Note: This free purchase is for a preview PDF and press release only and not the final product. The full version will be available for purchase upon release. WHAT IS CATS ! THE CONSPURRACY? Cats ! The Conspurracy is a contemporary and fantastic tabletop role-playing game where players take on the roles of highly intelligent cats with psychic powers,... [click here for more]
WEIRD HEROES OF PUBLIC ACCESS - WHPA 13 FAIRHAVEN you've got the game, your FLGS is willing to host, now you just need the players. here's four handy "fill-in-the-blanks" posters for you to use. ... [click here for more]
Wstęp do książki dla dzieci, która być może powstanie niebawem. :)
Od zawsze istniały dwa równoległe światy. Ten nasz, w którym żyjemy, i ten drugi, magiczny. Dzieli je delikatna zasłona utkana z magii, strukturą przypominająca drewniane słoje. Raz na milenium rodzą się Wędrowcy, zdolni do przekraczania bariery. Ich ciała są młode i silne, umysły bystre, serca odważne, a wyobraźnia... [click here for more]
Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready"
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.
However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure... [click here for more]