Title ▼ |
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Maybe you're planning something with a fairytale inspiration? These animalfolk will make charming NPCs for your adventures, whatever the setting. I love them and I really want them to get used, so I'm making these ones PWYW! I'd love to see what you do with em!
Four full colour portraits painted with watercolours. They each have a version with and without their background. These four are all different... [click here for more] |
Zed Nope |
Pay What You Want
This pack contains 10 silhouettes of an armoured warrior.
Great for spot illustrations and filler art.
Zip file containing High Quality Jpegs
For personal or commercial use.
... [click here for more] |
Castle Theory Games |
Pay What You Want
30 Portraits for characters from a Victorian or Steampunk setting. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
31 Portraits for characters from a Victorian or Steampunk setting. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
22 Portraits for characters from a Victorian or Steampunk setting. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
Icon pack for various sci-fi locations like medical, airlock, ventilation shafts etc
Usage Requirements/Limitations: None
This product contains assets that were, wholly or in part, procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning.
... [click here for more] |
Cobra Games |
Pay What You Want
 Thank you for checking out my stock art. This stock art pack features an illustration of Unknown Heroes:Val, Rogue Assassin, made by Jarek Madyda. It is a high quality picture that you can use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
TIFF, raw file
JPEG, the character on solid Background
PNG, the character on transparent background
.txt license... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
 Thank you for checking out my stock art. This stock art pack features an illustration of Unknown Heroes: Kasim, Fire Genasi, made by Jarek Madyda. It is a high quality picture that you can use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
TIFF, raw file
JPEG, the character on solid Background
PNG, the character on transparent background
.txt license... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
 A 300 dpi picture of Unknown Heroes: Kamvex Warrior for you to use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
.txt license file
Stock License Terms and Agreement:
The following image(s) in the product may be used for commercial and non-commercial work as follows:
Unlimited use of the following image(s) in commercial and non-commercial work.... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
A 300 dpi picture of Unknown Heroes: Jasnah Female Knight for you to use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
TIFF, raw file
JPEG, character on custom Background
JPEG, Tokens 500x500, 300x300, 100x100
PNG, character on transparent background
.txt license file
Stock License Terms and Agreement:
The following image(s) in the product may be used for... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
 A 300 dpi picture of Unknown Heroes: Gzzarth Dark Wizard for you to use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
.txt license file
Stock License Terms and Agreement:
The following image(s) in the product may be used for commercial and non-commercial work as follows:
Unlimited use of the following image(s) in commercial and non-commercial... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
 Thank you for checking out my stock art. This stock art pack features an illustration of Unknown Heroes: Drake, Human Wizard, made by Jarek Madyda. It is a high quality picture that you can use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
TIFF, raw file
JPEG, the character on solid Background
PNG, the character on transparent background
.txt license... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
 A 300 dpi picture of Unknown Heroes: Centaurea Lion Heart for you to use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
PNG, character on transparent background
.txt license file
Stock License Terms and Agreement:
The following image(s) in the product may be used for commercial and non-commercial work as follows:
Unlimited use of the following image(s)... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
A 300 dpi picture of Unknown Heroes: Niall Celtic Assassin for you to use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
TIFF, raw file
JPEG, character on transparent background
JPEG, character on custom Background
JPEG, Tokens 500x500, 300x300, 100x100
PNG, character on transparent background
.txt license file
Stock License Terms and Agreement:
The following... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
 Thank you for checking out my stock art. This stock art pack features an illustration of Unknown Heroes: Abradain, Genasi Wizard, made by Jarek Madyda. It is a high quality picture that you can use for your personal or professional project.
The zip archive contains the following files:
TIFF, raw file
JPEG, the character on solid Background
PNG, the character on transparent background
.txt... [click here for more] |
Jarek Madyda Art |
Pay What You Want
This brush lets you paint a unique city layout in minutes. This brush is a collection of 81 individual roof lines that can be added to any map to whip up a quick city. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring an underground water reservoir.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into a ZIP file.... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
The Uncommon Ground Sampler contains six brand-new color variants of existing Uncommon Ground textures. I created this to provide a no-cost preview of the series. The sampler contains textures from the following Uncommon Ground texture packs:
Fellbeast Hide
Petrified Lichen
Pitted... [click here for more] |
PBE Games |
Pay What You Want
This free reference focuses on the experimental design of a two-trait system for roleplaying games.
Think Slayer / Wanderer, Warrior / Nun, Old / Guard, or in the case of the Draculola game, which you can buy here, Kid / Monster. Each trait represents a thematic element of the game, something that matters when players roll to determine an outcome. Other aspects of the game aid thematic... [click here for more] |
Chris S Sims |
Pay What You Want
 This is the free Starter Edition of the TTRPG Roll Tables WordPress plugin. Get the Complete Version with all features here.
You've created an exciting tabletop role-playing game and you've released it to the world. Great work! Now you want to make it as easy as possible for GMs to craft their narrative within the world you created for them.
I'm sure your RPG comes replete... [click here for more] |
Ten Acre Games |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine! #7 has been unleashed!
The seventh issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 74 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features a solo adventure, “The Wizard’s Hut” by J. C. Lambert; a GM adventure, “The Ruins of the Castle Pynnesse” by Tori Berquist; and a... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
This colored Gimp brush uses a combination of deciduous, conifer, and bare trees to build a lush forest or city filler in minutes.
Please note that this is technically a "pipe" of images, so they should come out randomly one after another. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
With the seventeenthinstallment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, depicitng a tea room that would not be out of place in a thousand and one nights style fairy tale.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75%... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
 This is the 2 page character sheet for The Ultimate Hero Play test edition.
Like us on facebook/paragonnotion
or follow us on twitter @paragonnotion ... [click here for more] |
Paragon Notion |
Pay What You Want
 With the seventeenthinstallment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, depicitng part of a dark sewer tunnel lit obly by a few torches.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
The RPG Handbook is a system-free guide to playing tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs). The RPG Handbook looks at:
Inviting new players to try out tabletop RPGs.
Getting kids involved in trying out imaginative games.
Emphasizing deeper character development.
Making it easy to run and vary solo and team RPG gameplay.
Turning players into GMs - and GMs into games designers.
Offering GMs the means to rapidly... [click here for more] |
Dragonfly |
Pay What You Want
 The Psionic Energy Dice System 2.0 SRD
This is the system reference document created for desginers to use with D&D 5e to add psionic rules, talents, and powers to your game. This is using the CC-BY-4.0 license and is free to use by anyone who wishes to create stuff with this rule set.
This document contains:
Rules about how the system works.
Class templates to add the system to classes, subclasses,... [click here for more] |
Team Walrus Designs |
Pay What You Want
 With this free installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, depicitng the fantasy equivalent of a morgue.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into a... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Lost Road. You become lost in all in things. In your life. Sense of self. And more. One day you lost your way and became truly Lost. Finding a Door, you escaped the labirynth you found yourself in. Now you are on the Road, a strange realm connected to all worlds.
A short 6 page mini-RPG.
Runs on Motif, using the Motif Framework. Be sure to check out... [click here for more] |
Thought Punks |
Pay What You Want
With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring the heavy metal gates of a mystical library.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
 THE ELLONEN KINGDOM await your adventurers.
Since the Land of Perdition emerged, the realm seems to have transformed. Could it be because, within the ravine, something supernatural is changing the environment around the kingdom? We do not know, but the king in Cabluf will pay a considerable amount to anyone who discovers the truth. Especially if they can connect it to the awakening... [click here for more] |
byMarcolino |
Pay What You Want
 Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready"
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.
However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Take5 has been a TTRPG in the making for the past 5+ years, ambitiously made to rival other TTRPGs like D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk RED, Call of Cthulhu, etc, in a single-system format. As of version 3.44, Take5’s Base Rulebook has 187 pages.
The system is a setting-fluid, d100 percentage base game, built to enable creativity to its fullest by players and GMs alike. Abilities are written... [click here for more] |
Take5TTRPG |
Pay What You Want
Included in the Symbaroum Core Rulebook is a simple template for designing suitable challenges for a group of newly created player characters. Here follows a more detailed model on what the GM should keep in mind when designing combat challenges, based on the player characters’ Competence Level and the intended Difficulty of the fight.
This document ends with a list of pre-made... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 This is a Swords & Wizardry Compatibility Logo for use by publishers wishing to declare their products to be compatible with Swords & Wizardry. Usable by anyone, released per below.
Swords & Wizardry Compatibility Logo by Christopher Arendt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ... [click here for more] |
Appendix N Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring some gear scattered on the ground.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into a ZIP file.... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring an arched hallway with a swinging blade trap.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring part of a cult site built into a hilltop.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
A opossum man ranger or rogue for all your private or commercial needs.
Included are black & white and color .tiff files for your convienence. Our art license is also included explaining how to use this art for your projects. ... [click here for more] |
Wayward Rogues Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Stock Art: Medieval Fantasy Pack 1
Contains original drawings of 3 Fighters, 3 Archers, 2 Rogues and 2 Mages.
Great for creating RPGs, character portraits, NPCs and Villains!
Zip file containing High Quality Jpegs + PDF booklet.
For personal or commercial use.
... [click here for more] |
Castle Theory Games |
Pay What You Want
System Reference Document 5.1
Split and bookmarked by Derek Ruiz
This release encompasses a multi-PDF work that takes the SRD 5.1 and separates it into several PDF documents and adds PDF bookmarks to them, for ease of use. The SRD is an invaluable tool and reference document for TTRPG creators, having the ability to use bookmarks and having pertinent parts of the documents separated is integral... [click here for more] |
Elven Tower |
Pay What You Want
 With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring a pit trap, with dangerous steel spikes, in a dungeon.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
 This pattern allows anyone to add a snowy field pattern to their maps. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
 This Reference Sheet for the "Smoczy Jeźdźcy" RPG contains most useful tabeles both for GM and Players. It can work both as a quick reference for Players around the table, as well as a tool for GM, so he does not have to flip through the rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Whether You Are Celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day or Plan to Shuck it All and Go On Account
Let Simple Simon Teach You the Pirate Patois
And You'll be Ready to Rob Galleons in No Time Here's Some of What Ye'll Learn
Pirate Basics
An Advanced Nautical Vocabulary
Lingo From the Gun... [click here for more] |
Black Shark Enterprises |
Pay What You Want
 [ PAGE TEXTURE ] - [ CC-BY License ]
| ( 300 dpi ) - ( US LETTER size ) - ( JPG format ) - ( PNG format ) - ( WEBP format ) |
Welcome, Traveller!
Finally we have reached the end of our first set of medium tone textures. Simple to use so you can spend your time on the rest of your projects. You now have 20 available options... [click here for more] |
Figaro's Backpack |
Pay What You Want
 [ PAGE TEXTURE ] - [ CC-BY License ]
| ( 300 dpi ) - ( US LETTER size ) - ( JPG format ) - ( PNG format ) - ( WEBP format ) |
Welcome, Traveller!
#9 is upon us! This is the next to last release of the first medium tone series of textures. Drop it easily into any project to save yourself time and effort. Each release provides... [click here for more] |
Figaro's Backpack |
Pay What You Want
 [ PAGE TEXTURE ] - [ CC-BY License ]
| ( 300 dpi ) - ( US LETTER size ) - ( JPG format ) - ( PNG format ) - ( WEBP format ) |
Welcome, Traveller!
Nearing the end of this set of medium tone textures we have release #8. Bringing you more quick and easy texture to drop into your projects. Each release is always unique and... [click here for more] |
Figaro's Backpack |
Pay What You Want
 [ PAGE TEXTURE ] - [ CC-BY License ]
| ( 300 dpi ) - ( US LETTER size ) - ( JPG format ) - ( PNG format ) - ( WEBP format ) |
Welcome, Traveller!
Now we move on to release #7 of our medium tone textures. Made for ease-of-use and as a time-saver ready to drop into your projects. Your texture library grows with each release.... [click here for more] |
Figaro's Backpack |
Pay What You Want
 [ PAGE TEXTURE ] - [ CC-BY License ]
| ( 300 dpi ) - ( US LETTER size ) - ( JPG format ) - ( PNG format ) - ( WEBP format ) |
Welcome, Traveller!
Next up is our medium tone parchment texture #6. Another easy to use resource that you can drop into your peojects to save time and effort. This and all subsequent releases... [click here for more] |
Figaro's Backpack |
Pay What You Want