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All Fall Down at a Glance
Enjoy a thrill-filled, no prep game night with this Cyberpunk 2020 scenario!
An extensive scene list and referee guidelines make running the game a snap.
Perfect for impromptu game nights or new referees.
More about All Fall Down
This Cyberpunk 2020 scenario starts as a fast-euro job in the rebuilt... [click here for more] |
Atlas Games |
Hi there and welcome to my RPG stock art page here on Drivethru!
This black and white Armoured Hi-Tech Soldier is suitable for a wide range of genres, including Sci-Fi, post-apocalyptic, and Cyberpunk. But anything goes for your game!
No ai was used in creating any of my artwork.
This file contains a hi-res .png on a black background. ... [click here for more] |
Rob Necronomicon |
$5.50 $4.00
Ascension Copyright 2024 Winged Warrior Publishing (ASCAP). Copyright 2024 Bailey Records. All Rights Reserved! Song Length = 4:08 Audio = Stereo MP3 Sample Rate = 44,100 Samples/Second Bit Rate = 192 Bits/Second
Style = Cinematic / Soundtrack
Theme = Cyberpunk ... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
RACHE IS BACK--AND HE'S GOT YOUR BRAIN! Don't panic! He's just borrowing your squishy cerebellum long enough to download Rache Bartmoss' Brainware Blowout, the ultimate compendium of Netrunner hardware and software. This file contains every cyberdeck, program, and piece of related electronics ever published by R. Talsorian Games. But that's not all: He's also pirated over a hundred new examples of... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Ace netrunner Spider Murphy is missing, and Rache Bartmoss, the schizophrenic spiritual leader of the Eden Cabal, wants the characters to find out what she's up to. But, as happens with so many of Rache's little projects, things rapidly get out of hand ... When the cyberkids pick up the trail, they find the steel-shod bootprint of one of the most powerful organizations in... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Metal is better than Meat--and no one knows it better than the Edgerunners!
Descendants of the classic Cyberpunks, these ultra chill street warriors are the masters of NuCybe--advanced cyberware that shapes itself to fit your design. Whether it's gigantic handcannons that can drop a full body borg in its raging cyberpsycho tracks, or full metal enhancements... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
A Tech and Style Guide for Cyberpunk RED!
Do you crave chrome so black it reflects your oily soul? Black like the night? Night like the market of your desires? Chrome is the style in the substance. It’s not what you can do. It’s how you do it. How chrome are you, choomba?
When you’re bleeding on The Edge, you’ve got the accoutrements. All the accessories. You don’t... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
A Tech and Style Guide for Cyberpunk RED!
Do you crave chrome so black it reflects your oily soul? Black like the night? Night like the market of your desires? Chrome is the style in the substance. It’s not what you can do. It’s how you do it. How... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Black Chrome Regular price: $20.00 Bundle price: $20.00 Format: PDF A Tech and Style Guide for Cyberpunk RED!
Do you crave chrome so black it reflects your oily soul? Black like the night? Night like the market of your desires? Chrome is the style in the substance. It’s not what you can do. It’s how... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
$47.99 $38.39
You're dead.
Unless you stay hip with what's out there on the street being pointed at you, the next donor at the body banks is likely to be you.
In this, the definitive guide to street weaponry, noted Solo Morgan Blackhand has compiled statistics and information on every knife, pistol, submachine gun, bullet, grenade, and piece of personal artillery available in 2020. Prices, damage capability,... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Chasing the Dragon at a Glance
A complete Cyberpunk 2020 scenario full of action, mystery, and danger!
Track down the Dragon—an intriguing character that would be perfect for a continuing NPC role.
Keep ready-to-go scenarios like this one in your back pocket for impromptu game nights.
More about Chasing the Dragon
A stolen attache case means a very... [click here for more] |
Atlas Games |
The cyber-style catalogs for the cyber-suave; don't go shopping without one! Weapons, cyberware, vehicles, fashions, food, gadgets, cyberpets, even where to shop! From full-body replacement to mini-jets, the Chromebooks are equally useful to high-rise Corps and Fixers on the Street. These books tell you what to do with those hard-earned Eurobucks once you''ve finished that Cyberpunk adventure. Chromebooks:... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
The cyber-style catalogs for the cyber-suave; don't go shopping without one! Weapons, cyberware, vehicles, fashions, food, gadgets, cyberpets, even where to shop! From full-body replacement to mini-jets, the Chromebooks are equally useful to high-rise Corps and Fixers on the Street. These books tell you what to do with those hard-earned Eurobucks once you''ve finished that Cyberpunk adventure. Chromebooks:... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Corporation Report 2020 combines the classic Merill, Asukaga & Finch Corporation Reports 1 thru 3 and spills the dirt on six of the biggest Megacorps of the 2020 era:
Arasaka • International Electric • Lazarus • Militech • Petrochem • SovOil
Read this book and you’ll know the score. Each report... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
$25.00 $12.50
Welcome to the "Cyber Chronicles", a roleplaying manual that places you in the heart of a futuristic, technology-dominated metropolis where humans and cybernetics merge and the line between man and machine grows ever thinner. This volume, produced and curated by Revel Tales, is aimed at anyone who wants to immerse themselves in a world of neon and shadows without investing too much time in developing... [click here for more] |
Revel Tales |
2027.The Incorporated States of America rules the land of the fast-gun techno-hero with a cybered fist. And a terrifying new plague sweeps the wasteland that streetkid America has inherited from the Edgerunners of 2020. Now, with amazing powers beyond mere cybertech -- abilities that defy known science, a handful of angry... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
The Corporations control the world from their skyscraper fortresses, enforcing their rule with armies of cyborg assassins. On the Street, Boostergangs roam a shattered urban wilderness, killing and looting. The rest of the world is a perpetual party, as fashion-model beautiful techies rub biosculpt jobs with battle armored roadwarriors in the hottest clubs, sleaziest bars and meanest streets this side... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
When you’re getting down to the Meat and the Metal, you don’t have time to dig through stacks of hardcopy. That’s why you need to interface with the Data Screen. All the information you need, in one place and at your fingertips, including new tables to make FNFF combat and Netrunning even faster. Plus: WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN; a 32 page Cyberpunk® adventure! Data Screen: your personal downlink... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Chromebook 1/2 Regular price: $12.50 Bundle price: $8.20 Format: PDF The cyber-style catalogs for the cyber-suave; don't go shopping without one! Weapons, cyberware, vehicles, fashions, food, gadgets, cyberpets, even where to shop! From full-body replacement to mini-jets, the Chromebooks are equally... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
$62.25 $40.85
This special bundle product contains the following titles. RPG Forge : cyberpunk hangar Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.75 Format: PDF A hangar where an plane is being loaded. Are they smugglers or a secret operation?
- Picture and map of the hangar as handouts
- hangar map without background and numbers
- One ai generated impression of the hangar
If... [click here for more] |
RPG Forge |
$6.00 $4.50
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Modular Animated Streets Road Pack [VTT Edition] - Futuristic Cyberpunk Animated Battle Map Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $3.74 Format: Multiple Formats
Modular Animated Cyberpunk Streets Road Pack [VTT Edition]
46 Tile modular Road System in both high definition WebM format (100px grid size)... [click here for more] |
SolutionMaps |
$19.96 $14.99
Welcome to the Time of the Red, Choomba! The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War, everyone has to fend for themselves.
But that’s just fine. You can handle it. After all, in a world of vicious boostergangs, rampaging cyborgs, corporate assassins, and nihilistic doomsday cults, there’s only one rule: Always take it to the Edge.
Take the big... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Witaj w Czasie Czerwieni, Choomba! Przez dziesięciolecia Megakorporacje niszczyły wszystko, co się dało, a po ich ostatniej Wojnie każdy musi liczyć tylko na siebie.
Jest dobrze. Dasz radę. Przecież w tym świecie pełnym okrutnych boostergangów, szalonych cyborgów, korporacyjnych skrytobójców i nihilistycznych kultów, wieszczących koniec świata, panuje tylko jedna... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Willkommen in der Roten Ära, Choomba. Jahrzehntelang haben die Megakonzerne alles zerstört und nach ihrem letzten, vernichtenden Krieg muss jeder sehen, wo er bleibt.
Aber das ist schon okay. Du schaffst das. Schließlich gibt es in einer Welt voller übler Boostergangs, Amok laufender Cyborgs, Konzern-Assassinen und nihilistischer Endzeitkulte nur eine einzige Regel: Gehe immer aufs Ganze!
Großes... [click here for more] |
Truant |
Bienvenue à l’Ère du Rouge, Choomba ! Les mégacorporations ont passé des décennies à tout détruire et après leur dernière guerre, c’est chacun pour sa peau !
Pas de problème. Vous pouvez gérer. Après tout, dans un monde de gangs de boosters vicieux, de cyborgs déchaînés, d’assassins corporatistes et de cultes de fin du monde nihilistes, il n’y a qu’une seule règle : se... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Vous voulez du chrome si noir qu’il reflète votre âme de pétrole ? Noir comme la nuit ? Une nuit comme celle du marché contenant tous vos désirs ?
Le chrome allie le style à l’efficacité. Ce n’est pas ce que vous pouvez faire, c’est comment vous le faites. À quel point êtes-vous chromé, choomba ?
Quand vous chancelez au bord du Gouffre, vous êtes habillé pour l’occasion. Vous... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
$47.58 $23.79
Często zadawane pytania to wyjaśnienie zasad i odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące Cyberpunka RED. Znajduje się tam 39 pytań i odpowiedzi. Pytania dotyczą m.in. tworzenie Postaci, walki, Ran Krytycznych, cyborgizacji, ekonomii, sieciowania, Zdolności Specjalnych Ról, Umiejętności oraz broni i pancerza. ... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Night City est vorace, choomba ! Elle veut plus de lieux, plus de gens, plus de trucs. Plus ! Plus ! Toujours plus ! Elle n’est jamais rassasiée, comme toi. Tu as toujours envie de rajouter un petit quelque chose dans tes campagnes pour basculer au bord du Gouffre.
Voilà l’objectif d’Interface RED. Dans ce premier volume, vous découvrirez une série d’articles... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Cyberpunk RED - Kit de démarrage
Depuis que la Quatrième Guerre corporatiste est terminée, les gros poissons ont regagné leur tanière pour panser leurs plaies. Maintenant, les autres habitants doivent se débrouiller seuls dans un monde en ruine.
Parfait. Vous avez des prises d’interface aux poignets, du métal dans les bras et des puces greffées dans le crâne.... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Cyberpunk RED - Livre de règles
Bienvenue à l’Ère du Rouge, Choomba ! Les mégacorporations ont passé des décennies à tout détruire et après leur dernière guerre, c’est chacun pour sa peau !
Pas de problème. Vous pouvez gérer. Après tout, dans un monde de gangs de boosters vicieux, de cyborgs déchaînés, d’assassins corporatistes et de cultes... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pociąg Czerwonego Chromu to Kanał aktualności, w którym gracze znajdą informacje o zleceniu do zgarnięcia. Jest to krótki scenariusz, który MG może poprowadzić jako jednostrzał lub jako element swojej kampanii. ... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Stara giwera nigdy nie umiera przedstawia w 7 krokach (od 0 do 6) sposób konwersji broni z Cyberpunka 2020 na zasady Cyberpunka RED. Ten poradnik pomaga w określeniu typu broni, jej celności, zawodności, jakości, ustaleniu rodzaju ulepszeń oraz ceny rynkowej. ... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Night City est une ville immense où règnent les fêtes endiablées, les cadavres et la lumière des néons. Sous la fine couche de publicité et de crasse, elle a des histoires à raconter. Des récits faits de gangs cruels, d’intelligence artificielle maléfique et d’amour. Vous allez rencontrer des mercenaires et des stars de cinéma séduisants, et même faire un tour en sousmarin. Vous... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
When you’re stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the locals and where they’re lurking. One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you’re the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing the score is even more important. Otherwise, your RED adventure might bog down in a ton of tiny stuff that can make or break a... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
When you’re stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the locals and where they’re lurking.
One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you’re the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing the score is even more important.... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Cyberpunk RED Data Pack Regular price: $8.00 Bundle price: $8.00 Format: ZIP File When you’re stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the locals and where they’re lurking. One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you’re the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
$17.99 $14.39
Wenn deine Crew mal wieder am Limit arbeitet und dringend auf deinen Anruf wartet, hast du keine Zeit, dich durch Stapel von Papierunterlagen zu wühlen oder dich auf STRG+F zu verlassen, um die benötigten Informationen zu finden. Deshalb brauchst du eine Schnittstelle zum Cyberpunk RED Datenschirm. Alle Informationen, die du brauchst, um das Spiel schneller und intelligenter zu spielen, plus vier... [click here for more] |
Truant |
• 6 doppelseitige Karten mit Umgebungen, die jedes Cyberpunk RED-Spiel braucht, darunter Kampfzonen-Kreuzungen, Autobahnüberführungen, Ödland und Megakon-Helilandeplätze.Ein • Heft mit einem praktischen Satz von Begegnungstabellen, um Night City zum Leben zu erwecken, einschließlich Fremder in der U-Bahn, Night City-Hotspots, knallharter Freiberufler und Mitternachtsmarkt-Ständen... [click here for more] |
Truant |
Poznaj Cyberpunk RED
Witaj w Czasie Czerwieni, choomba! Jak szybko zauważysz, mamy tu niezły bajzel. Megakorporacje spędziły ostatnie dekady, rozpieprzając cały świat w drobny mak. Zaowocowało to całą gamą nieprzyjemności dla nas – zwykłych zżeraczy karmy – i sprawiło, że mamy tu chroniczny przypadek „każdego za siebie i wszystkich na jednego”. Ale na mięciutko. Ogarniesz... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
A free introduction to Cyberpunk RED, the classic roleplaying game of the Dark Future!
The print-on-demand version of Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode is being sold at cost - you only pay for printing and shipping.
Welcome to the Time of the Red, Choomba! The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War, everyone has to fend... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Play Cyberpunk Online For Free
Enjoy this FREE introduction to Cyberpunk RED, the classic roleplaying game of the Dark Future!
Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and now everyone has to fend for themselves. But that’s just fine - you can handle it. After all, in a world of vicious boostergangs, rampaging cyborgs, corporate assassins, and nihilistic doomsday cults, there’s... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Welcome to the Dark Future, choomba! Every month R. Talsorian Games releases a free DLC - a short article to enhance your Cyberpunk RED campaign! In this product you'll find the DLCs we produced for the years 2020 and 2021.
Old Guns Never Die: A guide to quickly converting Cyberpunk 2020 firearms to Cyberpunk RED.
Red Chrome... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Welcome to the Dark Future, choomba! Every month R. Talsorian Games releases a free DLC - a short article to enhance your Cyberpunk RED campaign! In this product you'll find the DLCs we produced in 2022!
Hardened Mini Bosses: Rougher, tougher Mini Boss level enemies.
Digital Dating in the Dark Future: Add a little romance (or... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Welcome to the Dark Future, choomba! Every month R. Talsorian Games releases a free DLC - a short article to enhance your Cyberpunk RED campaign! In this product you'll find the DLCs we produced in 2023!
Hornet's Pharmacy: New drugs and gear for your medicine cabinet and your goodie bag.
Black Chrome+: Cut content from Black... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Welcome to the Dark Future, choomba! Every month R. Talsorian Games releases a free DLC - a short article to enhance your Cyberpunk RED campaign! In this product you'll find the DLCs we've released in 2024. Each month we'll add a new title, so be sure to check back! The newest addition: Hot Pursuit, our May 2024 offering!
Breaking... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
Skip the Flip! Four panels of essential data.
This product was formerly known as the Cyberpunk Gamemaster Data Screen. The contents have not changed.
When your Crew’s getting down to the Meat and the Metal and waiting on your call, you don’t have time to dig through stacks of hardcopy or rely on CTRL + F to find the info you need.
That’s why you need... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
The 4th Corporate War’s over and the big dogs have retreated to their corners to lick their wounds. That leaves everyone else to fend for themselves in a shattered world.
And that’s just fine. ‘cause you’ve got interface plugs in your wrists, metal in your limbs, and chips in your skull. You’re wired in, loaded with chrome, and ready to take it to the Edge.
There’s a world full of opportunities... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
$29.99 $10.00
Du bekommst hier eine Einleitung in die Welt und das System von Cyberpunk RED, dem Rollenspiel der Dunklen Zukunft.
Um zu spielen, benötigst du einen Spielleiter, bis zu fünf Spieler, einen zehnseitigen Würfel pro Spieler und eine Menge sechsseitiger Würfel. ... [click here for more] |
Truant |
Der vierte Konzernkrieg ist vorüber und die großen Jungs haben sich in ihre Ecken zurückgezogen, um ihre Wunden zu lecken. Damit bleibt allen anderen nur, in einer zerstörten Welt für sich selbst zu sorgen.
Und das ist auch gut so. Denn du hast Interface-Buchsen in deinen Handgelenken, Metall in deinen Gliedern und Chips in deinem Schädel. Du bist verkabelt, mit Chrom beladen und bereit, an die... [click here for more] |
Truant |
Play Cyberpunk Online
Welcome to the Time of the Red
In the Dark Future of Cyberpunk RED, megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and now everyone has to fend for themselves. But that’s just fine - you can handle it. After... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |