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The sourcebook contains new races, residences in the Great City, taxation, religion, azindralean tongs, organizations, new core classes, new prestige classes, professions, feats, spells, Great City specific equipment, gaslight technology, weather and climate, calendar and days of the week, constellations and Auspicious signs and more. The Great City is rife with excitement, intrigue and adventure;... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to the next great expansion to the already expansive Great City Campaign Setting. The Elder Wards brings to life five new wards hidden within the Great City each of which lies beyond the reach or influence of the Kortezian government. The five new wards include: The Brute Runs — miles secret mazes once used by the rebel Hardy Brutes... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
This product features descriptions and stat-blocks for twenty urban-based monsters using the rules presented in the Pathfinder Bestiary. In addition, each entry contains further information for how to use the creature in an encounter, encounter ideas, and for most of the entries, a fully detailed lair which you can simply drop into an adventure as a plug-and-play mini-adventure or encounter.... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Battle of the Starships (BOTS)
A space warfare game of starship combat, with a medium “crunch” factor, that is easily modifiable, so that you can quickly make any starship from any SciFi universe. This game allows you to commence ship to ship battles with capital spaceships and starships like the ones from your favorite movies, shows or books. The core rulebook includes rules for play... [click here for more] |
10 Spot Games |
Simple Skill is a skill based RPG system with simple mechanics that is very flexible and easy to modify "on the fly". Simple Skill can be combined and used with your existing setting or campaign materials, and it can blend with your exisitng source books. It can be detailed... yet quick, easy, and simple. ... [click here for more] |
10 Spot Games |
This is the optional color cover for the Simple Skill Alternate RPG system whcih is a flexible, skill based system that can be used with your existing settings and source books. Simple Skill can be found here:
Simple Skill Alternate RPG core rulebook ... [click here for more] |
10 Spot Games |
Star Tech - Space Ship, Sci-Fi and Alien Equipment and Guidelines for use with the Covert Ops game and rules.
Star Tech is a supplement for the Covert Ops™ Role-Playing game rules that makes it easy to add outer space and Sci-Fi elements to your game, or to run a more Sci-Fi type of campaign. The equipment, weapons and guidelines in this supplement; when combined with the rules and mechanics in... [click here for more] |
10 Spot Games |
10th Millennium is set about 58,000 years in the past. Systems of planets formed galactic entities to wage great wars over resources, wealth, and worlds that were closer to stars.
Earth finds herself dead center of this epic struggle that lasts 10,000 years. Then stars are destroyed and one third of the universe is rendered lifeless. 48,000 years later an alien species visits Earth, and the human... [click here for more] |
10th Millennium |
Pay What You Want
This is a full guide to a new card-based TTRPG: 13 Lucky.
This is a game where you play as a crew completing a series of heists in a fantasy setting.
A simplified "Dealer's Guide" for quick reference for the game's GM, as well as a pre-written sample one-shot are also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
Spieler finden in diesem Buch hunderte von Talenten und Makel, um ihren Charakter mit Tiefe und Hintergrund zu versehen, hunderte Fertigkeiten, neue Völker, Kulturen, Berufe und Ausbildungspakete. Für den Spielleiter gibt es optionale Regeln zur Handhabung von Magie, magische Kreaturen, Beispiele für verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen beim Fertigkeitseinsatz und vieles mehr. Tauchen Sie in die Welt... [click here for more] |
13Mann Verlag |
$20.58 $10.26
Ein Klassiker kehrt überarbeitet und erweitert zurück. Das Kampfhandbuch ist die ultimtative Ressource zum Kampf.
4 neue Berufe (wie Kriegsmönch).
11 neue Ausbildungspakete (wie Assassine).
Neue Fertigkeiten (wie Waffenloser Kampf).
Optionale Regeln zum Kampf und zur Heilung.
94 spezielle Waffeninformationen.
Spezielle Angriffsinformationen.
Kritische Treffer.
Umrechnungsregeln für u.a. D20, D&D,... [click here for more] |
13Mann Verlag |
$20.58 $10.26
Im Zauberbuch befindet sich die Macht von über 2000 Zaubersprüche aus verschiedenen Magiebereichen: Von den vergessenen Riten verlorener Religionen bis zu den pflichtbewußten Gesängen der Akolythen - entdecken Sie das Reich der Leitmagie in Gänze in Ihren Gebeten. Formen Sie Feuer mit Ihren Händen, verwirren Sie andere mit gerissenen Illusionen, oder lassen Sie die Erde beben, auf daß man sie... [click here for more] |
13Mann Verlag |
$20.58 $10.26
Coven & Crucible is a 2d12 system, meaning the only dice required are two (2) 12-sided dice. The system itself is meant to be easy to learn and streamlined so we can get quickly back to the story when a roll is called for. There are four attributes that define a character, nine skills that define the character’s learning and experiences and seven sub-skills categorized under each skill that... [click here for more] |
13th Moon Games |
$25.00 $20.00
25 Cent Tales: The Quick & Easy Comic Book RPG!
25 Cent Tales breathes a superpowered breath of fresh air into the world of roleplaying games! You and your friends can weave an epic superhero adventure together, without complicated rules and restrictions to stand in your way!
With highly flexible character customization (Featuring over 100 superpowers) and rules designed for... [click here for more] |
16 Ton Press |
Remember the high-impact, explosive action movies and video games of the 1980s and 90s? Weren’t those totally radical? ActionZone is a lightweight tabletop roleplaying game designed to re-create the fast-paced action and thrills of an action movie or an M-rated video game. It does this by having quick, simple rules that keep the game moving. No more pausing to flip through a rulebook or look something... [click here for more] |
16 Ton Press |
$2.99 $1.99
Change the Past
Explore the Future
All of time and space are calling you. The only thing you can’t do—is wait.
Paradoxes & Possibilities is a complete, standalone tabletop RPG that will take you and your friends into the farthest reaches of time! A love letter to classic time travel series and films, Paradoxes & Possibilities brings the same joyful adventure... [click here for more] |
18thWall Productions |
$9.99 $5.99
The full set of 49 Moribus Cards, so you can prin, cut out and use, to face the end of days! ... [click here for more] |
1sickPuppy |
Get a bird's eye view of the troubled capital of Paneuropa, Neu Bonn. ... [click here for more] |
1sickPuppy |
The Nodus Zine is an introduction to the scorching world of Dimday Red and its inhabitants struggling to survive in the Center’s infamous Faust District.
In the Nodus Zine you will find:
10+ unique locations in the Faust District
20+ menacing details to enrich every location
50+ types of denizens, friendly or not so much
10+ curios to use to your pleasure
15+ random events to set you on the... [click here for more] |
1sickPuppy |
Nodus 02 is an ambitious entry to the five scheduled Nodus zines, one of each District of the Center.
The 54-story Hochburg Slum where the Loving & Dying adventure takes place, is fully mapped, with 41 NPCs scattered in it, each with their unique stories and objectives. ... [click here for more] |
1sickPuppy |
You can play as one of the following characters, setting upon an impossible task.
Marble Eyes - Insight - Gifted with extraordinary sight, the Marble Eyes is esoteric and provident, considering different viewpoints and resolutions.
Hardskin - Armor - Tough inside and out, the Hardskin is used to endure and overcome, pushing through every single day.
Zealot - Berserker -... [click here for more] |
1sickPuppy |
The Tabletop RPG Dimday Red, pits players right in the last days of human kind. Nowhere to run, no deus ex machina, just choosing how they will live their lives while the world ends.
Depending on their choices and playing style, players gain Moribus cards which in time lead to the Seven Deadly Sin and Seven Heavenly Virtue cards. Their Sins and Virtues define their personalities and provide them... [click here for more] |
1sickPuppy |
The year is 1900 and the Century Truce between the Five Nations is on the verge of collapse. The end of the cease fire would spell total war in Industrial America. Finally, Phillip Silverhorn and his steam fortress, the Victory, will make blood rain from the skies as he puts his jackboot on the throat of the other nations. Join the Five Nations' struggle to overcome oppression with Steamfortress... [click here for more] |
20 Eyes Entertainment |
$14.95 $0.99
The Herculeans have Awakened! We are not sure when the change truly began, or to whom we owe the debt, but in Florence, Italy near the year of our Lord 1295, a man rose up and challenged the assumption of evil. He was of the Medici Family, and they spent the next 100 years defending (and financially backing) Herculean men and women in Florence. Virgil, as we knew him, fought for their right to exist... [click here for more] |
218 Games! |
$15.00 $5.00
There is an evil in this world, and by tonight we will all face it. Either we will die, or live long enough to be Notorious!
NOTORIOUS brings a new system, and a new concept game to 218 Games! We are launching our Hybrid RPG set with this first installment.
We have taken the elements of board games and table top role playing games, to combine them into a unique quick... [click here for more] |
218 Games! |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Herculean Awakening Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $3.94 Format: Watermarked PDF The Herculeans have Awakened! We are not sure when the change truly began, or to whom we owe the debt, but in Florence, Italy near the year of our Lord 1295, a man rose up and challenged the assumption of evil. He was... [click here for more] |
218 Games! |
$12.94 $10.00
The exploration and development of the known universe is progressing at a fantastic rate. The Galactic Alliance has prophesied the complete control of the local group of galaxies by the turn of the millennium. Huge, powerful mega-corporations run it all from behind the scenes. The twelve races of the Alliance work as caretakers, shaping and expanding the horizon of knowledge, extending to touch the... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Greetings fellow space travelers.
Malachi Armageddon here, introducing you to the Galactic Underground! The Galactic Underground series contains a variety of articles, stories, races, background material, and other goodies to help you flesh out and understand your Battlelords character and their environment better.
My travels have bought me tons of new information about the universe at large. I've... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
You know, this bunch of friends I’ve signed on to work with are just a blast to be around; in that Orion Galort's case that's literal! Ha!
I've learned so many new recipes and techniques cooking for these guys. It's a challenge keeping the Jezzadei fed, but I'm soooo glad I learned how to make brewl, that quintessential Cizerack peasant dish. Wow, is that a fave!
But the best part is this whole... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
I've gotta cash in those 300 frequent-flier light years!
Galactic Underground 3 Includes:
Descriptions of the top 50 Alliance Corporations and details on workin' for The Man
Join Now! Learn what it's like to join the Alliance Military or enter the secret world of Galactic X
Race specific "I Was Just Growing Up" Tables; nearly 1,000 random anecdotes to flesh out your new character
New matrices for... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Free downloadable QUICK-START RULES for the Battlelords of the 23rd Century setting using the Savage Worlds rules!
Want to find out what it’s like to play over-equipped, undertrained, expendable corporate mercenaries fighting against a horde of techno-organic monstrosities in a galaxy at war? Grab your pulse rifle and your mechanized battle armor and kick some ass in the... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Free downloadable conversion guidelines to adapt characters, armor, and weapons from prior editions (1st - 6th) of the Battlelords game for the newest edition of the Battlelords of the 23rd Century roleplaying game.
The newest edition (aka Kickstarter Edition) of the Battlelords of the 23rd Century Core Rulebook is available here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/295682/Battlelords-of-the-23rd-Century-Kickstarter-Edition--CORE-RULES... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Free downloadable QUICK-START RULES for the newest edition of the Battlelords of the 23rd Century roleplaying game.
Grab your pulse rifle and your mechanized battle armor and kick some ass in the universe of Battlelords of the 23rd Century. These Quick-Start Rules will teach you the basics of Battlelords. Included are six sample characters and a starter adventure. When... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
BATTLELORDS OF THE 23RD CENTURY is a science-fiction tabletop roleplaying game where players can assume the role of mercenaries, misfits, soldiers, spies, pirates, and heroes adventuring in a war-torn universe.
Want to see more of what's in the book? Download our free interior preview here:
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279532/Battlelords-of-the-23rd-Century-Kickstarter-Edition--Interior-Preview... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
"The Company told you it was going to be a mop up operation. Quick and easy. Communications go down on remote frontier worlds all the time, and it should only take a few hours to fix it. Then back on the dropship for a boring ride home.
The Zen just got vaporized. The shot ticker on your pulse weapon reads ‘7.’ You’ve got one plasma grenade left, and your helmet HUD shows... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
The spacecraft in this PDF were originally designed for the Battlelords of the 23rd Century military sci-fi roleplaying game. In fact, all of these diagrams come straight out of the core rulebook for Battlelords. Being sci-fi gamers ourselves, we're always on the lookout for cool science-fictiony floor plans or deck plans. So, we thought we'd make our deck plans available to other sci-fi gamers. The... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
WARMONGER’S GUIDE: BOOT CAMP The Warmonger’s Guide (WMG) series of books is our attempt to get more content out to Battlelords players between major projects. Each of the Warmonger’s Guide books will be an art-lite, content-heavy booklet filled with new and never-before-seen Battlelords of the 23rd Century material.
Book one of the Warmonger’s Guide series, entitled BOOT CAMP, focuses on information... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Let the infinite universe provide limitless possibilities in this generic sci-fi tabletop role-playing game with an extra emphasis on constructing your own starship.
Use a library of over 200 cards to aid in the customization of your spacecraft, or beam down to a planet's surface and gear up with an arsenal of weapons in card form. When the going (or the GM) gets tough, slap down a Drama Card which... [click here for more] |
26 Letter Publishing |
Galaventia è la prima ambientazione pubblicata per il sistema Creative Commons Roleplay Rules (2C2R).
Si tratta di un'ambientazione high-fantasy, e all'interno del file zip troverete tutto il necessario per giocare. A una prima occhiata potrebbe sembrare che ci siano troppi manuali, ma in realtà è più semplice di quanto sembri: assicuratevi solo di iniziare la lettura dal manuale chiamato Galaventia... [click here for more] |
2C2R |
Enter a new age of adventuring, where you challenge gods to battle, shake worlds with your arcane might, and conquer foes of legendary status. Be a champion in this new tier of Epic play that challenges and rewards both players and Dungeon masters alike.
This product is fully-featured and fully-playable, but undergoing light revisions periodically (Updated on http://www.2cgaming.com/errata).... [click here for more] |
2CGaming, LLC |
A Steampunk Pen and Paper RPG drawing inspiration from the classics of literature that gave rise to the Steampunk movement!
Adventure in a world inspired by some of the Victorian Era's most proflici writers!
Six exciting Steampunk Classes: Scrapper, Punk, Marksman, Aegis, Physician, and Inventor!
Steampowered technology and more, including Biomechanics and dozens of inventions!
Our percentile... [click here for more] |
2Die10 Games |
A Steampunk Pen and Paper RPG drawing inspiration from the classics of literature that gave rise to the Steampunk movement!
Adventure in a world inspired by some of the Victorian Era's most proflici writers!
Five exciting Steampunk Classes: Scrapper, Punk, Big Game Hunter, Apothecary, and Clockwerk!
Steampowered technology and more, including Biomechanics and Champagne Sabers!
Steam World is... [click here for more] |
2Die10 Games |
You watch sunrise shimmer across the lake. Two weeks ago, bus-loads of kids arrived at camp, hyperactive hellions looking to you to provide some summer fun. They’ll be up and out of their bunks, barreling into today’s activities, before you know it. But for now, it’s quiet. Peaceful. You could almost forget what transpired here last year… That was the plan, of course. To forget. Pretend it... [click here for more] |
3 Hour Games |
The preview has the full PDF of the dark phone PDF version if you would like to try before you buy.
UPDATE MAY 2024: YZM will be getting an update sometime in the future including a commissioned logo by Harry Boddice, some changes to the ruleset to reflect the past years of play and feedback, and some additional content. Once this update goes live, the cost will be going... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
$4.00 $2.00
Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci!
Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online.
Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online.
For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
YEAR ZERO NANO (YZN) is an even lighter off-shoot of Year Zero Mini -- both of which are designed to provide lightweight frameworks for quickly jumping into your favourite setting.
Where other rules-light games might emphasise action or heroics, YZN is more down to earth - telling stories of a more gritty and relatable nature.
The preview... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
The Village Secret is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game for 3 to 5 players, including the GM, where you play a group of indomitable villagers protecting a closely-guarded secret from outsiders. The twist is that each player has two characters, a villager and an outsider. So sooner or later, your two characters will be working at cross purposes! A complete story typically... [click here for more] |
38 Winks |