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Looking for the PRINT COMIC BOOK? Get it here!
If you're a hardcore Tales from the Tabletop fan make sure you snag the "Bonuses DO NOT STACK!" T-shirt from Offworld Designs website
Welcome to the first official Tales from the Tabletop™ comic book!
Tales from the Tabletop™ Explanation
Each week Adventureaweek.com posts a new comic... [click here for more] |
AAW Games |
Pay What You Want
Gazetteer is what happens when you hold OSR crowdsourcing, sometimes called "Gygaxian democracy" in one hand, new-fangled online Storygaming in the other, and scream “NOW KISS”. It is a game of map-detailing and collaborative storymaking, functioning by means of questions and answers. It is led by a facilitator who is required to talk like a pompous blowhard of an explorer throughout. For... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Pay What You Want
The era of the Monsters of the Golden Age of Hollywood is over and those who were once beloved stars were replaced by younger more attractive versions of them or were even completely forgotten by now. The only response to this was an early retirement and live an easy life as friends.
Now Count Dracula, the Wolf Man, Frankstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Invisible Man and the Creature are living together... [click here for more] |
Andreas Schütt |
Pay What You Want
1 aprul 2020
hallo dumdum,
this is game about goblins, it is the best game. it tells you about our culture and also gibs you mechanics to play goblins and tell our stories - so even you can't mess it up so terrible. it if you do that is ur fault ok? sorry. not sorry.
the best art
the best writung
the best mechaniucs
A note from Liz, the owner of AHP: Apologies,... [click here for more] |
Angry Hamster Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Song Contest: The Random Performance Game is a many-player game about music, comeaderie, and the magic of the greatest song contest in the world. All you need to play is the PDF, one twelve-sided die, pens, paper, and your wildest dreams! So download the game today and join in the musical madness. ... [click here for more] |
Angry Hamster Publishing |
Pay What You Want
April 1, 2021
Liz here, due to last year's kerfuffle with the goblins on the 1st of April, we were contacted by the trolls. The trolls asked that we give them a platform to talk about the trials and tribulations they go through on a daily basis, and publish a book for them. I know what people say about giving trolls a platform, but this is important. I'm going to let the trolls take it from here.... [click here for more] |
Angry Hamster Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A free and awesome tool for The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor!
Does your daily dose of chaotic rigmarole rob your battered brain of the creative juice you need to squeeze creepy life into your shiny new Candlewick orphan?
Never fear, dear reader, for this dreadful drudge- work, this brain-wracking exercise in forced creativity, never need darken your spirits again. The... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
An unsettlingly introductory adventure for The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor. Orphans beware! Read no further if you expect to be a player rather than the Game Moderator. ... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A collection of fun and frightful monsters ready to play in Monsters and Other Childish Things.
Spookster, by Connor Ivey (age 8)
Gnarlytoes, by Shane Ivey
Cho Leng, by Benjamin Baugh
Mr. Cuddles, by Becca Ivey (age 10)
Grimhook the Ravager, by Jon Ivey (age 12)
Socrates, by Rachel Ivey
Claydough, by Connor Ivey
Ice-olator, by Connor Ivey
Visher, by Shane Ivey
Nanny Nightmares, by Shane Ivey
The... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
High-res editions of the color postcards that come with ROAD TRIP, the Ennie Award-nominated Monsters and Other Childish Things campaign by Ross Payton, ready for printing and handing out to your players. ... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Lace up your skates, you’re on track for adventure!
Due to an INCREDIBLY tight page count limit for the first edition of the game, we moved two important pages, the cheat sheet and the character sheet, into a separate file. For your convenience, these pages are being presented as a separate document on DriveThruRPG, as well as being available at artemiswords.me.
Thank you for supporting Roller... [click here for more] |
Artemis Words |
Pay What You Want
Pocket Things is a silly little storygame for people with pockets, and things in them.
Guest appearances by Chuck Norris possible, but not guaranteed.
You are encouraged to pay whatever amount you wish for your copy of Pocket Things. Who can put a price on fun, am I right? Yeah. But let's be real here. If you choose to pay more than fifty... [click here for more] |
As If Books |
Pay What You Want
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, what better than a promotion for new genetically altered turkeys, the size of dogs, for the low price of just $1!!! Well, just about anything when you're the one being sold.
Take a spin on the feathered side and step into the...talons of a team of turkeys determined not to step up to the plate! Grab Foul Play, Atomic Ninja's latest one shot! ... [click here for more] |
Atomic Ninja Studios |
Pay What You Want
 Le côté sombre des exercices de teambuilding est un JdR d'une page.
Vous êtes un groupe d'employés d'une corporation (soit des étudiants soit des membres d'une quelconque organisation) qui ont été rassemblés pour assister à une conférence organisée dans un hôtel au milieu de nulle part. Après maintes discussions interminables accompagnées des présentations multimédia mal... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
Pay What You Want
You are a group of corporate employees (or university students or organisation members) who were herded to go to a company-wide conference hosted in a hotel in the middle of nowhere. After endless talks in front of poorly made multimedia presentations that desperately try to follow all of the branding guidelines, the day of team-building... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Animals (CC BY 4.0) is a rules-lite RPG about a group of farm animals trying to escape their ultimate fate. The game was made for One-Page RPG Game Jam 2024. If you like the hijinx of movies like "Chicken Run" and "Fantastic Mr. Fox" you might like The Animals.
Some of the game mechanics were inspired by Raid The Cidadel by Gnarled Monster and D.O.G.S. by Tiago Junges.
To run this game you'll... [click here for more] |
B Paolucci |
Pay What You Want
This title contains both the Duckfolk Ancestry and the Sailor Class in one document. They can be used as companions, but the use of one does not require the other.
Duckfolk are feathered, bipedal avians with two arms instead of wings. They are most known for alternating rapidly between a sweet nature and seething anger.
Sailors are more at home on the deck of a... [click here for more] |
B.J. Keeton |
Pay What You Want
 More cooperative than Munchkin!
Less edgy than FATAL!
More playable and possibly slightly less confusing than HöL!
Oh no! I've made the entire thing readable in the preview! I am not good at computer. ... [click here for more] |
BadWrongFun |
Pay What You Want
 “Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will be mistaken by some readers or viewers for sincere expressions of the parodied views.” - Wikipedia
Gather 2+ friends and join the ranks of those online who clearly can't be serious. Create over the top personas, find a forum... [click here for more] |
Banshee Games |
Pay What You Want
 Crank up the fright factor on your desktop with this slasher-themed 1920x1080 wallpaper art from They're Coming to Get You! (TCGY), Battleaxes & Brimstone's rules-light horror RPG!
TCGY is part of DTRPG's 2022 Pocket Quest jam!
Check out the full game here:
Theyre-Coming-to-Get-You on Drive Thru RPG
... [click here for more] |
Battleaxes and Brimstone |
Pay What You Want
Buddies is a game for three people: two players and one GM. Each player plays one half of a buddy cop duo. In this one sheet rpg you will each make a compelling character totally different from the other, and then set about solving crimes. But don't get called into the Captain's office!
Included is a GM's sheet to help create a crime to be solved, and Fang and Claw, a supernatural expansion where... [click here for more] |
Bearded Bard Inkworks |
Pay What You Want
Your owners have gone into the dungeon looking for adventure. But the real adventure is happening outside, to you, their mounts! Play as the mounts of the heroes of legend, as you handle the quests that come your way! Everything you need to play, save 2 six sided dice is included. ... [click here for more] |
Bearded Bard Inkworks |
Pay What You Want
This somewhat silly one sheet RPG contains everything you need to play a game of RV Mayhem, save for a couple of six sided dice. Figure out what kooky character you are, and then decide what trouble has befallen the park, from alien invasion to meddling kids! ... [click here for more] |
Bearded Bard Inkworks |
Pay What You Want
Tabletop Creature Feature is an ode to all those amazing movies where honking big versions of animals eat a bunch of people. In this game you take the role of the few smart people trying to save all the tasty little idiots from getting devoured! Inspired by movies like Anaconda, Night of the Lepus, and Arachnophobia. ... [click here for more] |
Bearded Bard Inkworks |
Pay What You Want
In this one sheet RPG you play as the cats from the classic Lovecraft tale, 'The Cats of Ulthar.' It's super simple mechanics cover character creation, how to play, and cat magic in a way that even a total novice to RPGs can quickly learn. ... [click here for more] |
Bearded Bard Inkworks |
Pay What You Want
Chubby Kid Detectives is a one-page RPG with 3 stats: Kid, for kid stuff; Detective, for detective stuff; and Chubby, for everything else.
The front page has rules and info for players, the back page has tables to help the GM build consistently silly mysteries.
That's it! ... [click here for more] |
Beau Gilbert |
Pay What You Want
The Tower of the Dragon’s Tears is a fantasy adventure for Risus: The Anything RPG. Inspired by the stories of Lord Dunsany, Andrew Lang’s multihued fairy books, Ruth Ann Musick’s Green Hills of Magic, and the works of Jorge Luis Borges, the scenario leads a group of two to four adventures on a quest to explore an... [click here for more] |
Big Dice Games |
Pay What You Want
An system neutral, autumnal pamphlet-style background and mini-delve for use any time the ever-divisive pumpkin spice has become topical.
Orange Hell outlines the lore surrounding the true origins of pumpkin spice, the realm in which it's created, and a small dungeon crawl centered around either stopping pumpkin spice once and for all, or getting in on the sweet lucrative aspects of its existence!... [click here for more] |
Black Candle Games |
Pay What You Want
You wake up, huddled together in a shed – the smell is damp and earthy. In the corner you can see twisted, broken metal, and discarded hessian sacs. The walls are splattered with dried liquid, reddish brown. With mounting horror you realize it can only be one thing – fertilizer! Even dried blood would have been better. Because this means you’re in the realm of... The Gardener... [click here for more] |
Black Cats Gaming |
Pay What You Want
You are a group of vampires. You have stalked the night, bringing terror where you tread, causing havoc and mayhem with the whisper of shadowy death and the horror of sudden unstoppable bloodlust. And generally having a really good laugh. Because it’s your friend’s stag/ hen do, and you’ve been out and about all night, biting drunk people (as that’s how vampires get drunk), wearing novelty... [click here for more] |
Black Cats Gaming |
Pay What You Want
Whether You Are Celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day or Plan to Shuck it All and Go On Account
Let Simple Simon Teach You the Pirate Patois
And You'll be Ready to Rob Galleons in No Time Here's Some of What Ye'll Learn
Pirate Basics
An Advanced Nautical Vocabulary
Lingo From the Gun... [click here for more] |
Black Shark Enterprises |
Pay What You Want
Godtale is a Norse mythological micro RPG about escapades and rivalries, about cunning and vainglory.
You portray aesir, asynjur and vanir of your own creation. Together you go on adventures in the Nine Realms. But each of you wants to be the deity who earns the most glory—not infrequently at the expense of your companions. ... [click here for more] |
Bläckfisk Publishing |
Pay What You Want
If you’ve ever worked a day in your life, this game is for you. If you’ve ever worked a dead end job, part-time job, or stared at a clock wishing your shift or life was over and not caring which, this game is doubly for you.
Employee of the Month is a role playing game wherein players work such jobs, doing mundane tasks and dealing with difficult customers until they are suddenly hurled into an... [click here for more] |
Bomb Muffin |
Pay What You Want
 Turn things up to eleven! Drive your gig coach into the mouth of the beast! Sparta kick the rich down some stairs just for selling out! And complete in a Battle of the Bands where headbutting someone is just as valuable as a guitar solo that explodes a crowds ears.
The world of Metal Overtüre isn't just built on Heavy Metal. There is only Metal! Download this 2 page rpg designed to introduce you... [click here for more] |
Border Reiver Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 It's your first day on the job manning the crisis orb that people from great distances use to ask for help in times of need. Your boss, D'Angelo the Great, left you after half a day of training and you haven't seen him in a week.
It's your job to use the crystal ball to answer any emergency requests to the caller's satisfaction.
Can you accurately determine what the caller's problem actually is... [click here for more] |
Brady Koch |
Pay What You Want
Writing your obituary can be fun and easy. And a great way to get the final word in on any unresolved argument or spill the beans on a family secret you’ve been dying to tell people.
Roll the dice to determine the coded message you will hide in your obituary and see if anyone can guess it and claim your inheritance.
Inspired by my book, "The Negotiated Death of Sara Glen." Now available at your... [click here for more] |
Brady Koch |
Pay What You Want
While townsfolk sing songs of adventurers prevailing over ancient evils and visiting rogues tell tales of hidden, distant treasures awaiting plunder, your mind always drifts to the immediate needs of the world around you that are going unmet. With a vision of a better future guiding you and a single gold coin willed to you from your dear departed Aunt, you go forth into the world to attempt a feat... [click here for more] |
Brady Koch |
Pay What You Want
 Whether you're working the line, inspecting the workers' safety, or just a cow, you take life at a Trinity Meats slaughterhouse one hour at a time. Today will be different. Today you will accomplish your goals!
Take on the role of a line worker, safety inspector, or one of the cattle, and see if you can make it one real-time hour at the slaughterhouse. Each role has a goal to achieve in the hour... [click here for more] |
Brady Koch |
Pay What You Want
High School Hearts is a fun, light tabletop role-playing game of high schoolers dealing with love, rivalry, and the rest of the emotional roller-coaster of adolescence.
It's easy to play, makes fun of high school, and uses standard playing cards.
This release includes PDF, Mobi, ePub, and azw3 releases for all major eReaders, and a PDF of print-and-play tokens (not required,... [click here for more] |
Brent P. Newhall's Musaeum |
Pay What You Want
We've all watched TV shows like NCIS, CSI, and Law & Order. But these shows aren't just about solving crimes; they're also about the personalities of the detectives solving the crimes.
Hot Pursuit is a tabletop RPG of collaborative story-telling. There's no central GM; players instead create detective characters with specific interpersonal relationships,... [click here for more] |
Brent P. Newhall's Musaeum |
Pay What You Want
Perfect for your quirky play style... BITE LIFT WORK is a micro-rpg where the party plays a group of ants stranded from their colony. Working together on tasks to accomplish their goals, the ants need to overcome many obstacles and dangerous opponents on their way homeward.
This printer-friendly pdf contains 2 pages of general rules and mechanics, as well as a 2 page guide for the game master that... [click here for more] |
broken mechanical |
Pay What You Want

Character sheet for Die Screaming.
Die Screaming Product Catalogue ... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want

Form-fillable character sheet for Die Screaming. Also contains the original PowerPoint if you'd like to edit the sheet for your own use in any way.
Die Screaming Product Catalogue ... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
“We had such potential. Such promise. But we squandered our gifts, our intelligence. Our blind pursuit of technology only sped us quicker to our doom. Our world is ending. But life must go on.”
- 9 (2009)
After the End is a content expansion pack for Die Screaming. Like previous expansions that have now been consolidated,... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
“They became farmers in the fields of stars; they sowed, and sometimes they reaped. And sometimes, dispassionately, they had to weed.”
- Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: Odyssey Two (1982)
Through October, all Die Screaming core books are $1 each.
Cosmic Crusaders is a player content expansion pack for Die Screaming.... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays.
The skies roared with thunder and the earth heaved,... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
“Did you really think I was going to give you that list? Before you die, I want you to get this through that thick, primitive skull: I never worked for you. You worked for me.”
- Atomic Blonde (2017)
From R’lyeh with Love is a content expansion pack for Die Screaming. Like previous expansions that have now been consolidated, its contents will... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays.
“There are no dangerous... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays.
“Oh my Father, Lord of... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays.
“His interest became a hellish and perverse addiction... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want