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The Butter Witch is a based on Danish folklore and superstitions from the 19th and early 20th century around butter and butter churning. Butter was an important commodity in the Scandinavian rural society and was exported in large amounts from the middle ages to the present day - but butter was also difficult to get right, and there was many beliefs about using magic to steal butter as well as about... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Den fortryllede skattejagt er et supplement til Vaesen baseret på dansk folketro fra 1800-tallet.
En udbredt forestilling i 1800-tallets Danmark (og Europa) var, at der brændte blå flammer, hvor der var begravet skatte, og hvis man turde grave der, ville man møde sorte hunde, drager eller bjergfolket, som prøvede at hindre skattegraverne med trolddom. Andre gange huserede der... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is supplmemt for Vaesen that includes the Exorcist archetype along with 3 new related Talents (Anti-Possession, Ritualistic Prayer, & Warding Sigil) and 3 new related pieces of equipment (Annointing Oil, Book of Shadows, & Incense).
Please check out our other Vaesen supplements:
A Dozen Additional Archetypes for Vaesen
Gyllencreutz Castle Maps for Vaesen
Upsala NPCs for Vaesen
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Don't face the supernatural unprepared! This supplement expands on the equipment in the Vaesen corebook by adding:
8 new pieces of equipment!
5 new melee weapons!
4 new ranged weapons!
7 new occult tomes!
Updated starting equipment for the Athlete and Socialite archetypes!
This supplement also fleshes out equipment mentioned in the Vaesen corebook, Mythic Britain and Ireland... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Physician, don't forget to heal thyself! This supplement expands on content from the Vaesen corebook by adding:
7 new pieces of medical equipment!
4 new general talents!
New rules to handle addiction in game!
6 drugs, which offer strong benefits and dangerous risks!
Explore the wild world of 19th century medicine, and soothe your body and mind by picking up Goods & Sundries II - Tonics... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Krämarhuset or The Pedler House is a small, secretive shop located on an overlooked side street in Uppsala. The shop is run by an elderly couple who remember the time before the world went astray and before the Society suffered its great defeat. Hidden in the shop's nooks and crannies are occult works, forgotten amulets and strange objects suitable for battle and... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Kræmmerhuset eller Krämarhuset er en lille, hemmelighedsfuld butik beliggende på en overset sidegade i Uppsala. Butikken drives af et ældre ægtepar, som husker tiden fra før verden gik af lave, og fra før Selskabet led sit store nederlag. I butikkens krinkelkroge og snirklede hjørner gemmer sig okkulte værker, glemte amuletter og sære genstand velegnede i til kamp og ritualer... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
There is more to France than the City of Lights and, despite Enlightenment and Revolution, a lingering darkness still creeps in every corner of the Hexagon. From Brittany to Provence, from Normandy to Alsace, from the Alps to the Basque country, regional cultures proudly endure, each with its grim tales defying science and reason. Inspired by French history and folklore, this supplement features... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Strange rumors travel on cold winds and strong currents in Mythic Kébec. At the British Crown's request, the Society comes to Quebec City to lead investigations in an area populated by French Canadians for two centuries and the First Nations for much longer. This 15-page supplement features two new archetypes, eight creatures inspired by French-Canadian folklore to use as vaesen, eight NPCs, as well... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Discover 9 brand new Talents for the character Archetypes introduced in Vaesen: Mythic Britain and Ireland to help give your Athlete, Entertainer and Socialite a unique feel, as well as 2 new sports for the Athlete in this pay-what-you-want supplement! ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Add new contacts and personnel to the headquarters in your Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game. These contacts and personnel can be added to Castle Gyllencreutz, Ravnholm Estate, Hanstholm Lightouse or wherever the Society keeps its headquarters.
The new contacts and staff draws upon trends and fads in the mythic 19th century Scandinavia and adds whole new opportunities for roleplaying. With... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is a map of a London Townhouse in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Hampsetad Group' from the 'Mythic Britain and Ireland' expansion. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Føj flere kontakter og personale til jeres base i Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game - om I bruger slottet Gyllencreutz eller alternativer som godset Ravnholm og Hanstholm fyrtårn - så indeholder supplementet en række nye kontakter og stab til at variere spillet med. Supplementet indeholder også alternative regler for personale med en... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Firearms have existed for much longer than people think. Though they are rare in the forbidden lands, when one wants to defend hearth and home from the horrible things that lurk at night, nothing works quite like the mighty boomstick!
This booklet contains the rules and statistics for many period-accurate firearms and accessories such as handgonnes, matchlock weaponry and portable cannons to be used... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Rose House Ekspanderer er et supplement til Vaesen: Mythic Britain and Ireland. Med udvidelsen får du en masse nyt, spændende materiale til at udbygge Selskabets hovedkvarter, Rose House, i London med. Supplementet dækker de forskellige faciliteter, som Rose House allerede har, og som Rose House kan opgraderes med, men også nogle af de faciliterer, som venter på... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Seafarers and Vaesen is a supplement for Vaesen expanding the role of the sea and travel on water for the Vaesen game.
The supplement introduces
New equipment and new rules for boats
New Contacts and Personnel
New Upgrades
A New archetype and new talents
Rare tales collected from the 19th century Danish folklore and translated into English introducing the Skibsnisse and... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Skelflytter is a new creature for the Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying to use in your mysteries. The skelflytter is known from Scandinavian folklore, and it is based on Danish folklore collected in the 19th and early 20th century by folklorists. It is here adapted for Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying.
The Skelflytter or 'fence ghast' as we chosen to call it is... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Søens folk er et supplement til Vaesen om søfolk, skibe og opgraderinger til Selskabets hovedkvarter. Supplementet udbygger reglerne en smule omkring både gennem udstyr, kontakter, opgraderinger og en ny arketype (skibskaptajn) og nye talenter. Supplementet indeholder adskillige beretninger hentet fra 1800-tallets danske folketro om skibsnisser, dødssejlere og andre sære ting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
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Talanger för Torsdagsbarn -Till rollspelet Väsen av Fria Ligan
När spelargruppen blir allt mer erfaren blir urvalet av talanger begränsat. Om spelarna ska kunna behålla sina unika förmågor som gör just deras karaktär speciell är det olyckligt om flera spelare väljer samma talanger, särsklit som man får välja fritt bland arketypernas talanger. Här presenteras fler talanger... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The group I had a pleasure playing both Tales from the Loop and Vaesen expressed some disappointment over the less structured investigation of Vaesen.
PbtA-like questions provided for TFTL make the experience more tight and investigation mechanics more obvious and a bit deeper at the same time. The latter happens due to the players having agency in what clues they are interested in, as they have to... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Stalking graveyards across the remote Scottish Highlands, the Cat-Sith steals the souls of the recently deceased. Spying one signals a bad omen for the days to come. Now, there have even been reports of sightings in the Mythic North... The Cat-Sith is a vaesen from Scottish folklore that you can insert into your games of Vaesen, presented in a way to mirror the style of the creatures... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Any self-respecting investigator who wants to survive their first case for the Society knows to bring the right tools for the right job! Expand your choice of weaponry and equipment for the Vaesen role playing game with The Right Tools! This supplement adds to the equipment lists found in the Vaesen core rulebook by adding:
5 new melee weapons
6 new ranged weapons
7 new... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Strandvarsler is a revenant that haunts coasts and beaches, where bodies washes ashore. It is based upon Danish and Swedish folklore from the late 18th and the 19th century collected by folklorists. It is here adapted for use with Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying.
The articles includes historical background and various traditions for how farmers and fishers in the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The animals, what’s happening to them? Last week it was the lambs at the Larsson farm, the week before the hens of the Gustavssons and now.. Now the prized cow of the farmer Sten is missing. Right from the cowshed she was taken. Sten blames his brother Stig, but how could Stig wreck the door like that?
"The Strength of the Meat" is a short Vaesen mystery, most suitable to run as a one-shot... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Supernatural Treasure Hunt is a supplement for Vaesen based on Danish folklore from the 19th century.
A common belief in 19th century Denmark (and Europe) was, that blue flames marked the presence of buried treasure. Anyone daring to dig would encounter black dogs, dragons or the ‘bjergfolk’ (hill folk – nisse/dwarf) trying to stop the diggers from reaching... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Troll in The Well - Brøndtrolden (Danish) or Brunngubbe (Swedish) - is based on Scandinavian superstitions and customs of the 19th and 20th century, and here presented as a vaesen to be used in the mysteries and adventures. It is the manifested fears of wells and ponds, and the dangers that lurk there.
This supplement for the Vaesen - Nordic Horror... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Before Mythic Carpathia releases, bring the Vampire to your table with this supplement inspired by Gothic vampires like Dracula and Carmilla. The Vampire is a new Vaesen intended for use with Mythic Britain and Ireland, telling the story of what happens when an Eastern European "vaesen" makes its way to Victorian England. The vampire in British stories comes from the east, and represents... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is a map of a Coaching Inn in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Dance of Dreams' from the Core Rule Book. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance so I can keep my hardware up to... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Hanstholm fyr er et supplement til Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying med en ny base liggende langt ude på landet i en ældgammel egn, der en gang blev regeret af andre vældige kræfter. Fyrtårnet rummer sine egne hemmeligheder - lige fra hvem, der opførte fyrtårnet, og til hvilket formål de oprettede det, og gav det i arv til Selskabet.
Hanstholm... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Hanstholm Lighthouse is an alternate base for Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying introducing a new headquarters for The Society to use as an alternate or a temporary base of operations.
The lighthouse lies in Jutland, Denmark, far from major cities in an old land, that once was ruled by powerful beings whose presence is still felt. Who raised the lighttower and... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Ravnholm Estate is a supplement for Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying with a new headquarter for the players to use as an alternative to Castle Gyllencreutz in Uppsala, Sweden. Ravnholm Estate lies north of Copenhagen, Denmark, and it belongs to the enigmatic Tårnskytte family who are old allies of the Society. Which mysteries are hidden here?
Ravnholm... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Ravnholm gods er et supplement til Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying med en ny base til spillerne som alternativ til Gyllencreutz slottet i Uppsala. Godset ligger i Nordsjælland og tilhører den enigmatiske Tårnskytte slægt, som har stillet godset til rådighed for Selskabet.
Ravnholm gods introducerer en ny base, som inkluderer nye faciliteter,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"The locomotive is the modern way to travel! With the power of steam harnessed under your reins and our attentive staff at your disposal, you can be sure you'll reach your destination rested and relaxed.
See our timetables and ticket prices in the Central Station, Upsala, for more details."
These mini-encounters are intended for players travelling overnight... [click here for more] |
Pietersender |
Pay What You Want
This product is only available in Swedish.
Den Svarta Galeonen är ett supplement till rollspelet Askhem: Anno 1713.
Den Svarta Galeonen är en äventyrsplats att använda till Askhem, eller andra rollspelssystem. Den beskriver Den Svarta Galeonen och hur den passar in i Askhemsvärlden. Karta, beskrivning, slumptabeller, och äventyrskrokar så man som spelledare kan skapa egna... [click here for more] |
Random Rambling Press |
Pay What You Want
This product is only available in Swedish.
Incantamentum är ett supplement till rollspelet Askhem: Anno 1713.
Incantamentum är en samling avancerade besvärjelser att använda till Askhem. De 14 besvärjelserna är grupperade i 4 grupper baserade på deras effekt. Förutom det omnämns också två böcker som sotmagiker kan använda för att förkovra sig i besvärjelserna.
Formatet... [click here for more] |
Random Rambling Press |
Pay What You Want
Ett mörker har lagt sig över den stängda staden Askhem. Invånarna är fångar, sedan Den Svarta Döden försatt staden i karantän. De som drabbas av farsoten dör, men reser sig igen, som vandöda styggelser. Onaturliga varelser rör sig i mörka gränder och vissa människor har fått farliga krafter, så kallad sotmagi. Trolldomskommissionen, en militant kristen gruppering,... [click here for more] |
Random Table Games |
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Dö Vid Denna Källa är ett fristående äventyr till rollspelet Askhem: Anno 1713.
Köpmannen Johan Greger har stora bekymmer. Först blev hans son kidnappad vilket skuldsatte honom, nu verkar en värdefull skeppslast ha blivit kapad, lasten som var hans sista chans att komma på rätt köl igen. Greger ber rollpersonerna om hjälp, vilket blir starten på en mörk historia.
Regelboken Askhem:... [click here for more] |
Random Table Games |
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