

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Build-A-Robot Generator

Build-A-Robot Generator

Build-A-Robot Generator is a quick and easy tool for creating unique robots for your sci-fi tabletop RPGs. Using a simple D6 roll system, you'll generate custom robot names, appearances, personalities, and functions, with endless combinations for NPCs, enemies, or companions. From sleek humanoids to bulky tanks, cheerful assistants to calculating combat units. ...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Countdown from 10 Deck (Pulp Adventures)

Countdown from 10 Deck (Pulp Adventures)

In this box, you will find a poker deck of 52 cards, plus 2 jokers, specifically designed for tracking initiative in any roleplaying game, although it works especially well with the Savage Worlds system. Unlike a standard deck of cards, this deck is themed to lend atmosphere to your roleplaying game. The numerical value of the card (from 0 to 10), used for Initiative, is featured prominently. Ties...   [click here for more]
Chromatic Experience Studios  $5.49

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Countdown from 12 Deck (Pulp Adventures)

Countdown from 12 Deck (Pulp Adventures)

In this box, you will find a poker deck of 52 cards, plus 2 jokers, specifically designed for tracking initiative in any roleplaying game, although it works especially well with the Savage Worlds system. Unlike a standard deck of cards, this deck is themed to lend atmosphere to your roleplaying game. The numerical value of the card (from 0 to 12), used for Initiative, is featured prominently. Ties...   [click here for more]
Chromatic Experience Studios  $5.49

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D100 Mech Names

D100 Mech Names

Unleash the power of epic mech warfare with D100 Mech Names, a must-have supplement for any sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game. This book is designed to inspire players and GMs alike, providing 100 unique, evocative mech names that bring personality and gravitas to your game’s mechanized titans. Roll a d100 to randomly select a name, or browse the list for the perfect fit—whether you’re...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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D100 Robot Names for Sci-fi Adventures

D100 Robot Names for Sci-fi Adventures

Bring your sci-fi tabletop adventures to life with D100 Robot Names, a quick-reference supplement for GMs! Featuring over 100 unique, thematic robot names across six different categories—Utility Bots, Combat Bots, Glitchy Bots, and more—this guide offers an easy D6 roll system to instantly generate distinct and memorable names for NPCs, companions, or adversaries. Whether you need a malfunctioning...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Desert Oasis Battlemap 24 x 24, Foundry Compatible

Desert Oasis Battlemap 24 x 24, Foundry Compatible

Get ready to have a tactical battle inside and around ruins by a desert oasis! There's cover! There's water! There's difficult terrain! There's high ground! The battlemap is 24 x 24 and provided at 300 dpi. Foundry json file included! Battlemap comes in four flavors: Dawn, Dusk, Midnight, and Noon. Enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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Dungeon Generator: Sci-Fi Corridors: Alien Attack #2 [The Data Hubs]

Dungeon Generator: Sci-Fi Corridors: Alien Attack #2 [The Data Hubs]

RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATOR SPACESHIP/SPACE STATION ALIEN ATTACK #2   THE DATA HUBS     Deep in the heart of the ship lie the Data Hubs: huge sprawling rooms of computers endlessly working to mine the data received, compiling and organising and occasionally discovering. But the sensors are showing that the security in some of the Hubs has been...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $2.48

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Dungeon Generator: Sci-Fi Corridors: Alien Attack #3 [The Conduits]

Dungeon Generator: Sci-Fi Corridors: Alien Attack #3 [The Conduits]

RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATOR ALIEN ATTACK #3: THE CONDUITS     THIS IS A TWO-IN-ONE PRODUCT: RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATOR AND DUNGEON MAP TILES AND TOKENS     Maintenance is always need in Sector 6, Conduits 4 through to 8. No matter how many times the repair crew go down there and replace the parts, the air con overheats and cuts out. Another repair team...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $2.48

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Dungeon Generator: Sci-Fi Corridors: Alien Attack [The Cargo Bays] #1

Dungeon Generator: Sci-Fi Corridors: Alien Attack [The Cargo Bays] #1

RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATOR SPACESHIP/SPACE STATION ALIEN ATTACK #1     The cargo bays should be empty but the sensors indicate otherwise… There is something down there, deep in the hull of the vessel and it’s up to your party to discover what it is…   Randomly generate a sprawling intergalactic maze of corridors to send your...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $2.48

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Geff Joldblum Missing In Action

Geff Joldblum Missing In Action

Point crawl one-shot for Into The Jungle. This was a hidden easter egg for 2 years. Created for the person who found it! Now released for everyone. Have fun.  "We have lost all communication with Captain Geff Joldblum. After his last expedition. Sending location 14.0583° ZAGRIDS ZA00 00 0a, marked on field map. Find him and all amber artifacts." ...   [click here for more]
Missing In Action   FREE 

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GM Resource: Faction & Guilds

GM Resource: Faction & Guilds

Unleash the power of Factions and Guilds in your fantasy tabletop game! This supplement provides GMs with an arsenal of tables for creating diverse, intriguing, and complex organizations. With ready-to-use faction types, guild specialties, leader names, conflicts, and alignment options, building immersive, story-rich settings has never been easier. Forge alliances, stir up rivalries, and challenge...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Isometric Map Pack

Isometric Map Pack

A free collection of isometric point maps for use with TTRPGs! This is a pack of isometric point maps that you can pick up for free. They are system agnostic, you could use them for dungeons, urban structures, even mountain regions (see a montage below). They are even Creative Commons licensed! This pack contains the first 5 maps, sign up to the MurkMail newsletter to get 5 more! ...   [click here for more]
Murkdice   FREE 

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Mill and Bakery over a Canal

Mill and Bakery over a Canal

A combination grain mill with granary tower on one side, and a bakery on the other. It was built to straddle a stream or canal. Part of the two-story section is a residence for the family that runs both businesses. Good for small town or city fantasy role-play or wargames. ...   [click here for more]
Golden Lion Papercraft  $5.00

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Mítica y Asombrosa Deo #01 Larula

Mítica y Asombrosa Deo #01 Larula

Si preguntáis a eminencias entre los sabios, os contarán que el germen de todo fueron tres ciudades fronterizas y varios pueblos muy próximos entre sí que, tras una prolongada época de paz donde el comercio las regó de forma generosa, hizo que todas desbordaran sus límites hasta fundirse en una sola. Si preguntáis a los bardos y skaldos en las tabernas o en los soportales más concurridos,...   [click here for more]
Códice Grupo Creativo   FREE 

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Nautical Lexicon and Seafaring Sayings

Nautical Lexicon and Seafaring Sayings

Nautical Lexicon and Seafaring Sayings Bring the salty air of the high seas into your tabletop RPGs with this essential guide to nautical jargon, sailor slang, and seafaring phrases. Perfect for Dungeon Masters, this 14 page supplement features terms and expressions to add depth, authenticity, and flair to your ocean adventures. Whether you're running pirate raids or naval encounters,...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Night Shift: VSW Character Chronicle

Night Shift: VSW Character Chronicle

This character chronicle for the Night Shift: VSW role playing game allows you to keep detailed track of your character's exploits throughout their career. It includes pages to track your experience advancement, allies and enemies, spells or psionics and supernatural powers, and the events of 7 adventures. It's designed to be printed in 5.5" x 8.5" booklet format using your favorite...   [click here for more]
Elf Lair Games  $2.50

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Operation Fallen Warrior

Operation Fallen Warrior

Operation Fallen Warrior is an espionage mission for the Modus Operandi role playing game for 1-4 first level agents. British agent Alex Carruthers has been captured by the Libyans after being caught attempting to obtain details of Soviet operations in the region. Due to current sensitivities the British have requested the assistance of a PANTHEON team...   [click here for more]
Fortiter Games  $4.00

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Parasitic Infestation at Flame Tongue Temple: for Mork Borg

Parasitic Infestation at Flame Tongue Temple: for Mork Borg

A Dungeon Adventure inspired by Survival Horror Video Games like Resident Evil & Eternal Darkness.  For Mork Borg RPG but easily convertible into most other mainstream OSR style TTRPGs. Includes: •Full History and Lore •10+ New Weapons & Armor •8 New Enemies •d88 random Religious Items •21 room Monastery Dungeon •4 Keys & some light Puzzle...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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Quickly Build an NPC for Any TTRPG

Quickly Build an NPC for Any TTRPG

Save Time Creating Interesting NPC Personalities for Any TTRPG Time Period or Genre Sci Fi, Fantasy, Historical, Post Apocalyptic, Modern Era, Steampunk, Horror - works well for multiple settings! Whether creating a non-player character on the fly during a gaming session, prepping to run in less than an hour, or taking lots of time to flesh out a memorable interaction - these...   [click here for more]
Wicked Cool Games  $1.00

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Real Frames - Metal Set 1 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Metal Set 1 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Metal Set 2 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Metal Set 2 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Metal Set 3 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Metal Set 3 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Metal Set 4 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Metal Set 4 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 1 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 1 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 2 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 2 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 3 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 3 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 4 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 4 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 5 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 5 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 6 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 6 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 7 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 7 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Real Frames - Wood Set 8 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Real Frames - Wood Set 8 (For Portraits & Tokens)

Is your Character feeling shabby? Is your BBEG just not as imposing as it ought to be? Well, you are in luck; with these nine authentic material token frames, you will be the envy of all your friends and family! Shroud those images in glory as they tally forth into your world to be the best-dressed tokens on the table, be it VTT or in real-world print! Coming in 300dpi PNGs at 620x620 and smaller 258x258,...   [click here for more]
Bite Size Horror  $2.25

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Retro 80s Character sheet by James V. West for DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS

Retro 80s Character sheet by James V. West for DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS

NOTE:  If you have already purchased the Dark Places & Demogorgons Core RPG on here then you don't need to purchase this character sheet as it is included in that bundle. A totally tubular, rad retro character sheet by James V. West ...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $0.50

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Sci-Fi Dungeon Generator: Alien Attack #4 [Maintenance Level 2]

Sci-Fi Dungeon Generator: Alien Attack #4 [Maintenance Level 2]

  SCI-FI D6 DUNGEON GENERATOR   Alien Attack #4 [Maintenance Level 2]     d6 Random Dungeon Generator | Map Tiles | Playable Example Map     It is always the Maintenance Levels that need cleaning on the first day of rotation: ducts to be cleared, wiring to be checked and the usual diagnostics on...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $4.95

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Sci-Fi Dungeon Generator: Alien Attack #5 [Deck 01: Recreation]

Sci-Fi Dungeon Generator: Alien Attack #5 [Deck 01: Recreation]

  SCI-FI D6 DUNGEON GENERATOR   Alien Attack #5 [Deck 01: Recreation]     d6 Random Dungeon Generator | Map Tiles | Playable Example Map     You know that while you are working, be that updating the CPUs, checking the conduits on the Maintenance levels or running endless diagnostics, that Deck 1:...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $4.95

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Secret Storage Chamber Battlemap

Secret Storage Chamber Battlemap

This pdf includes a Roll20 ungrided map and a full size tabletop map for use with miniatures or tokens. I created this for the Gangbusters B/X game system (core rules can be found here on DTRPG) but can be used with any rpg. ...   [click here for more]
FEI Games inc.  Pay What You Want

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SLAV BORG Character Sheet

SLAV BORG Character Sheet

Character Sheet for Slav Borg, post-Soviet, semi-fantasy RPG.  ...   [click here for more]
Slavdom Studio   FREE 

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SLAV BORG Wheels Sheet

SLAV BORG Wheels Sheet

Vehicle sheet for Slav Borg, Post-Soviet, semi-fantasy RPG. ...   [click here for more]
Slavdom Studio   FREE 

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Starting Point: Forgotten Ruins

Starting Point: Forgotten Ruins

STARTING POINT - FORGOTTEN RUINS An Isometric System Neutral RPG Map   The ruin has always been there. No one knows who built it or what they were worshiping in building it. Buried deep with the forest, all that now stands are the collapsing walls and fractured tiled floor. But inside altars still remain, the plinths of carved stone still stand in their...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $3.72

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SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Print & Play Minis by Runehammer

SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Print & Play Minis by Runehammer

This is the Print & Play Minis featuring art by Runehammer.  Need more info on Vigilante City?  See below: What is SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City? From the creators of SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons comes SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City, a gritty, street-level, superhero game set in the near future.   Vigilante City is heavily inspired by Batman: ...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $4.99

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Terrain Generator: Forests

Terrain Generator: Forests

Step into the wild and weave unforgettable forest adventures with Terrain Generator: Forests. This essential, system-agnostic supplement provides Game Masters with everything needed to populate their worlds with captivating, mysterious woodlands. Features: Diverse Forest Types: Create 8 unique forest environments, from enchanted woods to ancient groves. Randomized...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Terrain Generator: Lakes

Terrain Generator: Lakes

Bring the depths of your fantasy world to life with Terrain Generator: Lakes, a versatile tool for creating dynamic and captivating lake environments in any roleplaying game. Whether it’s a serene oasis or a cursed, bottomless pit, this supplement provides all you need to craft unforgettable adventures. Features: Diverse Lake Types: Roll for 8 unique types of lakes,...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]

The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]

All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants! Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More. Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg. This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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The Devil with Long Ears on: for CY_BORG

The Devil with Long Ears on: for CY_BORG

A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam. *NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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The Invisible College Player Record Sheet

The Invisible College Player Record Sheet

"All of human history has been an occult war between those who would dominate humanity, and those who would liberate it. This war is still going on, hidden in plain sight." The Official Player Record Sheet for The Invisible College Roleplaying Game. ...   [click here for more]
Well of Urd Press  Pay What You Want

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The Magus Hack PC Kit

The Magus Hack PC Kit

A character sheet and handy guide to character creation for The Magus Hack, including a checklist, nine Philosophies and nine Archetypes, all the Virtues from the core rules and Sorcerers Companion supplement, equipment lists and useful tables. There are also tables for randomly generating Philosophies. Everything you need to create a Magus without flicking back...   [click here for more]
Fen Orc  Pay What You Want

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