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Year Zero Mini (française)

Year Zero Mini (française)

Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci! LE PITCH Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (italiana)

Year Zero Mini (italiana)

Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online. Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (norsk)

Year Zero Mini (norsk)

Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online. For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Evolution System: Basic Rules

Evolution System: Basic Rules

This is the Basic Rules for the Evolution System detailing the mechanics needed to play. This product does not detail character creation or game master materials, just the mechanics of the rules. Abilities, Character Creation, Game Master info, Gear, and other rules will will vary with each campaign setting and will be fully detailed in those future source materials when released.  ...   [click here for more]
4 Hour Games   FREE 

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Capes (Démo)

Capes (Démo)

Capes se veut un changement radical par rapport à la plupart des jeux de rôle.  Dans Capes il n'y a pas de Meneur de Jeu. Il y a des joueurs et chacun incarne plusieurs personnages, y compris les antagonistes. Tout le monde contribue à la narration.  Cela signifie que vous serez toujours impliqué, mais que vous n'aurez jamais le contrôle.  ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Quill est un jeu de rôle pour une personne – vous. Dans une partie typique de Quill, le but est d’impressionner le destinataire afin qu’il réponde favo- rablement à votre lettre. Vous accomplirez cela par un usage adroit du langage et l’excellence de votre présentation, lançant les dés pour déterminer si vous avez réussi ou non à utiliser les bons mots, les meilleures descriptions...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Shonen World - version alpha

Shonen World - version alpha

Shonen World est un jeu de rôle basé sur le moteur de Apocalypse World émulant les mangas de baston paraissant dans le magazine Shonen Jump, et leurs adaptations anime, où un héros au grand cœur et ses compagnons vivent de nombreuses aventures riches en combats difficiles, et réussissent à surmonter l’adversité grâce à leur détermination, leurs efforts et leur amitié : Dragon Ball, Saint...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Titan World

Titan World

500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle   FREE 

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Troublemakers - Redux

Troublemakers - Redux

Troublemakers est un jeu inspiré par des films, des séries télé et des livres, avec notamment, entre autres Les Goonies, ET : l’Extra-Terrestre, The Monster Squad, etc... Le jeu est centré sur des enfants qui vivent des aventures incroyables, et réussissent à sauver la mise malgré les manigances des adultes autour d’eux, tout en découvrant des choses secrètes et merveilleuses,...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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World Wide Wrestling

World Wide Wrestling

Monter sur le ring et assurez le show dans ce jeu de rôle qui vous invite à vous glisser dans la peau d'un artiste de catch ! ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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6d6 Core (2nd Ed.)

6d6 Core (2nd Ed.)

"An amazing role playing experience" "Highly flexible and intuitive" "Great fun system lends itself to creativity" "Novel mechanic, fun game, easy to learn" This is just some of the feedback we have received as we toured the country visiting shops, conventions and clubs, running games for hundreds of people. (See more feedback on the website) 6d6 Core Quick and easy to learn, this...   [click here for more]
6d6 Fireball   FREE 

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Cuaderno del Director de Juego

Cuaderno del Director de Juego

Las tablas y cuadros del Cuaderno del Director de Juego se han obtenido tanto del libro básico de Mythras como de Fantasía Clásica. Se han agrupado temáticamente y aprovechando el espacio lo máximo posible, con el objeto de que sean una ayuda para el Director de Juego durante la partida. De este modo, la mayoría de las tablas que no se usarán más que una vez (durante la creación...   [click here for more]
77Mundos   FREE 

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Mythras Imperativo

Mythras Imperativo

Mythras Imperativo es una introducción de 34 páginas al sistema Mythras, diseñado tanto para recién llegados como para veteranos. Proporciona una versión simplificada de Mythras, pero con suficientes opciones y profundidad como para ser completamente jugable. Las reglas incluyen creación de personajes, habilidades, mecánicas básicas del juego, mecánicas específicas...   [click here for more]
77Mundos   FREE 

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Kobolds Ate My Baby! Reference Sheet

Kobolds Ate My Baby! Reference Sheet

High quality PDF download of the KOBOLDS REFERENCE SHEET for Kobolds Ate My Baby! ...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2020

Level 1 2020

LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology This is a brand new type of offering for Free RPG Day 2020!  Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on! Level 1 was available...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2021

Level 1 2021

LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on! Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2021. Now you can get it digitally...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2022

Level 1 2022

LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on! Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2022. Now you can get it digitally...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2023

Level 1 2023

Level 1 is an annual TTRPG anthology celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short TTRPGs created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on! Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2023. Now you can get it digitally too. This is a free product. Download the PDF and enjoy! Inside, you will find ready-to-play games about...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2024

Level 1 2024

The indie RPG scene is a diverse, fascinating, and vibrant part of the TTRPG community. With Level 1: The Indie RPG Anthology, 9th Level Games brings together choice games from the world of indie RPGs in an annual collection published in time for Free RPG Day. The 2024 edition of Level 1 is themed around "Command Line." This year's designers take us to the internet, the future, and other worlds. We...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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BYTE Roleplaying Game Quickstart Rules Beta Version

BYTE Roleplaying Game Quickstart Rules Beta Version

The BYTE Roleplaying Game is an original d8-based tabletop roleplaying game that comes with 20 mix-and-match thematic modules for you to create your own setting or to design a ruleset to play in a world from any book, movie, video game, or TV series. This free Quickstart Rules document is an outdated Beta version: its layout is not representative of the one you will...   [click here for more]
Abascanto Press   FREE 

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Abide Asteria

Abide Asteria

Abide Asteria Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment....   [click here for more]
Abide Asteria  Pay What You Want

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Augusta Universalis - Guida Rapida

Augusta Universalis - Guida Rapida

Augusta Universalis è un Gioco di Ruolo Ucronico di Uomini e Imperi al di là delle Stelle. Edito da Acchiappasogni e scritto da Marzio Morganti e illustrato da Fabio Porfidia Gaetano Carlucci, il progetto è stato un grande successo di oltre il 300% su KICKSTARTER fino al 17 SETTEMBRE 2018!  ...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Augusta Universalis - Quickstart Guide

Augusta Universalis - Quickstart Guide

Augusta Universalis is a Uchronic Role Game of Humanity and Empires beyond the Stars. Published by Acchiappasogni, written by Marzio Morganti and illustrated by Fabio Porfidia and Gaetano Carlucci. The project was a success on Kickstarter and we're now translating it into English, so it will soon be available here on DrivethruRPG! Augusta...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Le Notti di Nibiru - Guida Rapida

Le Notti di Nibiru - Guida Rapida

Le Notti di Nibiru è un GDR in cui vestirai i panni di un Tonalista, ti trasformerai nella tua forma animale durante le Notti, esplorerai le terre selvagge, rigogliose, meravigliose e misteriose della Distesa, forte dei tuoi Bagliori dell'anima e delle tue Capacità Tonali... ma viverai anche intrighi, misteri e avventure d'ogni genere. Questo PDF è la Guida Rapida de Le...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Musha Shugyo RPG: Quickstart Guide

Musha Shugyo RPG: Quickstart Guide

This is a free Quickstart Guide for Musha Shugyo RPG! Download it in English and Italian. This Guide will introduce you to Musha Shugyo's unique combat and symbols system. It contains all the basic rules that allow you to play to MS basic game, with no specific Game Mode. But Musha Shugyo is so much more. In the complete product, you'll find ten ready characters, but you'll also...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Rotten Core GDR (ITA)

Rotten Core GDR (ITA)

*Soon available in English too! Questo Setting Pack richiede il manuale base di Dragon Fighters. Rotten Core è un Gioco di Ruolo sporco, ruvido e folle, in cui i Personaggi sono individui marci che si muovono in un mondo marcio, diventando ancora più marci.  Ciò che li spinge è la mera ricerca del potere e il desiderio di assecondare i più bassi e...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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Helluva Town - Quickstart

Helluva Town - Quickstart

THAT’S MAD, FOLKS! 1930s, New York City. Helluva Town is one of the city’s secret neighborhoods, wedged somewhere between Little Italy and the Bowery – and inhabited by living cartoons. An unsettling crowd of lunatics, hyper-colorful, liberally partaking of sex and gender, whose lives are potentially infinite and with one thing on their mind: fun, wacky zany fun! HELLUVA TOWN is intended to...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Helluva Town - Quickstart [ITA]

Helluva Town - Quickstart [ITA]

THAT’S MAD, FOLKS! NEW YORK City, anni Trenta. Helluva Town è un quartiere segreto della città, nascosto da qualche parte fra Little Italy e la Bowery – e popolato da cartoni animati viventi. UN’INQUIETANTE MOLTITUDINE di pazzi scriteriati, iper-colorata, dal sesso incerto e libero, dalla vita potenzialmente infinita e soprattutto ricca di matto divertimento! HELLUVA TOWN è un gioco di...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Lex Arcana RPG - QuickStarter

Lex Arcana RPG - QuickStarter

"Then Romulus shall receive the sceptre of his race, and found the walls of Mars, and call the people Romans. I have given no limits or duration to their possessions: I've given them empire without end." Virgil, Aeneid Historical-Fantasy Roleplaying in a Roman Empire That Never Fell In Lex Arcana, you are a Custos (warden) of the Cohors Auxiliaria...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games  Pay What You Want

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Act Ten Character Sheet

Act Ten Character Sheet

This is a high resolution, grayscale version of the two page Act Ten Character sheet! With room for everthing you need to record, and set up to be used as either a one page basic PC/NPC sheet, or a expanded character with all the extras! ...   [click here for more]
Act Ten Game Studio   FREE 

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Division - The Run

Division - The Run

Division - The Run, is a quick start adventure for introducing new players to role playing and Act Ten! Join Jonathan Chief, Sera Sylpheed, and Fryer as they attempt to slip by armed security, avoid arrest, and stay alive. Did we mention this all happens within the confines of a luxory airplane, containing high level corporate cargo? You can look forward to some of the following features when you...   [click here for more]
Act Ten Game Studio   FREE 

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Daemonar d20

Daemonar d20

Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo! Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting. Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system! The...   [click here for more]
Alessia Lonardi  Pay What You Want

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Loremaster RPG

Loremaster RPG

Loremaster is a rules light RPG that allows for seamless play, leaving the level of realism to the group, rather than encumbering the game with multiple equations and charts. In essence, Loremaster allows you to play the world, not the rules.  In this booklet you will also find: - Easy rules for solving complex and risky situations; - Quick character creation for either class-based or skill-based...   [click here for more]
Alexandre Katz  Pay What You Want

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Invaders! is a game about alien spies on earth, trying to safe the planet from their employee's plans to blow it up. You play as Monitors, agents of the heavily bureaucratic Galactic Hierarchy. The conglomerate of galactic civilizations sends agents to remote planets for reconnaissance, science and infiltration.  Earth has been deemed insignificant enough to be terminated. Your...   [click here for more]
Alexotron   FREE 

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Convenient Definitions Playtest Kit

Convenient Definitions Playtest Kit

This project is still in a playtesting and editing phase.  If you would still like to download and give feedback in comments or in messages please feel! Everything helps. “You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal.” - Brian Johnson, The breakfast...   [click here for more]
Alpakagangsta  Pay What You Want

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Schema, Iteration Seven

Schema, Iteration Seven

Schema is a light engine for tabletop roleplaying with complex stakes.   Breaking that down - It is an engine, rather than a game, because assembly is required - you'll need to provide a setting and do a bit of configuring before it's ready to go.  It's an engine with complex stakes - the kind of thing you might see in a Powered by the Apocalypse game, but built...   [click here for more]
Amagi Games   FREE 

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Paces RPG Character Sheet

Paces RPG Character Sheet

This is the Character Sheet for the Paces Roleplaying Game System. ...   [click here for more]
Amos W. Hairston   FREE 

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OMNIDEM - Edición Adeptus v1.0

OMNIDEM - Edición Adeptus v1.0

OMNIDEM Diseñado para juegos rápidos, está compuesto de 8 Mecánicas que son en su mayoría opcionales. Adaptar estas reglas y su cantidad al gusto de la mesa es sencillo e inclusive puede ser reducido a un mínimo de 1 sola mecánica, para un juego más narrativo. Pensando en la adaptabilidad y los juegos improvisados, hemos construido una hoja de avatar completamente adaptable...   [click here for more]

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Anima - Pack del Jugador

Anima - Pack del Jugador

El Pack del Jugador es un suplemento para el Juego de Rol Aníma en el que se incluyen: • 40 Hojas de Jugador especializadas, con cuatro modelos diferentes de habilidades especiales ideales para personajes dotados de capacidades mágicas, disciplinas psíquicas o Dominios del Ki. • Una guía con las tablas de referencia más útiles para un jugador. ...   [click here for more]
Anima Project  Pay What You Want

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Untitled sword game

Untitled sword game

 This book is mainly a Tabletop Role-Playing Game module that hopes to be applicable to any system in a medieval-renaissance setting without much friction, and deliver a tense and deadly combat experience.  This book is for any game group that is either; bored from the combat that their game system is providing, want their game to feel more real(in the sense of usage of weapons and armor, combat...   [click here for more]
anonuntitled  Pay What You Want

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Angels - Essentials

Angels - Essentials

Everything you need to get a taste of Angels is here... for free. Angels - Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple game of the unseen forces wring for human souls, Angels. It includes all the essential Print2Play pages from the core rulebook with a brief introduction to the game and Setting as a whole.  Includes: A brief description of the world of Angels Core Rules At-a-Glance Character...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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Ombra Ekvilibro - Anticipation and Forthcoming

Ombra Ekvilibro - Anticipation and Forthcoming

NOT a stand alone product. Requires Ombra Ekvilibro - the first mission - booklet to play. Ombra Ekvilibro has summoned you once again! An important but eccentric AI designer has recently passed away under strange circumstances. Due to his work being too controversial, it was ruled that an Ombra Ekvilibro team should be dispatched to investigate. This mini module, Anticipation...   [click here for more]
Anthlancer Games   FREE 

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War in Tokyo: The Hunting Pack BETA

War in Tokyo: The Hunting Pack BETA

In 1945 Japan did not surrender. The Allies push hard to bring an end to World War II. What ends is nuclear fallout in Tokyo. With civil unrest across the globe, the Allies send special teams into radiated Tokyo to find the Japanese Army and its government to secure surrender and bring an end to World War II. The story to War in Tokyo uses the reality that during a time of war, technology advances...   [click here for more]
Antics   FREE 

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Mini Six: Bare Bones Edition

Mini Six: Bare Bones Edition

Mini Six is a slimmed-down version of the original OpenD6 game system. It is a multi-genre RPG that focuses on handling action-oriented games with a light-to-medium amount of "crunch." It serves as a toolkit for designing your own games and has been used as the engine of several published games by third-parties through the use of the Open Game License. The basic mechanics and character creation are...   [click here for more]
AntiPaladin Games   FREE 

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Techlite RPG System System Reference Document

Techlite RPG System System Reference Document

Looking for a generic ruleset that offers quick, intuitive character creation, while also providing the ability to offer challenges that scale from the mundane to the epic? Look no further than the Techlite Roleplaying Gaming System. Adapted from AntipodeYarns Tomekeepers Tabletop RPG System, this system is milieu neutral and offers Storytellers the opportunity to build out equipment and facilities...   [click here for more]
AntipodeYarns Publishing   FREE 

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The Other Side - Urban Shadows Space Hack

The Other Side - Urban Shadows Space Hack

Ce hack propose une adaptation du jeu PBTA Urban Shadows à un contexte space opera. Exit les garous et vampires, bonjour aliens, robots et colons de l'espace ! Au menu: - petites adaptations de règles - fche de création d'habitat spatial - 12 archétypes jouables complets ...   [click here for more]
Antoine Kirdinn Nobilet  Pay What You Want

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Xénoarchéologues est un jeu de rôle solo ou coopératif où le héros explore un environnement extra-terrestre. L'environnement est basé sur la pièce où se trouve le joueur. Elle représente alors une immense caverne d'une planète étrange ou les cuves d'un vaisseau cyclopéen. Il s'agit d'un petit jeu adapté au confinement, pensé pour être jouable à 1 ou 2 joueurs et accessible aux enfants. ...   [click here for more]
Antoine Kirdinn Nobilet   FREE 

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GODLIKE: Open Source Rules

GODLIKE: Open Source Rules

In 2001 Mike Mearls wrote these innovative "Open Game License" rules, combining the familiar "D20" mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons with the superpowered dangers of GODLIKE. This is a complete game system. Also includes recommended combat rules for GODLIKE games using the OGL rules. ...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing   FREE 

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Migrant Stories: Playtest

Migrant Stories: Playtest

Migrant Stories is a roleplaying game where players tell the stories from the perspective of immigrants. Players taken on the roles of immigrants and explore the obstacles they face in pursuit of glory, profit or redemption in their new country. Migrant Stories strives to tell the emotional truth, if not the historical truth, of the immigrant experience. This is a playtest of the ruleset,...   [click here for more]
Archipelago Games   FREE 

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Maelstrom Domesday Quickstart - Japanese

Maelstrom Domesday Quickstart - Japanese

Maelstrom Domesday is the new incarnation of Maelstrom, the classic RPG from 1984. This investigative adventure comes complete with abridged rules and pregenerated characters and contains almost everything you need to play Maelstrom Domesday. The adventure should take roughly 1-3 game sessions to play through and can be run with as many characters as desired. The miller in the village of Welburn...   [click here for more]
Arion Games   FREE 

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  Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Starter Set