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Cuaderno del Director de Juego

Cuaderno del Director de Juego

Las tablas y cuadros del Cuaderno del Director de Juego se han obtenido tanto del libro básico de Mythras como de Fantasía Clásica. Se han agrupado temáticamente y aprovechando el espacio lo máximo posible, con el objeto de que sean una ayuda para el Director de Juego durante la partida. De este modo, la mayoría de las tablas que no se usarán más que una vez (durante la creación...   [click here for more]
77Mundos   FREE 

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BattleSauce Core Rulebook - Beta

BattleSauce Core Rulebook - Beta

!!!!!!!!!!!!UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Our brand-new, updated rulebook - the BattleSauce CookBook - is now available in a printer-friendly, pared-down, version right here on DriveThruRPG!  We call it BattleSauce Boiled Down!  It's got so much coolness in it that we shouldn't make the list here...but you'll learn how to inflict Maximum Carnage during battles, command armies to the front, pilot vehicles in...   [click here for more]
BattleSauce   FREE 

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BattleSauce Monster Horde

BattleSauce Monster Horde

Add death and destruction - as well as some embarrassing moments - to your BattleSauce adventures!  The Monster Horde includes twenty horrible monsters and one ugly boss monster which can be used for random encounters or just picking the worst thing to fight. For random monster encounters, roll 1D20 and turn to the corresponding page number to see what you're facing! Use the BattleSauce...   [click here for more]
BattleSauce   FREE 

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Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter

Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter

FABULARNA GRA GROZY W UNIWERSUM H.P. LOVECRAFTA  Wielcy Przedwieczni rządzili eony przed pojawieniem się człowieka. Przybyli z kosmosu i zostali wyparci przez potężniejsze istoty. Pozostałości ich miast i zakazanej wiedzy można odnaleźć na wyspach Pacyfiku, pośród ruchomych piasków pustyń oraz na biegunach. Wielcy Przedwieczni śpią – jedni pod powierzchnią ziemi,...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter Maski Nyarlathotepa

Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter Maski Nyarlathotepa

NAJLEPSZY SERIAL, JAKI PRZEŻYJESZ! Strażniku Tajemnic, trzymasz w rękach Starter do największej i prawdopodobnie najbardziej epickiej kampanii w historii gier fabularnych: Zew Cthulhu - Maski Nyarlathotepa. Zawiera on zbiór podstawowych zasad potrzebnych do rozpoczęcia przygody oraz scenariusz pt. Tajemnica czarnego sarkofagu, który został napisany specjalnie dla polskiej edycji i jest preludium...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - World War Cthulhu - Noc Zagłady

Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - World War Cthulhu - Noc Zagłady

Trwa II wojna światowa. Położone pośród pól i lasów spokojne miasteczko Zamościce nie zostało szczególnie boleśnie doświadczone przez niemiecką okupację. Wszystko zmienia się jednak pewnej tragicznej nocy, gdy Niemcy podejmują próbę rozbicia lokalnej komórki ruchu oporu. Strzelanina i odgłosy rzezi nie pozwalają mieszkańcom zmrużyć oka. Pierwsze promienie porannego...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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Renaissance - D100 black powder SRD

Renaissance - D100 black powder SRD

Renaissance is a free D100 roleplaying system designed for historical and fantasy gaming in the age of black powder weapons. It features familiar mechanics, grim and gritty combat, extensive period weapons and equipment lists, dozens of professions, and rules for factions and belief systems. It also includes two magick systems - the powerful battle alchemy first introduced in Clockwork &...   [click here for more]
Cakebread & Walton   FREE 

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Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Conversion Guidelines

Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Conversion Guidelines

Want to covert an older Call of Cthulhu product for 7th Edition? Don't have time to fiddle through your copy of the Keepers Rulebook? Get all the information you need from a single free PDF. These pages are taken from the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Keepers Rulebook. You can get the full book here. ...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules

Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules

Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft The Great Old Ones ruled the earth aeons before the rise of humankind. Originally they came from the gulfs of space and were cast down by even greater beings. Remains of their cyclopean cities and forbidden knowledge can still be found on remote islands in the Pacific, buried amid the shifting sands of vast deserts, and in the frigid recesses...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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RuneQuest - Roleplaying in Glorantha - Conversion Guide

RuneQuest - Roleplaying in Glorantha - Conversion Guide

Want to covert an older RuneQuest product to work with RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha? Don't have time to fiddle through your copy of the Core Rulebook? Get all the information you need from a single free PDF. These pages are taken from RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. You can get the full book here. ...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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RuneQuest Quickstart

RuneQuest Quickstart

2018 ENnie Awards Nominee - BEST FREE PRODUCT Welcome to Glorantha A mythic world of mortals and gods, myths and cults, monsters and heroes. In Glorantha, the Runes permeate everything, and mastery of Runes allows astonishing feats of bravery and magic. Glorantha is ancient, and has known many ages, but now it is at the brink of the greatest conflict it has ever known… the Hero Wars. Glorantha is...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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The Domestic - Rivers of London RPG Solo

The Domestic - Rivers of London RPG Solo

2024 ENNIES Awards GOLD WINNER - BEST FREE PRODUCT/GAME Magic has returned to our world “I think becoming a wizard is about discovering what's real and what isn't.” —Ben Aaronovitch, Rivers of London The Domestic: An Introductory Solo Adventure for Rivers of London: the Roleplaying Game Spring, 2016: the Folly, also known as the Metropolitan Police...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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HARK! RPG - Rulebook

HARK! RPG - Rulebook

HARK! Is a simple medieval dark fantasy rpg based on folklore. where adventure is abundant, crypts are piled with treasures, and danger lurks around every corner. many adventurers have tried and failed to defeat the hag queen that rules over the land. Will you be hailed as heroes? Or be snuffed out like so many before you? This is HARK! and this is your tale... ...   [click here for more]
Conall Haughey  Pay What You Want

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Wires In the Woods

Wires In the Woods

In this solo/two-player journaling RPG, you explore an abandoned world, collecting unfamiliar items and using them to solve problems. Here is a world filled with treasures.  - Professor Lawrence Hines, shortly before his disappearance. Wires in the Woods is a solo and two-player tabletop role-playing game in which you play a curious little forager in...   [click here for more]
Critical Kit Ltd   FREE 

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Ce minibestiaire fournit les statistiques de 29 personnages non joueurs types ainsi que de 33 créatures tirées du livre de règles de Mythras. Le maitre de jeu pourra ainsi plus facilement improviser des monstres ou des personnages non joueurs mineurs. ...   [click here for more]
d100fr  Pay What You Want

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Land and Lakes

Land and Lakes

This product is for those of you out there who like having something come out of left field to surprise the characters.  This map gives you plenty of action to choose from whether it be a pirate adventure, chasing brigands across the plains, or ice trolls into their frozen caverns beneath the snow capped peaks. Find your party and present them with glorious goals, overwhelming obstacles, and rewards...   [click here for more]
Darakin Studios  Pay What You Want

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Sariniya's Curse

Sariniya's Curse

Sariniya's Curse is an introductory module for the Mythras roleplaying game - both the full rules and the Mythras Imperative edition. It is complete with pre-generated characters to get you straight into the action. In the city-state of Meeros, Trimostones the Gold needs the characters' help. He must travel to the island of Iaxos, infamous for its tales of...   [click here for more]
Design Mechanism  Pay What You Want

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Schism is a fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing game that allows its players to take on the role of a powerful warrior, a mystical wizard, a creative mechanic, and many other fantastic characters. Explore the world of Xilo, a far-off planet recently torn asunder by the war between technology-users and spell-casters. Will you and your allies find fame and fortune as celebrated adventurers, or will...   [click here for more]
EndGamers  Pay What You Want

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This is an introductory game for ages 8 years and up. It is actually two games in one; a miniature wargame and an Old School RPG included. In this game the veteran will find the rules to be light but the games still challenging. In the game are included 10 wargame sceanerios as well as 1 adventure module. ...   [click here for more]
Glen F. Grimm   FREE 

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Aurora Gra Fabularna STARTER

Aurora Gra Fabularna STARTER

Zacznij swoją przygodę ze starterem AURORA! Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie starterem do gry Aurora RPG! Mamy nadzieję, że ta publikacja wprowadzi Cię w niezwykły świat Aurory i zmotywuje do dalszych przygód w nieskończonych wymiarach. Pamiętaj, że starter jest jedynie skróconą wersją zasad – pełne mechaniki oraz bardziej rozbudowane opcje znajdziesz w podręczniku głównym. Zachęcamy...   [click here for more]
GrubyBang   FREE 

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Aurora Roleplay Game STARTER [ENGLISH]

Aurora Roleplay Game STARTER [ENGLISH]

Start your adventure with the AURORA starter! Thank you for your interest in the Aurora RPG starter! We hope that this publication will introduce you to the extraordinary world of Aurora and motivate you to further adventures in infinite dimensions. Remember that the starter is only an abbreviated version of the rules - full mechanics and more extensive options can be found in the core rulebook. We...   [click here for more]
GrubyBang   FREE 

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Jackknife Trail

Jackknife Trail

Jackknife Trail is a complete action role playing, frontier exploring, character leveling, hunt and grab, loot finding, adventure game that's built around the usage of a single deck of ordinary playing cards. If you're familiar with the Cards & Catacombs rules, you'll have no problem adjusting.  This game is designed to function as a solitaire experience as well as a group-based crawl. Jackknife...   [click here for more]
Harrington Martin Books  Pay What You Want

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NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ♦ POINT ZERO - THE ATLAS PRINCIPLE V1.1 DEMO 2025 IS A PENCIL-AND-PAPER, HORROR SURVIVAL ADVENTURE You’re an infiltrator tasked to destroy an artificial intelligence aboard the Atlas. This mission failed and Calypso persecutes you–the AI you were set out to destroy. After your execution, you wake up with a throbbing headache. You don’t know where you...   [click here for more]
IIBBoardgames  Pay What You Want

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Embers of Humanity Quickstart Rules

Embers of Humanity Quickstart Rules

Embers of Humanity is a community-funded hope-filled TTRPG about the end of the world. This is the free quickstart. You can buy the full version here Designed to provides players and GM's with a clear and easy to use rules system, Embers of Huamnity should feel familiar to experienced tables, while accessible to new players. Create...   [click here for more]
John Hedge  Pay What You Want

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CTHULHU: Schnellstartregeln

CTHULHU: Schnellstartregeln

Willkommen bei CTHULHU Du interessierst dich für CTHULHU? Du bist nicht allein! CTHULHU ist ein klassisches Rollenspiel, das seit über 30 Jahren seine Spieler in den Bann zieht. Schauplatz der Geschichten ist eine von Lovecraft erschaffene Welt des Grauens. Hier werden gewöhnliche Menschen mit den schrecklichen und fremdartigen Kräften...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press   FREE 

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Chicago Ruins

Chicago Ruins

Chicago Ruins provides a Rubble and Ruin setting that GMs can jump into and use for their own games with a minimum of preparation. Alternatively, GMs can create their own ruins and salvage parts that they like from this setting, relocating them as desired. The book contains maps and short descriptions of the various points of interest—with increasing focus on the ruins of Chicago. The descriptions...   [click here for more]
Rudus Publishing   FREE 

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Chicago Ruins Support Files

Chicago Ruins Support Files

Chicago Ruins Support Files provides digital copies of all the maps in Chigaco Ruins as well as two versions of the character sheet. ...   [click here for more]
Rudus Publishing   FREE 

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Rubble and Ruin Hex Map of the Former United States

Rubble and Ruin Hex Map of the Former United States

Looking for a color hex map of the post-apocalyptic United States as imagined for Rubble and Ruin? Maybe you would just like a nice map for a post-apocalyptic hex crawl. Either way, you might like this one.   This download contains the map in both a 300 DPI and 72 DPI format. The latter is good for use with virtual tabletops while the former is for printing. But wait there’s...   [click here for more]
Rudus Publishing   FREE 

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Lore / Lore 100 SRDs

Lore / Lore 100 SRDs

Lore System The Lore Role-Playing Game System was originally built for this Rational Magic setting. It should give you a fast and meaningful role playing experience which also ties a character’s story and development into the game world. It was developed by looking at some of the best (in this author’s opinion anyway) features of such games as FATE, GUMSHOE, Barbarians of Lemuria,...   [click here for more]
Sons of the Singularity   FREE 

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The Legend of Akihiko, Ninja and Samurai Live Action Role Play Rulebook

The Legend of Akihiko, Ninja and Samurai Live Action Role Play Rulebook

This is the core rulebook for a Live Action Role Playing Game (LARP) based on ninja and samurai.  In this game you will design custom characters that can engage in boffer (foam weapon) combat with other players.  You can use a variety of foam weapons as well as a number of magical abilities.  The background of this game is in an alternative universe where samurai and ninja colonized North America...   [click here for more]
Stephen   FREE 

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The Order - Alchemy-Chemistry

The Order - Alchemy-Chemistry

The Order is for storytellers. Here's some optional rules for players with the Medical Skill - Using Alchemy/Chemistry to make stuff! The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single, simple system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. Most part are free. Only the ruleset...   [click here for more]
The Order of the Link   FREE 

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The Order - Modern Character Roster

The Order - Modern Character Roster

The Order is for storytellers. Here's some folks to help. The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. The Order is game system that does not require that they - or their players purchase volumes of complex, expensive books...   [click here for more]
The Order of the Link   FREE 

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The Order - Pre-Modern Character Roster

The Order - Pre-Modern Character Roster

The Order is for storytellers. Here's some folks to help. The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. The Order is game system that does not require that they - or their players purchase volumes of complex, expensive books...   [click here for more]
The Order of the Link   FREE 

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Cascading Systems Introduction Guide

Cascading Systems Introduction Guide

“Telling the fortunes of men who live only in dreams.”    That‘s what this game system is for.  It’s how I describe the tabletop role playing game hobby in general.   You roll the dice to determine  the fortunes, options, boons and banes of people who we know exist only in our minds. “Cascading Systems” as a game engine is built for tabletop, pen-and-dice, theater of the mind...   [click here for more]
Twilight Gardens Presentations  Pay What You Want

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