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This set, Gelatinous Stool, is a hilarious take on a classic foe by our co-founder Colin Christenson. Colin has been working on amazing ideas for years, and is the creator of the Sky Islands campaign that makes up the horizon of the World of Aach'yn. When he announced he was working on a Sky Islands sewer, I mentioned to him that all who worked on them before had produced a "turd" asset for us to... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Aztlan Sewers is a set we have wanted to do for a long time, but we had to do it right. We didn’t want a sewer system that was less epic than the previous one we did for the community creator program, so we spared no expense of time to make sure of it.
This starter set is a full and complete series of walls, water, channels, and everything else you need to make a vast sewer dungeon. Aztlan is Will’s... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
 Time to construct some Dark Dwellings, This set gives everything you need to start all your own large dark manor. This free starter set of dragonbite compatible tiles will let you dip your toes into the Dark Terrain series. All of these unique tiles are designed for building, stacking, and growing your collection.
... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set of 3d printable terrain you will find 19 .STL models for creating dwarven dungeons. This tile set features walls, doors, corners, and corner pillars needed to make rooms of any size that connect to each other with Dragonbite clips.
This set has 3 styles of terrain:
Resized Legacy tiles match our original sculpts, but as the name suggests they are all slightly resized to match... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Fantasy Villages is our Patron backed series of fantastic locales, hamlets, and signs of civilization in a wild world. This particular set, The Oaken Muffin Guest House, was made by our friend Muzden as a special gift to the patrons. Muzden has worked with Aether Studios since 2019 on a variety of projects and wanted to do a small series of houses for the patrons as a thanks. This is the first of those... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Turu is the Shellfather of all turtle-kind and is a generally a friendly deity to those who respect his many children. Turu is not the largest or strongest god, but he is quite possibly the oldest. The children of Turu who reach the size of their father are few, generally dying of heart break. The loss of a favorite dwelling, water, or food source can be deadly to those who grow attached to the physical... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Aether Ice Caverns are the brainchild of Károly “Carl” Csúrgó. It was a set that was highly requested by our patrons. Carl directed the construction of this series based on the requests we got from our patrons on discord. This starter set includes the most basic models needed for construction.
All the basic tiles you need to get started: Floor, Straight Wall, Curve Wall, Corner Wall, Corner... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
This FREE set of miniatures contains 20 models of our Gremlin Warband. These models are available both Presupported for Resin Machines and unsupported for your own supports. The Gremlins of Aach’yn are nasty little buggers. The natural enemies of the Dwarves with whom they compete for techno-magical mastery. They can be found all over the world and the Sky Islands beyond in settlements, workshops,... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
his set of 3D-printable terrain and miniatures, Pharaoh 6, was made by all of the Aether Studios artists together. Everyone contributed to this set, with Tia making the first textures, Jake making the animals, Colin with the Ram, Jeromy with scatter, Will and Nasos with the rest. Pharaoh has long been a collaborative experience and this set is the paragon of our progress so far. We hope you enjoy these... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
 This set is dedicated to Windy Wolfe, the Assistant Director of the Studio. At first glance it might seem odd to honor someone with a set of sewers, but not in this case. These sewers are some of the finest models we have ever published. You could say that they are the complete package, full of possibilities and wonderfully created. When you add to the facts of how much of my …. she has had to deal... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
The Autarch maintains a near deity like following. He officially discourages being considered a god, insisting he gave up the opportunity to be one, so that the people of Aach’yn might survive to this day. He does however maintain a single “temple” in T’chel. This church building serves an official use for those seeking an audience with The Autarch. A large enough donation can guarantee a... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Aztlan Starter is a 3D-printable Mesoamerican tileset by Aether Studios. Aztlan was our very first original set and this introductory set will give you everything you need to get started making dungeons. This set includes a unique floor, door, and stairs models not found in other sets. It is compatible with all other DragonlockTM models. In our World of Aach'yn, Aztlan is the... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set of terrain you will find a large 6×6 Sky Islands House. Akara built this for her friends who often need a place to layover or a place to put up their feet and sit for a spell. It prints without supports and features tons of internal playing area. Dragonbite connections all for expansion into a massive cloud docks setting. We hope you enjoy this set, it was made by Colin Christenson... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Do you paint your 3D-printed terrain? If so, do you ever get paint on your hands from picking up a tile that's not quite dry? Or smudge one place while twisting the piece at an odd angle to get your brush at another place?
Never again. This comfortable grip snaps to the bottom of DragonbiteTM-compatible tiles, letting you paint the entire thing, odd angles and all, no muss no fuss. And if... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Included are five very simple 8x8 tiles for building cave complexes, each in a textured version and a black & white printer-friendly version. Each also comes in pdf file for easy printing and a png file for virtual tabletops. Expect no frills here. These tiles were made to be simple and easy to incorporate into any game.
Terms of Use These images were created by Josh Cornwell,... [click here for more] |
Copper Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Included in this title are stl models for 6x6 and 8x8 Dungeon and Cavern (revised) floors. For use with Fat Dragon Games Dragonlock terrain systems. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Blacksmith Forge with LED
This is a remix of the forge from the "DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Blacksmith Shop" and the "DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: LED Dungeon Wall (2x2 tile)".
There are three parts in the file, the Forge, the LED Tray, and the Flame.
NOTE: you have to supply your own battery and LED. See the "DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: LED Dungeon Wall (2x2 tile)" for information on suggested batteries, LEDs,... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This massive 98 item set contains the basics to build a diverse catacombs dungeon. Included in this set are:
16 Wall Tiles (including transitions from normal FDG dungeons)
20 Floor Tiles (including transition tiles)
10 Doors (also includes 9 custom text lintels)
8 Corners (4 with Skulls along the wall base, 4 without)
8 Curved Walls (4 with Skulls along the wall base, 4 without)
8 Pillar Tiles (4... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This set includes some the earliest work from the Fat Dragon Community Crafters. This 44 item set contains everything you need to build Dragonlock Ships with masts, rails, and cannon decks.
Originally crafted by Squirrelhammer and later updated by Arenwel, this set represents the very best spirit of the FDG crafting community: Working together, inspiring each other, and sharing the benefits with... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This set of pyramid tiles was a collaboration between myself and user @arenwel on the Fat Dragon Games forums. He is a true friend and I thank him so much for helping me get where I am now.
There are two different tilesets included in this 26 item title:
1) External, which sits flush to the table and each exterior tile for aesthetics. Connects to Fat Dragon titles on 3 sides.
2) Internal, which... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
I needed a way to add variety to my cavern waterways. Included are two diagonal cut water tiles, one a bit more narrow than the other. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Looked in Gaoler Lous, and in Forum Prisons and couldnt find this, so I made it because I needed it, shared it in case someone else needed it. Does not include the doors, just the floors.
Doors and other walls can be found here:
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/242012/Best-of-the-Forums-Prison-Cells?term=forum+prison&test_epoch=0 ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
If you have Fat Dragon Games Village sets and you need to make REALLY BIG room areas then these are the solution for you!
These double pillars allow you to use D-Walls to run walls along two 4"x4" using adjacent pillar holes (just as C-Walls do). The pillars have double prongs that are inserted into corresponding corners of adjoining tiles as shown in the image.
The Stone pillar projects assymetrically... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set of 5 remixed tiles from Fat Dragon Games Dungeons and Market set are everything you need to add curtain doorways to your games!
Please see the included ReadMe for print instructions.
... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Gaping Portal Tavern, the most famous Tavern in Waterdrop City, where you can have an Ale and muster up your courage to get lowered down into the well (to have a drink of water maybe?).
This piece needs to be printed four times to get a 10"x10" Tavern floor section with an 8" wide well hole in the middle. The walls are 22mm high off the base giving an impression of being just above... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Here's a micro Ghost, just in time for Halloween! Scaled to be used with the Micro Dungeons set. Should print without supports.
Print using FDG Cura mini settings, or equivalent.
Also includes a scaled up 32 mm version... if for some reason you wanted to print him that big.
Remember to use your clips on their sides for the Micro Dungeons, the side of the tile should look like it has a duck mouth... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
A elevated to lower waterfall transition requested by Jeff Kazules. May be more added to this in the future. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This set includes 2 Dragonbite tiles with tree stumps featuring either an axe or a two-man crosscut saw, 2 freestanding tree stumps with axe and saw and a pile of 2x2" pile of logs. The pieces were made using Fat Dragon Games models and items off of Thingiverse. Check the Read me file for more information.
For suggested print settings, check out the FDG Free Starter Set: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/197128/DRAGONLOCK-Ultimate-Free-Sample-Set... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This pack contains pieces I have made to fill out and add variations to the different village sets.
Currently Includes:
Wall B Door
Wall B Windows for Timberframe, Fieldstone, Wooden, and Timber & Stone sets
Wall D Door + Window for Timberframe, Fieldstone, Wooden, and Timber & Stone sets
Wall D Centered... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a custom mashup of the Dragonlock Dungeon narrow hallway, and the Castle interior stairs to create a staircase that fits neatly among other tiles. It's particularly useful for basement stairs.
The original source models are available in the following sets:
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/170650/DRAGONLOCK-Dungeon-Expansion-Set-1... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Realm of the Mountain King wall with geared lever and gem like found in DDO to open doors or activate effects. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
A "separate wall" style archway for Dragonbite. Remixed from the archway in DRAGONLOCK™ ULTIMATE: DUNGEON EXPANSION SET 3 FDG0166.
This product was created under license. Dragonbite Community Creator, Dragonlock, and Dragonbite are trademarks of Fat Dragon Games in the U.S.A. and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Fat Dragon Games and/or other authors. Such material... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This includes a large steam boiler, plus a shovel and sacks of coal. The boiler is sized so it can just barely fit inside of a house (though a larger structure or outside would make more sense). The sacks of coal could also be used for other produce, such as rice or other grains.
I'd recomend 15-20% infill for the boiler.
DRAGONBITE™ Community Creator model.
For suggested print settings,... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Terry wanted one of these, so i took a crack at it. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a remix for the Tower of Terror set for integrating into the Woodland Sets. This does not include the rest of the tower. It only includes the door and 4 tiles shown in the cover preview. Enjoy!
This requires the purchase of the FDG Tower of Terror set to complete tower.
Recommended Print Settings:
Use official FDG Printing Profiles
Layer Height: .2
Infill: 5% ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
A requested piece that was not part of the starter caverns set from FDG
This product was created under license. Dragonbite Community Creator, Dragonlock, and Dragonbite are trademarks of Fat Dragon Games in the U.S.A. and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Fat Dragon Games and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
These 2x2 risers are designed to support the 4x4 Woodland and Riverside sets, including the new Riverside Waterfalls Set. Some of the cliffs and falls have unique heights. This set should provide proper support with any combination. These risers should support most FDG 4x4 tiles.
See Preview Here:
Recommended Print Settings are .2mm layer height and 10% infill, using the FDG terrain profile.
Cheers!... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
 3D Print File: Alien Cactus (Multiple Settings: Space opera, mutant wasteland, fantasy, etc.) Spice up your gaming landscaping with this alien cactus. Is the cactus just a pretty background addition or does it have special game effects (such as shooting quills, giving off intoxicating vapors, or being edible or poisonous)? You decide!
Default model size: 16x28x16mm
We realize that... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
3D Print File: Atomic Cactus
You stumble across the arid wasteland, pausing only to catch your breath and pray for a source of water. Finally, just as you are considering giving in and letting the two headed vultures feast, you spot it... a grouping of large, malformed cacti off in the distance. Your needs for liquid refreshment may be met yet... As you race towards the cacti you... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
Basic Crate (3d Printing STL File)
This file is a simple, easy to print storage/shipping crate that is kept intentionally very basic in design. Purposefully generic in appearance to allow mass placement or to add whatever post printing details you desire. Good fro many settings- from fantasy to pirate to modern.
Pay as you want- suggested selling price if you wish to pay is a mere... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
 Broken Column (STL 3D Printing Model File)
The broken column is a simple 3d piece that is useful for fantasy miniature gaming decor. This piece is offered as a "pay what you want" to help introduce you to Fishwife Games' new line of gaming miniature STL files.
The preset dimensions for this file is 25x25x28 mm. Feel free to adjust it as needed when you load the file into your favorite... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
 Crystal Mound: 3D print file A mound of mineral crystals for your fantasy, sci-fi, or mutant ttrpg. This is a pay what you want deal.
Default Scale: 30x30x34.2mm ... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
 Stinging Fungus (3D Printing File- 28mm Gaming Miniatures)
This not so nice little stinging fungus is the perfect nasty to shove into that weird cave, fuming forest, bizarre alien world, or mutant wasteland swamp. Standing a bit taller than the average adventuring miniature, the stinging fungus attacks those that get too close with its poisonous whip like tendrils.... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
Very Basic Treasure Chest (3d Printing STL File)
This file is a simple, easy to print treasure chest that is kept intentionally very basic in design. Purposefully generic in appearance to allow mass placement or to add whatever post printing details you desire. Good fro many settings- from fantasy to pirate to modern.
Pay as you want- suggested selling price if you wish to pay is... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
 My take on a Necron/crystalline theme D3. The slots on the corners have been sized to make sure there is equal weight on each side. The model should work down to a scale of 0.5, but beyond that the slots might merge and the dice wouldn't work - I haven't tested this though, so it might be fine. A higher level of infill on this model will give a much better weight for rolling. ... [click here for more] |
Fromthelab |
Pay What You Want
 Wargaming ruler designed for use with Kill team from GW, which is why there are the shaped cut outs on 4 of the sides - each corresponding to the new distance icons. Each side is labelled with a number, and that number corresponds to the length of that edge in inches. Naturally, because each edge is numbered this can easily be used for any other games where measuring in inches is required. The longest... [click here for more] |
Fromthelab |
Pay What You Want
Harvest Festival will never be the same again, with the Pumpkin Mimic lying in wait... Poor Johnny didn't know what to do when those sharp teeth sliced his hands clean off at the wrists...
"That'll teach him to try and carve a new mouth for ME" thought the mimic...
You get 10 files - A plain pumpkin and its Mimic alter ego, on a 50mm base and as... [click here for more] |
LegendGames |
Pay What You Want
Milestone Heroes is dedicated to bringing your visions to life with high-quality, support-free, modular gaming terrain. I take great pleasure in creating fantasy terrain that is highly reusable, printer-friendly, and strikes a practical balance between realism and playability. All models print without additional supports or are fully supportless.
Note: For best quality prints, use the FDG terrain... [click here for more] |
Milestone Heroes |
Pay What You Want
 Milestone Heroes is dedicated to bringing your visions to life with high-quality, support-free, modular gaming terrain. I take great pleasure in creating fantasy terrain that is highly reusable, printer-friendly, and strikes a practical balance between realism and playability. All models print without additional supports or are fully supportless.
Note: For best quality prints, use the FDG terrain... [click here for more] |
Milestone Heroes |
Pay What You Want
![Gaslands Accessory Shielding AC3 [1:64]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/26754/469820-thumb140.jpg) ENGLISH
Customize your model car games with our 3D bits in STL format Are you passionate about miniature car games like Gaslands Refuelled and looking to customize your vehicles for a unique gaming experience? Look no further! Our exclusive collection of 3D bits is designed to bring your cars to life on the gaming table! The "Accessory AC3" model features a 3D printable file of a corrugated metal... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want