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13 Lucky: Character Sheet

13 Lucky: Character Sheet

This is a character sheet template for 13 Lucky. The full game and additional files are also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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13 Lucky: Dealer’s Guide

13 Lucky: Dealer’s Guide

This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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13 Lucky: The Dynasty Diamond

13 Lucky: The Dynasty Diamond

This is a pre-written one-shot for the game system 13 Lucky. The full guide to this game is also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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The Dragon's Bank Heist

The Dragon's Bank Heist

A 5e Heist Adventure for characters of 10th level or higher Dive into the steamy depth of the Platinum Bank as you discover a wealth of treasure and the secrets of the mythic dragon’s Abra and Yutpa. Try to sneak past the impenetrable security and don’t push the guard’s alert level too much! Test your skills against hoards of kobold guards and seemingly indestructible gold golems....   [click here for more]
1pageadventures  Pay What You Want

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FOMOR - Ekran MG

FOMOR - Ekran MG

Jest to ekran do samodzielnego wydruku do gry FOMOR. Posiada wszystkie istotne tabelki i zasady tak, żeby zawsze były pod ręką. Ekran składa się z 3 akruszy A4.  Ilustracje: ...   [click here for more]
5 Okrawkow  Pay What You Want

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FOMOR - Karty zaklęć

FOMOR - Karty zaklęć

Jeżeli grając w FOMOR brakuję ci fizycznych kart z opisem zaklęć, żeby nie musieć wertować podręcznika, to jesteś w dobrym miejscu. Plik zawiera karty WSZYSTKICH zaklęć z gry FOMOR plus 3 dodatkowe zaklęcia, mojego autorstwa. Jeżeli chcesz, żeby nowe zaklęcia były w tabelach losowych umieść je pod wynikiem 1 i rzucaj k12 zamiast 2k6 w celu losowania zaklęcia.  Karty drukujemy...   [click here for more]
5 Okrawkow  Pay What You Want

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Obywatele Neosibirska

Obywatele Neosibirska

Gracie w Sibirpunka, ale wasz MG narzeka na brak statystyk przeciwników w podręczniku? Już nie musi! W tym fanowskim dodatku dostarczam Wam statystyki dla 18 różnych przeciwników. Od milicji po wszelakich gangusów i nie tylko. Każdy przeciwnik posiada ilustrację AI, krótki opis fabularny i bloczek statystyk. Dodatkowo są też tabele losowe z imionami czy puste karty przeciwników na Wasze...   [click here for more]
5 Okrawkow  Pay What You Want

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Blades in the Dark livrets VF

Blades in the Dark livrets VF

Les livrets de Personnages et de la Bande de la deuxième édition en VF ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Capes (Démo)

Capes (Démo)

Capes se veut un changement radical par rapport à la plupart des jeux de rôle.  Dans Capes il n'y a pas de Meneur de Jeu. Il y a des joueurs et chacun incarne plusieurs personnages, y compris les antagonistes. Tout le monde contribue à la narration.  Cela signifie que vous serez toujours impliqué, mais que vous n'aurez jamais le contrôle.  ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Carnage dans les étoiles

Carnage dans les étoiles

CARNAGE DANS LES ÉTOILES EST UN JEU DE RÔLE SE DÉROULANT DANS UN FUTUR LOINTAIN. Il s’agit d’un univers de science-fiction où tout les joueurs incarnent les membres de la Force Expéditionnaire d’élite du 3:16e. Cette force militaire a quitté Terra il y aplus de 10 000 ans de cela, en ayant une mission bien définie : Leur mission consiste à affronter et à vaincre tout ce l’univers...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Ce jeu traite des épreuves, des victoires et des dé- convenues d’individus en marge de la société. Ces aven- turiers ont refusé le quotidien monotone pour essayer de se bâtir un avenir, une situation, ou au moins une bonne nuit d’ivresse dans le prochain bouge crasseux. Leurs péripéties se déroulent dans le monde créé par l’écrivain Robert Ervin Howard pour son personnage le...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La laverie - L'agent d'intervention

La laverie - L'agent d'intervention

Il y a deux types d’agents à la Laverie. Les horribles gratte-papier qui utilisent leur connaissance de l’occulte pour mieux l’enterrer. Et ceux qui utilisent cette connaissance pour mieux enterrer les hor-reurs occultes qui menacent les gratte-papier. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - L'espion bureaucrate

La Laverie - L'espion bureaucrate

Le véritable espion ne pavoise pas dans des cock- tails au bras de créatures de rêve ou dans des voitures de luxe. C’est un travailleur besogneux et consciencieux qui accumule les faits et les évi- dences. À la Laverie, ils ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - L'officier

La Laverie - L'officier

Vous êtes une personne normale dans un monde normal, ou presque. Surtout, vous ne voulez pas savoir. Mais vous êtes prêt à tout pour repousser ces monstres. Parce que les interventions contre des humains, c’est pas trop votre trip. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - La Geek Démonologiste

La Laverie - La Geek Démonologiste

Tantra L’information, c’est le pouvoir. Le pouvoir, c’est la magie. L’information haut débit, c’est de la magie. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Le Monstre Apprivoisé

La Laverie - Le Monstre Apprivoisé

Toutes les créatures extérieures, toutes les monstruosités terrestres ne sont pas mauvaises. Certaines peuvent même être convaincues de travailler pour nous. Sinon, on peut toujours les contraindre avec un geis idoine. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Le sorcier Acrédité

La Laverie - Le sorcier Acrédité

500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Livret vierge

La Laverie - Livret vierge

Un livret vierge pour créer votre propre archétype de personnage. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Quill est un jeu de rôle pour une personne – vous. Dans une partie typique de Quill, le but est d’impressionner le destinataire afin qu’il réponde favo- rablement à votre lettre. Vous accomplirez cela par un usage adroit du langage et l’excellence de votre présentation, lançant les dés pour déterminer si vous avez réussi ou non à utiliser les bons mots, les meilleures descriptions...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Shonen World - version alpha

Shonen World - version alpha

Shonen World est un jeu de rôle basé sur le moteur de Apocalypse World émulant les mangas de baston paraissant dans le magazine Shonen Jump, et leurs adaptations anime, où un héros au grand cœur et ses compagnons vivent de nombreuses aventures riches en combats difficiles, et réussissent à surmonter l’adversité grâce à leur détermination, leurs efforts et leur amitié : Dragon Ball, Saint...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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The Nightmares Underneath

The Nightmares Underneath

Le Règne de la Loi Les Royaumes Oniriques sont nombreux et variés, mais tous ont un point commun : le triomphe de la Loi sur le Chaos. Dans chaque royaume, la Loi règne sans partage. La civilisation a repoussé les doutes et la violence associées au chaos et au désordre. Ces royaumes sont-ils vraiment des rêves ? Ou sont-ils de simples caprices, des royaumes féeriques sombres et étherés ?...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Troublemakers - Redux

Troublemakers - Redux

Troublemakers est un jeu inspiré par des films, des séries télé et des livres, avec notamment, entre autres Les Goonies, ET : l’Extra-Terrestre, The Monster Squad, etc... Le jeu est centré sur des enfants qui vivent des aventures incroyables, et réussissent à sauver la mise malgré les manigances des adultes autour d’eux, tout en découvrant des choses secrètes et merveilleuses,...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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World Wide Wrestling

World Wide Wrestling

Monter sur le ring et assurez le show dans ce jeu de rôle qui vous invite à vous glisser dans la peau d'un artiste de catch ! ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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His Majesty the Worm: Adventurer Generation Guide Booklet

His Majesty the Worm: Adventurer Generation Guide Booklet

Designed to help new players get it right, and experienced players generate characters quickly, this officially sanctioned guide booklet will have you up and playing Joshua McCrowell's His Majesty the Worm in minutes. Taking a spread for each step, with each table and list you need for that specific step, and visually demonstrating what section of the Character Sheet to fill out in...   [click here for more]
5tephe RPGs  Pay What You Want

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The Mother's Embrace: A Candela Obscura Assignment

The Mother's Embrace: A Candela Obscura Assignment

By A SECRET LAIR games PICK UP AND PLAY This is a short, easy-to-run assignment for Candela Obscura. It is prepared to be picked up and played, with a few prompts to help you improvise and adapt the story around the players' decisions. SUMMARY A high-class middle-aged man mysteriously jumped off the balcony of his luxurious apartment in the Eves....   [click here for more]
A Secret Lair  Pay What You Want

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RPG Mystery Generator

RPG Mystery Generator

A gumshoe in the 1940s is hired by a client to investigate a disappearance; as they gather clues and interview witnesses, their leads suggest a disturbing and impossible truth. A classic whodunit, on a remote island where ten strangers discover there’s a murderer in their midst. In the land of Eldoria, the Orb of Dreams is stolen. Who, or what, has taken it and why? This Mystery Generator...   [click here for more]
A Simple Tale  Pay What You Want

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Dwellers of the Waste

Dwellers of the Waste

A supplement for Vaults of Vaarn. Six new monsters with beautiful, full-page illustrations drawn by Eric M. Smith. Statblock compilation (fits on a single page) included for GM ease-of-use. Two new ancestries, the Monger and Ley-liner, complete with generation tables. Bonus table for generating Vaarnish rulers. Available in colour and monochrome. ...   [click here for more]
A.M. Jackson  Pay What You Want

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GREAT METAL SERPENT is an adventure location made for Vaults of Vaarn. Explore a giant space elevator fallen to earth. Encounter outlandish NPCs and creatures. Uncover the secret path to Luna. Levels: 4-6 Dynamic factions: cacklemaw, mystics, trashers, repair synths Old-school style:...   [click here for more]
A.M. Jackson  Pay What You Want

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Four Peaceful Options: Lotus Style and Merciful Bombs

Four Peaceful Options: Lotus Style and Merciful Bombs

Sometimes in campaigns, especially in urban environments, people need to be careful about what they do. PCs and some NPCs may need to defeat others without killing them, which could save difficult entanglements. Hence, the merciful bomb discovery allows alchemists to deal nonlethal damage with their bombs, and the lotus style of martial arts, which allows practitioners to enhance their mastery of the...   [click here for more]
Aardvark Press  Pay What You Want

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The Fixer: An Investigator Archetype

The Fixer: An Investigator Archetype

A fixer is a person who arranges things. Typically, these are shady things, but not necessarily. While many fixers are firmly on the wrong side of the law, some work for legal authorities, and some straddle the line in relation to such matters. To use an expression, some fixers are even former poachers turned game keepers. In any case, all fixers have underworld connections, and all have highly developed...   [click here for more]
Aardvark Press  Pay What You Want

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Meanwhile... Deep in the Dark Carribean

Meanwhile... Deep in the Dark Carribean

Meanwhile... Somewhere, Deep in the Dark Caribbean - A Solo Pirate's Micro Dungeon Crawl Descend into the Depths: Brave the murky waters and explore the sunken temple where the Drown'ed God’s cursed riches await...  Inspired by  Mörk Borg's Micro Dungeon Crawl "Dark Fort" and infused with the salty flavour of Pirate Borg, this micro TTRPG challenges you to navigate treacherous...   [click here for more]
Aaron Best  Pay What You Want

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The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..." Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them. On the...   [click here for more]
Above Average Creations  Pay What You Want

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Curse Be Upon Them

Curse Be Upon Them

A system-agnostic horror one-shot I wrote for Halloween, that starts with an out of game black magic ritual and gets strangely meta. It also includes the town of Siegburg during the 30-Year-War as a quasi historical default setting, but can be played in any setting you choose.  Happy Halloween!  ...   [click here for more]
Access RPG  Pay What You Want

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Die unheimlichen Eigenschaften Dunkler Materie

Die unheimlichen Eigenschaften Dunkler Materie

Januar 1894 Bonn, du erhältst einen Brief vom kürzlich verstorbenen Heinrich Hertz. Geschrieben im Jahr 1891, sollte der Brief erst nach seinem Tod verschickt werden. Hertz zog 1889 nach Bonn, um seine Arbeiten über „Kathodenstrahlung und den fotoelektrischen Effekt“ fortzusetzen. Im Jahr 1892 erlitt er einen schweren Migräneanfall. Als Ursache wurde Wegener-Granulomatose diagnostiziert, deren...   [click here for more]
Access RPG  Pay What You Want

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The Eldritch Properties of Dark Matter

The Eldritch Properties of Dark Matter

January 1894 Bonn, you receive a letter from the late Heinrich Hertz. Written in 1891, it was to be sent only after his death. Hertz moved to Bonn in 1889 to continue his work on “cathode radiation and the photoelectric effect.” In 1892, Hertz was diagnosed with an infection (after a bout of severe migraines) and underwent operations to treat the illness. He died after complications in surgery...   [click here for more]
Access RPG  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon 6 - l'Ombra sul Bosco di Mezzanotte

Dungeon 6 - l'Ombra sul Bosco di Mezzanotte

l'Ombra sul Bosco di Mezzanotte è la prima avventura ufficiale in forma di librogame per Dungeon 6! Questa avventura estende le normali modalità di gioco affiancando questo breve librogame al normale gioco da tavolo e vi permette di addentrarvi in uno dei piani della torre un tempo popolato da pacifici Zenthian, una razza di umanoidi fatti per...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon 6 - Lo Specchio di Mya

Dungeon 6 - Lo Specchio di Mya

“Lo specchio di Mya” è un’avventura per Dungeon 6 di Difficoltà pari a 3 e giocabile da 1 a 6 personaggi di qualsiasi livello, che vi catapulterà in un mondo fatto di illusioni, misteri, anime tormentate. La vostra mente sarà abbastanza salda? Riuscirete a non perdervi nel dedalo più folle, cangiante e misterioso mai visto in Dungeon 6? Dungeon...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni  Pay What You Want

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Icons Quickstart

Icons Quickstart

Your Secret Origin in Superpowered Roleplaying! Icons Quickstart is your introduction to the fast, fun, and exiting Icons Superpowered Roleplaying game. In it you will find: • Rules! A complete overview of the rules to the game and how to play. All you need are a couple of six-sided dice! • Heroes! Four hero archetypes—Battlesuit, Crime-Fighter, Energy Controller,...   [click here for more]
Ad Infinitum Adventures  Pay What You Want

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Side Quest Adventures #4: Risen from the Depths

Side Quest Adventures #4: Risen from the Depths

Risen from the Depths is a mid-level adventure for four 8-10th level characters and is written to be compatible with both the Pathfinder 1st Edition and Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition systems. ...   [click here for more]
Adam Bell  Pay What You Want

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The Red Maple Tree

The Red Maple Tree

There was a time, before the rule of the dragon empire, when the Iron Forest was way bigger than it is now, full of life and peace, protected by the elves and dryads and every other kin friendly to nature. But then the humans came, and an Empire was born, and the elves and dryads left, and when the Empire fell the orcs ravaged the land and the forests of the Vale. The Iron Forest is now a shadow...   [click here for more]
Adrian Daine  Pay What You Want

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Age of Adventure RPG: Game Master Compendium (v3.3)

Age of Adventure RPG: Game Master Compendium (v3.3)

Game Master Compendium (v3.3) is a seventeen page supplement for the Age of Adventure RPG - a heroic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by John Harper's Lasers and Feelings. INCLUDES: Blank Adventure Template for One-Shots Sample Adventure 'Portrait of a Warlock' Game Tracker sheet  List of Magical Enchantments Personality...   [click here for more]
adrian young games  Pay What You Want

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Age of Adventure RPG: Player Compendium (v2.3)

Age of Adventure RPG: Player Compendium (v2.3)

Player Compendium (v2.2) is a forty-six page supplement for the Age of Adventure RPG - a heroic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by John Harper's Lasers and Feelings. INCLUDES: a Player Reference sheet 2 Character Sheet templates 6 page summary of the available Communities and Roles 36 pre-generated Player Characters a...   [click here for more]
adrian young games  Pay What You Want

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Gravestone of Decay

Gravestone of Decay

In the arid expanse of a relentless sand-dune desert, recent sandstorms revealed the entrance to an age-old tomb. Adventurers, cultists, and archaeologists flock to the nearest outpost to prepare and make the journey north to find the tomb, exploit its secrets, and loot its treasures. Gravestone of Decay is written for OSE for characters level 4-6. It is challenging but also extremely rewarding. When...   [click here for more]
Adventure Bundles  Pay What You Want

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Agencja Detektywistyczna

Agencja Detektywistyczna

Pakiet 6 postaci (wygląd, historia, okoliczności poznania drużyny, animozje i przyjaźnie) ...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  Pay What You Want

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Przygodowy Archipelag

Przygodowy Archipelag

Przygodowy Archipelag to seria przygód w świecie Fantasy, którą można rozegrać na zasadach dowolnego systemu RPG. Scenariusz "Kryształ Przyszłości" nie ogranicza wielkości drużyny (byle MG podołał prowadzeniu tej ilości osób), klas postaci czy poziomu. Jest w pełni adaptowalny.  Jeśli spodoba Ci się ta przygoda, rozważ wsparcie autora, by kolejne części mogły ujrzeć światło...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  Pay What You Want

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The Gasser of Mattoon

The Gasser of Mattoon

There's a war in the shadows. Choose a side. The Gasser of Mattoon is an adversary for use with Contagion Savage Adventures and uses the incredibly popular Savage Worlds Adventure Edition! The Gasser of Mattoon draws on an urban legend from the 1940s. Two versions of the antagonist are included....   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  Pay What You Want

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Magic Items - Volume I

Magic Items - Volume I

Magic Items - Volume I This small compendium is a list of ten magical items taken directly from our publications on social networks, which you can find in the "Credits" paragraph on this page.   ...   [click here for more]
Aenarion's Coven  Pay What You Want

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Arterial: Campaign of Blood

Arterial: Campaign of Blood

This is a set of pdf and png companions for Arterial: Campaign of Blood, a free digital boardgame available now on the Tabletop Simulator Workshop. Arterial is a cooperative 1-4 player campaign game, where the players take the role of the Vanguard as they fight against an obsidian castle of experiments, mutants, and shapeshifters, all run by a vile vampire lord that wants nothing more to suck out all...   [click here for more]
Aeon Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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Cut-Throat: A Game of Greed and Gold

Cut-Throat: A Game of Greed and Gold

Cut-Throat is a Hidden Choose-Your-Own-Role Card Game, which can be played for free in Tabletop Sim. Included here are the rulebook and a scenario book. In Cut-Throat, players take part in rounds of interrogation. Each round, one player takes the role of a pirate captain looking for his missing treasure, and each other player takes the role of a sailor who must decide if they're a loyal crewmate,...   [click here for more]
Aeon Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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HyJynx Character Creation

HyJynx Character Creation

The complete kit to make a character for HyJynxHyJynx is where you and your high school buddies investigate mysteries! It is light-hearted fun with an emphasis on roleplaying and storytelling. It uses the RPXpress system by Aetherflyer Games so the rules are easy to learn and it is fun to play. Quick character generation gets you playing within minutes....   [click here for more]
Aetherflyer Games  Pay What You Want

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