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 Simplified mechanics for solo and masterless D&d adventures
A system aimed at players who want to run solo or masterless games in D&d worlds without having to adapt combat, spells and character customization from other systems or get tangled into the complex mechanics of the original 5e.
Solo 5e simplifies the mechanics of Dungeons & Dragons 5e, hopefully retaining the... [click here for more] |
Alessia Lonardi |
Pay What You Want
Create custom documents that might be found in Innsmouth, Massachusetts. Use these for investigative horror games like Call of Cthulhu and Trail of Cthulhu, or simply add them to your mythos collection. These are based on period-authentic documents from the United States.
This pack includes:
Hotel Bill from the infamous Gilman House
Innsmouth Ferry Ticket
Simply enter your desired details and... [click here for more] |
base113 Games |
Pay What You Want
Create quick passport props for your investigators. Originally designed for investigative horror games like Call of Cthulhu and Trail of Cthulhu andbased on period-authentic passports from around the world. These passports are completely system-agnostic and intended to aid immersion in 1920s and 30s scenarios.
Simply enter some quick details about your investigator on the first page, then scroll down... [click here for more] |
base113 Games |
Pay What You Want
Slightly gruesome, slightly campy, and completely ready to go!
The Blood Cellar is a single-page adventure that takes place below a dreary vineyard.
Perfect for any gamemaster who needs some last-minute content or just a quick side quest. This adventure is system agnostic and intentionally light on details to allow it to drop it into any RPG at any time.... [click here for more] |
Big On Minis |
Pay What You Want
Kaiju Zone was created as a submission into the 2024 Chaosium “Basic Roleplaying Design Challenge” and requires Basic Roleplaying content from the Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine core rulebook or the free BRP ORC Content Document. Kaiju Zone is a mini-module conceptualizing a hypothetical full-length BRP system expansion book featuring a unique premade campaign... [click here for more] |
Brent Macek |
Pay What You Want
A special black-and-white "Vintage" edition of Kaiju Zone (BRP), featuring a monochromatic color scheme and a variant cover meant to evoke the aesthetic of an old 1930s-50s monster movie! "It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!"
Kaiju Zone was created as a submission into the 2024 Chaosium “Basic Roleplaying Design Challenge” and requires Basic Roleplaying content from the Basic Roleplaying:... [click here for more] |
Brent Macek |
Pay What You Want
 A "printer-friendly" version of Kaiju Zone (BRP), now with white pages and an all-new simplified cover art featuring the "GOLIATH" Organization logo! Now you can print your own Kaiju Zone BRP module for use with any tabletop gatherings!
Kaiju Zone was created as a submission into the 2024 Chaosium “Basic Roleplaying Design Challenge” and requires Basic Roleplaying content... [click here for more] |
Brent Macek |
Pay What You Want
Gain and Loss of a Different Sort…
Investigators are always seeking strange places, dark matters, and forgotten tomes and artifacts, but how are they supposed to afford all that travel and commerce? How could this affect their future purchases? Is there some method to judge that?
The answer is yes, and it lies in this small supplement for Call of Cthulhu intended to help... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Horrific Adventures in the Gothic Countryside
Tucked away in a forgotten corner of the Austro-Hungarian Empire lies the County of Wystdovja. A gaslight era setting for the Call of Cthulhu RPG. Far from Victorian London, Wystdovja presents a remote countryside more akin to Gothic tales of horror fiction. Dark castles, creeping marshlands, isolated noble estates, superstitious... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
An Introductory Adventure for the "Secrets of Japan" setting.
Keiko Satou, a Japanese high school girl, drowns in the Abugawa River. It’s up to her classmates to investigate what really happened to her!
This scenario is available in English and French. ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 Operation Midnight Sun is a Weird War II scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7ed (It is recommended although not necessary to use Pulp Cthulhu optional rules).
Hours after the nazi Operation Weserübung, intelligence points out that the Norwegian ports and Swedish iron may not be the last prizes the Führer wants in the north Atlantic. A very special group is secretly sent to find out everything... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Trutz Blanke Hans is a scenario created within the community content program Miskatonic Repository for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. It is a modular sandbox scenario with an investigative focus that works best as a One Shot for two to five investigators. It all begins on a cold January evening on the Hallig Südfall in the german North Sea. The investigators follow the call for help by... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
![[Chinese] Horror on the Namcha Barwa 南迦巴瓦峰惊魂](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/303194-thumb140.png) This is a short scenario, purist but quite clichés.
In October 1960, the investigators were ordered to climb Namcha Barwa, a peak in Tibet at 7782 metres above sea level.
The author has not read much about climbing, so please point out anything that does not correspond to reality. Also This scenario considerably simplifies the climbing-related sections.
1960 年 10 月,调查员奉命攀登位于西藏,海拔... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
☾ 개요
탐사자들과 양진서(NPC)는 함께 그믐섬(혹은 그믐도)이라 불리는 작은 섬에 당일치기로 놀러 가게 됩니다. 그믐섬은 그믐달 모양의 섬으로, 최근 관광지로 은근히 알려진 섬입니다. 출발할 때에는 조금 구름이 끼고 어두워서 걱정이었지만 막상 배를 타고 바다로 나와 섬에 도착하니 날씨는 맑습니다.... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
![[Korean] Sweet Honeymoon Dream](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/484508-thumb140.png) 해피 허니문!
오늘은 KPC와 PC의 신혼여행 당일입니다.
그러나 이제는 좀 평화로울 줄로만 알았던 신혼여행 장소에서는…….
인원: 1인 (다인 개변 가능)
배경: 현대, 신혼여행지
관계: 신혼부부 (신혼여행이 아닌 일반 여행으로 개변 시에도 소중한 관계 권장)
기념일 데이트 컨셉 팬메이드... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
![[Korean] THE HOLE](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/376975-thumb140.png) 시나리오 인포는 https://dusildusill.postype.com/post/4500687 이쪽을 참고해주세요.
다인 생존 / 서바이벌 / 재난 시나리오 입니다. ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
![[Korean] Wonder Birthday Land](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/484500-thumb140.png) 해피 버스데이!
오늘은 KPC(혹은 PC)의 생일입니다.
그러나 생일을 기념하여 방문한 놀이공원에서는, 그 누구도 상상하지 못한 사악한 음모가 여러분을 기다리고 있었습니다.
인원: 1인~다인
배경: 현대, 놀이공원
관계: 생일날 함께 놀이공원에 놀러 갈 정도의 사이면 OK
플레이 타임: ORPG 기준 약... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
![[Korean] 크툴루 아이싱 공장](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/402642-thumb140.png) Call Of Cthulhu 7판 시나리오집 <크툴루> ©2020 펌킨 Book cover design by 도시의 새벽 (@dawncity_) 크툴루의 부름은 Chaosium Inc.의 상표이며, OBS Community Content 프로그램을 통해 허락 하에 사용되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 Chaosium 웹사이트에 나와있습니다.
1인 타이만 가벼운 로맨스 코미디 시나리오가 2편 수록되어... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
![[Korean]나는 친구가 많았지만 곧 없어질 예정이다](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/376491-thumb140.png) CoC 7th 다인 시나리오. 포르투갈어, 손절, 논쟁하다, PvP까지! 인마없는 마스터의 필수템!
※이 시나리오는 무기한 웹 개방형 세그먼트들을 진상과 엔딩, 중세 조사구역 등을 일부 수정, 추가 업그레이드 구성입니다.
수록 사이트
의식용 고기
당신은 평범한 하루를 보내던 중이었습니다.
활동적인 관심을... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
„I dolina czerwienią spłynęła” to moduł do Pulp Cthulhu (do Zewu też jak się uprzecie). Przeznaczony dla 3-4 graczy na 1-2 sesje. To retro futurystyczny hexcrawl, który powstał w ramach game jamu #3po3.
O co chodzi? Jest rok 1957 – środek zimnej wojny. Niewielka dolina na północnym zachodzie USA. Gracze wcielają się w agentów FBI skierowanych tam, by zbadali kwestię wypadku w... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Unika kontaktów z myślącymi istotami, bo ją one niepokoją, za to hoduje mnóstwo wielkich i dziwnych roślin. Kucyki mają szansę zawiązać z nią sojusz, a nawet się zaprzyjaźnić, zwłaszcza jeśli pomogą jej dbać o rośliny.
Troskliwa Młoda to dodatek do Zewu Cthulhu rozszerzający uniwersum Kucyków Spoza Czasu. Ukazuje się on... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want

공개 배포 링크 : https://twitter.com/TR_Assistant/status/1404036531661139971?s=20
-여름의 연대기
-Blue Lucid Dream
-Gloomy Cosmos
계절이라곤 여름밖에 남지 않은 세상.
1년 전부가 무더운 여름이 되어버린지 시간이 꽤 지났지만 전과 달라진 건 별로 없습니다.
세상은 빠르게 현실에 적응했고 우리들도... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Ce minibestiaire fournit les statistiques de 29 personnages non joueurs types ainsi que de 33 créatures tirées du livre de règles de Mythras. Le maitre de jeu pourra ainsi plus facilement improviser des monstres ou des personnages non joueurs mineurs. ... [click here for more] |
d100fr |
Pay What You Want
This free aid for Mythras players provides a series of summaries to help with character creation. It includes handy table for attribute calculation, and skills summarised by culture and career. A useful Skills Allocation worksheet assists with allocating skill points from each stage of the character generation process, and our latest character sheet rounds out the package. ... [click here for more] |
Design Mechanism |
Pay What You Want
Jackknife Trail is a complete action role playing, frontier exploring, character leveling, hunt and grab, loot finding, adventure game that's built around the usage of a single deck of ordinary playing cards. If you're familiar with the Cards & Catacombs rules, you'll have no problem adjusting.
This game is designed to function as a solitaire experience as well as a group-based crawl. Jackknife... [click here for more] |
Harrington Martin Books |
Pay What You Want
 Are you a game master who wishes to give your players an item of absolute chaos without the setting-altering effects of the deck of many things? Do you think the d100 is underused? Well, this may become a staple item in your campaigns. ... [click here for more] |
Jack the GM |
Pay What You Want
Fair and Even Roll Proxies (FERPs) Stuck somewhere needing a d8 but no polyhedral dice in sight? If you have some d6, fear not! Use FERPs to generate any regular dice rolls, or odd rolls like 1d72 or 1d1296 - all with 2d6! Please leave or send any thoughts, feedback, comments, questions or complaints! Thank you for your interest, and I love hearing what people... [click here for more] |
Jason J. Patterson |
Pay What You Want
Class, Magic and Item Thumbnails
This is a free content pack for creators to use for their Dungeons and Dragons adjacent content. If you need icons for your homebrew adventures, magic item PDFs or to elevate your individual games please feel free to use this content. If you publish your content I only require that I am informed and credited. I do not expect payment for the use of these assets, my... [click here for more] |
JB-Media |
Pay What You Want
Embers of Humanity is a community-funded hope-filled TTRPG about the end of the world.
This is the free quickstart. You can buy the full version here
Designed to provides players and GM's with a clear and easy to use rules system, Embers of Huamnity should feel familiar to experienced tables, while accessible to new players.
Create... [click here for more] |
John Hedge |
Pay What You Want
This is a finished tile that we made for one of our fans who wanted to create a board game and asked us to make some exciting tiles to it. Unfortunately, that project is cancelled but we've decided to share its tile with you as a Pay What You Want product. About the tile: This area is centuries old with no attempt to keep up its structure or look. Dead bodies strewn everywhere, old buckets of stale... [click here for more] |
Lord Zsezse Works |
Pay What You Want
Am 24. Februar 2018 fand zum wiederholten Male der Gratisrollenspieltag statt. Dieser Tag hat zum Ziel, die deutschsprachige Rollenspielszene zu stärken und das Hobby Pen-and-Paper-Rollenspiel wieder stärker ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu holen.
Dazu bieten wir euch seit diesem Jahr einen besonderen Leckerbissen: Als Vertreter mehrerer deutscher Rollenspielverlage haben wir uns... [click here for more] |
Pegasus Press |
Pay What You Want
Title: Goose Game is a simple, two-page party RPG. You play as an all-goose anarchist cell, bent on bringing down corrupt power structures and general mayhem. ... [click here for more] |
Rayne Storms |
Pay What You Want
Ah, the casino. You once ruled this domain as the Kings and Queens of chance itself. And then they came, and everything was shuffled. They occupied your palace, erected altars of imitated opulence, and raided your coffers of all its chips. And now, they have the audacity to pass you and your brethren from hand to grubby, desperate hand on a fraying felt battlefield.
But... [click here for more] |
Riles & Wiles |
Pay What You Want
**"For god sake, don't go through the gates. They want us to use them, to awaken the ancient evils of the universe. They want the madness that will arrive with their return. The gates know your thoughts, and they are always hungry."**
Dr Matt Chu, Research Scientist at Citadel base, Antarctica.
Experience the Exploration, Intrigue, ... [click here for more] |
siegebreaker games |
Pay What You Want
When Reel Value Cinemas announces its foreclosure, obsessive owner Merv Stillman finds a way to make sure his employees can keep enjoying films with him forever... In this cinematic genre-hopping TTRPG inspired by films like Jumanji, Pleasantville, and The Final Girls, players take on the role of employees of a failing discount movie theatre who suddenly find themselves... [click here for more] |
Silhouetted Productions |
Pay What You Want

You may not believe it, but we’re celebrating FIVE years of publication, and have put together yet another cracking issue for you. Yes, really!
Not only have we had the opportunity to talk at length with Reiner Knizia —about everything, pretty much— but we’ve also interviewed Allan Paul (Surprised Stare Games), Ellie Dix (The Dark Imp), and Piotr Rybak from http://www.melodice.org.
Tony... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
You may not believe it, but we’re celebrating FIVE years of publication throughout this year (2023), and have put together yet another cracking read for you. That’s just smashing, right!?
We’d like to say an especially HUGE THANKS to everyone that supported our recent Gamefound campaign, and to our advertisers — your support has helped to ensure Tabletop SPIRIT Magazine remains FREE and... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want

Hello again, and yes, we're still celebrating 5 years of Tabletop SPIRIT Magazine, although this issue comes at you straight from SPIEL Essen (or thereabouts), so we're hoping you'll love it.
What's going on in this issue, then?
Well, we have a couple of reports / photo blogs from Spiel Essen, as well as a dedicated (and extended) Snapshots section looking at all the goodies you can look forward... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
The Cursed Grove is an adventure filled with mystery and danger, perfect for players levels 1-4. Once a peaceful forest grove, it has fallen under a dark curse, twisting the guardian into something unrecognizable. Strange whispers drift through the branches, and those who enter often find themselves stricken with a mysterious sickness. The heroes will have to make their way through thorn-covered paths,... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
 Maze of Monsters ― flee, fight, or friend is a cooperative and competitive fantasy-adventure game for 1 to 4 players. Players take on the role of heroes exploring a maze filled with monsters and loot. Players work together to accomplish goals and sometimes compete with one another.
This download includes files for making the following items:
A 24-page lavishly illustrated easy-to-read rulebooklet.... [click here for more] |
Warlock Games |
Pay What You Want