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 Hottest Family Gaming, File Type, English
 Hottest Community Family Gaming, File Type, English
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Cut-Throat: A Game of Greed and Gold

Cut-Throat: A Game of Greed and Gold

Cut-Throat is a Hidden Choose-Your-Own-Role Card Game, which can be played for free in Tabletop Sim. Included here are the rulebook and a scenario book. In Cut-Throat, players take part in rounds of interrogation. Each round, one player takes the role of a pirate captain looking for his missing treasure, and each other player takes the role of a sailor who must decide if they're a loyal crewmate,...   [click here for more]
Aeon Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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Mushroom Realty

Mushroom Realty

Mushroom Realty is a simple cozy GM-less TTRPG to play alone or with friends where you (a mushroom real estate agent) can buy mushroom houses with colorful randomized descriptions. Match up the color coded key words in the mushroom descriptions with mushroom buyer preferences to make a sale (hopefully at a profit) to buy bigger and better mushroom houses or perhaps rare real estate artifacts...   [click here for more]
Aiphos the Dragon  Pay What You Want

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Revised Skinshifter for WWN

Revised Skinshifter for WWN

 skinshifter tradition in Worlds Without Number is fun, but has one issue that I have seen repeatedly brought up: All forms are mechanically the same for a few levels. This is an attempt to rectify this issue. Each form can now choose from a variety of trait arts that modify it, such as giving it a faster speed, armor, or claws. Trait arts can be chosen freely,...   [click here for more]
Alex Dworman  Pay What You Want

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Embark on a quest in that liminal place between waking and sleeping. Diedream is a one-page (front and back) solo TTRPG that you play in your head.  Within two sides of A5 is an elegant game system that allows a player to go on adventures in the comfort of their bed with nothing more than their brain and their fingers. "Alfred's work pokes at the edges of human consciousness" — Will Jobst, Good...   [click here for more]
Alfred Valley  Pay What You Want

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Convenient Definitions Playtest Kit

Convenient Definitions Playtest Kit

This project is still in a playtesting and editing phase.  If you would still like to download and give feedback in comments or in messages please feel! Everything helps. “You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal.” - Brian Johnson, The breakfast...   [click here for more]
Alpakagangsta  Pay What You Want

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TSOR: The One-Page TTRPG

TSOR: The One-Page TTRPG

TSOR is an Ultra-Light TTRPG loosely based on the likes of Knave and Maze Rats, but there's a catch: it's one page long! The entirety of the rules fit ontoo a single page, w/ room to spare ...   [click here for more]
Alt-Fire Games  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Dungeon Chef Class

Shadowdark Dungeon Chef Class

Has your party ever wondered, "We've killed it,  but can we eat it?" Well, if you have a Dungeon Chef in your party, you no longer need to wonder. Or worry.. about getting food poisoning. The Dungeon Chef was inspired by the Manga, Dungeon Meshi, and offers a lighthearted, yet beneficial, optional support class for use in the Shadowdark RPG by the indomitable Kelsey Dionne.  ...   [click here for more]
Alto Tempes Creative Curios  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Optional Ancenstries

Shadowdark Optional Ancenstries

Optional Rodent character ancestries for the Shadowdark RPG game system. Mauskin - small, mice-like beings that are resilient and tenacious. Rattigan - Rat-like humanoids that have the uncanny ability to always know a way out. Includes optional D20 name generators for each. ...   [click here for more]
Alto Tempes Creative Curios  Pay What You Want

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Hero Character Sheet

Hero Character Sheet

Getting started on a quest with younger players is a rewarding experience, and there's nothing better than having a great character sheet to match. I've made this character sheet A4. It's large and bold to help all players. Young and ancient. Note: Please note that this is an unofficial product, and is not endorsed in any way. I make no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright...   [click here for more]
Andrew Dowell  Pay What You Want

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Altogether in Cahoots; an Atherrian Adventure Module

Altogether in Cahoots; an Atherrian Adventure Module

Altogether in Cahoots; an Atherrian World Adventure Module. (A short role-play campaign) An illegal brothel in Havaroon City has burnt to the ground, conceivably along with the brothel's greatest patron "Count Edmund Druet" who is missing and soon to be an embarrassment to the King's Court. There are those that blame the courtesens for starting the fire, while others believe something more sinister...   [click here for more]
Archaic Adventures  Pay What You Want

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Pocket: An Emergency RPG & GM Emulator

Pocket: An Emergency RPG & GM Emulator

Pocket is a ultra rules light RPG system and GM emulator that works off of one little six sided dice. That's right, all you need is some paper, pens, a d6, and your imagination and you too can play Pocket. So go raid Grandma’s Monopoly and make this next family get together the most fun, RPGest one yet. ...   [click here for more]
Austin Swartzendruber  Pay What You Want

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Tezca Sentai - Character Sheets & Showrunner Guide

Tezca Sentai - Character Sheets & Showrunner Guide

Tezca Sentai a TTRPG about a group of colorful heroes saving the city from the forces of evil. Taking inspiration from Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and other tv shows about a group of heroes. The game uses the Lights, Camera, Roll system to recreate the feeling of being part of a season from a TV show.   Inside you will find:  5 different Tezcas, each with their unique powers and abilities.  3...   [click here for more]
Axo Stories  Pay What You Want

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The Animals

The Animals

The Animals (CC BY 4.0) is a rules-lite RPG about a group of farm animals trying to escape their ultimate fate. The game was made for One-Page RPG Game Jam 2024. If you like the hijinx of movies like "Chicken Run" and "Fantastic Mr. Fox" you might like The Animals. Some of the game mechanics were inspired by  Raid The Cidadel by Gnarled Monster and D.O.G.S. by Tiago Junges. To run this game you'll...   [click here for more]
B Paolucci  Pay What You Want

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Little Town Press

Little Town Press

One day, my girlfriend and I went to Trilye for a walk, and I was amazed by its history. In addition to that beautiful history, the presence of many ruined historical buildings in this place gave me a mystical feeling. My desire to explore the area led me to want to create something related to it. As a result, I ended up developing a game system for the adventures of young people with dreams of journalism....   [click here for more]
BatuhanA.  Pay What You Want

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Suites is an one page RPG system powered by playing cards and blackjack. ...   [click here for more]
baychowski  Pay What You Want

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a lonely kid doing brave stuff - solo RPG

a lonely kid doing brave stuff - solo RPG

grab your diary, pack your backpack and explore the surroundings of your grandparents' house! a lonely kid doing brave stuff is a solo RPG about being a little kid going on a tiny adventure alone and journaling about it in your diary. you just need a six-sided die, a standard deck of playing cards and your good to go!  ...   [click here for more]
Becca Bu  Pay What You Want

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Murder Mystery Headquarters: A Case of Deja Vu, Blank Case Map

Murder Mystery Headquarters: A Case of Deja Vu, Blank Case Map

Create your own case for Murder Mystery Headquarters: A case of Deja Vu using this unique, hand-drawn map. Brought to you by BeeThreeDee artist: Jeff Witty.  ...   [click here for more]
BeeThreeDee Miniatures  Pay What You Want

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Murder Mystery Headquarters: A Case of Deja Vu, Extra Mystery Sheet

Murder Mystery Headquarters: A Case of Deja Vu, Extra Mystery Sheet

Extra "Mystery" Sheets for Murder Mystery Headquarters: A Case of Deja Vu. Produced by BeeThreeDee Miniatures LLC, All Rights Reserved, 2023.  ...   [click here for more]
BeeThreeDee Miniatures  Pay What You Want

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Alternative Trap Detection and Disabling Rules

Alternative Trap Detection and Disabling Rules

This homebrew is something that helps make traps a more interactive and interesting part of an adventure or dungeon. As it is, with 5E and most d20 systems, detecting and disabling traps is basically just a die roll. That's pretty boring. This alternative set of rules adds a little more flavor and allows the creativity of the GM and players to shine through. These rules can be applied every time a...   [click here for more]
Big20 Games  Pay What You Want

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Big20 Character Backstory Template

Big20 Character Backstory Template

Character backstories aren't just for the players. The game master should also be a big part of their design. Beyond the general "this is the campaign world" information, the GM should also be involved in helping build connections, relationships, and past adventures as well. What makes the characters in the game is as important as the world building and bad guy crafting. Most character backgrounds...   [click here for more]
Big20 Games  Pay What You Want

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Skill Training Rules

Skill Training Rules

Sooner or later, players will want to be able to add new skills to their character's sheet. Once the first set of skills upon character creation are added, new skills are hard to come by and often don't come at all. Sure, a Feat or another add-on might give one or two, but most of the time, the skills our characters begin with are what we'll have for the rest of the game. Unless we come up with a...   [click here for more]
Big20 Games  Pay What You Want

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Creature Sheets

Creature Sheets

Creature Sheets is a pay-what-you-want game aid compatible with Pinching Tarts, a Wonderland-themed PocketQuest 2024 game designed by Monica Valentinelli. The creature sheet is not form-fillable by design for two reasons: some of the fields are subject to change during gameplay, and there's a rule in the game that gives players the ability to swap...   [click here for more]
Books of M  Pay What You Want

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Guard Cards

Guard Cards

Guard Cards is a pay-what-you-want game aid compatible with Pinching Tarts, a Wonderland-themed PocketQuest 2024 game designed by Monica Valentinelli. The cards can either be printed out and used as half-sheets or folded in half to create cards. Guard Cards is a digital download. The game accessory is not playable on its...   [click here for more]
Books of M  Pay What You Want

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Rubber Duckies! An Rpg made for rubber ducks. Yes, the kind you take in the bath. Yes, the kind that come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. I wrote this for kids of all ages. So Squeak your beaks, and splish your Splashes. Adventures out there waiting, you might even make it back for bathy time. ...   [click here for more]
Branden Webb  Pay What You Want

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Quest Takers

Quest Takers

The corkboard role-playing game of fantasy world-building and storytelling I created Quest Takers as a way to play a casual D&D-like game asynchronously with my daughter. I thought it was kind of neat, so I've been working on codifying the rules. It's taken a while but I finally feel like it's at a point I feel comfortable sharing it. What is this game? Quest Takers is a simple role-playing...   [click here for more]
Brandon Hansen  Pay What You Want

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Astrenor Rule book

Astrenor Rule book

Play as young adventurers about to pass their adventurer diploma in a humorous universe that breaks the codes of traditional medieval fantasy. Join a prestigious guild and set out to explore a world rich in mysteries and dangers, where every choice you make influences the course of your destiny. Whether you are a fearless warrior, a powerful mage, or a cunning thief, Astrenor invites you to forge your...   [click here for more]
Broject Games  Pay What You Want

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Hex-Crawler Helper

Hex-Crawler Helper

Hex-Crawler Helper is a fillable PDF I made to help GM's organize their notes for their Hex-Crawler campaigns. Includes: prompt for ideas, weather/natural occurrence chart, four hex-crawl grids for different size maps, pre-drawn map of a small area.  ...   [click here for more]
Broken Brain Games LLC  Pay What You Want

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Beach Map

Beach Map

Beach Map  40x30 Beach Map Instant Digital Download - 4 JPG Files 4K (dimension 4096x3072px) This product will net you 4 different versions of the map - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid This map probably also works with - Any fantasy tabletop game - Contemporary and modern with a magic flair ...   [click here for more]
BugBeeMap  Pay What You Want

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Camping on Island

Camping on Island

Camping on Island map 40x30  Instant Digital Download - 4 JPG Files 4K (dimension 4096x3072px) This product will net you 4 different versions of the map - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid All maps are licensed under. For commercial usage, please contact me.You cannot resell these maps individually or collectively as their own product....   [click here for more]
BugBeeMap  Pay What You Want

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Bwilder Games World Map- Tor'Paq

Bwilder Games World Map- Tor'Paq

This is Tor'Paq the world as we know it now.  This is a living map and will be updated as we add cities, landmarks, and other items of interest. ...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  Pay What You Want

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Granny's Apple Pie

Granny's Apple Pie

In this D&D for kids styled game,  Granny Ursula is sick and needs help, and her granddaughter the Witch Hazel  has baked a delicious and magical apple pie that is in need of delivery. Along the way, our party will face pie theiving bandits, test their skills in the Biting Pools, and save the life of a lost pup, all while keeping Granny's apple pie safe and sound. For Level 1 Characters Print...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  Pay What You Want

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Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby

Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby

Do you want to incorporate animal player characters into your adventures? These are homebrewed races of 6 different animals: Cat Donkey Giant Owl Hound Raven Rooster These races are featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  These races are also available on D&D Beyond as a home-brewed races to build into your character sheets....   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Beast Domain Cleric Subclass

Beast Domain Cleric Subclass

Do you channel your divinity from Mother Nature or the Beasts in the Wild? Choose the Beast Domain subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Subclass Description: These are clerics who are close to nature and the beasts who live there, and you channel your divinity from a connection...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Bremen School of Music Wizard Subclass

Bremen School of Music Wizard Subclass

Are you a decidated studen of the arcane arts? Do you want to attend the most prestigious school of magic in the Kingdom of Grimsby Choose the Bremen School of Magic wizard subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Included Features: Strengthened Magic Advanced Scholar Focused Concentration Multitaked...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Circle of Daylight Druid Subclass

Circle of Daylight Druid Subclass

Do you gain your natural arcane abilities from daylight? Choose the Huntsman subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Included Features: Darkvision Burning Hands Spell Daylight Circle Cantrip Daylight Circle Spells Spell Recharge Daylight Sight Fire Elemental Wildshape The subclass is also...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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College of Business Bard Subclass

College of Business Bard Subclass

Did your bard go to college to learn to become a merchant or business owner? Choose the College of Business Bard subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Included Features: Business Acumen Self Preservation Stealthy Spellcasting Sharpened Accuracy & Inspiration The subclass is also available...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Flock College Bard Subclass

Flock College Bard Subclass

Are you protective over your allies? Choose the Flock College Bard subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Subclass Description: You are protective of your allies and flock and your studies taught you how to take care of them and watch over them. Others look to you as a leader and protector....   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Huntsman Ranger Subclass

Huntsman Ranger Subclass

Do you enjoy being outdoors and want to excel at tracking creatures? Do you want to gain mare advanced arcane abilities from nature? Choose the Huntsman subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Included Features: Excellent Marksmanship Natural Recovery Natural Magic Keen Foresight Evasion Expert...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Oath of the Guard Paladin Subclass

Oath of the Guard Paladin Subclass

Do you serve on the city guard in your city? Do you serve to protect a leader or org? Choose the Oath of the Guard Paladin subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Included Features: Manacing Presense (Channel divinity) Stunning Weapon (Channel divinity) Oath of the Guard Spells Martial Training Expert...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Phoenix Sorcerer Subclass

Phoenix Sorcerer Subclass

Do you want a sorcerer who has gained its powers from rising again from fire & ashes? Choose the the Phoenix Sorcerer subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Subclass Description: Your magical powers come from your brief stint with death and you have risen out of the flames and...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Smuggler Rogue Subclass

Smuggler Rogue Subclass

Do you want to run with smuggling rings or work solo moving merchandise? Choose the Smuggler Rogue subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Glass Mountain, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Included Features: Adept Climber Extra Movement Smooth Talker Expert Disguise High Alert Expert Combat The subclass is also available on D&D Beyond...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Way of the Whiskers Monk Subclass

Way of the Whiskers Monk Subclass

Are you inspired by fierce felines? Choose the Way of the Whiskers Monk subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Subclass Description: You have harnessed the grace, agility, and cunning of the feline. Cats are playful and quick, and have learned to be fierce little hunters. Included...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Wizard's Apprentice Wizard Subclass

Wizard's Apprentice Wizard Subclass

Are you a wizard who is just starting to practice your arcane skills in the real world? Choose the Wizard's Apprentice Wizard subclass for your next adventure! This is featured in The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians, but can also be used in any 5e adventure on its own.  Subclass Description: You have learned the arcane arts from one of the best wizards, and now you are on your own to practice...   [click here for more]
Cat Tale Press  Pay What You Want

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Secret S.Q.I.R.L.

Secret S.Q.I.R.L.

Secret S.Q.I.R.L. (Speedy, Questionable Investigations, Requiring Larson) is a one-page RPG, that peaks behind the bark, lifts some stones, and chews through some attic walls to give a glimpse into the secret agent world of squirrels.  Utilizing d6 tables to create a team of agents, whose first mission is to aquire a big enough NUT to survive the coming Winter!  Quick &...   [click here for more]
Ch3mical Rabbit  Pay What You Want

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Lenharrow Fantasy Adventures: Light Edition

Lenharrow Fantasy Adventures: Light Edition

Welcome to the Lenharrow Fantasy Adventures: Light Edtion. This book contains 4 Mini-Books that includes a Player's Guide, a Referee's Guide (for the GM), a Creature Guide, and a complete Adventure. The Character Creation system is in the first chapter of the Player's guide and has a step by step guide to help you make the character you want. Like the Player's Guide all of the Game Mechanics are in...   [click here for more]
Christopher Hildt  Pay What You Want

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Mice and Mystics - Happy New Year Chapter

Mice and Mystics - Happy New Year Chapter

tradition says if we eat 12 grapes by midnight we will have a year of prosperity and good luck.. This is an original chapter with a New Years Theme for the Board game, Mice and Mystics. I'm posting it for free for all Mice and Mystics fans to enjoy, but if you want to buy me a cup of coffee, I'm listing it as "pay what you want". ...   [click here for more]
CoachK  Pay What You Want

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Cat Empire

Cat Empire

Cat Empire is a short RPG where you play as a cat! You can chase lasers, nap in the sun, or just explore the world around you! The world is your empire! ...   [click here for more]
Conqueror Creations, LLC  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in ashrum

Adventures in ashrum

Fire forged it. Time forgot it. Magic haunts it. Welcome to Ashrum—an ancient volcano's crater where five realms clash in the shadow of destiny.   From the barbarian stronghold of Bruma, Rolaf the Unyielding watches over a land where danger lurks in every crevice. In the west, dwarven Crag-Dwellers brave the Devil's Canyons, where raging rivers carve paths through stone and mist conceals both fortune...   [click here for more]
Coyote custom  Pay What You Want

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Fairytale Goons

Fairytale Goons

A one-page, low-violence roleplaying game of fairytale adventures for children ages 5 and up. Play as the Gingerbread-person from the Castle, the Witch from the Floating City or several other combinations of Identity, Origin and Relic. Fairytale Goons is a hack of Tunnel Goons by Nate Treme (CC 4.0). If you are familiar with that game, here are some differences: Not-death: Characters don't die but...   [click here for more]
Dados Tostados  Pay What You Want

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Hold On (to our memory)

Hold On (to our memory)

A one-page role-playing game where 2 or more players can act out both the present and the past as one or more may face a fate that ends in a miracle or a tragedy. This can be played in-person, online, or over-the-phone. ...   [click here for more]
Daft Sheep  Pay What You Want

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  Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Prologue Quickstart - PDF