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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue #10, Oct 2018

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue #10, Oct 2018

Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun; of course, new Pathfinder and 5e products abound. Included are new clip art and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.             Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue #3, March 2018

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue #3, March 2018

Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun; of course, new Pathfinder and 5e products abound. Included are new clip art and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.               Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Bexim's Bazaar Gaming Magazine Issue #13

Bexim's Bazaar Gaming Magazine Issue #13

Bexim’s Bazaar is a monthly gaming magazine dedicated to RPGs and wargames… and occasionally a boardgame of interest to RPG/wargamers. GMs and players will find plenty of resources such as magic item cards, random tables, mini-adventures, and articles related to gaming as well as printable props to hand out in game. This issue contains over 100 pages of gaming content for a variety of genres and...   [click here for more]
The Tabletop Engineer   FREE 

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Delver Magazine Issue #1 - OSR / OSE Resource

Delver Magazine Issue #1 - OSR / OSE Resource

Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure. Table of Contents for Issue #1 ----- Random Charts & Tables -----...   [click here for more]
The Tabletop Engineer  Pay What You Want

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Demesnes & Domination FREE VERSION

Demesnes & Domination FREE VERSION

Note: This version of Demesnes & Dominations is FREE without bookmarks or any original artwork included. Otherwise it is the same as the full art version. Enjoy! Simplify Domain gameplay! Expand the scope of your preferred OSR game by making Strongholds mean something! Don't be burdened by new mechanics! Streamline time at...   [click here for more]
Arcane Sword Press   FREE 

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Dreams of the Cogmancer 007

Dreams of the Cogmancer 007

"Deep within the heart of the Feywild, the scream of machinery echoes. It’s whispered that it is the creature known only as the Cogmancer, and that he bends metal and time to his will. Where he goes the land is sundered and time is broken." 007 is a trip into the Feywild at the behest of a mysterious benefactor. Included are the NPC The Time Thief, the Cogmancer, his minions the Cog Watchers...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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Elf Army: Ballista

Elf Army: Ballista

Add a bolt-throwing Ballista to your Elven Alliance forces! ...   [click here for more]
Mayhem in Paper  Pay What You Want

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FREE 1st Edition Style Character Sheets 6 Pack

FREE 1st Edition Style Character Sheets 6 Pack

Free 6 pack PDF of 1st Edition style character sheets: Cleric, Fighter, Magic-User, Thief, Any Class and Spells / Magic Items Sheet! ...   [click here for more]
Dark Wizard Games   FREE 

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Free Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens!

Free Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens!

* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! * * FREE * Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens! Contains thirty-seven (37) high-quality figures from Dragons to Burrowbane and beyond.  If you need a few bonus items for the gamer, this could be what you're looking for! Have fun at your next game session! ...   [click here for more]
By Jason D. Essex  Pay What You Want

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FREE PREVIEW - 1e OSR SOLO - LAND OF BONES This is the FREE PDF that shares with you just a small amount of content for the epic 1e SOLO campaign LAND OF BONES. (please do not be put off by the thumbnail flip view. The PDF is set up as a 2-page Spread, not individual pages.) : ) Land of Bones is a project coming out soon and comes in 5 parts. OVERLORDS...   [click here for more]
pyopadventures   FREE 

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Hidden Wilderness Campsite

Hidden Wilderness Campsite

After miles of difficult landscape, the woods begin to part, and a small dirt road becomes visable once more. You and the group decide to finally make camp and rest. As the night passes and morning brings a fresh bit of dew, you come to your senses and realize that you're not alone. ...   [click here for more]
DamiJab Studios   FREE 

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Just a Dungeon #1

Just a Dungeon #1

Che sia una caverna, una tomba o un tempio abbandonato ogni Dunegon non aspetta altro che di essere esplorato! In Just a Dungeon troverai tutto il necessario per rendere divertente ogni nuova sessione! Presto ne arriveranno altri ma per adesso esplora Il tempio abbandonato, una Dungeon per 4-5 giocatori di livello 1-2 ...   [click here for more]
Cristian Iacobellis   FREE 

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Just a Dungeon #2

Just a Dungeon #2

Se hai bisogno di un Dungeon per la tua campagna o hai voglia di passare una serata con gli amici e non hai nessun avventura pronta, Just a Dungeon è ciò che fa per te! In ogni volume potrai trovare tutto quello che ti serve per una, o più, serate di fronte al tavolo da gioco. L'obbiettivo di Just a Dungeon è quello di fornire al master una mappa o una piccola storia da inglobare...   [click here for more]
Cristian Iacobellis   FREE 

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One Page Game Jam

One Page Game Jam

The One Page Game Jam is the first annual collection of one-page games from the online game design community. Inside you will find 51 games from nearly as many designers, covering a range of skirmish games, RPGs, wargames, card games, boardgames, and even more abstract games. Grab a free copy – and follow and support the creators who made this project a reality! ...   [click here for more]
Hobby Dungeon Games   FREE 

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Pecunia: A D2 Role-playing Game

Pecunia: A D2 Role-playing Game

Do you want to play a quick role playing game with streamlined rules and a simplified mechanic for every choice? I've designed a coin-flip based system for the world's most popular ttrpg. Players use coin flips for nearly every aspect of the game and create a collaborative story in 5 to 15 minute scenes. Play it as a gritty survival experience, horror campaign, or a silly and playful game. Pecunia...   [click here for more]
Gestalt Game Master  Pay What You Want

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Port of Chains 009

Port of Chains 009

"The dark past of a port city looms. A blight moves beneath the water as chains slither along the ships and beaches, and tear innocents from their hammocks and beds back to the frigid waves. Blame is cast about, but all know it is the city’s own terrible past, a past where it was called the City of Chains, that drives this horrible curse." 009 weaves a tale about a port city plagued by...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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Skarbiec zabawek Króla Maciusia

Skarbiec zabawek Króla Maciusia

Sto lat temu odbyły się 7 urodziny króla Maciusia. Młody monarcha ogłosił na nich, że już nie jest dzieckiem. Trudno jednak pozbyć się ukochanych zabawek i książek, dlatego król samodzielnie zaprojektował swój wymarzony, tajny loch do zabaw. Dziś zamek jest w ruinie. Nikt nie odnalazł tajnego przejścia do Skarbca. Jednak większość zaklęć i wynalazków dalej działa: mechaniczna...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol Junior   FREE 

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Swords and Dragons

Swords and Dragons

Fantasy Card Game Swords & Dragons Enter the world of Swords and Dragons from the world of Arduin. This is a fantasy themed card game playable for up to 10 players. It will delight fantasy enthusiasts, card players, and children alike. 108 playing card deck includes 8 suits, 4 dragon wild cards, and 19 “sobriquet” cards. Download the rules for free today! Rules for basic play (Mad Queens...   [click here for more]
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C   FREE 

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The Black Wing's Wrath 012

The Black Wing's Wrath 012

Hope is lost. The Knightlord and his monstrous mount cast a long shadow across the city. The creature looses a guttural shriek that echoes through the bloodstained avenues. Howls of despair echo from the city below as civilian and warrior alike peer upwards from every corner of the siege. Will our heroes be able to pluck victory from its slavering maw, or will all their sacrifice have been for nothing?...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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The Catmonger's Collection

The Catmonger's Collection

A Half Ogre has taken a liking to a corner of your city! And he has a found a decent wage in snatching stray cats off the streets to sell. Will your players by Pet Katz or Fude Katz? His feline friends could add just the right amount of chaos for your next session! --+======> Sign up at PENANDBLADE.COM to get all future Treasure Box releases (like this one, and the others we have published on...   [click here for more]
Pen & Blade  Pay What You Want

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The Coroner’s Three Simple Rules for Overland Travel

The Coroner’s Three Simple Rules for Overland Travel

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and has no intent on arriving." - Lau Tzu Overland travel is one of the most important, and often disregarded, elements of any role-playing game. Many GMs have struggled to satisfyingly simulate travel for their players - but no longer! All you have to do is follow these three simple rules for traversal and your party will be on the road again in no time....   [click here for more]
Coroner's Cauldron Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The D20 Status Effect Deck

The D20 Status Effect Deck

The status effect deck is an easy way to hand your players a concise written description of that whatever effect, spell, or potion might be affecting them. As the GM, you can also place the cards beside the notes for any monsters you might be using for your game. Conditions are often forgotten or can end up making the mechanics of the games, not work write. The d20’s features on each card, follow...   [click here for more]
Deep Dungeon Games   FREE 

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The Endless Dungeon (Classic Digital Reprint)

The Endless Dungeon (Classic Digital Reprint)

Precis Intermedia brings back this classic roleplaying accessory for the original Roleplaying Game (First Edition/OD&D/0E). Originally released in 1975 by Wee Warriors, The Endless Dungeon includes three-dimensional dungeon wall sections that can be assembled for miniatures play. Character and Creature tracking sheets are also included.  Note that this is obsolete by today's standards,...   [click here for more]
Precis Intermedia   FREE 

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The Eternal Howl 008

The Eternal Howl 008

"A lone caravan travels through a treacherous mountous in a dark and otherwordly realm. Howls echo and claws scrape stone as the gnoll tribes wait in ambush, and far above, a baleful new star flickers in the night sky." 008 is a trip into the Plane of Shadow to escort a carriage bearing precious cargo. Included are the art and statblocks for the warriors of the Icetalon, Slimefang, and Grave...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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The Fallen Frontier 010

The Fallen Frontier 010

They are now called the Rotlands.  Trees that stood for a hundred generations have mysteriously perished.  Only the hardiest and most ignorant remain in this forsaken land now. Ancient seals begin to fail and old allegiances fray, while a new evil looms.  It is a time of dark reckoning. 010 Begins a three pack arc that will include a siege and a climactic confrontation with a villain.  This pack...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Demo Deck

The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Demo Deck

In ages past, there lived a mysterious, dwarven wizard-king named Moebius Spinn. Through his countless adventures, Moebius had accomplished many great deeds and lived a very meaningful and fulfilling life, enough to fill a thousand lifetimes. However, as his life-cycle was coming to an end, the great wizard-king wanted to preserve his life’s work and protect the power he had gained before the constraints...   [click here for more]
Mystic Dragon Games   FREE 

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The Siege of Rootkeep 011

The Siege of Rootkeep 011

After a long and arduous journey through the Rotlands, the heroes at last make it to the citadel of Rootkeep, only to find their enemies, the Army of the Frontier, already at its gates. Can the heroes convince Rootkeep’s disillusioned queen to keep up the fight, and can they solve the mystery of the artifact given to them, and save this last stronghold against evil? 011 is the second part of a three...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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  Gothica Pre-Release Guide