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"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..."
Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them.
On the... [click here for more] |
Above Average Creations |
Pay What You Want
In this set you will find HERNE THE HUNTER, a varghaist winged and not, a pumpkin monster, a black wolf and a goodlooking witch riding a stick (she s using a disguise spell… she s ugly not good loking….) ;D
Hope you like …. I m thinking about make a free set for every halloween :D
... [click here for more] |
antohammer the lonely wargamer |
Pay What You Want
Pack of Zephyr wallpapers in various resolutions. Will update every now and then with new ones ... [click here for more] |
Araukana Media |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to 'Gamers Behaving Badly' a scripted RPG comedy series! 'Gamers Behaving Badly' chronicles the exploits of a group of tabletop role-players as they journey through an adventure designed by their GM. Just because they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be nice to each other of course. In each episode, the group not only tackles challenges within the game, they have to deal with the challenegs... [click here for more] |
Are You Not Entertainment? |
Pay What You Want
Looking for affordable hand-drawn fantasy stock art? You've come to the right place my friend!
Inside this free pack of 74 hand-drawn images you will find a variety of fantasy items, including daggers, swords, axes, staves, shields, scrolls, spellbooks, potions, torches, war banners, tools, and more! Perfect for an RPG adventure, a dungeon-crawling card game, a medieval trick-taking... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
Inside this pack you will find 30 high-resolution images (300 DPI in PNG format) for use in your own ICRPG publications! Some of the drawings included in this pack are: - Weapons - Potions - Armor - Helmets - Books - Scrolls - Dungeon Door - Coins - Treasure Chests - Pile of Skulls - Bones - Anvil - Barrels - Alchemy Ingredients - Ale and Food - Castle on a Hill - Desert Fortress - Runestones - Cave... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
La terrible batalla contra los Arcaicos ha terminado, los Dioses han muerto dejando a las razas de Korn abandonadas a su suerte. Sin embargo, su ausencia y la consecuente desaparición de la magia no ha sido el fin de sus habitantes. Una nueva revolución ha comenzado.
Tras siglos de oscuridad, grandes imperios se alzan de las ruinas de los antiguos apoyados en la arcanotecnología y un nuevo recurso:... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 4.
"El capitán Connors y su tripulación acaban de llegar a la misteriosa Zankara en busca de una oportunidad. Ismal Dilawar ha encontrado indicios de dónde pudo ocurrir el naufragio del Luna Esmeralda. El Gusano de Mar puede ser la oportunidad perfecta que está buscando Ismal... Les ofrecerá algo que no podrán rechazar."... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 3.
Dos países unidos en una guerra fría realizan un intercambio de dos de sus prisioneros más valiosos. Observadores imparciales se asegurarán de que ninguna de estas dos potencias rompa los tratados y arrastre al mundo a una guerra sin cuartel.
¿Serán capaces de mantener la paz cuando un tercer jugador entre en escena?... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
A system for character creation that utilizes flaws, exp buying, and narrative weight! Godspeed! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
The Floor is Monsters is a customizable post-apocalyptic setting in a Skyscraper city with monsters overwhelming the ground below. How long these settlements have existed or who first built them is a distant and irrelevant mystery, as they now offer a single purpose: the only refuge above the monstrous forest floor. An ever-growing, corrupting forest with bizarre magical effects, dubbed... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
 Hello and welcome!
If you are looking a way to purchase a dedicated art for your character, campaign, group or your project - I got you covered
How it works? It's very simple!
Check out my PDF preview with prices - decide what do you need or ask me about the price (in the comment section).
Buy this product with adequate price tagged in Price Rating PDF.
Send me email with details of what... [click here for more] |
BlaszczecArt |
Pay What You Want
Maps for the Fighting Bird Inn, a small town Inn with multiple levels.
Download includes 3 colours. Print or use digitally online as maps, battlemap or player handouts. Map fits exactly to a 13 by 13 grid. Free product, enjoy.
The Fighting Bird Inn
A beautiful old townhouse, originally build as a spice merchant’s residence and later converted to an inn. Popular with modest budget... [click here for more] |
Chloe The Cartographer |
Pay What You Want
 Il nuovo capitolo "Generare Mostri", vi permetterà di creare nuove e insidiose creature da sguinzagliare contro gli Avventurieri. Per utilizzare e comprendere questo capitolo è necassario conoscere il regolamento di Puppet Heresy GDR.
Claudio Casini - All right reserved
"In Puppet Heresy interpreterai uno dei molti esseri Ibridi che domineranno la terra nel prossimo... [click here for more] |
Claudio Casini Art |
Pay What You Want
 Il capitolo "Incantesimi", non è un capitolo aggiuntivo. Per chi ha il manuale non ci sono differenze dallo schema ad albero per la creazione degli incantesimi. E' una diversa schematizzazione (che spero essere più chiara) del come creare gli incantesimi del proprio Puppet.
Claudio Casini - All right reserved
"In Puppet Heresy interpreterai uno dei molti esseri Ibridi... [click here for more] |
Claudio Casini Art |
Pay What You Want
 Il nuovo capitolo "Interpretare i Puppets", vi permetterà di capire cosa si cela dietro a queste bizzarre creature e quali sono le ragioni che le spingono verso l'avventura. Per utilizzare e comprendere questo capitolo è necassario conoscere il regolamento di Puppet Heresy GDR.
Claudio Casini - All right reserved
"In Puppet Heresy interpreterai uno dei molti esseri... [click here for more] |
Claudio Casini Art |
Pay What You Want
Part of the "Adventure Pack 1" - Battlebook 1 is a solo introductory adventure that immerses players into the Light Strikers universe, and its Clash system. You'll take on the role of a tradeloader citizen in the world of Adamah, and experience a day you'll not soon forget.
This book is also great for people learning how to play RPGs for the very first time. Make sure to get the Sage Commander... [click here for more] |
Code of Light Games |
Pay What You Want
Fear the Eldritch II is the sequel to my best seller! Like the first album, FtE II is a dark album containing 14 tracks of dread-inducing and suspenseful soundscapes, dark jazz, and absolute insanity. Need I say more?
Get commerical use by joining the Patreon for as little as $3 per month!
Listen for FREE on YouTube! https://youtube.com/@coltrincompositions
Also accessible anywhere else music can... [click here for more] |
Coltrin Compositions |
Pay What You Want
Roll Initiative is a combat-only TTRPG music album containing tracks for fantasy, scifi, horror, and even 8bit! There's something in here for your battles in every setting!
Get commerical use by joining the Patreon for as little as $3 per month!
Listen for FREE on YouTube! https://youtube.com/@coltrincompositions
Also accessible anywhere else music can be found. For Spotify, check out this link:... [click here for more] |
Coltrin Compositions |
Pay What You Want
These stock art images by Dean Spencer depict 3 watercolour splat backgrounds that can be placed behind characters and items. There is a portrait, round, and landscape shaped version. These can be used as many times as you like.
They work very well with my sci-fi comic style fillers (Characters and items artwork not included, these are just exanples... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
Pay What You Want
Highly realistic exterior battle maps based on aerial photograps. Designed for use with virtual table-tops and for printed battle mats useable with 3d printed scenery. This sample set contains a plain image and 6 variants including Squares, Hexes, Witchlight, Winter and Cartoon variant. ... [click here for more] |
Djinneye Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Draco studios |
Pay What You Want
Courage is a collaborative production game about using the Net to explore ideas and options. The game invites you to step outside the boundaries of social networks to find out what else is on offer. ... [click here for more] |
Dragonfly |
Pay What You Want
I Plan To upload more In the future. This first one Is pay what you want.
Image Specs: A4 - Logo Removed
Commercial Stock Art License The image can appear in print, electronic or web-based advertisements for the product in which it features. The image may not be used in another stock art collection or sold Individually.
The licensee... [click here for more] |
drbjr |
Pay What You Want
Rescued from the dry sands of history...
The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin. It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity. Enjoy this document as it... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
Around the Campfire is a collection of stories told from the view of some recruits of the Army of Light. The Army of Light is a gathering of races banded together to repel the demon invasion of Garin. Each character's point of view tells the story of how the demons have affected and changed their lives.
Toward the end of the collection, a series of journal entries from the group's... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
This 2022 extensive 102 page checklist and price guide provides the reader with valuable information regarding all known Fighting Fantasy books, collectables and related merchandise. Now includes foreign books and lots of other new bonus material. Red text denotes additions and amendments.
Although the odd gem can still be found, it covers everything from 1982 through to 2022 for the 40th Anniversary.... [click here for more] |
Fighting Fantasy Collector |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act 0.
Join Dan, David, Jake, and special guest Matt as they begin a new arc of BASE: a CaRdPG! In this new arc they showcase how BASE can be used to explore an already existing setting, and this setting also happens to be an in-development RPG from Fire Lizard Games! Listen in to hear more about the new setting, Savage Urth, as well as the setup for... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act I Part I.
Join Dan, David, Jake, and special guest Matt as they begin a new arc of BASE: a CaRdPG! In this new arc, they showcase how BASE can be used to explore an already existing setting, and this setting also happens to be an in-development RPG from Fire Lizard Games! They're confined in an ancient underground colony called Clay. It is time... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act I Part II.
Welcome listeners to Act I Part II of Escape from Clay. What is the priest Vika plotting and what does he mean by, "Yantreki our god is not all that he appears? Find out as Matt, Dan, David & Jake colaboratively navigate the mysterious community of Clay in the Savage Urth setting while using the rules from BASE: a CaRdPG.
... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act II Part I.
Go get your free novel Urth Reprisal from Drivethrufiction here: https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/322171/Urth-Reprisal
How will the inhabitants of Clay carry on now that their lives have been impacted by the actions of Vika? What could Vika's motives for causing a deadly rampage from a triceratops? Find out on today's episode.... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act II Part II.
Stizz, Aruug, Darri, & Jaush try to slip through the grasp of the god of control, Yantreki. Will the god’s minions help Yantreki reaffirm its domination over Clay as they bow to its will?
Check out Bite-Sized Gamining’s latest & live Kickstarter about Rare Dragons for 5e, here:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bitesizedgaming/captain-hartchilds-guide-to-rare-dragons... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act III Part II.
Aruug gives his biggest sales pitch yet, Stizz fights with all her limbs, Darri tries something risky, and Jaush does what Jaush does best: smashes things. Join us for the exciting conclusion of our Escape From Clay arc!
Email your questions to info@firelizardgames.com!
Get your free copy of the fantasy novel, Urth Reprisal here:... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Invasion of the Steampunk Zombies - Act 0.
The inaugural episode of Fire Lizard Media by Fire Lizard Games! In this episode, Dan, Jake, and David begin a playthrough of their 1st published game, BASE: a CardPG. Listen as they generate a unique setting and characters from scratch using BASE's rules for random creation. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Invasion of the Steampunk Zombies Act I Part I.
With Act 0 finished the setting has been determined and their characters are ready for adventure! Dan (Harry), Jake (Orville), and David (Delores) playthrough their 1st published game, BASE: a CaRdPG. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine is a new magazine created by and for fans of Tunnels and Trolls. Issue 1 has all new material and includes a short solo adventure, new magic items, The Troll Chefs Cookbook, original fiction, articles on T&T stunts, the dice issue, running T&T solos with other systems and a number of locations for the busy Games Master to use in their campaign. Ken St Andre has contributed a piece... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine 2 is the second edition of a fan created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls, edited by Dan Prentice and Kevin Bracey. This issue has 91 pages of great reading for the T&T aficionado and the general fantasy roleplayer including; Magic items, Monsters, Kindred, NPC's, Rejected Spells, Warrior weapon techniques, Fiction, a Solo Dungeon, an Adventure, Delverton, How to become a God, How to... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine 3 is the adventure issue. It contains two ready to run adventures for the busy games master, as well as two new solo adventures. Four Jars of Mead is a previously unpublished solo by Ken St. Andre, beautifully illustrated by Jeff Freels. The Temple of Issoth is a new solo adventure by the prolific Dan Hembree. Also included are adventure locations, magic items, new spells, several new monsters,... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine 4 has arrived! The fourth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™
edited by W. Scott Grant and Dan Hembree, has 60 pages of quality content brought to you for absolutely free. This issue includes a solo adventure “Down Time”, a GM adventure “The Wild Woods”, a short story “Turmierre Returns to the Sky”, a new NPC from the world of Lingusia, rules for horses... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine! #5 is here!
The fifth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 91 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features a solo adventure, “Beneath the Arena”, a GM adventure, “The Horned Hold”, and a short story, “Tall Tales from Trollstone Caverns.” TrollsZine! #5 also... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine! #6 has landed!
The sixth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 58 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features two solo adventures, “Night Walk in the Wild Woods” by James Fallows and “Soul Survivor” by Sid Orpin; a GM adventure, “Ice Exile” by Mark Thornton;... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine! #8 is waiting for you! The eighth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 108 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features a science fiction solo adventure, “The Penultimate Place” by David Moskowitz, an underwater GM adventure,... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want