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Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci!
Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
 Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online.
Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
 Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online.
For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
The BYTE Roleplaying Game is an original d8-based tabletop roleplaying game that comes with 20 mix-and-match thematic modules for you to create your own setting or to design a ruleset to play in a world from any book, movie, video game, or TV series.
This free Quickstart Rules document is an outdated Beta version: its layout is not representative of the one you will... [click here for more] |
Abascanto Press |
Abide Asteria
Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment.... [click here for more] |
Abide Asteria |
Pay What You Want
Augusta Universalis è un Gioco di Ruolo Ucronico di Uomini e Imperi al di là delle Stelle. Edito da Acchiappasogni e scritto da Marzio Morganti e illustrato da Fabio Porfidia e Gaetano Carlucci, il progetto è stato un grande successo di oltre il 300% su KICKSTARTER fino al 17 SETTEMBRE 2018! ... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
Augusta Universalis is a Uchronic Role Game of Humanity and Empires beyond the Stars. Published by Acchiappasogni, written by Marzio Morganti and illustrated by Fabio Porfidia and Gaetano Carlucci. The project was a success on Kickstarter and we're now translating it into English, so it will soon be available here on DrivethruRPG!
Augusta... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
Le Notti di Nibiru è un GDR in cui vestirai i panni di un Tonalista, ti trasformerai nella tua forma animale durante le Notti, esplorerai le terre selvagge, rigogliose, meravigliose e misteriose della Distesa, forte dei tuoi Bagliori dell'anima e delle tue Capacità Tonali... ma viverai anche intrighi, misteri e avventure d'ogni genere.
Questo PDF è la Guida Rapida de Le... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
Schema is a light engine for tabletop roleplaying with complex stakes.
Breaking that down - It is an engine, rather than a game, because assembly is required - you'll need to provide a setting and do a bit of configuring before it's ready to go. It's an engine with complex stakes - the kind of thing you might see in a Powered by the Apocalypse game, but built... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
This is the Character Sheet for the Paces Roleplaying Game System.
... [click here for more] |
Amos W. Hairston |
Diseñado para juegos rápidos, está compuesto de 8 Mecánicas que son en su mayoría opcionales.
Adaptar estas reglas y su cantidad al gusto de la mesa es sencillo e inclusive puede ser reducido a un mínimo de 1 sola mecánica, para un juego más narrativo.
Pensando en la adaptabilidad y los juegos improvisados, hemos construido una hoja de avatar completamente adaptable... [click here for more] |
Everything you need to get a taste of Angels is here... for free.
Angels - Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple game of the unseen forces wring for human souls, Angels. It includes all the essential Print2Play pages from the core rulebook with a brief introduction to the game and Setting as a whole.
A brief description of the world of Angels
Core Rules At-a-Glance
Character... [click here for more] |
AnSR Games |
 NOT a stand alone product. Requires Ombra Ekvilibro - the first mission - booklet to play.
Ombra Ekvilibro has summoned you once again!
An important but eccentric AI designer has recently passed away under strange circumstances. Due to his work being too controversial, it was ruled that an Ombra Ekvilibro team should be dispatched to investigate. This mini module, Anticipation... [click here for more] |
Anthlancer Games |
Mini Six is a slimmed-down version of the original OpenD6 game system. It is a multi-genre RPG that focuses on handling action-oriented games with a light-to-medium amount of "crunch." It serves as a toolkit for designing your own games and has been used as the engine of several published games by third-parties through the use of the Open Game License.
The basic mechanics and character creation are... [click here for more] |
AntiPaladin Games |
Looking for a generic ruleset that offers quick, intuitive character creation, while also providing the ability to offer challenges that scale from the mundane to the epic? Look no further than the Techlite Roleplaying Gaming System.
Adapted from AntipodeYarns Tomekeepers Tabletop RPG System, this system is milieu neutral and offers Storytellers the opportunity to build out equipment and facilities... [click here for more] |
AntipodeYarns Publishing |
Xénoarchéologues est un jeu de rôle solo ou coopératif où le héros explore un environnement extra-terrestre. L'environnement est basé sur la pièce où se trouve le joueur. Elle représente alors une immense caverne d'une planète étrange ou les cuves d'un vaisseau cyclopéen.
Il s'agit d'un petit jeu adapté au confinement, pensé pour être jouable à 1 ou 2 joueurs et accessible aux enfants. ... [click here for more] |
Antoine Kirdinn Nobilet |
Aspect is an ultra-light freeform RPG that facilitates a narrative style of play.
Choose four aspects that represent your game. Play any setting you want.
Intuitive freeform mechanics using tokens and D6 dice pools.
Battle-tested in epic campaigns and badass one-shot adventures.
Check out Tutorial Tumble for in-game character creation in your first session.
The... [click here for more] |
Aspect RPG |
Pay What You Want
Command a giant Kaiju and use your elder druid powers to save the world!
Kaiju Keepers is a 1 page rpg, originally created for the 24-hr contest on RPGGeek. It features a novel d6 system that lets you roll as many dice as you want, and a Kaiju Power meter that runs from roaring and stomping to laser eyes and atomic breath. ... [click here for more] |
Astra Barbara |
 Échappez-vous ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page pour 4 joueurs (MJ inclus).
Vous vous réveillez dans un labyrinthe mystérieux qui semble n'avoir ni fin ni échappatoire. Vous êtes tout seul ici - un explorateur sans nom. Chaque joueur choisira et personnifiera 1 aspect de l'explorateur, à savoir : l'Intellect, l'Empathie et le Physique. Vous ne vous souvenez pas de grand-chose.... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
FANTASY BOY BAND is a free one-page RPG that you play using d6s.
You play as bards in an unnamed generic fantasy land. The job market has been difficult and it turns out that there is even not that many jobs for artists. And this is how your adventure starts - instead of falling into despair - you and your friends from the Arts and Poetry Academy decided to form a boy band to finally achieve... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
![Fantasy Boy Band [FR]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/23195/415188-thumb140.png) Fantasy Boy Band ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page.
Vous incarnez des artistes/bardes dans un monde fantasy générique sans nom. Le marché du travail a été difficile et il s'avère qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'emploi pour les artistes. Et c'est ainsi que commence votre aventure - au lieu de sombrer dans le désespoir - vous et vos amis de l'Académie des Arts et de la Poésie avez décidé... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
GET OUT! is a free on-page RPG for 4 players (GM included) that you play using d6s and d4s.
The game is about a nameless Explorer who wakes up in a mysterious labyrinth that seems to have no end and no exit. They are all alone, no other human being in sight. And they don’t remember where they come from. The Explorer and players’ goal is to find the exit and free themselves... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
GATEWAY The Tabletop RPG is a Free, rules-lite, easy-to-learn, fast-paced, and universal d20 Roleplaying Game framework that is perfect for introducing new players to the hobby of tabletop roleplaying games. This system allows for any theme or setting, from Fantasy to Cyberpunk,... [click here for more] |
Aurican's Lair |
The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.
We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system.
The... [click here for more] |
Awfully Queer Heroes |
Pay What You Want
“Ladies and gentlemen, folks and freaks, welcome to the Blood Hole! I’m your host and organizer, Slizzo!” He bows as the crowd gives it their all. “And have we got a special night for you! Some of the finest warriors have come from across the galaxy to work together and test their mettle against our best and brightest!”
The sky erupts with the holographic face... [click here for more] |
Bahunga Worldwide |
Note: This is a legacy product. If you want to get into Kill Sector, our more recent Kill Sector Quickstart is also free and includes rules, characters, and a pre-built adventure.
The Kill Sector crash course is everything you need to understand the fundamentals of Kill Sector and what we're all about. It includes:
The system's niche
How character creation works
The basic game... [click here for more] |
Bahunga Worldwide |
"Oh god, not that guy. I don't wanna mess with that guy at all. I've heard hundreds of horror stories about the King of Pain, and long before I die I'll be hearing a thousand more. Calm, ruthless, has a plan to kill everyone he meets. Yet every time I've seen people talk with the guy, he's just...polite. Relaxed, even. Always interested in the arenas he visits and the places they're built in. I... [click here for more] |
Bahunga Worldwide |
This is a very simple, very free, very fun universal role playing system. The idea is for a very easy to die in game, that is fun and flexible enough to fit into ANY world with a little bit of work. Download it, it's fun, it's great. I don't ask for any money, I just ask you give this game a shot. If you try it, you'll see just how flexible and dangerous the game system is. It takes concepts seen to... [click here for more] |
BazarGames |
Update (1/1/23): A second edition of Dragonslayers RPG is now available! We are confident that the new edition offers a superior experience for most groups, but we're leaving this rules-lite legacy version of the game accessible to download. Includes: DSRPG Core Rulebook (25 pages), Bestiary (15 pages), Space Opera Conversion (10 pages), Variant... [click here for more] |
Beast Box Publishing |
The Estia Card Deck
The Estia Card Deck contains 50 beautiful black & white cards featuring the gloriously condensed Pulp! mechanics. This deck has every PC, NPC, Hazard and treasure contained with Estia the Isle of Giants plus more. Each card has it’s own art and their rules (or suggestions for cards like locations).
With the deck in hand, and an understanding of the core... [click here for more] |
Beer Star Games |
For some, Risus is a handy “emergency” RPG for spur-of-the-moment one-shots and rapid character creation. For others, it’s a reliable campaign system supporting years of play. For others still, it’s a strange little pamphlet with stick figures. No matter what you think it is, there's no wrong way to play.
For newcomers: note also that Risus has... [click here for more] |
Big Dice Games |
Welcome to the Otherworld where your soul is your most powerful asset, and your willpower your best weapon. Shuffle your deck and draw your hand, because it will take wits and luck to survive.
For many, the Otherworld is innocuous, its troubles contained to the petty infighting between demons or humans who don’t know what lurks in the back rooms of the casinos. Most who pass through these portals... [click here for more] |
BigGroupProjects |
 “Alla gloriosa vita di un glorioso Picaro!”
Un onore, pensate, quello di un Funerale così illustre,
che pochi a Picaria hanno la fortuna di meritare.
Circondati da alcune delle figure più importanti di Lodossola,
vi trovate casualmente a celebrare la morte del Conte locale,
Eustacchio dei Papagli.
Un Morto a Lodossola è una breve Avventura... [click here for more] |
Black Dice Lobby |
Pay What You Want
Our first TTRPG! A simple d20 system inspired by Hankerin Ferinale's ICRPG, with a unique twist and an expanded GM guide that offers crucial advice on running games the Blackbrew way. ... [click here for more] |
Blackbrew |
A lightning-fast, high-pressure, d6 TTRPG that requires on-the-fly strategy and creativity as soon as the action starts. ... [click here for more] |
Blackbrew |
 This product includes the Corporia RPG as a TEXT-ONLY reflowable ebook in .epub and .mobi formats. The free character sheet and free city district map guide must be ordered and downloaded separately.
These ebook versions are also included with purchase of the full color RPG.
Corporia is 'knights in shining... [click here for more] |
Brabblemark Press |
Pay What You Want
 NOTE: This is a plain-text version of the I Am Furious (Pink) game—with no art and with a minimalist typography and graphic design—for free download. This edition uses the OpenDyslexic font to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. A plain-text sans-serif version is also available separately.
If you enjoy these free plain text versions, please... [click here for more] |
Brabblemark Press |
Pay What You Want
This Product is out of date and this playtest is no longer being run. However, I am leaving this up for free so that others may compare old versions of this system to the new versions that are uploaded over time. Tales Untold is a brand-new tabletop system for running all sorts of games with your friends. It has been in development for over 5 years and is now finally entering open playtest. The goal... [click here for more] |
Bradley Smith |
Pay What You Want
Explore a Strange New World
Overrun by the wild magic of 'Ren' the kin of the Living Lands fight to survive in a formiddable world filled with sentient waterfalls and mutated beasts. The destabilization of magic in the world has reached a breaking point and ancient beings long buried beneath the earth have begun to awaken.
In the Living Lands you play... [click here for more] |
Brainrit |
Pay What You Want
An Introduction to the Tales of Gunslingers, Samurai, Gangsters, Barbarians, and Steampunk in a Post-Apocalyptic World of Qi Warriors
“These are not mere contraptions built from the scrap metal of old, my dear apprentice. These are the foundation for a new world, and those who build them control its fate.” – Deckland Burr, creator of The Salvation
The One Land used to be... [click here for more] |
Broken Ruler Games |
This product contains bonus content for ScreenPlay Presents: Ironbound. The struggle to resist the temptations of evil and its foulest manifestation, the Devil, have long plagued the Kingdom of Alduire. Obtaining the powers offered by dark magick was far too tempting for many to resist and there came a time when it looked as if it would all fall into darkness. Until the Ironbound were formed... [click here for more] |
Broken Ruler Games |
For use with the new release fantasy-apocalypse rpg Shattered Moon.
This players’ pack is made for those who intend to play Shattered Moon as an avatar. It contains high resolution duplicates of the avatar record sheet and templates from the core rule book for players to print and use.
In addition there is an asseath’s resource sheet to maintain more detailed records of known weaves and any foci... [click here for more] |
Broken Tower |
CID (Condensed Instructions Distillation) is a solo RPG system that includes a GM oracle and the rules for playing the game itself. It's universal, so it can be used for any setting or type of game you can think of.
I created this system as a result of a search of simplicity in solo RPG. You can even play it using only your mind (I've included a technique to roll dice... without the dice).
I wish... [click here for more] |
Carlos Arroyo |
CS-12 is a core system mechanic depicting the future from a set of rules for Tri-Worlds Universe, which will be the main rule-book and contains a detailed setting with a background. However, since this book is a Core—meaning everything about settings and fluff has been left out—it is best used as a tool for creating your own adventures. With this book you will be able to create detailed... [click here for more] |
Cobra Games |
Chronicles of Skin is a game of scribbling and storytelling. Using cards and a pencil, you and your friends will tell a story, recording it on paper with doodles and glyphs.
This PDF provides the complete rules of play. It is intended for people who already have the game or who'd like to learn more about it.
In... [click here for more] |
Cobweb Games |
Runner Up Best Game 2011 — IndieGoGo Nominee Best RPG 2012 — UK Games Expo Nominee Best RPG 2012 — Griffies
“Physically gorgeous and stuffed with interesting ideas,” — Jason Morningstar (Fiasco)
“Doodle, invent cultures and explore a world far apart from your everday norm.” — Kat Poppel... [click here for more] |
Cobweb Games |
Thousands of worshippers are being massacred for their virtue and Paris reeks with the stink of burnt flesh.
Four friends cower in a shadowy side street, desperate to flee the religious pogrom.
As the mob descends upon them, they must flee the country to find their freedom.
A supplement for Hell for Leather.
* No GM - All... [click here for more] |
Cobweb Games |
In an age of religious persecution, four Christians have had enough!
Will you burn the Eternal City to the ground or will you die a martyr's death? Either way, glory awaits!
A supplement for Hell for Leather.
* No GM - All the players are in charge of the story * No prep - Just follow the simple guidelines
The game relies on a... [click here for more] |
Cobweb Games |
One hundred heroes were sent to the mountain lair of Torcàn Olc to read from the Book of Undoing.
Only six survived.
Now, as the great volcanoes boil behind them, they must bring the knowledge home.
A supplement for Hell for Leather.
* No GM - All the players are in charge of the story * No prep - Just follow... [click here for more] |
Cobweb Games |
Dice Roller
A simple html single page document that handles rolling the dice for you when you are playing "All Us Gamers".
Select the aptitude for your character, then the difficulty of the task and press "Roll". You see the results and the interpretation (Disaster, Miserable Failure, Failure, Success, Extra Success or Incredible Success). If your character uses a focus point then... [click here for more] |
Cup of Tea Pty Ltd |