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 NOT a stand alone product. Requires Ombra Ekvilibro - the first mission - booklet to play.
Ombra Ekvilibro has summoned you once again!
An important but eccentric AI designer has recently passed away under strange circumstances. Due to his work being too controversial, it was ruled that an Ombra Ekvilibro team should be dispatched to investigate. This mini module, Anticipation... [click here for more] |
Anthlancer Games |
 Échappez-vous ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page pour 4 joueurs (MJ inclus).
Vous vous réveillez dans un labyrinthe mystérieux qui semble n'avoir ni fin ni échappatoire. Vous êtes tout seul ici - un explorateur sans nom. Chaque joueur choisira et personnifiera 1 aspect de l'explorateur, à savoir : l'Intellect, l'Empathie et le Physique. Vous ne vous souvenez pas de grand-chose.... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
FANTASY BOY BAND is a free one-page RPG that you play using d6s.
You play as bards in an unnamed generic fantasy land. The job market has been difficult and it turns out that there is even not that many jobs for artists. And this is how your adventure starts - instead of falling into despair - you and your friends from the Arts and Poetry Academy decided to form a boy band to finally achieve... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
![Fantasy Boy Band [FR]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/23195/415188-thumb140.png) Fantasy Boy Band ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page.
Vous incarnez des artistes/bardes dans un monde fantasy générique sans nom. Le marché du travail a été difficile et il s'avère qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'emploi pour les artistes. Et c'est ainsi que commence votre aventure - au lieu de sombrer dans le désespoir - vous et vos amis de l'Académie des Arts et de la Poésie avez décidé... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
GET OUT! is a free on-page RPG for 4 players (GM included) that you play using d6s and d4s.
The game is about a nameless Explorer who wakes up in a mysterious labyrinth that seems to have no end and no exit. They are all alone, no other human being in sight. And they don’t remember where they come from. The Explorer and players’ goal is to find the exit and free themselves... [click here for more] |
Au Contraire Publishing |
The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.
We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system.
The... [click here for more] |
Awfully Queer Heroes |
Pay What You Want
"Oh god, not that guy. I don't wanna mess with that guy at all. I've heard hundreds of horror stories about the King of Pain, and long before I die I'll be hearing a thousand more. Calm, ruthless, has a plan to kill everyone he meets. Yet every time I've seen people talk with the guy, he's just...polite. Relaxed, even. Always interested in the arenas he visits and the places they're built in. I... [click here for more] |
Bahunga Worldwide |
Welcome to the Otherworld where your soul is your most powerful asset, and your willpower your best weapon. Shuffle your deck and draw your hand, because it will take wits and luck to survive.
For many, the Otherworld is innocuous, its troubles contained to the petty infighting between demons or humans who don’t know what lurks in the back rooms of the casinos. Most who pass through these portals... [click here for more] |
BigGroupProjects |
 “Alla gloriosa vita di un glorioso Picaro!”
Un onore, pensate, quello di un Funerale così illustre,
che pochi a Picaria hanno la fortuna di meritare.
Circondati da alcune delle figure più importanti di Lodossola,
vi trovate casualmente a celebrare la morte del Conte locale,
Eustacchio dei Papagli.
Un Morto a Lodossola è una breve Avventura... [click here for more] |
Black Dice Lobby |
Pay What You Want
Our first TTRPG! A simple d20 system inspired by Hankerin Ferinale's ICRPG, with a unique twist and an expanded GM guide that offers crucial advice on running games the Blackbrew way. ... [click here for more] |
Blackbrew |
A lightning-fast, high-pressure, d6 TTRPG that requires on-the-fly strategy and creativity as soon as the action starts. ... [click here for more] |
Blackbrew |
 NOTE: This is a plain-text version of the I Am Furious (Pink) game—with no art and with a minimalist typography and graphic design—for free download. This edition uses the OpenDyslexic font to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. A plain-text sans-serif version is also available separately.
If you enjoy these free plain text versions, please... [click here for more] |
Brabblemark Press |
Pay What You Want
This Product is out of date and this playtest is no longer being run. However, I am leaving this up for free so that others may compare old versions of this system to the new versions that are uploaded over time. Tales Untold is a brand-new tabletop system for running all sorts of games with your friends. It has been in development for over 5 years and is now finally entering open playtest. The goal... [click here for more] |
Bradley Smith |
Pay What You Want
Explore a Strange New World
Overrun by the wild magic of 'Ren' the kin of the Living Lands fight to survive in a formiddable world filled with sentient waterfalls and mutated beasts. The destabilization of magic in the world has reached a breaking point and ancient beings long buried beneath the earth have begun to awaken.
In the Living Lands you play... [click here for more] |
Brainrit |
Pay What You Want
CID (Condensed Instructions Distillation) is a solo RPG system that includes a GM oracle and the rules for playing the game itself. It's universal, so it can be used for any setting or type of game you can think of.
I created this system as a result of a search of simplicity in solo RPG. You can even play it using only your mind (I've included a technique to roll dice... without the dice).
I wish... [click here for more] |
Carlos Arroyo |
The Simplified Tactical Area Rules (S.T.A.R. System) is a role-playing game component for dynamic table top combat. It is designed for stand-alone use or for use inside of other games. It can be used in any era, genre, or game. The S.T.A.R System is designed for use with any form of game pieces or tokens used to represent the combatants. ... [click here for more] |
Diction's Workshop |
 Der Dimensionswandler ist ein Universal-Rollenspiel-System, bei dem jeder Spieler selbst bestimmen kann, welche Regeln er einsetzen will und welche nicht. Er kann natürlich nur aus dem Dimensionswandler-Regelsatz auswählen. Das fängt schon bei den Würfeln an: jeder Mitspieler darf sich seinen Lieblingswürfel aussuchen. ... [click here for more] |
Dimensionswandler |
 Der Dimensionswandler ist ein Universal-Rollenspiel-System, bei dem jeder Spieler für sich entscheiden kann, welche Dimensionswandler-Regeln er anwenden will. Die Regeln für Leichte und Schwere Wunden sind optional und können die Regeln der normalen Wunden aus den Basis-Spielmechaniken für den Kampf überschreiben. ... [click here for more] |
Dimensionswandler |
 Get the Phoenix RPG Conflict Sheet as a PDF download for FREE. You can get an Excel Version on www.einhorn-game.online after you signed up for free.
The Phoenix RPG Conflict Sheet is a tool designed to aid players and game masters in keeping track of the various participants involved in conflicts within a role-playing game. This sheet can be used to track conflicts that occur on a physical, social,... [click here for more] |
Einhorn Game Production |
 Get the Phoenix RPG NPC Sheet as a PDF download for FREE. You can get the Excel version on www.einhorn-game.online after you signed up for free.
The Phoenix NPC Sheet contains the character's attributes, status monitor, state list, perk list, conflict actions and a detailed character description section to handle visuals, background, inventory and psychology as well as reputations. It is a more condensed... [click here for more] |
Einhorn Game Production |
 Get the Phoenix RPG Character PlaySheet as a PDF download for FREE. You can get an Excel Version on www.einhorn-game.online after you signed up for free.
The Phoenix Character PlaySheet contains the character's attributes, status monitor, check matrix, state list, perk list, conflict actions and a detailed character description section to handle visuals, background, inventory and psychology as well... [click here for more] |
Einhorn Game Production |
With the Alpha release of Aeronauts we are looking for players to give us feed back on our book! When you get the book you'll get a link to our Discord, and we'd love to hear what you think of it (we also have an e-mail if that's more your speed). This release contains:
A full explanation of the mechanics
Three page "quick rules"
Detailed... [click here for more] |
Electric Purple Studios |
 Combination Characters is a rules add-on for the Transdimensional Adventures RPG system, providing 'dual classing' rules. Whereas with the core rules multiclassing is possible (as an advantage), the more advanced option here allows characters to be built up as combinations of two 'demi-classes' from the list provided, balanced against a standard character but providing expanded options suiting characters... [click here for more] |
Exotic World Designs |
Transdimensional Core Rules (Revised) is a re-release of the complete core rules for Transdimensional Adventures first released Nov 4 2021, now free. The Revised version includes minor typo fixes, as well as upgrading art to colour and replacing a couple of images with new AI-generated versions. No rules have been changed from the original. Note the old title remains for printing purposes (B&W).... [click here for more] |
Exotic World Designs |
Unlimited Perks is a character-generation resource for the Transdimensional Adventures RPG.
In it is included all the currently existing Advantages and Talents from various sources including the core rules, 21 issues of Further Horizons magazine, and other books, with additional compatibility notes and clarifications and a few new abilities, allowing for the creation of a wide variety of... [click here for more] |
Exotic World Designs |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Fajerbol Regular price: $0.00 Bohaterowie potrzebni od zaraz! Fantastyczny świat czeka na śmiałków, którzy stawią czoła żądnym krwi potworom i przywrócą spokój jego mieszkańcom! Przygoda wzywa!
Fajerbol to szybka i prosta gra fabu...Krwawe Piaski Regular price: $0.00 Demoniczna horda obróciła sielankowy... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
 Dołącz do rewolucji, poświęć w jej imię wszystko, zgiń na barykadach, przejdź do historii!
R3VOLUTION to gra fabularna o rewolucji pożerającej własne dzieci. Całość została stworzona z myślą o jednostrzałach rozgrywanych w gronie trojga osób bez wcześniejszego przygotowania. Zasady można bez większego problemu dostosować do rozmaitych konwencji — od science fiction,... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
Join the revolution, sacrifice everything in its name, die on the barricades, go down in history!
R3VOLUTION is a role-playing game about a revolution devouring its own children. The whole thing was created for one-shot games played with three people without prior preparation. The rules can be easily adapted to various conventions - from science fiction, through cyberpunk, contemporary, to... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
 The Prospectus is the Fox Games catalog showing insights and announcements about our games.
Issue 13 includes price updates and Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 113, Cover Your Aft. This issue introduces new newprene maps and game mats.
How to use the Prospectus: The Prospectus is designed to be viewed as a PDF file (as opposed to being printed) and read via two page display (desktop/laptop).... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
 The Prospectus is the Fox Games catalog showing insights and announcements about our games.
Issue 14 has been refaced for a more sci-fi feel, includes price updates. The latest issue also includes:
* Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 114, Find Him
* new newprene maps and game mats
* article on game strategy
* a short story
* player assists
* a look at what's in the pipe line
* a poll about... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
 The Prospectus is the Fox Games catalog showing insights and announcements about our games.
Issue 15 has been refaced for a more sci-fi feel, includes price updates. The latest issue also includes:
* Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 115, Hit and Run
* a new feature
* announcements on updated files and a word from the printer
* article on game strategy
* a short story
* player assists
*... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
 Issue 16 has been refaced for a more sci-fi feel, includes price updates. The latest issue also includes:
* Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 116, Tag, You're It
* a free printable
* announcements on updated files and a word from the printer
* article on game strategy
* a short story
* player assists
* a look at what's in the pipe line
Every so often (quarterly, monthly, depending on announcements)... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
 Issue 17 introduces a new feature: situation puzzles. The latest issue also includes:
* Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 117, Dodge Ball
* price updates
* upcoming Tavor starter decklist
* announcements on updated files and a word from the printer
* free printables
* article on game strategy
* player assists
* a look at what's in the pipe line
Every so often (quarterly, monthly, depending... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
 The Prospectus #018 introduces a new feature: Let's Make a Game. A new game currently in development is open to community input. You can participate in creating Landscape, a solo map-making pen-and-paper game.
The latest issue also includes:
* Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 118, Buoy Bombs
* price updates
* upcoming Brutus Magnus starter decklist
* announcements on updated files and a word... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Get ready for adventures in a world both alien and familiar! Fully Automated is a complete, open-source tabletop RPG set on a recovering earth in our post-capitalist future!
Overwhelmed by war, poverty, and climate collapse, many humans expected the twenty-first century to be humanity's last. But in the face of a global meltdown, the Gaiean civilization underwent a global revolution. Now food is free... [click here for more] |
Fully Automated! OG Dev Group |
The OCP System
The fabulous "One Stat fits All" generic Ruleset for Role-playing Games
The OCP System is extremely flexible and can easily be used for any kind of setting.
The rules are easy to learn and remember. For the GM, it is very simple to create NPCs. Players can easily create all sorts of Characters.
The entire set of rules that you need to know for playing, fits... [click here for more] |
Futile Efforts |
Pay What You Want
Consume endless days with Journeyman, Expert, Master – a comprehensive framework for game masters to extend and craft any campaign that they can think of.
This Basic Training edition of Journeyman, Expert, Master allows you to create and play characters up to level 30.
Game masters and players can make dwarf, elf, halfling and human characters capable of adventuring as a multitude of heroes,... [click here for more] |
G.A.Mitchell |
This is a collection of Roleplay Examples/Suggestions and House Rules that you may or may not want to check out!
It's completely free!
... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 This printer friendly document is a collection of information from all the core rule books for The Realm of the Gateway, including the new Advanced Gamemaster's Guide. A must for any GM. Download this and print out what you need as much as you want. ... [click here for more] |
Griffin Games |
 Il Broken Moon System, giunto alla versione 3.x, è un motore GDR in Creative Commons dalle meccaniche semplici, intuitive e estremamente flessibili.
In questo manuale trovi il regolamento completo, e diversi suggerimenti per adattarlo alla tua ambientazione preferita.
Questa SRD verrà aggiornata con i vostri feedback e commenti che potete inviare a the.hellwinter@gmail.com.... [click here for more] |
Hellwinter Forge of Wonders |
 QuestWorlds ist ein leichtes und schnelles Rollenspiel-System. Es soll deine Kreativität unterstützen und dir dann beim Spielen aus dem Weg gehen. QuestWorlds ist gut geeignet für kooperierende, freundliche Gruppen, die ein hohes Maß an Vertrauen in die gegenseitige Kreativität besitzen. Um einen Charakter in QuestWorlds zu erschaffen, ist kein Wälzen von Regelwerken notwendig. Alles was die... [click here for more] |
Humakt e.V. |
Le Monde Creux est un jeu de rôle amateur ambitieux, se déroulant dans un univers original mêlant cyberpunk et dark fantasy. Le monde, comme son nom l’indique, est un vaste espace intérieur où la mécanique remplace les éléments naturels habituels, et où l’eau, le bois et la mesure du temps sont des raretés. L’univers est marqué par des tensions sociales, raciales et politiques... [click here for more] |
Imprimeries de Boucan |
The world was going through a few changes and was swept up and turned into a far more mad version of itself. The year was 2000 and it was a bright, cool fall day when the sun turned bright red in the sky. The sun was on the verge of supernova and would explode with enough power and force to destroy the first 5 planets of our solar system. Scientists and Astrophysics could not think of a way to stop... [click here for more] |
Jester Knight Games |
 Click Here for the full forty-page version
Our town is changing.
We are left with artifacts that hold us to the past. They seem to betray history by breaking, altering, and growing beyond a generation. This is not a betrayal. We do not expect the past to hold such power over the present, and we forget that the present accounts for history just the same. Rubbish will always forge itself into... [click here for more] |
Kai Medina |
Pay What You Want
 Bycie dorosłą osobą to odpowiedzialność - nawet w momentach, w których chciałoby się od niej uciec!
Dylogia rodzicielska to dwie gry fabularne rozgrywające się w czasie pozornej beztroski.
W Tata grilluje (adaptacji Dad BBQ autorstwa Capsandnumbers) wcielacie się w Ojców, którzy muszą zapewnić sukces imprezy firmowej, na której są wasi Partnerzy. Choćby... [click here for more] |
Kaja Solska |
The ruins of the Autumn Kingdom sink into darkness, superstition, and blasphemy.
The necromancer Calixte rules the former Golden Leaf county with an iron fist and terror. His experiments and changing interests have resulted in many souls being brought back from the afterlife, only to be abandoned later.
You are among them.
When your rest is disturbed without reason or purpose, you seek revenge on... [click here for more] |
Kaja Solska |
 Kryzys minął. Chwila, w której ważyły się losy świata, należy już do przeszłości. Przyszłość znowu zaczyna zależeć od ludzi, a ci chcą przede wszystkim żyć. Dzięki bohaterstwu wielu osób, także twojemu, udało się zmierzyć z kataklizmem i go po- wstrzymać. Nadszedł czas na odbudowę.
Powroty to przekład gry fabularnej solo Returning. Zaczynasz w niej swoją... [click here for more] |
Kaja Solska |
Nieodwracalna decyzja.
Kurczący się czas.
Kiedy wsiadacie na statki kosmiczne lecące w przeciwnych kierunkach, macie ostatnią szansę na domknięcie wspólnego rozdziału. Czy zrobicie to w zgodzie? A może konflikt poróżnił was na zawsze?
O czym jest gra?
W Poza zasięgiem (przekładzie Loss of Signal autorstwa Noaha Davisa-Cheshire) osoby... [click here for more] |
Kaja Solska |
Apparently, the world ends
You decide to hit the road.
If not now, then never.
These Days Feel Different is a role-playing game about fulfiling your dreams and making plans come true against the giant odds. When everything everywhere seems to collapse, you decide to take your chances and go for broke. Along the road, your characters (or maybe even yourselves) will change, deepen your connections... [click here for more] |
Kaja Solska |
 Corners: Print and Play
This is the basic and simple deck to start playing Corners- a puzzling, matching, shedding card game.
If you enjoy the game, consider the premium printed card decks: Corners: Deco or Corners: Nouveau
Corners: How To Play
All players are dealt six cards face down from a shuffled deck. One card is placed face... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |