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Alternate Form Character Sheet [Open Legend]

Alternate Form Character Sheet [Open Legend]

A sheet to keep track of your characters' alternate forms in Open Legend. ...   [click here for more]
1 to 20 Games  Pay What You Want

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Character Planner [Open Legend]

Character Planner [Open Legend]

Do you love Open Legend but miss being able to see your progression on your class table? The character planner was made with that in mind. ...   [click here for more]
1 to 20 Games  Pay What You Want

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Companion Sheet [Open Legend]

Companion Sheet [Open Legend]

A character sheet for all of your companions, familiars, and etc. ...   [click here for more]
1 to 20 Games  Pay What You Want

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Open Legend Printable Character Sheet

Open Legend Printable Character Sheet

A more detailed character sheet for the Open Legend role-playing system. ...   [click here for more]
1 to 20 Games  Pay What You Want

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HeroScape Card Cost Point Buy System

HeroScape Card Cost Point Buy System

This is just an attempt at a system to figure out how to calculate the cost of custom heroscape units.  We have made over 40 custom units for various scenerios and battles.  Including marvel heros, dc heros, shield, hydra, kraken, justice league, legion of doom, dinosaurs, star wars, aliens, troopers, pirates, androids, etc.  We normally just kind of guess at it, based on existing cards and on our...   [click here for more]
10 Spot Games   FREE 

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Map of Berem Town

Map of Berem Town

Town map for a generic medieval fantasy setting. Free for personal, non-commercial use! High-res PDF with two layers: the map itself, along with a description of major locations. Optionally, this layer can be turned off, and the map printed out without the pre-made descriptions, leaving it up to you to add your own! Includes fillable PDF forms, so you can write down your own map legend! ...   [click here for more]
1191 AD Publishing   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (française)

Year Zero Mini (française)

Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci! LE PITCH Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (italiana)

Year Zero Mini (italiana)

Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online. Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (norsk)

Year Zero Mini (norsk)

Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online. For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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A Fool's Errand

A Fool's Errand

A local jester (Gat) is looking for an ancient tome detailing long forgotten dances, it is called the “Grimoire Of Collected Dance” written by Halin Dwarivsh.  He hopes to take his stage show to the next level.  He hires the PCs to track it down after finding the possible location of the tome.  In return for the tome, the PCs will receive a treasure map and some gold.  The jester is part of...   [click here for more]
3 Toadstools  Pay What You Want

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Ashes of the Heavens BYTE RPG Setting Beta Version

Ashes of the Heavens BYTE RPG Setting Beta Version

The Beta version of the Ashes of the Heavens setting book for the BYTE Roleplaying Game. BYTE Roleplaying Game Rulebook - Abascanto Press | ...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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BYTE Roleplaying Game Extras

BYTE Roleplaying Game Extras

Extras for the BYTE Roleplaying Game: grids, tracks, maps, optional rules, and errata. BYTE Roleplaying Game Rulebook - Abascanto Press | ...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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BYTE Roleplaying Game Quickstart Rules Beta Version

BYTE Roleplaying Game Quickstart Rules Beta Version

The BYTE Roleplaying Game is an original d8-based tabletop roleplaying game that comes with 20 mix-and-match thematic modules for you to create your own setting or to design a ruleset to play in a world from any book, movie, video game, or TV series. This free Quickstart Rules document is an outdated Beta version: its layout is not representative of the one you will...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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BYTE Roleplaying Game Universal Character Sheet

BYTE Roleplaying Game Universal Character Sheet

This is the universal character sheet for the BYTE Roleplaying Game. ...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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Form-Fillable BYTE Roleplaying Game Universal Character Sheet

Form-Fillable BYTE Roleplaying Game Universal Character Sheet

This is a form-fillable universal character sheet for the BYTE Roleplaying Game. The PDF allows you to fill out its information fields, check Attributes, Skills, Weaknesses, Advantages, Disadvantages, Skill Abilities, and Wound Points boxes, insert a digital image in the character illustration space, and save all the data for later use or editing. All of its fields are editable. *...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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Yeraksys: Dying World BYTE RPG Setting Beta Version

Yeraksys: Dying World BYTE RPG Setting Beta Version

The Beta version of the Yeraksys: Dying World setting book for the BYTE Roleplaying Game. BYTE Roleplaying Game Rulebook - Abascanto Press | ...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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Abide Asteria

Abide Asteria

Abide Asteria Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment....   [click here for more]
Abide Asteria  Pay What You Want

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Augusta Universalis - Guida Rapida

Augusta Universalis - Guida Rapida

Augusta Universalis è un Gioco di Ruolo Ucronico di Uomini e Imperi al di là delle Stelle. Edito da Acchiappasogni e scritto da Marzio Morganti e illustrato da Fabio Porfidia Gaetano Carlucci, il progetto è stato un grande successo di oltre il 300% su KICKSTARTER fino al 17 SETTEMBRE 2018!  ...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Augusta Universalis - Quickstart Guide

Augusta Universalis - Quickstart Guide

Augusta Universalis is a Uchronic Role Game of Humanity and Empires beyond the Stars. Published by Acchiappasogni, written by Marzio Morganti and illustrated by Fabio Porfidia and Gaetano Carlucci. The project was a success on Kickstarter and we're now translating it into English, so it will soon be available here on DrivethruRPG! Augusta...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards Core Book

Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards Core Book

Unleash your fighting spirit with Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards! This competitive game mode of Dragon Fighters brings the thrilling energy and strategic depth of Arcade-style fighting games right to your table. Designed to encapsulate the technical and psychological dynamics of arcade combat, Dragon Fighters allows you to orchestrate spectacular matches and tournaments...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Le Notti di Nibiru - Guida Rapida

Le Notti di Nibiru - Guida Rapida

Le Notti di Nibiru è un GDR in cui vestirai i panni di un Tonalista, ti trasformerai nella tua forma animale durante le Notti, esplorerai le terre selvagge, rigogliose, meravigliose e misteriose della Distesa, forte dei tuoi Bagliori dell'anima e delle tue Capacità Tonali... ma viverai anche intrighi, misteri e avventure d'ogni genere. Questo PDF è la Guida Rapida de Le...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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AEPHAR06 - Phreebies

AEPHAR06 - Phreebies

his set of 3D-printable terrain and miniatures, Pharaoh 6, was made by all of the Aether Studios artists together. Everyone contributed to this set, with Tia making the first textures, Jake making the animals, Colin with the Ram, Jeromy with scatter, Will and Nasos with the rest. Pharaoh has long been a collaborative experience and this set is the paragon of our progress so far. We hope you enjoy these...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  Pay What You Want

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Aether Void Character Sheets (Fillable)

Aether Void Character Sheets (Fillable)

Aether Void is a ttrpg where multiple genres come together in the same universe, allowing you to mix and match elements from Fantasy, Steampunk, and Sci-fi however you'd like. Its game system is highly customizable, allowing for psychological roleplay, and rewarding smart play. Also, it can be rather deadly for those who are willing to take unnecessary risks. With these three free character sheets...   [click here for more]
Aether Void   FREE 

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Prism Braek B&W

Prism Braek B&W

Space Marines are standing their ground on the massive stone walls of New London, adding their firepower to that of the Redguards. The pandemonium persists for what seems like an eternity, filled with the ear-piercing screeches of Eldritch Horrors and the shouting of men. The gauss rifles of the grey-clad Marines sharply contrasting with the bolt action rifles and belt-fed machine guns used by the...   [click here for more]
Aether Void  Pay What You Want

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Return of the Ancients B&W

Return of the Ancients B&W

Space Marines are standing their ground on the massive stone walls of New London, adding their firepower to that of the Redguards. The pandemonium persists for what seems like an eternity, filled with the ear-piercing screeches of Eldritch Horrors and the shouting of men. The gauss rifles of the grey-clad Marines sharply contrasting with the bolt action rifles and belt-fed machine guns used by the...   [click here for more]
Aether Void  Pay What You Want

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Alpha Chronicles - Core Rules Second Edition Playtest Guide

Alpha Chronicles - Core Rules Second Edition Playtest Guide

Unleash Your Imagination Alpha Chronicles is a universal role-playing system that is well-balanced, easy to learn, and truly offers unlimited gaming possibilities.  Novices and experienced players alike will love the freedom, elegance, and versatility of character creation.  Whatever the genre or setting of your game, it will easily fit into the dice pool framework of the Alpha Chronicles system....   [click here for more]
Alpha Chronicles   FREE 

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Alpha Chronicles Character Sheets - 3 Page Non-fillable

Alpha Chronicles Character Sheets - 3 Page Non-fillable

These PDF Character Sheets are perfect for your Alpha Chronicles game! This 3 Page Set of Character Sheets has been designed to have the greatest utility with the least amount of needed space! Pages included... Character Information Page with 24 Skill Slots Combat Page with 18 Option Slots Equipment & Resource Page with 20 Equipment Slots & 16 Resource Slots Did we mention that they were...   [click here for more]
Alpha Chronicles   FREE 

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Alpha Chronicles Second Edition Non-fillable Character Sheet

Alpha Chronicles Second Edition Non-fillable Character Sheet

A one page character sheet for all your Alpha Chronicles needs. ...   [click here for more]
Alpha Chronicles   FREE 

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Schema, Iteration Seven

Schema, Iteration Seven

Schema is a light engine for tabletop roleplaying with complex stakes.   Breaking that down - It is an engine, rather than a game, because assembly is required - you'll need to provide a setting and do a bit of configuring before it's ready to go.  It's an engine with complex stakes - the kind of thing you might see in a Powered by the Apocalypse game, but built...   [click here for more]
Amagi Games   FREE 

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Situations For Tabletop Roleplaying

Situations For Tabletop Roleplaying

Situations For Tabletop Roleplaying is a compilation of ten situation-building tools.  Those situation-builders are: Long Knives is used to create situations for intrigue that the characters are tied to. Broken Places builds situations where a villain of some sort has taken over an organization. The Quest is used to generate adventures that...   [click here for more]
Amagi Games   FREE 

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The Deck Of Rules

The Deck Of Rules

WHAT THIS IS The deck of rules is a collection of mechanisms, many of them cut and adapted from existing games, with a few original bits here and there. These mechanisms have been sorted into six categories:  1. Resolution: Basic methods for rolling dice, playing cards, or the like to generate 'hits' that are then used with...  2. Stakes: Ways to apply the 'hits'...   [click here for more]
Amagi Games   FREE 

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This is a unified magic system, designed to be adaptable to most traditional tabletop roleplaying systems.  As a system, it includes a significant number of hooks onto which you can attach mechanical effects from your rules engine, or which you can leave open for Guide narration instead, as desired. This magic system is focused, like most RPG magic systems, on a list of magical effects that are...   [click here for more]
Amagi Games   FREE 

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Paces RPG Character Sheet

Paces RPG Character Sheet

This is the Character Sheet for the Paces Roleplaying Game System. ...   [click here for more]
Amos W. Hairston   FREE 

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OMNIDEM - Edición Adeptus v1.0

OMNIDEM - Edición Adeptus v1.0

OMNIDEM Diseñado para juegos rápidos, está compuesto de 8 Mecánicas que son en su mayoría opcionales. Adaptar estas reglas y su cantidad al gusto de la mesa es sencillo e inclusive puede ser reducido a un mínimo de 1 sola mecánica, para un juego más narrativo. Pensando en la adaptabilidad y los juegos improvisados, hemos construido una hoja de avatar completamente adaptable...   [click here for more]

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KICKSTARTER PREVIEW: Sunken Dungeon Character Creator

KICKSTARTER PREVIEW: Sunken Dungeon Character Creator

Hey! This is a sample of my creative, colorable papercraft RPG, The Cloud Dungeon 2: Sunken Dungeon, on Kickstarter now.  It's coloring+RPG+Choose-your-own-adventure. Great if you like: ※ Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books ※ Co-op games ※ RPGs ※ Coloring/illustrating/papercrafting ※ Games that you and your kids can enjoy ※ Creative fun! Search Kickstarter for "Sunken Dungeon"...   [click here for more]
AndHeGames   FREE 

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-U- Essentials

-U- Essentials

Everything you need to get a taste of -U- the Game of Stories is here... for free. -U- Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple, universal game of -U-. It includes all the essential Print2Play pages from the core book with a brief introduction to the game as a whole.  Includes: Core Rules At-a-Glance Character Records Story Outline Records Player Point Records If you like this,...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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Angels - Essentials

Angels - Essentials

Everything you need to get a taste of Angels is here... for free. Angels - Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple game of the unseen forces wring for human souls, Angels. It includes all the essential Print2Play pages from the core rulebook with a brief introduction to the game and Setting as a whole.  Includes: A brief description of the world of Angels Core Rules At-a-Glance Character...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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WyshMaykers Essentials

WyshMaykers Essentials

Everything you need to get a taste of WyshMaykers is here... for free. WyshMaykers Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple game of modern-day mysticism, WyshMaykers. It includes all the essential Print2Play pages from the core rulebook with a brief introduction to the game and Setting as a whole.  Includes: Core Rules At-a-Glance Character Records Story Outline Records Player...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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Ombra Ekvilibro - Anticipation and Forthcoming

Ombra Ekvilibro - Anticipation and Forthcoming

NOT a stand alone product. Requires Ombra Ekvilibro - the first mission - booklet to play. Ombra Ekvilibro has summoned you once again! An important but eccentric AI designer has recently passed away under strange circumstances. Due to his work being too controversial, it was ruled that an Ombra Ekvilibro team should be dispatched to investigate. This mini module, Anticipation...   [click here for more]
Anthlancer Games   FREE 

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Mini Six: Bare Bones Edition

Mini Six: Bare Bones Edition

Mini Six is a slimmed-down version of the original OpenD6 game system. It is a multi-genre RPG that focuses on handling action-oriented games with a light-to-medium amount of "crunch." It serves as a toolkit for designing your own games and has been used as the engine of several published games by third-parties through the use of the Open Game License. The basic mechanics and character creation are...   [click here for more]
AntiPaladin Games   FREE 

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Techlite RPG System System Reference Document

Techlite RPG System System Reference Document

Looking for a generic ruleset that offers quick, intuitive character creation, while also providing the ability to offer challenges that scale from the mundane to the epic? Look no further than the Techlite Roleplaying Gaming System. Adapted from AntipodeYarns Tomekeepers Tabletop RPG System, this system is milieu neutral and offers Storytellers the opportunity to build out equipment and facilities...   [click here for more]
AntipodeYarns Publishing   FREE 

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Xénoarchéologues est un jeu de rôle solo ou coopératif où le héros explore un environnement extra-terrestre. L'environnement est basé sur la pièce où se trouve le joueur. Elle représente alors une immense caverne d'une planète étrange ou les cuves d'un vaisseau cyclopéen. Il s'agit d'un petit jeu adapté au confinement, pensé pour être jouable à 1 ou 2 joueurs et accessible aux enfants. ...   [click here for more]
Antoine Kirdinn Nobilet   FREE 

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Escape from Zombie Earth

Escape from Zombie Earth

Were the stories of H.P. Lovecraft pure fiction or was he tapping into an unseen reality and passing it off as fantasy? How many among us have visions of alternate realms and is it possible to physically travel there? Gillian Gordon is one such person. She and her crew are about to be thrown into a world she has known only in nightmarish dreams. There, she will learn the truth of what...   [click here for more]
Arkham Earth Entertainment   FREE 

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CORE Action Table

CORE Action Table

A one-sheet summation of all important action resolution tables in CORE. You can literally run the game using just this sheet. :-) The CORE Micro SRD is designed for GMs and Game Designers alike. Stripped to a minimum, and built to be hacked or skinned to suit your world. Join the growing community of CORE developers! You can find us on...   [click here for more]
As If Books   FREE 

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A universally applicable PC Sheet for CORE Worlds in fillable PDF format for easy use. The CORE Micro SRD is designed for GMs and Game Designers alike. Stripped to a minimum, and built to be hacked or skinned to suit your world. Join the growing community of CORE hackers! Get CORE Micro here. ...   [click here for more]
As If Books  Pay What You Want

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DayTrippers Forms & Sheets (PDF) [BUNDLE]

DayTrippers Forms & Sheets (PDF) [BUNDLE]

All DayTrippers forms and sheets in one convenient bundle. This special bundle product contains the following sheets: DayTrippers Lifeform Sheet Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF Lifeform Sheet for DayTrippers. Core Rules GameMasters Guide "The variety of lifeforms in the multiverse is beyond reckoning.DayTrips to...   [click here for more]
As If Books   FREE 

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Aspect - An Essentialist RPG

Aspect - An Essentialist RPG

Aspect is an ultra-light freeform RPG that facilitates a narrative style of play. Choose four aspects that represent your game. Play any setting you want. Intuitive freeform mechanics using tokens and D6 dice pools. Battle-tested in epic campaigns and badass one-shot adventures. Check out Tutorial Tumble for in-game character creation in your first session. The...   [click here for more]
Aspect RPG  Pay What You Want

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Kaiju Keepers

Kaiju Keepers

Command a giant Kaiju and use your elder druid powers to save the world! Kaiju Keepers is a 1 page rpg, originally created for the 24-hr contest on RPGGeek. It features a novel d6 system that lets you roll as many dice as you want, and a Kaiju Power meter that runs from roaring and stomping to laser eyes and atomic breath. ...   [click here for more]
Astra Barbara   FREE 

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Échappez-vous !

Échappez-vous !

Échappez-vous ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page pour 4 joueurs (MJ inclus). Vous vous réveillez dans un labyrinthe mystérieux qui semble n'avoir ni fin ni échappatoire. Vous êtes tout seul ici - un explorateur sans nom. Chaque joueur choisira et personnifiera 1 aspect de l'explorateur, à savoir : l'Intellect, l'Empathie et le Physique. Vous ne vous souvenez pas de grand-chose....   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing   FREE 

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Fantasy Boy Band [ENG]

Fantasy Boy Band [ENG]

FANTASY BOY BAND is a free one-page RPG that you play using d6s. You play as bards in an unnamed generic fantasy land. The job market has been difficult and it turns out that there is even not that many jobs for artists. And this is how your adventure starts - instead of falling into despair -  you and your friends from the Arts and Poetry Academy decided to form a boy band to finally achieve...   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing   FREE 

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